Guild Wars

Chapter 615 - Group Tournament 4

Chapter 615 - Group Tournament 4

2nd Match: j.a.pan vs Mexico!

The j.a.panese team valiantly came up to the arena, unflinching despite facing the strongest group team of the entire tournament head-on. The Mexican team came up calmly, as usual, confident of their superiority.

Keira"s expression was grave. Her task was to hold Essence down, as the fellow did not hold back like some arrogant young master. Essence knew what was at stake, and after seeing Kiran display such shocking power, he was unwilling to stand aside and let others fight.

Hera sighed as she was once again had to face Uno. The fellow had smashed her into paste with his hammer, and she had no desire to relive that experience ever again.

She had teammates now, so that was to her benefit at least. As for Tunder, he had been tasked with clearing Loli King and Panty King together, which was not a challenge for the Ranger.

When Amber called for the match to begin, all parties burst forth with their full power. Keira directly used her unblockable skill, Dragon"s Barrage!

「Dragon"s Barrage – Active skill

Effect: Channel aura into yourself. Your attacks lose all the benefits of your cla.s.s pa.s.sives or any modifiers, instead, they possess their own modifiers that have no cap and increase with each hit.

Note 1: Attack speed is set to your default without any modifiers.

Note 2: A combo counter will appear above the user showing their number of c.u.mulative attacks and the current damage modifier boost.

Note 3: The user and the target cannot move while the skill is active.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cooldown: 30 minutes.」

She could only hold Essence down for 1 minute, so she made the most of it. Essence himself simply watched her hits pa.s.s through him as they were unable to affect him, but true to the skill"s effects, he could not move.

The reason Keira did not use this skill often was because it also left her vulnerable, and there were ways to break it. Fortunately, she targeted Essence who - while he was completely immune and unscathed by it - could not directly cancel it either.

Hera floated to the back and chanted as she cast the level 2 spell, Invisibility! She had tried this once against Uno but had failed because the Vanguard had been smart enough to stop her.

Here, he tried the same thing again by using his trademark skill, s.h.i.+eld Toss! However, the spinning s.h.i.+eld was blocked by the body of a large tiger which had leaped at the last moment to take the blow.

This allowed Hera to succeed in her cast and disappear from the eyesight of all but her teammates. The moment Hera was in the clear, she knew it was do or die.

The Arcanist directly jumped to the highest level of the weave she could reach, level 5 out of 9, and began chanting for the powerful spell Small Meteor!

Tunder Power frowned that Loli King had dared to split his attention to help his teammate. The Supernatural member transformed into his Wood Elf form, the markings on his neck and back spreading over his face and eyes, his body becoming sleeker and his handsomeness increasing greatly.

He then knocked a Legendary Arrow and fired it at Panty King, who was horrified when he saw the arrow explode into a blackish mist that smothered him.

Tunder Power had a gross total of 5 Legendary Arrows, 25 Epic Arrows, and 70 Rare Arrows in his Inventory, but his quiver could only support 30 at a time. As such, he normally used 5 Legendaries, 10 Epics, and 15 Rare arrows for the tournament or for exploration.

All his Legendary and Epic arrows had been made by Draco as a reward for winning the tournament Eva had set up when she had been training the Supernatural members.

Just like Slim Fatty"s four blades, they had been tailor-made for Tunder to fit his needs perfectly.

Destruco; The Destruction Energy fueled arrow that would explode with the disintegrative power when connecting with a target.

Spatio; The Void Energy fueled arrow that was able to meld with s.p.a.ce when fired, pa.s.sing through everything and all defenses to strike its target without fail.

Xplod; The explosive arrow that was like a mini nuclear warhead. The kind of fiery power it could erupt with could take out a district in a city, so Tunder could not easily use it in such a small arena.

Critix; The arrow imbued with the almighty surestrike attribute. It didn"t need Tunder to aim, it had a pa.s.sive that would allow it to find the weakest point on a target"s body and strike there, while it"s active forced a x3 critical that was separate from the system-based one. So technically, the final damage value would be modified by x6!

Spreader; The arrow that was like a ninja, for it would clone itself multiple times in a split second after being fired.

Tunder fired one arrow, but a veritable rain of them headed towards the enemy and drowned them in its sharp end that had boosted damage.

The one he sent towards Panty King was the almighty Destructo, which was why the fellow had felt the aura of death. Destruction Energy with such potency may even delete his account if he didn"t take care!

However, Tunder was not a cruel fellow. He would not destroy one of his guildmates over something so petty as this tournament. The Destruction Energy used by the arrow came from Draco, and the fellow had a.s.sured Tunder that his Destruction Energy was not chaotic and unrefined, meaning it did not wipe out things to the very atom and could distinguish.

Just like how Draco could use Destruction Energy without ripping holes in s.p.a.ce as well as acquire drops from monsters after using it, so too did Tunder not have to worry.

Panty King swung his blade and used his most powerful sword skill, Overcharge!

「Sword Skill 359: Overcharge – Active Skill

Rank: Legendary

Effect: Enter a ready stance and gather Worldly Energy into your blade unleas.h.i.+ng it as a sword wave with unparalleled might.

Note 1: The damage of this skill is dependent on the amount of Worldly Energy contained within the blade.

Note 2: This skill reduced the durability of all weapons at the Epic Rank and below!

Cooldown: 1 day.」

"HEAVEN STAR LUNAR FANG!" Panty King roared as he swung down.

A blue sword beam erupted from Panty King"s sword that struck the incoming arrow head-on, forcing it to halt as it exploded with the Destruction Energy. This caused the energy to cancel out the Overcharge, and the remnant still fell on Panty King.

The Mana Swordsman roared and cast his cla.s.s buffs, as he used his cla.s.s skill Element Empower!

「Element Empower – Active skill

Effect: Channel a specific element into your blade, allowing your strikes to contain 40% of its nature as added damage, including the effects.

Duration: 3 minutes

Cooldown: 10 minutes.」

He channeled Destruction Energy into his sword and swung at the mist, dissipating it using its own power. Just as the fellow was about to sigh in relief, he was forced to spit blood as he saw an arrow pierce his chest.

It was an Epic Arrow of the explosive attribute! Tunder Power had naturally fired another arrow right after the first one, never expecting it to do in Panty King so easily.

While he was distracted by it, Tunder capitalized on his absent focus and nailed him in the heart. He then snapped his fingers with a slight smile.

Panty King could only helplessly gaze at his remaining teammates - as the other j.a.panese team member had been eliminated by the two other Mexican players - when the arrow exploded within him, turning him into bloodmist.

The faces of the others greatly changed, but the battle did not stop. Uno had long since rushed forward to block Keira"s strikes towards Essence, disrupting her skill and freeing his comrade.

As Keira had insane strength and martial power, Uno had to fiercely defend against her onslaught. Essence used this chance to find Hera"s hiding place and appear behind her.

"Enough with the chanting, anyone can see that the spell you"re casting is super dangerous." Essence said with a smile, cutting Hera in half from the waist.

Hera, not expecting to be interrupted so soon, could only sigh as her body was split in half in mind-air. She really needed to find time and ask Draco to make her some custom items that could store spells beforehand or allow her to reduce her casting time.

This left Keira and Loli King alone on the field. The Beastmaster immediately entered his Liger Emperor form, then charged at Tunder. Tunder found this funny, as she had defeated the fellow in the Individual Tournament just like this, yet he still wanted a rematch?

The Liger Emperor did not get his chance though, as Essence casually appeared above him and separate the beast"s neck from its body using Void Energy. Its body kept running toward Tunder, eventually falling before the Wood Elf who just looked on with one arm akimbo.

As for Keira, Uno had fought her to a standstill, unable to eliminate her on his own. Essence and Tunder came to a.s.sist him, and even then, it took the trio 30 seconds to end their fierce woman"s life.

Essence was struck with disbelief at her martial power and understanding of fluid movement. Well, there was a reason why the Three Pinnacles had been able to hold their own against the Five Generals in the previous timeline.

Being outnumbered had meant little to them.

Hera and Lucia might be performing in a sub-par manner in the eyes of others, but it was because they had acquired new with different focuses from what they were used to.

Once they fully acclimated and got items on the same tier as what the Five Generals used to help themselves, they would naturally become unbeatable t.i.tans once more.

Second match winner: Mexico!

3rd Match: Canada vs France!

The Canadian team, led by the usual four climbed up the stage on the left, facing against the French team who came up on the right.

This time, Canada did not dare exclude Rambunctious b.u.t.tlover from the fight, lest they end up losing.

The moment Amber called for the match to begin, Cobra disappeared into the shadows while Bella crossed her fingers together with a slight smirk.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Two separate copies of her emerged from smoke, possessing 100% of her combat power and all of her skills except the Shadow Clone Technique itself.

Otherwise, they could just expand themselves to Infinitum and drown any challengers with Bella"s D-cups or squash them to death with her A- grade booty.

Young Duel roared and charged forward, clas.h.i.+ng with Joker head-on. The fellow calmly drew a card, throwing it out to summon a pair of knights in heavy plate who had a sword and s.h.i.+eld. Young Duel easily battled the two and took one down, summoning his Sword Clone which had 30% of his own power to help him.

It took 50% more damage though, but he wasn"t worried. He sent his clone over to try and eliminate the final Canadian team member, who was fighting one of their own.

Gentle Flower and Cold Summer had their hands full dealing with Bella. Her ninja arts were truly infuriating to deal with. One moment, she would make some handsign and cup her finger over his mouth, blowing out a huge fireball that burned Gentle Flower"s Ent Guardians into a crisp.

The next moment, she would thrust her hand near the ground and charge up lighting, rus.h.i.+ng over toward Cold Summer and blasting apart his water defenses as she electrocuted him severely, almost ending his life.

If it wasn"t for Gentle Flower transforming into her Nypmh Form and casting healing spells on him, he might have croaked then and there.

Just as the Canadian team were put under pressure, they suddenly surged with power as an annoyingly pleasant voice began singing.

Lyrical Lines!

「Guild Local Area Announcement

Player Rambunctious b.u.t.tlover has boosted his party"s morale through music! The enemy is cowed by his lyrical might!

All players:

Attack +50%

Defense +70%

Speed +20%

All enemies:

Attack -50%

Defense -70%

Speed -20%」


「Inspire – Active skill

Effect: Sing a song of camaraderie and brotherhood, inspiring all allies within hearing distance to do their best. All damage, defense, and speed for allies are increased by 90% while damage, defense, and speed for all enemies is reduced by 90%

Cooldown: 20 hours.」

Deceptive Words!

Sweet Talker!


「Disenchant – Active skill

Effect: Insult the s.e.xual, combative, and mental prowess of all enemies, causing them to lose all their buffs and suffer a 40% decrease to all stats.

Duration: 15 minutes

Cooldown: 22 hours.」

The original core member demonstrated the true might of the Orator or any Bard cla.s.s. With triple stack debuffs on their enemies and subtle stack buff on themselves, Canada easily turned things around. Bella voided all the debuffs by using her Subst.i.tution Technique 3 times, both on herself and her clones.

Each one had 4 Subst.i.tution chances, so she was 1/4th down, which made her grit her teeth in anger. As for the others like Young Duel, he could only directly suffer all three debuffs then switch to his cla.s.s"s defensive mode to save his dog life.

「Defensive Mode – Active skill

Effect: Switch to a defensive style of swordplay that reduces your Damage by 30% but increases your Defense by 70%.

Cooldown: None.」

He also made his sword clone enter Defensive Mode and tank the hits for him, but it was clear it wouldn"t last long. After ruining the French team so thoroughly, Ramb.u.t.t opened his wicked mouth and began using Endless Speech!

"Thanks for listening to Spotify! No, really!

You could"ve listened to the radio…

You could"ve spun some vinyl…

You could"ve played a ca.s.sette tape…

You could"ve listened to an eight-track tape, if you knew what an eight-track tape looked like…

But you listened to Spotify!

Thanks for that!

And you still have hundreds of more playlists to enjoy!"

"I f.u.c.king hate the eight-track tape line. I hate it. Where the h.e.l.l do they get off talking to their patrons like that? The tone in which the woman says it is so demeaning... so condescending... she says it as if she knows me. As if she knows my life. As if she KNOWS my struggles. But no. She doesn"t. She doesn"t know me, and she doesn"t know whether or not I know what an eight-track tape looks like. Nonetheless, it relents. Every time I turn on my 70s easy listening playlist she"s there. Watching. Waiting. Mocking. And every time, she"s there to tell me that I don"t know what an 8 track tape looks like."

"I just nutted. That"s right, endless s.e.m.e.n pouring out of my c.o.c.k with dopamine racing through my brain. And to top it off, I did it in November. Upset? Angry? Good, I hope you"re angry. In fact, I purposefully nutted on the 1st of November, just out of spite for you and your... challenge? Challenge? This isn"t a challenge - you not drowning in all the c.u.m I"m going to release from my p.e.n.i.s this November will be a challenge because there"ll be enough c.u.m to fill all the world"s atmosphere when I"m done with this month! And December. And January - yes you silly inferior Guildmember, I m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e every single day and have done for the past five years and there is, quite literally, nothing you can do to stop me. Not only that, but I also have s.e.x every two days and, again, there"s nothing you can do to stop me nutting this November. Day in, day out, not c.u.mming for clout: too bad. It may even surprise you to know I"m c.u.mming right now, this instance. Go on, cry to your "girlfriend" about me, whilst she gets c.u.mmed in by a man who isn"t willing to f.u.c.k over their s.e.x life for thirty days for some Umbra Points."

Everyone in the crowd groaned with pain, even his teammates started to wonder whether it was worth having released this beast. Just as he was about to continue, a dart struck him in the back of the neck, silencing him.


With Ramb.u.t.t silenced, all of the buffs and debuffs were removed, and the French team were like beats that had smelled blood. After being intensely bullied in this short period they went all out on their a.s.sault.

The ensuing battle was intense, Ramb.u.t.t could not use his skills, but had other ways to sus Cobra out of invisibility and so clashed with the fellow.

Bella fought Gentle Flower and her endless summons with her two clones, pressuring the Canadian beauty. Cold Summer was wreaking having with Joker upon Young Duel, the fellow unable to leave his defensive state lest he dies.

At this time, Cobra smiled and used Blood Manipulation to force Ramb.u.t.t to spit out a dark wad of blood and disrupt him, he then used the Cla.s.s" Short Blink skill to appear behind Cold Summer after entering Extreme Stealth.

Sure-Kill Strike!

The stiletto was plunged into Cold Summer"s back, who exclaimed with shock and pain at suddenly being stabbed from behind like this. His character"s HP quickly drained to 0, and his body disappeared into motes of light.

Cobra wiped his blade causally and disappeared once more, returning to Ramb.u.t.t"s side, whose face darkened due to the quick events that had just occurred.

Now freed of his suppression, Young Duel switched both himself and his clone to Offensive Mode and went to town on Joker. He displayed extreme toxicity as he beat the fellow up like he was his son, venting out the anger in his heart.

Bella was currently punching Gentle Flower in the face, mocking her for acting so aloof and calm all the time before tossing her body off the stage. Ramb.u.t.t fought like a madman using his sword and his words, but it was useless against Cobra.

Ramb.u.t.t was strong, but the Slayer showed everyone why the Five Generals were considered to be a cla.s.s of their own amongst the core members.

Eventually, both he and Joker fell, allowing the French team to claim the victory this time.

Third match winner: France!