Guild Wars

Chapter 623 - (2/2) b.a.s.t.a.r.d Draco, Stop Right There! 2

Chapter 623 - (2/2) b.a.s.t.a.r.d Draco, Stop Right There! 2

Draco watched quietly as Eva"s Inner Sun grew expansively until it reached the size of a large city block. From there, it further expanded into the size of an entire town, then a city by Earth"s standards. It only stopped when it reached the relative size of an average province in Canada.

Of course, Eva showed no outward changes as the Inner Sun was located in the same s.p.a.ce that Draco"s Inner Universe was, the body"s core. Draco was aware that the oriental fellows called it the dantian or whatever, and that was where they stored Spirit Energy.

Eva"s aura became a mixture of pure white and red, a mixture of light and heat radiating all around her in a much more contained manner than her first upgrade. It seemed the upgrades not only raised her power with the Inner Sun, but also raised her proficiency.

She eventually calmly opened her eyes and smiled. Eva clenched her fists and a burst of fire rose from her left hand while a shroud of intense light emerged from her right.

Draco could feel the sheer power and potency of her two elements. It wasn"t something he couldn"t handle, but it would certainly cause more than a bit of pain.

「Sun Seed – Fusion item (Tier 2)

Rank: Divine

Durability: MAX


Pa.s.sive 1 – Energy Generation: Your Inner Sun constantly spins and combusts to generate endless heat and Light Energy for you. No matter your mana or stamina stats, you will always be able to use techniques and skills related to these two elements.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Power Boost: The fundamental nature of the heat and Light Energy used in your skills and techniques has been replaced by what is produced by the Inner Sun, increasing the effectiveness of both elements by 10,000%.

Active 1 – Sunderpress: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. When it rises, it sunders the horizon with its might and when it sets, it suppresses the horizon with its power. All enemies with a zone of your designation will either go through the effect of being sundered or being suppressed. Duration: Variable. Cooldown: Variable.

Active 2 – Raze: The heat of the sun can only be borne by special fire species like the Sun Crow, the Phoenix, etc. Any other species subjected to its heat would be turned into ash, without a chance to fight back. Summon your Inner Sun out into the real world and allow its explosive heat to sweep through the battlefield. Duration: Variable. Cooldown: Variable.

Note: At Tier 2, Pa.s.sives 1 and 2 are usable and their effectiveness is limited to 1 % --> 10% of their full output. Active 1 can also be activated for a short while at 1% of its true power.

Description: A Young Sun that is currently in its growth phase within a Divine Being with the Heat and Light Domains. Even though it is still in its infancy, it boasts a great chance of growth and amazing compatibility with its host, allowing it to manifest abilities that are beyond what most could acquire.」

Draco nodded. Eva"s pa.s.sives had grown in power - in terms of what she could access - by a lot. A jump from 1% to 10% wasn"t small, especially considering the baseline of her Pa.s.sive 2.

Pa.s.sive 1 just gave her infinite energy for light and heat, meaning she would no longer have to burn her bloodline or rely on silly spells. She could point a finger and use the light and fire generated by the Inner Sun itself to blast foes apart.

She had retained use of her bloodline"s light and only treated the Inner Sun as an auxiliary addition because it was only a 1% flow initially. While 1% of infinity was still great, in this case, it dealt with the flow of energy, not the quant.i.ty.

In other words, if 100% was the ability to shoot gigantic world-ending light beams along with fireb.a.l.l.s the size of a small moon, then Eva was limited to 1% of the flow.

What had been a raging river was now a little trickle, enough to use in some basic combat but not really worth it.

At 10% though? Definitely worth it.

Pa.s.sive 2 increased her light and heat damage by what should be 10,000%, but turned out to only be 100% previously at 1% effectiveness. Yet this mere 100% had been enough to upgrade Eva"s light so strongly that Draco lost his immunity to it and had to recalibrate.

Ever since the Evil Duo had banged and had their bloodline sources merge, they had obtained full immunity to each other"s elements/powers. Which was why they were called perfect compared to their ancestors, Lucifer and Amaterasu.

Draco was a Darkness user with full immunity to Light and Heat while Eva was a Light user with full immunity to Darkness and Destruction, though that was limited to the abilities they had at the time of merging.

Eva had not possessed ultraviolet light and the other forms of light on the spectrum at the time. That was why Draco got singed.

It also reminded Draco that he should really start developing his Darkness and Destruction powers. Unlike Eva whose power was concentrated because she focused on a few things, he simply had too many OP powers and each one was like a harem member demanding his time and love.

If only he had a way to squeeze more out of a day.... hang on, wasn"t he just about to do exactly that?!

Anyway, Eva now had a 1,000% boost to her Heat and Light techniques. Her overall boost was now at 4,200% to Light damage, which was kinda crazy. At this point, she had almost eclipsed Draco"s crazy bonuses to his sword damage.

What was the most interesting was that one of her two actives was still not open for use. Both Sunderpress and Raze were truly, mindbogglingly OP, though the latter moreso than the former.

Of course, since they did not list any damage numbers, merely their effects, he was basing it off of their description.

Sunderpress could either sunder all foes - which meant to violently break somethings in half - or suppress them, which would prevent them from moving. This was not weak at all. It was versatile, able to do crowd control and high AOE offense at the same time.

However, Draco regarded Raze, which would literally call out a more than 3000°C hot sun above the entire battlefield that would focus all its raw heat and power on all foes within without harming the environment, as truly scarily OP.

Even Draco would likely have to turn into a Black Dragon to survive that. This had nothing to do with Eva"s power, it was literally a f.u.c.king sun within reach by a simple flap of the wings.

Heck, wouldn"t such a thing almost have the same devastative power and fallout as a nuclear warhead? Or probably a group of them!


Eva only had access to Sunderpress now, yet its power was capped to 1%. This was fine, as she would have many chances to test it out on the 21st to 30th floors, which was why Draco had taken a break to prepare himself for them.

From here on out, the tower"s difficulty was meant to exponentially rise with each set of floors, the goals of the floors becoming objectively harder and harder regardless of the trial taker"s power.

Now that Draco was done with Eva, he gathered his own resources and opened the menu for the Inner Universe.

「Universe Name: Morningstar World

Owner: Draco

Tier: 0

Worldly Energy: Unlimited

Aetheric Energy: Unlimited

Divine Energy: Unlimited

Origin Energy: Unlimited

Aurora Energy: Unlimited On Demand

Indigenes: 0

Plants: 1

Worlds: 0




Still pretty barebones, but that was fine. The Tier on the menu reflected solely the Universe Growth, since Area Expansion only affected the island itself and was more of an add-on.

All energies were unlimited except Aurora, because that one was not a naturally occurring energy, at least, not that Draco knew of. However, the Universe Seed possessed the ability to generate Aurora from Origin Energy at a loss of 30%.

Draco did not know how to use Aurora Energy and for what, so there was no need to do so presently. Rather, he gazed at the empty slot for indigenes and sighed.

Unfortunately, neither he nor his babes would be counted as indigenes here unless two conditions were fulfilled. The first was to reach Universe Growth level 1 and sp.a.w.n the four basic elements while the second was to be born within the Inner Universe after the first condition had been achieved.

Alternatively, Draco had an ability to craft indigenes that could exist in the void as they were, the Ancients. It cost Origin Energy to do so, which he had an infinite amount of, but he didn"t see the need just yet.

Ancients could only exist in his Inner Universe, they couldn"t be summoned out like troops. They would siphon energy and grow more powerful fast. He a.s.sumed they would be loyal to him, the G.o.d of the Universe... at least for a time.

Just take a look at Draco, how loyal was he to the Origin G.o.ds of the Western Fantasy section?

He wasn"t scared of them, but he never intended to use this opportunity to create some fancy universe that had its own lore and history. He had named it Morningstar World because he built it for the express purpose to house his family and descendants, so Draco was perfectly fine with not creating any native species at all.

He opened the menu for the requirements to upgrade and checked them to be sure he got them all.

「System to Player Announcement

Please choose one of the two methods of Upgrade:

1. Area Expansion (Level 2) - Cost: 10kg Pure Light Essence, 3 Darkness...o...b.., 50 Thunder Sources, 10 Life Seeds, 500 cubic meters of Soul Energy, 200 cubic meters of pure Life Energy, 20 cubic meters of Creation Energy, etc

2. Universe Growth (Level 1) - Cost: 100,000 kg Primal Soil, 5,000 Liters Essence of Water, 100,000 kg Essential Tinder, 100,000 Seeds of Wind, 300 cubic kilometers of Soul Energy, Heart of a King Colossus 5, Blood of a Kraken 1,000 liters, etc」