Guild Wars

Chapter 632 - (2/2) The Raid 6

Chapter 632 - (2/2) The Raid 6

The Avatar waved his hand and a wave of black light erupted, pa.s.sing through the bodies of all those still alive. Immediately, they all felt a bit weaker and some screens appeared before them, glaring red.

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

They felt sluggish, their stats dropping by 70% and their Damage and Defense going down by 30%. They looked up at Draco with speechless expression, wondering how one person could be so cruel.

"Today, you will learn how to deal with an Omnipotent Mage. Thinking that mages are limited to Fireb.a.l.l.s and Lightning Bolts is the height of stupidity. They have many more ways to deal with normies like you, and I will teach you the hard way." Draco remarked with amus.e.m.e.nt.

Like that, his hand glowed with a red light, and a new wave spread out from him that struck all the players.

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

The majority of Advanced and Expert members suffered the status effect while most of the core members were able to resist this as it was of a basic element.

However, Draco did not stop there his hands flashed with different colors and multiple waves were sent out by him.

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

「System to Player Announcement

You have been hit with a Status effect. You have failed to resist.」

It may seem random, but Draco had mastered status effects and which element yielded what. Burned was of the Fire element, Frozen of the Ice/Water element, Slowed of the Wind element, and Armor Break for the Earth element.

They were basic elements, like Burned, so the core members mostly shrugged the first four off while most others had a 50/50 chance. Those with Epic did well to resist them, but those with the Semi-Epic were like maidens captured by a Horned Demon, naked and easy to penetrate.

However, avoiding the advanced elements was not as simple. Blinded was of the Light element, Deafened of the Sound element, Silenced of the Darkness element, Diseased of the Life/Healing element, Paralyzed of the Lightning element, Poisoned of the… well, Poison element and Bleeding from the Metal element.

Here, avoiding them was not as easy as before. Many landed, yet some were resisted. Even the core members were not exempt, having to bear this burden.

A plethora of light flickered on his finger, Draco wearing a confident smirk as he crossed his leg lazily. "I"m tempted to add the pinnacle elements into this mix, but that would simply make things impossible for you all."

He sighed and shrugged exaggeratedly. "Fineeee. We shall work with things like this and set this as the standard."

His eyes then narrowed as he grinned widely, raising a hand which slowly generated a huge ball of fire.

"Now, let"s get onto the fun part, shall we?"

The "fun" lasted 1,309 rounds. Six times as many as Stage 1 for obvious reasons. The Avatar was already heavily defended, was out of range for melee fighters and he had greatly weakened them.

It was a miracle they could still persevere long enough to defeat him in such a situation. If it wasn"t for them adapting to his magic skills and timing, they would never have achieved this.

Due to the intense stress it put on their sense, something great happened around the 900th round.

Kiran, Essence Stalker, Tunder Power, and Cobra had simultaneously unlocked Control, at least the Void of Perfection.

So they were in the Fake Tier 1 state, where they only had one of the two active, but the Void of Perfection was harder to acquire than the Body of G.o.dliness, so it was a matter of time.

After they had unlocked the Void of Perfection, the Avatar started to struggle to hit the four of them, only catching them by using his own knowledge of Control to outdo them.

However, this worked against him as it raised their prowess rapidly until they had reached the pinnacle of tier 1 Void of Perfection. What took months or years of training condensed into a few hours thanks to intensity.

By the 1,250th round, the four of them could accurately avoid Draco"s attacks long enough to deal damage. After all, he may have mana s.h.i.+elds but against a power like Essence"s and especially Tunder"s Legendary Arrows and Kiran"s nonsensical Super Warrior 2 form, he was eventually beaten down, though it had taken them nearly 60 more rounds to actually overcome his regeneration.

This segment lasted more than 4 hours. It was shorter than the first one despite the players dying a lot more, simply due to the fact that they died faster and without a way to fight back.

It would have lasted a LOT longer if the Avatar had stuck to achieving his goal of training them all to become overpowered. Whatever the case, the damage contribution was 0%, 0%… 0% and 100%.

Basically, the entire success was due to the hard work of four dudes…

When Draco appeared on the ground, he displayed a look of pride and satisfaction when gazing at the four who were seated cross-legged and meditating.

He moved to sit before them and directly used his psychic abilities to connect to their minds and slow downtime for the five of them as he taught them more about Control and how to go on about achieving the Body of G.o.dliness.

The rest were allowed to enjoy their one-hour rest, and boy did they need it. After going through such brutality, it was safe to say that they were on the brink.

If the Avatar didn"t insist on them resting, it was unknown if they would even be able to remain sentient.

When it was time for Stage 4, Draco slowly rose to his feet.

"This is the part I have been most looking forward to, for it will allow me to display to the world the true power of Control."

The various members of Umbra became serious. However, Draco only folded his arms and connected to the minds of all Umbra members right away. He then conferred them the way to unlock Control using only human genes.

This shocked the members of Umbra, making their hearts quake. Draco had always spoiled them with information and truths of the world, as well as items in the game, but what he had given them today surpa.s.sed everything that came before.

Money was great, fame was good and the in-game powers were lovely, yet the ability to unlock Control would benefit them both in-game and especially in real life.

Even with just the Real Tier 1 Control, they would be like superhumans, able to avoid most bullets and immune to most conventional ways of losing their lives. As nerds and gamers, it was a dream come true in more ways than one.

Their hearts and minds were already hard like diamonds in terms of loyalty towards Draco and Umbra for his earlier treatment and their own relations.h.i.+ps, but now, it was beyond t.i.tanium or adamantium.

They now looked at the Avatar as if they were looking at their father, making the other laugh. "You bunch of maggots, I"m still your Raid Target and you haven"t even completed half the stages! Now stop staring and get ready to fight!"

They smiled as they understood why Draco had given them this info before this stage. It had always been his plan, as there was no better time to unlock Control than when fighting against another Control master going at full power.

It was just that Kiran, Essence, Tunder, and Cobra had managed to unlock it early due to their unique talents and some other reasons.

Draco wasn"t surprised in Kiran and Essence"s case as they were both powerful Lineage members who had both Pure Human DNA and sub-human DNA (I.e quality and quant.i.ty).

Tunder too was understandable, as one of Supernatural"s best upcoming youths with his Wood Elf gene and his talent plus senses had allowed him to rise to the mark.

Cobra though, had been completely unexpected. From what he knew he should be purely sub-human.

The Avatar could only suspect that the Five Generals member might have a special gene too, because he remembered that the reason Cobra was even called so was due to the special way he moved his ligaments in his knees and some parts of his body.

In essence, Cobra already possessed the qualities to unlock the Body of G.o.dliness, so he might actually become the first of the four to unlock Real Tier 1 Control even when against the likes of Essence and Kiran.

There was a need to investigate that. After all, Bella too was a bit too special in her beauty. She was supposed to be a normal human, yet her s.e.xiness surpa.s.sed the likes of Slim Fatty, Keira, and even Rina!

The Avatar put it at the back of his mind for the main body to investigate, as he obviously could not go out. Whatever the case, the battle soon began with him spreading his Void of Perfection outward.

Once he trapped everything within, they were like bound and gagged beauties on a bed, unable to resist the hard banging that was coming next.