Guild Wars

Chapter 643 - (2/2) The Raid 9

Chapter 643 - (2/2) The Raid 9

「 Name: Draco (Avatar) - Rank 3 Dark Archangel

Str: 100

Dex: 100

End: 100

Int: 1,000 (2,000)

Spr: 100

Cha: 400 (800)

Lck: 100

Combat Skills: Angel"s Blessing (Corrupted), Mind Blast, Supreme Charm, Mind Sunder, Mind Explosion, Devil Minions, Endless Mirage.

Non-Combat Skills: Devil"s Guile (Rank 3), Supreme Telekinesis, Supreme Psychometry, Supreme Apportation, Supreme Transvection, Supreme Telesthesia.」

「Angel"s Blessing (Corrupted) – Active Skill

Effect: Send out a chosen debuff to every enemy within an Area Zone. Cannot be dispelled.

Duration: Same as transformation

Cooldown: None.」

「Mind Blast – Active Skill

Effect: Send out a wave of Mental Energy that stuns every single target in an Area Zone and deals 1,000% (2,000%) mental damage.

Duration: Same as transformation.

Cooldown: None.」

「Supreme Charm – Active Skill

Effect: Force any target within your Rank to obey your commands unconditionally.

Duration: Same as transformation.

Cooldown: None」

「Mind Sunder – Active Skill

Effect: Split the mind of a chosen target into two, forcing each side to fight the other.

Duration: Same as transformation.

Cooldown: None.」

「Mind Explosion – Active Skill

Effect: Explode a target"s mind, scattering their consciousness.

Duration: Same as transformation.

Cooldown: None.」

「Devil Minions – Active Skill

Effect: Summon the aspects of Devilkind to slaughter your enemies.

Duration: Same as transformation.

Cooldown: None.」

「Endless Mirage – Active skill

Effect: Submerge any enemy with a weaker mind into a never-ending illusion.

Duration: Same as transformation.

Cooldown: none.」

「Supreme Telekinesis – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Control the world with your mind.」

「Supreme Psychometry – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Control emotions with your mind.」

「Supreme Apportation – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Travel the world with your mind.」

「Supreme Transvection – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Control your body with your mind.」

「Supreme Telesthesia – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Sense the world with your mind.」

With this lineup of skills, Draco was truly as he said, unbeatable. The Raid would never have progressed past this stage if Draco hadn"t trained them to acquire Tier 1 Control, which incidentally helped a lot with resisting psychic abilities since, at Tier 3, it began to manifest psychic abilities as well.

However, since the fellows were still a far way off from reaching Tier 2, they were bound to suffer until then. It was the absolute minimum needed to genuinely takedown Draco as a Dark Archangel.

The Avatar first summoned his Devil Minions, bringing forth the worst Devils in history out to play. Immediately, they charged at the players and engaged them in a brutal fight.

Draco then used Angel"s Blessing (Corrupted) to send out the worst debuff on everyone within range, inflicting everyone with . This one slowly reduced your health and battle power over time until you became a puddle of puss.

However, the Avatar frowned the next moment as Warm Spring and Sublime cleared the status effect with ease using their special healing abilities.

The Demi-Angel cla.s.s allowed her to heal anything, and the Seneschal still had that Legendary Tome of Healing.

「Tome of Healing – Tome

Rank: Legendary

Durability: 1,000,000/1,000,000


Pa.s.sive 1 – Blessing: Healing grants the beneficiary a buff with every cast that lasts 30 seconds.

Pa.s.sive 2 – Dispel: Healing removes all sequelae, negative status, or sickness regardless of source.

Active 1 – Heal the Land: Perform an ultimate healing spell that cures every ailment of every kind for allied and neutral parties within an Area Zone. This includes inanimate objects. Cooldown: 3 months.」

What was even more infuriating was that each heal the lolitician made tranted the partic.i.p.ant"s buffs, so they were beginning to suppress the aspects of Devilkin, especially since they also had Tier 1 Control on their side.

Draco naturally targeted the duo first and smiled coldly. Especially Xela who was acting slightly arrogant now that she had Control. She knew that combined with her Damage Immunity, Draco couldn"t harm her... at least not during this stage of the Raid.

Only his attacks with Destruction Energy could do so. However, in his cla.s.s-based Devil Form, he couldn"t access such energy. As such, she could heal her teammates easily and let them get vengeance for their suffering!

Draco then used Mind Sunder on Warm Spring and Sublime Notion. While the former wouldn"t suffer damage from it, the Avatar would like to see how effective she would be at healing when her mind was fighting with itself.

For the rest, Draco recast his debuff over all of them before using Mind Explosion on them. Immediately, everyone took immense damage, many dying outright due to low HP, and the rest who survived simply stood there stupidly as they got torn apart by the aspects of Devilkin.

When they came back to life, Draco once again debuffed them cruelly then used Mind Blast on them. Although the Avatar"s stats were only 50% of the original, making it so he was effectively on par with the Devil Form (Rank 2), 1,000% mind damage was enough for a one-hit KO for most as they were sent right back to the grave.

Those who remained suffered under the stun. Their lives were soon casually reaped by Draco. When they resp.a.w.ned once more, he repeated the same actions.

It was his way of basically telling them that he wasn"t playing around anymore. He would continue to use the easiest and most efficient method to kill them off, forcing them to adapt and overcome his suppression.

This was a great challenge for all the members of Umbra, and it pushed them to their limits once more. They had been able to fight and even bully Draco in the previous stage as he had fought them as a Control master, so they had become arrogant and confident.

Now, they were quickly put back in their places as the pain and suffering reminded them of the struggle during the first three stages. They had to bring out their best level of skills for this fight, and Essence and Kiran all but transformed into their final forms.

They were saving those for the later stages when things would get tougher.

Raid Stage 5 ended up lasting 3,900 rounds and 4 hours. Although it had taken less than the dreaded Raid Stage 3 when they had fought him as a Mage G.o.d, he had shown no mercy, killing them three times as often.

Since it was continuous instant death, each round was averaging less than 3 seconds. In fact, what took most of the time was resp.a.w.ning them, rather than killing them.


However, Draco was pushed to the deep end once they began to break through to Tier 2 Control after continuous pressure on their minds due to his attacks. Technically, it was kind of a Fake Tier 2, as they only broke through to reach Tier 2 in the VoP 2 whereas the BoG remained Tier 1.

Not everyone could be like Draco and Eva who would breakthrough through both at once with ease. Most others would breakthrough in one and then train the other to catch up and even then it would usually take years, not hours.

Fortunately, the Tier 2 VoP offered them great immunity to psychic attacks from Draco as this level allowed one to expand their VoP to a minimum of 1 kilometer and they could bend light, sound, and other things within this range.

Using this immunity, they managed to resist the instant death enough that they started dealing damage to him. Of course, Draco had his Supreme Telekinesis to crush them into paste, his Supreme Telesthesia to sense attacks, his Supreme Apportation to dodge them, and Supreme Transvection to fly.

Just because they had a Fake Tier 2 Control didn"t mean they could suddenly beat him to death.

However, have you wondered why the system separated the Devil Form, Demon Form, and Dragon Form, from the Dark Angel True Body, Horned Demon True Body, and Black Dragon True Body?

It was because one was system-based and the other was technique/bloodline-based. The importance of this was utility and adaptability.

Since he was in a system-based form, he could not do what he had done when he was using techniques like in the first two stages to cancel out the Legendary effects of their

So once the Legendary Cla.s.s skills started raining down, the Avatar fell under immense pressure. Those that forced him to stand in one place now worked, allowing others to strike him by the side with their best skills, reducing his HP slowly even though Draco had a powerful mental barrier around himself.

But let"s not forget Amber removed cooldowns for the fellows, so they whaled on him a bit each round before Draco would erupt and kill them all. Without this, they would never have managed to even get him below 10% HP.

Once Draco was vanquished as the Devil Form, the members of Umbra collapsed into a heap, panting. Unlocking Control should have made them more resilient against digital fatigue, but this was just too much.

They didn"t even bother to logout for their break, rather just remained lying there on the pitch in a sprawled eagle manner. Draco, who had revived saw his members on the floor like dead dogs and didn"t know whether to laugh or cry.

Rather than bother their rest, he just reminded them to use this chance to consolidate their upgrade and start thinking about how to reach the full Tier 2 of Control.

Heeding his advance, they stopped their laze and began focusing their minds on their domains and the intricacies within. Well, there was little they could achieve in such a short amount of time, and the next stage was to begin now!

"This stage should theoretically help you unlock the Body of G.o.dliness Tier 2, as it will be a physical brawl first and foremost. However, whether you can actually do something about it is unknown, because my physical power and speed in this stage is going to put you on the spot. Try and survive though." The Avatar advised gently as he stood before them.

Demon Form!

「Demon Form (Rank 3) – Active skill

Effect: a.s.sume your True Demon Form temporarily.

Duration: Unlimited for Raid Stage 6

Cooldown: None for Raid Stage 6.」

As usual, his skin took on a deep red shade, and two majestic horns growing from his forehead. His eyes switched from crimson to scarlet, with his formerly white cornea becoming black. His white hair became dark once again, growing out till it reached his waist area, almost like his Devil Form.

His size barely increased, but his muscle density was intense as ever. He looked like he was designed by Akira Toriyama, compact but with bulging muscles. His Dragorugio armor"s scales only covered his lower region acting like they were greaves, while his waist area morphed into an ancient Greek warrior"s belt.

As for his upper body, it was bare with only a necklace of a golden lion hung around his neck.

Blood-red light exploded around Draco as Demonic Energy washed over everyone on the stage.