Guild Wars

Chapter 652 - (1/2) The Struggles Of An Older Brother

Chapter 652 - (1/2) The Struggles Of An Older Brother

Draco tutted and waved his hands. "What a horrible event, how atrocious! Who could have done something so immoral and heartless?! Tsk!"

The Demon Lords continued to suffer in silence, but their gripped fists and tightly clenched jaws spoke volumes about how they felt about Draco"s "kind words".

"O well, I shall go now and placate my poor babe who was scared by the appearance of an old monster. Afterward, we"ll be coming back and continuing our tour of the Nine, so you better head back to your levels and clean up."

Draco"s expression suddenly became sinister. "If any of you try to disgrace me again, the earlier lecture will be child"s play in comparison to what I"ll do!"

The Demon Lords shuddered with fear at that threat and bowed, muttering reluctantly. "We shall obey the will of the Demon Supreme!"

"Good." Draco replied coldly as he left the Nine The bowing Demon Lords raised their backs and gazed at each other speechlessly.

"So, what now?" Beleth asked Baal. All of the others turned to the de facto leader in their hearts. Even though Draco had beaten them down into submission, there was still a trace of unwillingness and nonacceptance.

Baal took a deep breath and spoke in his deep voice: "We"ll do as the Demon Supreme says. I know you all may not like it, but he is our new master. You should obey his commands without checking in with me henceforth."

The 6 others had ugly expressions, the slight unwillingness growing in size now that Baal had brought it to light.

"Hmph, he is not a True Demon Supreme. I sensed he used Devil techniques and Dragon ones as well. How can we accept such a diverse fellow as our leader?" Zagan uttered malevolently.

He was the most infatuated with Paimon and had tried to woo her far more times than any of the others, yet he"d just been forced to witness how another man had tamed her in front of them all, all the while not being able nor daring to do anything.

That feeling of impotence and pain made him feel like he could cough blood until the world ended.

The other Demon Lords agreed with Zagan, in that they felt Draco was not the person they wanted as their Demon Supreme. Their reasons varied, yet the conclusion was the same.

Baal"s face darkened as he roared. "FOOLIs.h.!.+ Have you forgotten what just occurred? Each and every one of us got beaten to an inch of our lives. The only reason for our continued existence should be solely due to him preferring experienced subordinates rather than clumsy ones!"

"If he could beat us to that state when we"re together, do any of you doubt his capabilities of ending our lives? Let me remind you that there are 23 Demon Dukes right below us in rank who are eyeing our positions with greed!"

"Any one of them would wors.h.i.+p the new Demon Supreme wholeheartedly to be allowed to rule over their own level of h.e.l.l, so why should he keep you alive if you feel any less?"

The Demon Lords" faces changed greatly, and they shuddered once more, regretting their stupidity. They had spent so long in their positions that they felt they were infallible, not even entertaining the thought that one day they could be removed.

However, someone with the power and motive to do so had just appeared and they had already dared to slight him once. Okay, so he beat them up and gave them a warning, but then they harbored thoughts of slighting him again!

How foolish could they have been to think that way! Without their Eldest Brother Baal to see the truth of the matter, just what would their fate have been?

They couldn"t help but sweat profusely, using h.e.l.lhandkerchiefs to wipe away their scalding sweat but were almost drowned by it as they continued to picture the implications and the outcome.

Baal rolled his eyes. "Alright, enough fooling around. Let"s head back to our own levels and get things ready for the inspection."

The others nodded, while Vine astutely pointed to the still leaking-with-s.e.m.e.n Paimon who was out cold. "What about her?"

The eyes of the other males lit up. Their instinctive reaction was to have some quick fun with this beauty they have l.u.s.ted for over centuries while she was out cold before she was "cleaned" up.

Who would notice? As such, they were about to rush forward and pick her up when Baal waved his hand. "All of you go, I will handle her."

His words contained such finality that the others could only share uncertain looks before obeying with disappointment. Each one planned to find some of their demonic escorts later and vent out their pa.s.sions on them as what they had witnessed had challenged their manhood to the highest degree.

Baal picked up Paimon and teleported with her to the eights level of h.e.l.l, which was the sin of Fraud. Baal entered her castle in the center of the realm and brought her to her main chambers.

He then dutifully and gently cleaned her up, also feeding her some nouris.h.i.+ng juices that fortified her body in case of anything. With such gentle care, Paimon naturally woke up soon enough, coughing weakly and tiredly.

"E-Elder brother…?" Paimon called out to the large form of Baal that was currently mixing some herbs into a tonic for her.

"Mhm, Little Pai, just rest. I"m making a Ferocious Tonic for you." Baal responded with a smile, wearing a cute ap.r.o.n as he worked.

Paimon blanched as he began throwing a tantrum. "No, I don"t like the Ferocious Tonic! I don"t want it! I don"t wanna drink it!!"

Baal chuckled and rolled his eyes. "I know, I know, you"ve always hated it. But you have to drink it this time so that there are no lingering effects on your body, okay?"

Hearing the voice of reason from the older Demon Lord, Paimon could only remain silent in defeat. When Baal brought over the little cup filled with the dark red tonic, the female Demon Lord looked extremely unwilling, but still drank it when it was given her.

She stuck out her tongue immediately. "Yuck!"

Baal laughed at this and patted her head gently. "You silly girl, it"s not that bad. Don"t you feel better already?"

Paimon hesitated, but nodded unwillingly. She felt she had lost some form of battle by admitting this, but she hated lying before Baal.

"Good girl, get some rest." Baal patted her on the head before he got up to leave the room.

Paimon held his ap.r.o.n and pulled him back a little, startling the Demon Lord. She had a difficult expression on her face as she spoke.

"Elder Brother… I don"t care about the others, but I hope you won"t see me any differently…"

Baal gazed at her as he understood what she was worried about. As such, he sat back down and gazed at Paimon gently.

"You know, when we both sp.a.w.ned, I always thought of you as my kin, even though I know we were created by the First Demon Supreme for the Original 3 levels of h.e.l.l. Me, you, and that mysterious fellow were all alone for many centuries until the middle three levels were added."

Baal gazed upward into the air, his eyes glazing over with reminiscence.

"At the time, Asmodeus used to be the Demon Lord for the current 9th level. I still remember the day that the Demon Supreme decreed that because of his actions he was to be demoted, taking over the 7th level which you used to be responsible for, granting each of us a promotion."

"I never found out what exactly it was he has done, but that fellow only became more cryptic and unfriendly, so it was just us. I have always seen you as my sister, my kin that is the closest and most important to me." Baal said with a gentle tone

Paimon"s eyes teared up as she gazed at her elder brother. "B-Big Brother Baal…"

He rubbed her head gently. "I have seen you as my younger sister and a little girl since then, but I always knew that this would not be the case forever. You did well to resist those other fools, but this new Demon Supreme should be the perfect partner for you."

"The old Demon Supreme was strong beyond sensibility, but I always sensed that his aura was chaotic, mixed in with too many things. This new one is far more stable and seems to have endless growth potential. With him, I feel like the Nine would no longer remain so empty." Baal explained sagely.

"As such, it is better to have a relation with him other than your position, as it will guarantee your safety and sanct.i.ty if any drastic change occurs. As his woman, the Demon Supreme would certainly a.s.sist you in various ways, so don"t feel bad about it."

Baal finished his explanation with a comforting smile, and Paimon instantly felt leagues better. What had occurred earlier weighed on her mind thanks to the shame and embarra.s.sment, as well as her budding desire for more, but Baal had solved her problems so simply.

"Rest, my dear. We will meet the Demon Supreme again soon as he wants to tour through our domains. How you choose to receive him is up to you, I won"t tell you what to do." Baal revealed as he sat up from her bed, turning to face her one more time.

"After all, you"re a big girl now." Baal said finally before disappearing from Paimon"s bedchamber, leaving a sad and uplifted Demon Lord behind.

She lay in her bed thinking for a long while about what she wanted to do next, then rose up. Paimon went to her wardrobe and wore a very demure dress that was not like her usual flashy attire. It was something a conquered woman would wear, someone no longer seeking a mate.

Looking in the mirror the Demon Lord felt that she had never looked better in her life.