Guild Wars

Chapter 690 - (1/2) Setting Out

Chapter 690 - (1/2) Setting Out


Practically everyone in the room screamed this as they were flabbergasted by the Little Ancestor"s choice. This was a mission so hard and troublesome that even though it had been sent to the Top 10 sects, they hardly had anyone doing them. 

In fact, missions like these were used as means to punish disciples under the rug. For example, if an Elder wanted to spread some female disciple"s legs, and she dared deny him, he could abuse his authority to dispatch her on such a mission. 

However, for someone to willingly choose it, and for that someone to be their own Little Ancestor… the Elders did not know how to feel. They had already been chastised for trying to b.u.t.t in on their earlier bit, so they were hesitant to speak out again. 

"Let them go." 

The voice of the Dragon Ancestor sounded out. Those old fogies had secretly paid attention, curious what their disciples would pick. They were proud of their disciples for not using their names to convince the Elders, rather opting to establish their own might by chastising them. 

It was a vastly different thing for Draco and Eva to go around saying "the Dragon/Phoenix Ancestors said I could do this or that" as opposed to "I want to do this or that". The former relied on the prestige and permission of another, whereas the latter was based on your own will. 

They were also intrigued by the lad"s choice. The two Old Ancestors understood why Draco chose this mission, as he also had a Demon Martial Spirit. If he could find some rare Demon Cultivation Manual there, he could also cultivate his Demon Martial Spirit and profit from two separate streams of cultivation. 

Having more than one Martial Spirit was unheard of in this world, but the Ancestor couple figured that with how miraculous Draco and Eva were, being able to figuratively c.r.a.p out Aether Crystals/Immortal Stones and possessing such limitless talent, they trust that the Evil Duo knew what was best for themselves. 

As their masters, rather than micromanaging them, it was best to let them roam free and provide them the only thing they needed, which was a huge backing so those more powerful than them would not pester them during their growth phase. 

However, these Elders were wasting the two lads" time, and it wouldn"t do for Draco and Eva to always antagonize these fellows due to their pride and arrogance, so the Dragon Ancestor stepped in before the Young Ancestors could blow up. 

Hearing the Dragon Ancestor"s voice, the Elders settled down and said nothing else on this matter. Seeing this, the Sect Master called for one of the servant disciples to bring a set of items for Draco and Eva. 

When he returned, Draco and Eva received the items given. 

1x Dragon Robe - Draco 

1x Phoenix Robe - Eva 

2x Pinnacle grade Spatial Ring - Both 

10x Resources Chest - Both 

5x Bags of 1st-9th grade Qi stones - Both 

5x bags of Platinum Coins - Both 

It seemed that these were travel resources prepared for them. Draco equipped the black Dragon Robe which was a mini version of what his mentor wore, while Eva equipped the White Phoenix Robe, which was also the same type as what Xu"er wore. 

Both were surprised to note that these were artifact-level robes, and had stats for them to see. 

「Phoenix Robe – Armor 

Rank: Epic (Evolvable) 


Pa.s.sive 1 – Phoenix Qi Amplification: This robe absorbs external Qi to amplify the utility of your Phoenix Qi, reducing costs for Martial Arts, increasing the power of your Martial Arts, and doubling the speed of your cultivation. 

Active 1 – Phoenix"s Aura: Activating this skill allows the user to manifest the aura of their Phoenix Martial Spirit and forcefully integrate for a short period of time. 

Duration: 10 minutes. 

Cooldown: 7 days. 

Note: Do not use this ability haphazardly as it deals serious damage to the user and the Martial Spirit afterward! 

Description: This robe was crafted by the greatest craftsmen of this era at the behest of the number 1 sect. It is meant for the next generation of Phoenix Ancestor, and perfectly suits him. Only the next generation Phoenix Ancestor can equip this.」 

「Dragon Robe – Armor 

Rank: Epic (Evolvable) 


Pa.s.sive 1 – Dragon Qi Amplification: This robe absorbs external Qi to amplify the utility of your Dragon Qi, reducing costs for Martial Arts, increasing the power of your Martial Arts, and doubling the speed of your cultivation. 

Active 1 – Dragon"s Aura: Activating this skill allows the user to manifest the aura of their Draconic Martial Spirit and forcefully Integrate for a short period of time. 

Duration: 10 minutes. 

Cooldown: 7 days. 

Note: Do not use this ability haphazardly as it deals serious damage to the user and the Martial Spirit afterward! 

Description: This robe was crafted by the greatest craftsmen of this era at the behest of the number 1 sect. It is meant for the next generation of Dragon Ancestor, and perfectly suits him. Only the next generation Dragon Ancestor can equip this.」 

The robes were not bad. Draco and Eva still preferred their true equipment, but that was locked behind the floor"s rules, so there was that. Well, since Draco had full access to his Tradeskills, once they headed out, he would be able to make some proper equipment for them. 

As for the rest of the stuff, they casually put it in their Spatial Rings after they bound them. Their Inventories were still available, but there was no need to be obtuse. 

The Spatial Rings worked just as fine, not to mention that Draco was intrigued to learn its construction, so he could replicate it externally. His Advanced Spatial Creation Devices had already shaken the world, but a Spatial Ring would be far better. 

It was more personal and defensible than a Bag of Holding, and had the capacity for far larger s.p.a.ce in comparison. 

Transportation was soon arranged for them. 

Normal disciples would have to find their own way, but Draco and Eva were directly provided a wars.h.i.+p to use. 

It wasn"t just any wars.h.i.+p too, no, it was the private one reserved for the Dragon and Phoenix Ancestor when they went out. Since it would be Draco and Eva"s soon enough, they could naturally use it. 

It was not like the old fogies were going out with so many Aether Crystals/Immortal Stones to play with. They were probably going to stay cultivating until they reached the pinnacle. 

They probably didn"t even need Draco and Eva anymore to break the obstacle blocking the Upper Realm. With the resources provided to them, they could reach the level necessary before even Draco or Eva could. 

This was probably why the old fogies left the young duo to their own devices and didn"t force them to continue cultivating. They could do whatever they wanted as long as their masters were here to back them! 

Soon, the airs.h.i.+p rose into the air and left the sect with much fanfare, as all the disciples bowed as one to the departure of the Little Ancestors. The crew of the airs.h.i.+p consisted of only four people, Draco, Eva as well as the Second and Third Elders sent to protect them. 

The airs.h.i.+p was superfast, tearing through the sky like a fighter jet, despite being designed like a normal seafaring s.h.i.+p that should be on water. The only thing was the fancy design of the s.h.i.+p which was half Dragon and half Phoenix, especially the figurehead which was a Dragon and Phoenix coiling around each other. 

Draco and Eva stood on the deck while it moved, their bodies s.h.i.+elded from the tearing winds by a barrier that surrounded the airs.h.i.+p. Though they could obviously withstand such pressure since using their bloodline wings made them just as fast. 

"Where is the nearest city to our destination?" Draco asked the two Elders behind them coldly. 

The Second Elder respectfully answered. "It is the city of Morta. It is a large city with a population of over 500 million people. There are all the main Tradeskill offices there, and every powerful merchant group on our continent has a branch there. Same with all the prominent guilds such as the Adventurer, Rogue Cultivator, and"s guild." 

"What about the power distribution?" Eva asked astutely. 

This time, the Third Elder chose to answer. "The highest level in Morta should be at the Crystallization Realm. Formation and Integration Realm Experts may exist, but they would be in seclusion, trying all they can to breakthrough. So those at the Realm before that are the rulers of the city." 

"There are also some local factions there. Three Sects, Four Families, and Five Squads. The Five Squads are the weakest, but stand above all others. They are the Tiger Squad, the Lion Squad, the Viper Squad, the Eagle Squad, and the Wolf Squad. They are large mercenary groups with so many members that they form mini-guilds of their own." 

"The Four Families are the founding fathers of the city, the Xuan, Fei, Bai, and Feng families. They were the ones who settled on that city when it was a monster-infested area, cleared it out, and grew it to what it was today. As such, their legality of the city is recognized, unlike the Five Squads who are only counted because of size and power." 

"Above them stand the three sects, The Elemental Qilin Sect, the Four Sacred Bests Sect, and finally, the Dragon and Phoenix Palace. The Elemental Qilin sect is the third-strongest sect on the continent, and its headquarters is at Morta. The Four Sacred Beasts sect is the second strongest, and they have their headquarters in another location, so this is a branch." 

The two Elders then chuckled. "As for our sect, it is one of our more common branches." 

Draco and Eva detected something more, so the duo asked. "That"s not all, is it? How does the power of the Three Sects fare compared to the Four Families?" 

The two Elders smiled filthily. "The Four Families serve the Three Sects. After all, generations of their descendants are admitted into the various sects and brainwashed using different means to be loyal to the sect over the family. So they are our va.s.sals, and we rule the city in the shadows." 


How despicable! 

Draco and Eva liked it! 

"Our sect is also the strongest in the city, despite this being merely a common branch. The other two defer to us, but the Four Sacred Beasts are not as docile since to them, it"s just a branch. The Elemental Qilin Sect though, dare not fool as that is their headquarters." The Elders concluded. 

Receiving all this information, Draco and Eva had a good idea of what to expect and how to behave when in Morta. 

And that was exactly how they pleased! 

Well, what did you expect when dealing with these two? 

Their arrogance was enough to make even the st.u.r.diest Young Masters feel lacking. 

The worst part was that they had the power and means to back it up! Clearly, this city called Morta was not going to have a good time henceforth!