Guild Wars

Chapter 707 - Holy Demonic Record 1

Chapter 707 - Holy Demonic Record 1

Draco stood on Clarent"s wide back as the two of them headed into the center of this realm. Their eyes were bright, and their minds were electric, filled with thoughts of what they expected to see. 

The duo blurred past hundreds of Demon towns, Demons cities, even whole Demon kingdoms as they got closer and closer to the center of power in this world. 

Eva, by comparison, was only hanging in the fringe areas to commit her genocide. She was not in possession of a Demonic bloodline like Draco, so she couldn"t waltz around as she pleased. 

Draco was interrupted on his way by some Demon Commanders who flew up to the sky. 

"Halt, vile vermin! How dare you fly above our cities? Quickly get down and display your cultivation before we gut you to pieces!" 

They could tell Draco"s cultivation, but to ride on a true Dragon likely meant his power or backing wasn"t small. None of these guards were in a rush to attack him, but they didn"t fear him. 

Draco chuckled and threw a punch filled with Demonic Energy, forming a giant fist in the air. The looks on the various Demon Commanders who rose up were filled with horror as they tried to block. 

However, it was futile. They were smashed into bloodmist since Draco had put 100% Bloodline Energy into that strike, granting it his full power. Draco saw many dropped spatial rings and pouches, but did not collect any of them. 

He just checked a few and saw that it contained items he didn"t need or want, so he continued on his journey. Later on, some other Demon Commanders and a Demon King came over to inspect what had happened there. 

"How dare someone kill one of our own? But what"s this aura here?" One of the Demon Commander asked with confusion. 

Demon King Daimao had been solemn ever since they had gathered here. After investigating everything, he sighed deeply and waved his hands. 

"Let"s leave. Forget about this matter and treat the death of those Commanders are unsolvable." 

The faces of the Demon Commander group changed. "My Lord, how can this be? Are we supposed to pretend that one of our own wasn"t killed?" 

Demon King Daimao shook his head. "I would never swallow such an insult down if it had been anyone else, but…" 

He gestured to the area. "The ent.i.ty that pa.s.sed through here was a Demon G.o.d. I can tell from his remnant aura." 

Hearing this, the Demon Commanders cowed. They immediately shut up and flapped their wings to leave, not even looking at the measly remains of their comrades. 

Such a reaction just to the mere mention of a Demon G.o.d… just what kind of power did Draco represent? 

It only took the fellow about 20 minutes to reach the center of the Realm with a full power Clarent. What he saw was a giant portal, the size of a skysc.r.a.per that was guarded at all edges by Demon Commanders and Demon Kings. 

When they saw Draco come over, they became tense. A group of well-dressed Demon Kings in majestic Demon armor stood in his way once more. 

"Halt! This portal leads to our Central Core. Only Demon G.o.ds may enter at will. If you are a Demon King, or Demon Commander, you need permission from a Demon G.o.d to enter. Please state your ident.i.ty!" 

Draco smiled once more and unleashed the same full power hit. The faces of all those defending this area changed greatly as they sensed his aura and came to understand which power level he stood at, but those he struck were forced to defend. 

They were only blown back a little, not even suffering injuries, yet their faces were ashen as if they were dead men walking. 

"L-Lord Demon G.o.d!! Lord Demon G.o.d, please forgive us!" The leading Demon King roared with fear in his voice, falling to his knees to kowtow. 

The others behind him did the same, while the guards looked away with fear, not wanting to get involved in this matter even as a joke. 

Draco folded his arms behind his back and laughed. "If I was angry, that punch wouldn"t have been so light. I just wanted to show my ident.i.ty in the most straightforward way we all know." 

The Demon Kings on their knees looked like they had gained enlightenment after they realized this, as such, they kowtowed in thanks for a bit before returning to their stations. 

"So, may I now enter?" Draco asked with an amused grin. 

"Of course, My Lord! You don"t need the permission of a mere few of us!" The Demon King a.s.serted with a subservient bow. 

Draco nodded and laughed uproariously before entering the portal with Clarent. After going, the other Demons breathed out a sigh of relief and told themselves to be sharper of eyesight before saying things. 

"What an easy-going Demon G.o.d." One Demon couldn"t help but comment. 

"Yeah, it feels like he was extremely good-natured. I wonder what his name is." Another Demon agreed. 

Both of them were silenced by the glare of their superior who already felt like they had avoided True Death, and these fellows were daring to open their dog mouths. 

As for Draco, once through the portal, he discovered that he was in a large black void. In the center of this void was a large planet-shaped existence that radiated light and warmth. 

He noticed that his Horned Demon Inheritance had automatically started circulating before this aura, which made him feel comfortable. Intrigued, Draco wanted to go deeper, but Clarent stopped. 

"Ugh… the air here is so disgusting. The entire energy here seems to repulse non-Demonic species, so I feel like s.h.i.+t. I won"t be able to continue with you." Clarent complained as he pinched his nose. 

Draco nodded and understood. As such, he desummoned the Dragon into his Inventory and manifested his h.e.l.lfire Wings. With them, he blazed through this dark realm until he almost reached that planet in the void. 

What surprised him was that around the planet were many giant forms that radiated an aura no less tense than Draco himself. They all sat in the lotus positions as they absorbed the aura from the planet that permeated this Realm. 

They were each like black holes that dragged in great swathes of the aura/energy. However, no matter how much they took, the planet seemed unfazed and was able to pump out more. 

Interestingly, Draco noticed two important things. 

One was that the distance between every supposed Demon G.o.d here was not equal from the planet in the center. Some were closer, while others were farther. 

Two, was that the strength of each Demon G.o.d"s suction was different as well. Some dragged in the energy like a sinkhole and some sucked in relatively weaker. 

This was interesting, because it told him two things. The first observation meant that there was a difference in status between Demon G.o.ds and the second told him that there were differences in the power or the talent of Demon G.o.ds. 

That made Draco wonder where he stood, but there was only one way to find out, no? 

When he got closer, all the Demon G.o.ds reacted. They opened their eyes with shock as they gazed at Draco who was only 1/10th their average size at best. 

"Brat, what are you doing so close to the Dao Source? Are you a messenger sent from the outside for someone here? If so, quickly leave your message and leave." One of the Demon G.o.ds spoke slowly, as if not wanting to be mean today. 

Draco simply smirked and transformed into his Horned Demon True Body. The moment the Demon G.o.ds looked at him and sensed his unleashed aura, they all roared. 

"Impossible! A new Demon G.o.d?! And one so powerful?!" 

"h.e.l.lfire on earth, such potent Demon aura! It feels like we are mere Demi-G.o.ds while he is the real deal!" 

"What is this? Am I dreaming right now? Why does he appear to have the aura of h.e.l.l itself on him, as if the entire h.e.l.l Realm exists within him separately!" 

"I feel it too! What"s more, his feels more complex and layered than our own!" 

"s.h.i.+t, you"re right! It feels like his h.e.l.l is real and ours is fake! How can this be?" 

"Can you sense the strength in him? Such a small form, but his physical strength is enough to destroy entire Realms in time! How could we have been unaware of someone like him?!" 

The Demon G.o.ds discussed fervently as they could not take their eyes off Draco who was enjoying the reception and even took a bit of time to posture grandly. Without waiting for them to finish, he took a step and appeared before the so-called Dao Source, which was the planet. 

Draco inspected it up close and reached a hand out to grasp the material that made up this Dao Source to test it for himself. Seeing that he was about to blaspheme the Dao Source, all the Demon G.o.ds became mad as they launched apocalyptic attacks that were easily at the level of Rank 7.5 t.i.tled G.o.ds. 

While Draco may not die from this, he would definitely end up severely injured and in pain. However, he ignored these attacks and touched the Dao Source, noting that it was solid. 

This disappointed him as he had intended taking into his Inner Universe, but putting something so large and solid into that tiny hole would strain him out till he pa.s.sed out. 

The attacks that were about to land on him were suddenly blocked by the planet itself, which formed a strangely red-colored barrier around itself and Draco. All the attacks ended up doing fart and clouds. 

The Demon G.o.ds were shocked by this, realizing that they had almost attacked the Dao Source in order to get to the newcomer. It was because his size was small enough that their attacks were like giant existences to him, so it included the Dao Source. 

If it had been another Demon G.o.d, their size would make it such that the 100% effect of the damage would be limited to them without affecting anything else. 

However, a clever Demon G.o.d nearby thought of something as his face changed. "Hahaha, if I sit right beside the Dao Source and absorb, I will definitely progress faster! Thank you for testing this out for me, dear brothers!" 

With a step, the fellow arrived near the Dao Source and was about to enter the red barrier that formed around the Dao Source, but was electrocuted brutally once he came into contact with it. 

It was a horrible sight to watch as the Demon G.o.d screamed like a pig that was being slaughtered, eventually turning to ash right then and there. All the energy he had absorbed was reclaimed by the Dao Source, including everything he personally owned. 

The other Demon G.o.ds swelled heavily, gazing at Draco who was inside and unfazed with envy and confusion. 

Draco stared at those outside with a cold smirk and then sat down cross-legged. He connected his mind to the Dao Source and began comprehending a Demonic Cultivation Method for himself. 

This Dao Source was exactly as its name suggested, the source of the Demon Race"s Dao, including the h.e.l.l Realm"s Heavenly Dao, World Consciousness, Laws, and Rules, etc. 

It took Draco only 3 minutes with his Quantum level Tier 5 VoP to derive the topmost tier of Cultivation Method for the Demon Race called the Holy Demonic Record. 

This Cultivation Method was similar to the Dragon Ascension Chant in that it absorbed energy to turn into pure Demonic Qi. Unlike the Dragon Ascension Chant, it didn"t follow the method of the Martial Spirit World, but rather was a pure Body Cultivation Method. 

It tempered his body to inhuman levels, but he would not use Qi the same way others did. This was fine with Draco as he had the Dragon Ascension Chant for that. 

Don"t forget, that method did 2 main things: 1. Turn Qi into Dragon Qi into the Dantian and 2. Fortify the Dantian for more energy. 

In comparison, this Demonic method did two simple things: 1. Increase physical stats to the limits and beyond and 2.. Turn the body into a container for Demon Qi.