Guild Wars

Chapter 709 - Draco"s Wrath 1

Chapter 709 - Draco"s Wrath 1

Draco showed a cruel expression, madness flas.h.i.+ng in his eyes. He turned to the Demon G.o.ds behind him and folded his arms behind his back imperiously. He stared each of them down as if seeing them for the first time before smirking. 

"You fake Demon G.o.ds dare to hinder this Demon Progenitor"s path?" 

The Demon G.o.ds were irritated by his words, and one of them couldn"t help but bite the bait. "What do you mean fake? How dare you! To us, you are closer to a fake!" 

Draco screeched with annoying, arrogant laughter that would make even the calmest person furious. 

"You lot? Ha! Can"t you see it? Sense it? The fact that my Demonic Power is far purer than any of you knock-offs?! That I have a localized h.e.l.l within my body? That my talent when absorbing Demon Energy is higher than even the best among you?" 

When Draco revealed this, the logic they had forcibly ignored crashed through their minds as their faces changed greatly. They had noticed all these and had separated them in terms of compatibility, but when put together, it did give rise to a certain thought. 

Was Draco a higher form of Demon compared to them? 

"You poor ignorant fools, living within this false Realm. You are connected to the myriad worlds, yes, and even the Immortal World." 

Draco sneered derisively. "However, what about the world above the Immortal World, the Celestial Plane?!" 

"Can any of you connect to it? No? I thought not. Your power limit you to the Immortal Realm, but the Celestial Plane is higher than anything you can fathom because it holds true divinities!" 

Draco leaned forward with a look of schadenfraude. "And this Plane has its own equivalent Demon Realm to oppose the Celestials. What kind of Demons do you think reside there? Those with your puny level of power?" 

The Demon G.o.ds were struck dumb, their hearts going cold as they pondered Draco"s words. If that was the case, everything would make sense as to why Draco got the favor of the Dao Source and why his talent and aura were so potent. 

Many Demon G.o.ds began to waver, wanting to step back before it was too late. However, the female Demon G.o.d from before laughed shrilly, making Draco frown. 

"Hehe, so what? You can be a higher Demon for all I care, but the fact is that right now you are in our Lower Realm, trapped by us! If you actually had the power to beat us and breakthrough, you wouldn"t have spoken this much!" 

"After all, who explains such important things to mere ants?! I won"t deny that you must be some talent from high up, but your bloodline is the only thing that"s good! Your actual power must be lacking, hence why you fear clas.h.i.+ng with us and tried using logic to make us give way!" 

"All that you said must be true, but that gives us even more reason to prevent you from leaving here! Otherwise, you will definitely get revenge on us for slighting you, so its best to keep you here forever!" The female Demon G.o.d roared out so that everyone could hear. 

This made the wavering sentimentality freeze over, before it solidified into endless killing intent. 

"She"s right, his power is weak! If we kill him, we can resolve all future problems in the cradle!" 

"We can even devour his blood to increase our own power!" 

"Why were we almost fooled? That fellow is insidious, pay no attention to his honeyed words!" 





The Demon G.o.ds pumped themselves up for this fight while Draco remained calm. He flexed his body and felt the power increase at the base level, adjusting to it. 

"I truly didn"t want to do this. Remember that all of this was caused by your own hands, as you pushed me too far." Draco stated coldly with a deadly smile. 

The excited Demon G.o.ds sensed something amiss and felt their scalps tingle. Something was roaring at them to stop Draco immediately, but they dared not rush in at the moment. 

Draco ignored them and turned around, caressing the Dao Source gently. 

"Hey there, little beauty. You should be able to sense my potency compared to these rejects. Why don"t you come along with me, and I"ll show you a better part of life?" 

This kind of line that hooligans would use in some B-tier American movie to try to force girls to abandon the protagonist were truly cheap and useless. However, the Dao Source trembled a bit in response. 

I-It can"t be..!! 

Draco laughed uproariously, victory in his eyes. "Don"t worry, just leave it to me. Relax, and I promise I"ll be gentle." 

With those ambiguous words, Draco separated from the Dao Source and stretched his hand out wide. He smiled crazily as he overclocked his bloodline"s Dark Angel Inheritance, specifically his telekinesis. 

A huge portal opened up right beside the Dao Source, enough to swallow it whole. On the other side was a random s.p.a.ce in the void a few meters away from the mainland where Draco"s family lived. 

"MOVE!" Draco roared, as he connected the entirety of his mind to the giant planet-like ent.i.ty before him, trying to edge it into the portal. 

He coughed blood the next second, as his scalp exploded, parts of his fleshy brains spraying about. His eyes became bloodshot and his seven orifices leaked blood freely. 

The Dao Source only wobbled in response to his attempt, something which would have induced despair in anyone else. For Draco though, he only smiled crazily and healed himself with Nuwa"s ability. 

He then made an attempt once more, suffering from the same excruciating punishment, but made the Dao Source inch to the side a little. Seeing that there was hope, there was no way to stop Draco now. 

The Demon G.o.ds by the side had initially watched this with slack jaws, but suddenly they became crazed as they screamed, screeched, or made whatever sound their throats could manufacture that represented utter fear and hatred. 

They did not care anymore as they rushed to the red barrier and struck with all their might. Hundreds of Demon G.o.ds going crazy on the barrier definitely made it dim, and this also made the Dao Source tremble. 

Draco"s eyes narrowed as he noticed this and a wicked idea came to mind. He timed his attempts with the strikes on the barrier, which granted him far more progress than before, by almost 5 times! 

By "working together" with the Demon G.o.ds, Draco had 3/4 of the Dao Source through the portal in 20 minutes, while the red barrier seemed to be on the verge of shattering. 

"Just a little more! Then we can capture this brat, refine his bloodline into candies and turn his soul into a f.u.c.ktoy for the Lesser Demons!" The very same female Demon G.o.d from earlier shrieked with excitement. 

The others also felt motivated and increased their tempo and output, further making things direr. But Draco too was as pumped as they were, also increasing his tempo to match and even surpa.s.s them. 

As such, by the time the red barrier shattered, the Dao Source had already pa.s.sed through the portal and it closed behind it. This made the Demon G.o.ds despair, even though they now had direct access to Draco. 

"Kill him and we can get it back! Kill that f.u.c.king brat!" The female Demon G.o.d screeched with madness, striking forward with a claw coated with thick Demonic energy. 

Draco was not one to back down easily, entering his Horned Demon True Body once more as he struck out a blow containing all his bloodline energy. This blow formed a thick fist that collided with the attack of the female Demon G.o.d, but she easily dissipated it and struck Draco"s body. 

Draco was blasted away for hundreds of meters, only managing to stop himself as he coughed blood in pain. Five claw marks had been left on his chest that burned with Demonic Energy, their potency very high. 

However, Draco grinned and destroyed the lingering Demonic Energy with his own, which was of a higher grade, but weaker raw power. 

"Ha! See that? This is the power of the so-called Demon from the Upper World. All of that c.r.a.p was bulls.h.i.+t! He is likely an aberrant Demon pulling some tricks, or even a human disguised as a Demon!" The female Demon G.o.d laughed as she pointed at Draco. 

The other Demon G.o.ds showed cold expressions. They had initially hesitated because of Draco"s earlier words, even though they had broken the barrier and had access to him. It was only the female Demon G.o.d who attacked, and she wasn"t even one of the strongest, just one of the loudest. 

Draco laughed as he wiped the blood from his lips. "You know, it"s good that I moved the Dao Source away. I was worried that this next bit might affect it, but since it"s gone, I can go all out." 

Draco retracted his Horned Demon true body and returned to his human form, an act which made the Demon G.o.ds have further doubts, their killing intent mounting. Yet despite this, Draco only had eyes for the female Demon G.o.d who had antagonized him all this while. 

"Tell me, what power do you think can cross realms, ignore power differences, and kill G.o.ds and Devils alike?" Draco asked playfully, as his body glowed with a dark light, and his eyes flashed with a red light. 


Draco"s body suddenly morphed and expanded, his nose stretching into a snout and his ears turning into two horns. His legs formed a split, one half becoming two powerful hind legs and the other becoming a tail, while his arms became two buff forelegs. 


Draco released a cold roar that shook the blood of the Demon G.o.ds here, their faces changing as they witnessed the impossible. The Demon G.o.d before them had transformed into a Black Dragon! 

What was worse was that this Black Dragon smiled ferociously, ripping a hole beside it as another Black Dragon slowly clambered out. The two were identical, and this new one also released a b.l.o.o.d.y roar that chilled the soul. 

Two Black Dragons! Two of them! 

The Demon G.o.ds here felt faint. What had they done to deserve this? How could this have happened? First, this bloke steals their Dao Source and then transforms into a Dragon then summons another of his kind. 

"Ding ding, the answer is Destruction Energy. It doesn"t care about your Rank, Realm, State of Being or feelings. Either you have some immunity towards it or you don"t, that"s all." Draco stated while flicking his claw. 

"But I am not here to fight you all. If you"d noticed from the beginning, I have never attacked any of you, only the other way round. As the Black Dragon Prince of this generation, any conflict between me and you all would spark a war." 

"However, such a war would be a waste, as we Dragons would be leaving ourselves open to attack from the Avian Clans while you Demons would be ripe for the Heaven Realm to pick at leisure." 

Hearing Draco, most of the Demon G.o.ds calmed down. This was no longer as simple as before, and had become a legal and diplomatic issue. This was a far more dire situation than dealing with him before, because they a.s.sumed he was a Demon like them. 

Since he was of another race and that race had enough power to cause them severe casualties in war, they had to tread around this matter lightly. 

One misstep, and the bombs would drop. 

"Of course, I am not unreasonable. I have taken your Dao Source, so I shall replace it with this: 500 top-grade Immortal Stones." Draco stated as he tossed 500 top-grade Aether Crystals over. 

When the Demon G.o.ds received them, they all screamed with joy. 

Immortal Stones, actual Immortal Stones! 

This was far better than that Dao Source because it could let them break through to the Immortal Stage. It should be known, that these Demon G.o.ds were only at a level between the Martial World"s "Integration" Realm and the first Realm of the Immortal Stage. 

In other words, right now they were merely half-step Immortals at best!