Guild Wars

Chapter 730 Sect War 2

Chapter 730 Sect War 2

Draco and Eva had time to breakthrough into Qi Condensation for all three of their methods, and boy did it make a difference. It turns out that body cultivation was slow for them because of how thick their bloodline was and how special their rebuilt bodies were.

In other words, their base human bodies were better than everyone else in this world, so it took more effort to mold them according to the various techniques. That was why it took them so many weeks to go from Muscle Tempering to the peak of Flesh Hardening.

Of course, that was without using any pills or the like, specifically taking into account their Dragon Ascension Chant and Phoenix Rebirth mantra. However, after entering Qi Condensation, whether it was the aforementioned cultivation techniques or the other two, it was like smooth like a water slide.

This was where the benefit of having better base bodies came in. Their bodies were superior and much more receptive to special energies, so Qi just entered them like they were black holes with no limits.

Whether it was the heart dantian for their Demon/G.o.ddess, the mind dantian for the Devil/Angel, and the abdomen dantian for the Dragon/Phoenix-related methods, Qi just poured in ceaselessly.

Yes, that"s right. Once they systematically broke through in all three of their methods, they could absorb Qi through all three at once!

The scene of Qi Stones being mauled by the two little Ancestors live and colored had long spooked all the sect members into silence, their hearts beating rapidly as they watched the seemingly impossible occur before them.

Qi Condensation was a straightforward realm. Just suck in as much Qi as you dantian can allow. This Qi is often not very refined and had some impurities, but that was fine. One would compress their Qi in Sublimation to remove impurities and purify it.

Then with the added s.p.a.ce, they would absorb new Qi and then compress it again at the end of the realm, then enter Crystallization.

So for the first two realms of the second half, your job was just to absorb Qi basically. That was why most didn"t linger in these realms once they got here and reached Crystallization quickly enough if they had enough talent.

Draco and Eva did not know the capacity of others for Qi, but they knew for sure that their dantian were almost bottomless, especially their abdomen one that had been refined by their cultivation methods ahead of time.

Remember, the Dragon/Phoenix-related method split into 50% Martial Spirit recovery, 30% lining the abdomen dantian and fortifying it, and 20% doing that cultivations realms actual job (e.g tempering the muscles).

Now at Qi Condensation, it had switched to 70% doing that realm"s actual job and 30% soothing the previous stages one by one. In this case, the 70% was condensing Qi and the 30% was soothing the muscles specifically.

If they reached Sublimation, 70% would be sublimating Qi and the 30% would be soothing the tendons. This was done by the Dragon Ascension Chant and Phoenix Rebirth Mantra specifically to remove any hidden injuries from the body cultivation aspects and cleanse the body of any hidden injuries.

As for the other two methods, they didn"t have such a function, because they left no hidden injuries. Whether it was the body or the mind, both were fortified to inhumane levels, even more than the abdomen.

So you could say the action of the Dragon/Phoenix method was a waste, but also not so at the same time.

Whatever the case, the stores of Qi the Evil Duo ama.s.sed before the day came for the battle was enormous. They had already reached the pinnacle of Qi Condensation within a few hours, but their capacities were nowhere near full.

In fact, they were certain that they could break into Sublimation in one go had the d.a.m.ned floor not suppressed them.

When they arrived, Draco and Eva could only pause their progress and rise to their feet. Their fleet was hovering over a large expanse of dark woods, the forest looking dead and dreary.

A light miasma flowed through the forest, hovering around the floor in the form of a green mist. There were scatterings of decayed corpses and animal skeletons all over the place.

No matter how you strung it, this was an evil forest for sure.

The Commander walked up to Draco and Eva then reported. "Young Ancestors, we have arrived. The third rate sect, Scarlet Night, have made this evil forest their base as the feng shui here is great for their dark practices."

The Third Elder narrowed her eyes. "Not only that, but the evil miasma and the aura here helps conceal their karma and their activities. Had that snitch not reached out to us, it is unknown when we would be able to suss such a sect out."

"How do we flush them out then?" Eva asked calmly.

"We can only search systematically throughout the forest until we find their lair, then begin the siege." The Second Elder replied with a sigh.

"What about the evil sect, they will surely detect us, make preparations, and evacuate their important disciples." Draco pointed out with a frown.

"That is why I am spreading our fleet around the province, to block any and all exit of not just the forest, but this entire area. They can certainly escape using the forest"s weird nature, but they cannot escape in plains and gra.s.slands using the same method." The Commander began with a smile.

"Unless they plan to hide a few steps away from the destroyed sect, they can never escape. No matter where they pa.s.s, they will be captured and crushed." Guo s.h.i.+ stated as he clenched his fist to b.u.t.tress his words.

"Good. Proceed as you will Commander Guo s.h.i.+, Elders." Draco and Eva said with respect.

"As you command, Young Ancestors." The various elders as well as the commander acknowledged with a bow. After that, they got to work.

In truth, it is as you expect. The illusion of this forest had no bearing on Draco and Eva with tier 5 VoP, so they had long located the scarlet Night Sect and could even see the horrific activities ongoing.

Even then, with their bloodline power, they could just rain down death on the entire forest and wipe out everything below. That was also an option.

But they didn"t. Rather, they stuck to their word and let the commander handle things his way, while they watched on and learned from it.

Draco and Eva had been guild leaders of two Divine Guild in the previous timeline, h.e.l.lscape, and Darkrow. They were well versed in leading players in Guild Wars and Kingdom Wars, as well as various other skirmishes.

However, they had long cast away those things once they acquired the limitless potential and seemingly infinite power they had in this timeline, leaving the Guild Wars and Kingdom Wars to their capable subordinates.

To compare, they were like two fellows who knew how to drive manual and had been doing so for a few years, then stopped because they got rich and relied on drivers for another few.

It wasn"t that they forgot to drive, but those skills were rusty for sure. It was easy enough to refresh such skills, which was technically what they were doing now.

The fleet broke off, 80% going to surround the area in a tight net while the remaining 20% fearlessly entered the forest. Draco expected the commander to deploy some disciples with special Martial Spirits to scan the area and infiltrate, but were left speechless when the airs.h.i.+ps began firing blasts into the forest, razing it down.

Their faces became black when they understood. They had forgotten that the Dragon and Phoenix Palace was the number 1 f.u.c.king sect of this entire continent and their current target was a mere third-rate sect, not even in the top 1000.

Their average disciples were at Muscle Tempering, their elites as Tendon Refining, and their core disciples as Blood Pulsation. Their sect deacons were at Bone Cleansing and their elders at Flesh Hardening.

Their whole a.s.s sect master was at Qi Condensation, and they had no old ancestors as they were a new sect.

Whereas in the current fleet, the weakest person was at Sublimation Realm. Why should they employ careful tactics in this situation? Just burn everything down, find the offenders, then crush them with one palm and go back for some dinner.

The Commander, Guo s.h.i.+, rubbed his French-like mustache with a wide grin. He was basking in glee from the idea that the Young Ancestors would be super pleased with how simple and effective his strategy was.

Haha, they must be praising him greatly in their minds!

If only he knew that Draco and Eva wanted to toss him down into that forest to roll for three miles, he wouldn"t be so gleeful. Whatever the case, they razed the forest systematically until they discovered their target.

They had erected a dark blue barrier around their sect, which looked like some creepy village hidden in the mist. From here, one could see the number of corpses that were sprawled in the sect, as well as the atrocities that had been paused in a rush when the attack was detected.

As it stood, the sect was caught like a cheating wife with her pants down, only half covered and desperate as well as disorganized.

Seeing the evils that had been ingoing, the various disciples and elders here were furious. They were not saints, but they were not madmen either. Very few could remain nonchalant before such a display.

Guo s.h.i.+, especially, was trembling with anger. He didn"t bother to think up any more tactics as he roared.

"Destroy them all!"

Immediately, various manifestations of Qi occurred. As stated before, the weakest was Sublimation, so everyone could use elemental techniques and various cultivation battle arts in tandem with their Martial Spirit abilities.

Flaming giant hands, ice palms, swords of wind, and the like rained down endlessly upon the barrier, making it dim rapidly as cracks appeared around it.

The disciples behind it were filled with horror and fear, sweating and trembling as they sensed death coming for them. They wished to escape, but could not find any means to do so and became hysterical.

That was the funny thing about the human mind. When one did something to others and felt it was just, they would always never expect or never agree with the same being done to them.

After torturing and reaping many innocent lives, the disciples down there did not understand why they had to experience this too, and so they cursed the Dragon and Phoenix Palace for being evil and cruel.

Ha. Get that.

Soon, the barrier broke and various attacks rained down on the sect. A few tried to resist with their own abilities, but were turned to bloodmist right away. Most ran quickly, trying to escape into the forest, seeking a chance of survival since so many of them had scattered.

No one stopped them. The feeling of almost being able to escape, only to be caught like a rat and extinguished, would be a truly painful lesson for such fellows.

Draco and Eva calmly watched, but were not idle. They both transformed into their Horned Demon True Body and Heavenly G.o.ddess True Body, opening up their Nine and Seven Heavens for collection.

Eva collected the remnant souls of the innocents who died, separating them into the various layers they deserved to go while Draco collected the reaped souls of the disciples and elders, sending them to the various they deserved to be in as well.

It only took a matter of minutes before both of them were filled up, then the floor began to disintegrate since they had achieved all three objectives already. It was annoying because the destruction was only about a quarter done, but whatever.

Rather, Draco and Eva checked their spoils from the collection of souls.