Guild Wars

Chapter 740 Boundless Origins - Pedro Sousa

Chapter 740 Boundless Origins - Pedro Sousa

"PEDRROOOOOOO!!" A female voice filled with wrath and righteous fury sounded out, scaring a young ,man who was currently "hard at work" showing a younger female friend the "joys of womanhood".

The one called Pedro was thoroughly spooked, shouting back quickly. "Mama, do not come in! I"m naked and my donger is flapping about!"

"I don"t care. I spent 9 months suffering to give birth to you, and I bathed you for over 7 years! What haven"t I seen before?" The voice belonging to "mama" roared with almost eldritch power as the door was kicked open from its hinges.

This revealed a 5"6 woman with deeply tanned skin, a very plump body and eyes that were glowing with almost metaphysical fire. She wore a lovely flower dress but held a pan in one hand and her slipper in the other, rated Legendary weapons.

However, when she saw her son was currently on top of a girl with the sheets covering their forms, her anger dissipated to shock. Pedro himself paused his movements and turned to look at his intruding mother with a bitter smile.

"I told you not to come in." He murmured.

"And I told you that you had to go and apply for that job! It"s the only way to get you out of this house! And here you are, abusing some poor girl!" His mama accused with folded arms.

"Mama, the interview is at 1 pm and it"s only 9 am. Julie called me and wanted to see, so I indulged her, and one thing led to another…" Pedro explained with a shrug, not ashamed at all.

He"d been doing it with older women since he was 16. It had reached a point where his mama had given up arguing about it with him, especially after some of those older women had started donating some new TVs, cars and clothes to her.

Pedro had been left speechless once her screeches of pedophilia on behalf of those women had turned into nice greetings when they had come over and pestering him to care if his f.u.c.kbuddies were doing good in life.

"Mmm? Pedro, why have you stopped moving? It"s sooo good, I was about to c.u.m for the 4th time…" A sweet female voice whimpered from below Pedro, urging him to move his hips.

Pedro grinned and his mama facepalmed. "At least make sure she has the time of her life, don"t be one of those flimsy men like your father, I didn"t raise you like that!"

"Hahaha, leave it to me! She won"t walk home with stable legs!" Pedro shamelessly promised.

She rolled her eyes and slammed the door shut, allowing Pedro to once more focus on his quarry. "Sorry my love, I was speaking to my boss. Now that I"m free, it"s time to turn your insides into mus.h.!.+"

The moans sounded out furiously from Pedro"s room once more as his skin became slightly redder and two nubs appeared on his forehead. His actions also became less gentle and more forceful, but the victim beneath him enjoyed that even more.

By the time he was done, it was 11 am and he was rus.h.i.+ng to get ready. Pedro took a second bath and came out to gussy up, was.h.i.+ng his face and then gazing at himself in the mirror.

He was beholden first to his deep black eyes that were quite useful when he made eye contact with women. They tended to find him enrapturing because of it, and many a conquest had been saved from failure thanks to them.

As for his face, it was shaped like a V, giving him a handsome framework in which his lightly tanned skin added to the aesthetic. With a soft chin, a symmetric nose and his eyes that were shaped like daggers, Pedro looked like trouble from the get-go.

It didn"t help that he was almost 7 foot tall, and his body was sculpted like a bodybuilder, yet remained lean and compact enough to fit in most medium-sized clothes.

His soft black hair was wet and stuck to his face, but when combed, it added to his flair and made him look like a mix of a latino playboy and a male celebrity.

Pedro treasured his looks, they were what got him so much luck in bed. He also treasured his body, it was what kept them coming back after getting into his bed.

As such, he always took care of himself well, and had many grooming materials to care for himself. Eventually, he left the house with words of encouragement from his mama behind his back.

Pedro wore a set of designer black jeans and a black hoodie which one of his conquests bought for him. Alongside that were a pair of sweat black and gold sneakers made by North West, the daughter of the late Kanye West.

Just by walking like this, he attracted so many eyes in their neighborhood, but many knew him already. Pedro returned the greeting of everyone, knowing some of these folks as far back as he could first speak.

He eventually stopped a holo-cab and got in, setting in his destination.

"Please take me to the Purgatory Group."


The holo-cab stopped before a giant building that was designed quite sleekly and opulently, showing how rich the company was. Pleased by the aesthetics alone, Pedro paid his bill and entered the foyer.

There, he happened to see a few people come and go, likely members of Umbra of various tiers. He did see some beauties among them, and they did give him looks of interest, but they were not as potent as what he was used to.

Did these women see handsome men like him so frequently that they developed a resistance? If so, Pedro was now doubly interested in this guild for sure.

Soon, they reached the receptionist who guided him to the offices where interviews were held. On his way there, Pedro saw many rooms with pods installed, wondering what the heck they were and how this company got access to them.

When he entered the interview room, he was met with an average looking fellow who was alone.

"Please sit sir, while I retrieve your application." The fellow stated as he gestured to a nearby chair.

Pedro complied lazily and looked around, the room was extremely well-furnished and hi-tech, with a lot of gadgets of the modern era that he only saw on TV. Pedro was quite alarmed when he thought he saw some that were most likely military grade, but doubted his eyes.

"Alright, here it is. You are Pedro Henrique Sousa, correct?" The fellow asked.

"Yup, that"s me." Pedro replied straightforwardly.

"Great, my name is Kevin Warner. I"ll just cross-check and ask a few questions, then we can get you set up in the company, is that okay?" The interviewer asked.

"Sure." Pedro replied with a shrug.

"Nice. So you"re 25 years old?"


"Says here you"re are an orphan... but you gave us your mother"s contact information?" The interviewer asked with confusion.

"I"m adopted. My birth parents were murdered when I was five." Pedro replied casually.

"I"m sorry for your loss. Anyway, it also says here no siblings, no previous work experience and no comments."

"That"s right."

"Okay, so your in-game character"s nickname is Hendro, level 120 Rank 3 Black Samurai?"

"Yeah, that"s me."

"You joined the game at launch? Can I know why?"

"I did it because it was super hyped. One of my girlfriends at the time gifted me the helmet and I got hooked into the game, I guess."

"…lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d." Kevin mumbled to himself. "Oh my, it says here you"ve already applied for our core member test... and pa.s.sed?! How come, you"ve never entered the guild?"

"I was curious to try, but was shocked at how easy it was. My playstyle is rather casual, so joining a guild didn"t seem wise."

"Indeed, I see here you marked yourself as a casual player. Are you willing to switch to hardcore."

"That"s right brother, wouldn"t be here wasting your time if I didn"t."

Kevin put the papers down and arranged them with a smile. "You aren"t wasting my time Brother Pedro. The way I see it, you already have both legs in the guild. It"s just a matter of sorting out some formalities before everything is done."

Pedro grinned and laid back. "Thanks, I"m happy to be here."

Kevin gave him a look. "Brother, you have not seen ANYTHING yet! Here"s the employment contract. Take a look at your base salary and various benefits before acting satisfied."

Hmm? Pedro was moved by Kevin"s words and s.n.a.t.c.hed the contract over. He first read the termination clauses and felt his complexion darken. This guild had used every legal means to tie him to their boat, once he signed, he would be luckier to win the lottery than to escape.

Once he checked the terms and the benefits, his jaws dropped and he stopped caring about the termination. The more he read, the more Pedro clutched his chest, not willing to believe his eyes.

"I-I-I… I can h-have all t-this…?" He stuttered while sweating profusely.

Kevin nodded. "As long as you sign. Not to mention this is just a failsafe, don"t rely on it. You"ll make much more money playing the game than a mere this."

Pedro took in a deep breath and fought back his speechlessness. Forget rich girlfriends supporting him, he could practically support every girlfriend he ever had… no even further, he could practically support every girl he ever f.u.c.ked with ease.

Pedro directly signed without even hesitating. If he faltered here, he would be the biggest fool ever. Those termination clauses that looked wicked before now looked tame.

f.u.c.k, if he was the company owner and was giving out such benefits, he would put in far worse restrictions! Want to take my money and run? I"ll break your f.u.c.king dog legs and ruin you in court.

"Alright Brother Pedro, please head to floor 2 room number 5. Its exclusively reserved for core members." Kevin reported as he gave Pedro a printed company ID on the spot.

Pedro took his ID and left, finding the room in question with ease. He saw that about 1/3rd of the pods were currently in use, and he was shocked to feel some strange fluctuations from them.

Whatever the case, he entered the nearest unoccupied one and was logged into the game posthaste.


When Pedro opened his eyes, he saw that he was where he had logged off, in the Darkin Hut Field Zone. It was a creepy and eldritch like place filled with witches and their summoned abominations, a level 100-150 Field Zone for Rank 3 folks to level.

Before Pedro could even move, he was startled by two notifications.

?System to Player Announcement

Player Hendro, it has been detected that you have logged in using a prototype pod where you formerly used a Virtua Helmet. As such, various new functions have been unlocked for you as a player and an individual.?

?System to Player Announcement

Currently scanning your body for any unique traits… done.?

?Congratulations on unlocking: Unique Bloodline (Lucifer Lineage: Horned Demon and Dark Angel detected, corresponds with Demon, Devil and Angel bloodlines respectively.)


Bloodline compatibility

Genetic compatibility

Note: A few minutes are required to reconfigure your character.?

Pedro stood there dumbfounded, unable to understand what was going on when he suddenly s.h.i.+vered greatly as his eyes became dazed.

As per the request of Sublime and Draco"s avatar, the AI had set up a new function where core members who joined the game through Umbra would receive an infopack upon joining.

This included past events, various secrets and legendary knowledge compiled over two timelines, and the truth about the real world.

Once Pedro was done digesting everything, his face became extremely dark.

"So the ones who killed my parents are from this Pangu Lineage? f.u.c.k! No wonder those s.h.i.+tty investigators kept rejecting the case."

"f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k! I want to kill each and everyone of those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. They"ve not only harmed my parents, but likely so many others. Dammit, I can"t believe I never knew all this before today. I spent so much time f.u.c.king around..." Pedro continued cursing with anger.

It couldn"t be helped. He had partially given up on his parents" case after meeting so many roadblocks his entire life, so he had resorted to debauchery and lethargy, never working, never aspiring for anything. Just f.u.c.ked women that attracted him and were attracted to him. Living off their l.u.s.t for him if necessary.

Now that he understood everything, he cursed his previous self. Of course, this was unfair to his previous self as all sources of information were blocked, but he was too agitated to realize this.

"No, calm down. Think. Lucifer Lineage huh? So I come from a bloodline of extraordinary humans. Well that f.u.c.king explains alot." Pedro spat.

When he was in school, he would often lose control of his emotions, either becoming wrathful and entering fights at the slightest provocation, l.u.s.tful and end up seducing his age mates and even his finer teachers, greedy when things were given to him, full of envy against those with complete families, gluttonous when he ate, which was why he grew so big, and prideful of his s.e.xual and intellectual prowess over others.

He also understood that apart form his emotional outbursts, he had the Horned Demon thing to thank for his great s.e.xual prowess and his young t.i.tan who won over the ladies in bed.

It also explained why he occasionally snapped and got cruel with them, but they all seemed to like it anyway. It also explained his absurd height to muscle ratio, his crazy strength, speed and stamina which was how he skilled monsters in this game so easily and beat enemies in real life to near death with light punches.

"Then there"s this Dark Angel thing…"

He now understood why he always got A"s in school when he was not a serious student. He also understood how he could understand the emotions of those who interacted with intimately, not to mention his ability to sense the area around him as if he had eyes at the back of his head.

He also understood why girls were so infatuated with him despite doing very little, and why he never found difficulty in flirting much. He even realized that those he failed to flirt against possess traits of the supernatural clans or the other lineages!

No wonder!

And no f.u.c.king wonder that on the day he dropped his phone over the balcony at school, he stretched out his arm and stopped it in midair and pulled it back to his hand. No one had seen him do that at the time, and he had gaslighted himself into believing he had tricked himself into a chuuni moment.

Pedro clenched his fist. "Telekinesis, telesthesia, psychometry, apportation and transvection, huh? Super speed, super strength and super stamina as well? Not to mention, s.e.xual prowess, and the seven deadly sins…"

At this time, Pedro noticed he was in the aggro range of a Cruel Beast, one of the monsters of this Field Zone that was created by the hands of the witches.

"Time to test out these powers." Pedro uttered to himself.

According to the info he got, bloodline abilities were instinctual. They did not need comprehension or knowledge that had already been input into the bloodline by the progenitor.

Bloodline holders only needed to think about it in order to use it, but their power and skill is limited to the level of progenitor and below.

Pedro stretched a hand out and willed himself to use telekinesis on the Cruel Beast to lift it up. Without drama, a blue outline manifested around his body and lifted the beast up into the air, the poor monster howling with fear and terror.

Pedro moved it around, left and right with ease, surprised at how "light" it was. He then understood how powerful his bloodline was, because it was far stronger than The Force in Star Wars.

Naturally, Pedro squeezed his hand and used his telekinesis to crush the monster into a pulp, killing it with ease as its drops fell to the ground. He then opened his eyes and muttered to himself. "This is just broken. Any bloodline holder or special person will never suffer in this game. It"s like our playground."

He then shook his head. "Right, first things first, let me finish up with this zone. Then I have to rush to the kingdom to meet the Guildmaster and find out more about our bloodline."

With that, Pedro unsheathed his black katana and blitzed through the Field Zone, killing everything he saw with a single slice. Even when he reached the Boss, a level 150 Major Rank Witch Queen, he only needed to use 30 seconds to dispense of her with his new knowledge.

He claimed his loot with ease and opened a town portal scroll to return to the city he was based in, Kolopp, which was the capital of the Lister Kingdom. It was closer to the north of Cario Continent, so Pedro would have to use the portal center to reach Vita Kingdom.

When he arrived in Vita Kingdom, he was first awed by the huge player traffic, then awed by the city design, then flabbergasted by the list of benefits of being there. It was now that Pedro was beginning to understand how great the guild he joined was.

He walked through the town idly, looking through it various facilities until he ended up before the Aether Palace at the center. He was met by Vitae at the front who easily recognized him as a Lucifer Lineage member, much to Pedro"s shock.

When he put in his request to meet Draco, it was acknowledged, but the man was not available at the moment. However, he could meet with his Avatar in the Cario City guild hall, so Pedro left and went there.

Pedro was surprised to see a well dressed Keanu Reeves-lookalike pa.s.s by him along with a pretty elf, the duo heading to the Portal Center behind him. Whatever the case, he climbed the building and entered Draco"s office with a single knock on the door first.

With a deep breath, Pedro pushed the door open.