Guild Wars

Chapter 744 The G.o.d Serpents Cla.s.s Up 3

Chapter 744 The G.o.d Serpents Cla.s.s Up 3

"An interesting power." Krona commented lightly, flexing his arms casually.

Some pirate captains launched at him, some conjuring water spirits that struck at Krona, while others s.h.i.+elded their group with water. Some too fired high-pressure beams of water that struck Krona"s body head-on, but fell to the side.

This shocked the offensive fellows, who could not believe their eyes. Krona himself breathed out lightly, and conjured up all of his power, sweeping his arms around his body.

Immediately, the waters churned once more, forming the shape of a giant behemoth… Leviathan itself!

The beasts hovered a few meters above the water, and opened its endlessly giant maw to roar. The sound of its roar was almost visible like sonar waves pa.s.sing through the air, and all those forced to listen to it had to close their ears in agony.

The sea responded to the roar, wresting itself from the control of any of these clowns calling themselves pirates. Whether they were captains, grunts, or officers, they all experienced what it was like to be a helpless human bereft at sea, at the mercy of the merciless waves.

Krona coldly watched them all get swallowed and crushed, breathing out lightly as he prepared to dispel the watery recreation of Leviathan, which was draining 1% Bloodline Energy per second.

However, his eyes flashed as he felt the entire sea tremble. Lightning struck the water as thunder roared, and the entire sea seemed to be under the oppression of something powerful.

A huge form rose from the water, a form that Krona was not able to mistake for anything else. With those hundreds of tentacles and that ugly, yet fierce visage, it could be none other than the Kraken.

Krona checked his directive once again and found that nothing had changed, he was still supposed to cull the Omega Raider Pirates. That had been relatively easy enough, so his success chance should have been 100%, rather than 70.

This meant that there was something that could cause him to fail, and this was likely it. The presence of the Kraken among this group of pirates, somehow and in some bizarre way.


Krona smirked slightly. The Kraken was not a beast belonging to the Lucifer Lineage. It was one of the beasts of the Zeus Lineage, one of their two Inheritances most likely.

It was a monster of the Depths, one of the many. However, the Leviathan was G.o.d of the Depths, the ruler of all beasts that resided in the darkness of the water where no light could be seen!

The Kraken didn"t live that deep, being just one layer above. There were bigger boys down there that the Kraken couldn"t even get to wash their shoes, much less live among them.

The Kraken roared, and strangely - or unsurprisingly, - Krona could understand what it was saying.

"I am the great Kraken! Human, quickly roll over here and beg for your life, and I may yet let you live to see tomorrow."

Krona was non-plussed. The watery Leviathan before him roared even louder, translating to.

"Kraken, where does a dog like you gather the courage to bark before me, the Leviathan? Very good, it seems like you have forgotten your place."

"Roar! How dare you, a mere Levia… excuse me, what?" The Kraken began with gusto, but eventually froze when it processed what it had just been told.

The Leviathan simply stared the beast down with a sneer on its face, Krona above him smiling with interest. Even though he had less than a minute left to conjure this form, he was confident he could recover it fast enough if necessary.

"L-l-l-leviathan?! Oh G.o.d, I don"t get paid enough for this. Look, Boss Levi, the truth is the other Sea G.o.ds heard that there was going to be a new Sub-Mariner, and you know what that means, right?" The Kraken began explaining hurriedly.

"No, I do not. Explain." The Leviathan prompted coldly.

The Kraken was shocked for a bit, but began explaining quickly. "The Sub-Mariner is a chosen humanoid who acts as the gateway or connection between the Upper Sea and the Depths. He prevents the behemoths and horrible beings below from coming up and conquering the top sea, and vice versa."

"However, those stupid Sea G.o.ds have hardly encountered the worst of our species. After enslaving a few weaker behemoths as mounts, they dare to think that the Depths could easily be conquered. A Sub-Mariner is a wrench in their plans, so they sent out various humans and beasts to hunt the candidate down. It was only these Omega-Raider Pirates who could find him due to luck."

The Kraken hurriedly finished his explanation, leaving both Leviathan and Krona in shock, mostly speechless. They had heard of stupidity before, but this took the cake!

The Leviathan was the G.o.d Serpent of the Depths and the ruler because he was the strongest, but he was far, FAR from the oldest. Some behemoths had existed in the Depths of earth"s seas even before the Gerdo Galaxy humans s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p had ever arrived here.

When Lucifer released Leviathan into the Depths, it took Levi great ease to subdue all the aggressive behemoths, but those old fellows were not aggressive at all. In fact, they had taken a liking to this youngster, so they became his "elders" while he became the "master", always giving him advice on how to rule the Depths.

But there were none Leviathan respected more than those old fogies, and sometimes, deep down, he felt like those old fellows were hiding power beyond his comprehension that they had merely curbed because they liked him.

And now, he was hearing that some mere G.o.ds thought they could storm the place. Sure, Boundless" Depths were far larger and diverse than what was on the real earth, but most things had been copied over, like the Kraken itself.

Suddenly, Leviathan"s eyes brightened. "Inheritor, henceforth our goal shall be to explore the Depths of this vast and endless world, claiming it for our own!"

Krona smiled slightly, surprised to see this G.o.d Serpent who was usually like an old fart act so young and full of life. "Sure thing. I, too, feel like we will have an interesting journey ahead of us."

Such was the birth of the greatest legend of the hundreds of seas, Kronalord the G.o.d of the Depths! In the previous timeline, he had been the only Privateer who could actually navigate the water as of Boundless, and was the one Draco intended to recruit when he first got the Privateering Tradeskill.

Back then, Draco had been sealed, so Leviathan had never fully awakened, leaving Krona with only about 2% of his true power, yet that had been enough to control the turbulent waters of Boundless!

Now that he was freed and controller of his own destiny, just how would those behemoths and sea-faring creatures down there be able to enjoy peace henceforth?!

While Krona was standing above the water grandiosely - as the Leviathan had long dissipated - the Kraken scratched its head confusedly.

"Err.. Can I go now?"

?System to Player Announcement

Calculating potential stat allocation… ?

?System to Player Announcement

Drafting potential cla.s.s skills… ?

?System to Player Announcement

a.s.sessing current player physique… ?

?System to Player Announcement

Inspecting cla.s.s equipment… ?

?System to Player Announcement

Corroborating possible techniques… ?

?System to Player Announcement

Predicting potential cla.s.s paths… ?

?System to Player Announcement

New cla.s.s a.n.a.lysis complete. Display?

Y/N ?

Krona returned to the Private Room and saw the options before him, of which he chose yes.

?Sub-Mariner - Divine Cla.s.s

Skills: Sealord (Pa.s.sive), Sea Domain (Pa.s.sive), Summon the Depths (Active), Summon the Surface (Active).

Starting Stats: Str 40, Dex 40, End 40, Int 110, Spr 110, Cha 40, Lck 70

Exp gain rate: 10%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Cla.s.s weapons: Spear.

Cla.s.s skills: All Water.?

?Sealord – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The Sub-Mariner is one of the 7 Lords of the Sea as chosen by the laws of the universe. You have full water immunity, control, and adaptation. All aquatic monsters will not attack you and can be ordered around by you depending on their rank within the marine hierarchy.?

?Sea Domain – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The Sub-Mariner is the connection between the Upper Sea and the lower sea, but is also a connection with the entire sea and the land. As such, when on land, the Sub-Mariner creates a pseudo-watery domain around them that spreads for an Area Zone, allowing them to use all water-related skills and techniques limitlessly.?

?Summon the Depths – Active skill

Effect: When on land, you can summon 3 random legendary behemoths from the Depths to fight for you.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cooldown: 1 day.?

?Summon the Surface – Active skill

Effect: When on land, you can summon an army of water monsters to fight for you.

Note: The number of monsters at Rank 1 is 10,000.

Duration: 3 hours

Cooldown: 1 day.?

Krona was extremely pleased, especially with the Sea Domain. His bloodline would allow him to generate water wherever and even extract them from the droplets in the air, but having the sea domain auto-generate endless water for him to manipulate would GREATLY reduce the strain on his Bloodline Energy.

To put it simply, it was the difference between fighting with air support or without air support.

Krona left the Training Hall and decided to pay a visit to the sea route he had learned about through the Guild Text Chat.


?System to Player Announcement

Beginning Calamity King Cla.s.s Up Procedure. Standby.?

Nightwalker opened his eyes and saw that he was standing in s.p.a.ce, with a lovely blue-green planet hovering below him. Beside him, on all sides, were various abominations and eldritch horrors that were gazing at the planet just like an otaku gazed at a half-dressed loli.

He was speechless to see that the entire planet was surrounded by different monsters and horrors of all kinds, all of them figuratively drooling.

?Calamity King – Divine Cla.s.s Up Procedure

Description: The King of Calamity is the one who brings apocalypse and ruin to civilizations at the tail end of their destined existence. Where one is destroyed, another is born. The Calamity King is the emotionless destroyer who returns all things to zero slowly but surely, keeping the universe in balance. Prove your right to become the Calamity King against your endless compet.i.tion.

Rewards: Divine Cla.s.s - Calamity King.?

Reading this, Nightwalker calmed down. It seemed like he was about to do what Jormungandr was known for, bring in the end times!

However, he was supposed to compete with these horrors? Nightwalker looked left and right to see some of these monsters also look back at him and smile stupidly before turning their attention back to the innocent virgin planet below.

This… this was his compet.i.tion?

These chumps who couldn"t even a.n.a.lyze their purpose in life other than act on instinct?!

Nightwalker felt insulted, truly.

Jormungandr chuckled. "If you"re so unhappy, then prove to them why I am the Calamity Bringer."

Nightwalker clenched his fists, intending to do just that.

?System to Player Announcement

The objective of the Calamity King Cla.s.s Up Procedure has been set. Player Nightwalker must achieve the highest rate of destruction on the Gainep Planet to clear this task.?

The moment that notification appeared, it was like a barrier was released over the planet as the apocalypses and monsters roared with madness and delight, rus.h.i.+ng down to the planet below.

Nightwalker retreated and watched them go down, firing beams of energy, releasing torrents of acidic poison, among other various hazardous methods with which they could ruin the planet forever.

Nightwalker"s eyes narrowed as he smirked when he watched many of the horrors dissipate one by one as the natives of this world began to defend themselves.

Elven archers, Dwarven engineers, Goblin bandoliers, Gnomish alchemists, Human warriors, Orc berserkers, Troll fighters, Ogre magi, Beastmen champions, and more banded together to defend their home from these invaders.

It was truly a heart-touching sight to see the usual fantasy races who would be at each other"s throats fight together in unison, their personal grievances put down to save their home.

The apocalypses roared with madness and retaliated viciously, wis.h.i.+ng they could survive longer to destroy just one extra acre of land before being vanquished. This put great pressure on those on the ground, as they were fighting foes with no regard for their lives, who also had great killing power.

The sky of the planet was lit up with various colors, looking like a sci-fi battle more than a fantasy one, and a battle that would definitely win CGI awards on earth, even in 2065.

Nightwalker noticed that he wasn"t the only horror to hold back. A lot of significant-looking fellows that even gave him gooseb.u.mps continued watching the ongoing events with amused expressions.

Nightwalker was chilled, for he realized that these fellows must be the old monsters among the group. They had likely seen hundreds of worlds go through the same thing.

For them to stay so casual and look amused, it meant that their victory was a.s.sured, and the allied defenders below would lose terribly. It was just that their futile struggle were an entertaining sight to behold to them.

Nightwalker was silent for a while before asking Jormungandr. "Oi, old snake, exactly what does it mean to be a Calamity Bringer?"

Jormungandr, who was watching the events with a smile, like an average youth watching a slightly interesting shounen anime, was snapped out of his immersion.

"Obviously, it"s what I define it to be. Why are you getting lost in the morality of this c.r.a.p? I thought you were better than that." Jormungandr replied with a raised eyebrow.

"We are beholden to no one but the progenitor. The universe does not control nor own us, so we can destroy what we want, when we want, without having to care about balance." Jormungandr added as he lay his head down.

He then rolled his eyes and concluded. "If you want, you can think of it like this, should you encounter a planet full of crooks, you"re free to destroy it, though then it"s as if you"ve saved many more lives than you took."

Nightwalker nodded solemnly, grounding himself. He had no interest in deluding himself that he was doing anything for the greater good. Like Jormungandr, this power was all going to be used entirely how he wanted, to punish those he hated and protect those he loved.

With that in mind, Nightwalker smiled and charged every bit of Bloodline Energy into his body, creating the largest calamity portal he had ever created, which grew to the size of a Boundless-sized city.

The sudden appearance of the portal spooked all those on the field, whether allied defenders or attacking apocalypses. They were even further horrified when they saw hundreds of different types of disasters escape from the portal and fall towards the surface.

Forget the planet, at this rate, even the deployed apocalypses would die too. They all screamed and tried to flee, but the defenders could only look on palely as the calamities just kept pouring out, enough to raze the entire planet three times over.

The fellows on the ground could only kneel in despair, for where would they run to? This planet was their home, and leaving now would only prolong their deaths and make it more painful than it should be.

Nightwalker stood near his portal as the calamities connected with the planets, instantly ravaging it in ways none of the ones here had seen before. They could only watch the sheer, terrifying and veritably brutal destruction of the one lush green-blue planet as it became black and charred in mere minutes.

The apocalypses here only gazed at Nightwalker speechlessly. Just who was this humanoid being and why was his power so G.o.dd.a.m.n high?!

Whatever, better not to mess with him. If he could beat this planet up like that, he could certainly give them a run for their money. Even worse, they were supposed to compete with him, but how were they supposed to compete with this?!

If they had hair, they would be pulling it out right about now in frustration.

?System to Player Announcement

Calculating potential stat allocation… ?

?System to Player Announcement

Drafting potential cla.s.s skills… ?

?System to Player Announcement

a.s.sessing current player physique… ?

?System to Player Announcement

Inspecting cla.s.s equipment… ?

?System to Player Announcement

Corroborating possible techniques… ?

?System to Player Announcement

Predicting potential cla.s.s paths… ?

?System to Player Announcement

New cla.s.s a.n.a.lysis complete. Display?

Y/N ?

Nightwalker was also beamed to the Private Room after he reduced the planet to nothingness.

?Calamity King - Divine Cla.s.s

Skills: Destroyer (Pa.s.sive), Calamity Source (Pa.s.sive), Collection (Active), Apocalypse (Active).

Starting Stats: Str 40, Dex 40, End 40, Int 110, Spr 90, Cha 70, Lck 70

Exp gain rate: 10%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Cla.s.s weapons: None.

Cla.s.s skills: Partial Destruction.?

?Destroyer – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: The Calamity King is the leader of all Apocalypses, a being meant to right the balance between destruction and creation. As such, you are also considered as a being of the Destruction Type, one of the 3 Lords of Destruction along with the Paragon of Destruction and the Destruction G.o.d. You are able to use Destruction Energy and are 40% immune towards it.?

?Calamity Source – Pa.s.sive skill

Effect: Within you is a calamity source, which allows you to tame and control various types of calamities with ease relatively to your power at the time. You are immune to apocalypses and your power when using apocalypses is increased by 300%.?

?Collection – Active skill

Effect: When you are in contact with an apocalypse or calamity, you can collect it into your calamity source after subduing it. It is limited to calamities at your Rank and reliant on your Spirit.

Cooldown: None.?

?Apocalypse – Active skill

Effect: The user can release any amount of acc.u.mulated calamities within the calamity source to attack enemies and lay waste to an area. The power of calamities is calculated as their base power x your Intelligence.

Cooldown: None.?