Guild Wars

Chapter 753 (1/2) Darling Hikari

Chapter 753 (1/2) Darling Hikari

Draco eventually left Zaine"s abode and checked in with his concubines and other women. Most were fine and happy with their current life. Peace, wealth, and family were a great way to make a woman feel like her life wasn"t s.h.i.+tty.

Those who had been seeded a second time like Natasha and co. had already begun to show signs of pregnancy once more. What could Draco say, his "baby batter" was a one-shot kill.

After doing this, he traveled over to a large Dragonperch that was located high in the sky. Draco manifested Draconic wings and flapped, speeding towards its top.

Once he got there, he saw a beautiful White Dragon sleeping among two large eggs the size of one-seater couch. She held the eggs close and dearly in her sleep, seemingly fearing that someone might steal them from her, even though she should be aware that there was n.o.body in the Inner Universe who would dare to do anything so foolish.

Draco sighed when he looked at Hikari. She was the most neglected of his Four Beauties, often treated as the naive and silly little sister, even by Eva. However, Draco knew the darkness and weight in Hikari"s heart more than anyone else.

In terms of trauma and suffering, neither Roma nor even Eva could hold a candle to Hikari. Yeah, Roma had initially lost her people after the Four Point Valley Unique Quest was over, but she got them back thanks to Hikari.

Eva had suffered his hatred for 8 in-game years, mutilated her own body as punishment, and had been on the brink of mental collapse, but one could argue that it had been the Eva of the other timeline, this one merely inheriting those memories. She also got respite in this life since they had reconciled.

On the other hand, Hikari had grown in a bubble of love and warmth, only to have it wrested from her as she watched EVERYONE of her family brutally killed and a.s.similated by the Dragonlance Draco now wielded.

Not even given time to process it, she had been whisked away by her father, who had "saved" her by locking her up in a realm using his Divine Energy that had only allowed True Dragons to pa.s.s through, hoping a survivor would find her one day.

Alas, there had been no survivors.

Hikari had therefore been forced to spend years, decades, centuries… millennia after millennia, locked up in that realm. All she had to pa.s.s away the time were the memories of her family being slaughtered, over and over again until she became numb.

It wasn"t until the day 3 years ago that Draco had entered her life that her entire world changed. She had experienced love, happiness, and warmth of a family, especially from Eva and the others.

Draco had also allowed her to evolve by introducing darkness into her pure, untainted heart, making Hikari mature as a White Dragon far faster than any of her kind.

Now, though, she likely felt alienated because she was so special compared to the rest. Her abilities were nonsensical, even to Eva, who couldn"t help but view Hikari as a monster.

This was a minor problem, though, and would become irrelevant once Eva started learning from Hikari how to manipulate Creation Energy, hopefully after Rank 4.

More importantly, Hikari"s sister wives had become bonafide mothers whose children were growing rapidly. Yet, All Hikari had were two silent eggs that still needed some time before hatching.

The emotional pain was obvious for her. Even Eva was fine because she was expecting in the real world, and she had no interest in making a digital baby anyway.

So it was no surprise that she often held up here on her Dragonperch, away from her sister wives, so she couldn"t feel envy or depression, eagerly counting down the days till her eggs hatched, and she could shower her own children with love.

Draco sighed.

Oh Hikari.

?Dragon"s Egg – Offspring

Description: This egg contains the offspring of a Supreme-Rank Black Dragon and a Supreme-Rank White Dragon. The offspring furthermore possesses a spa.r.s.e amount of Ultima Sunt genes. Lastly, there is an almost negligible amount of human bloodline.

As such, the final status of the offspring cannot be calculated.

- Time left till hatching: 41 days.?

?Dragon"s Egg – Offspring

Description: This egg contains the offspring of a Supreme-Rank Black Dragon and a Supreme-Rank White Dragon. The offspring furthermore possesses a normal amount of Dragon genes, while there is an almost overwhelming amount of human bloodline.

As such, the final status of the offspring cannot be calculated.

- Time left till hatching: 142 days.?

However, it was now clear why Hikari was holding the eggs so tightly. Her first egg was only just about to hatch, with only a few days left. The other one still needed some time, but that was fine.

Soon, Hikari would be able to hold her own baby!

Draco was smiling warmly, when suddenly it was as if thunder struck him. He had always measured Hikari"s egg gestation along with Eva"s, since the timing was really similar.

Doing some calculations, Eva should be on the 260th day of her pregnancy. According to science, most women gave birth in a period of 280 days, or 40 weeks.

In other words, Eva should be giving birth in around twenty IRL days!

Holy s.h.i.+t!

Draco"s whole body buzzed with energy, he knew not where it came. He was already a father of two, who had experienced raising kids through Rosella and Loki.

However, this was different. This upcoming child was way different. It was his first child with Eva, his Soulmate, and the child that was so important and feared that various forces in the universe had repeatedly interfered with their destinies across two timelines.

This child would inherit the totality of his bloodline plus Eva"s, something which none of Draco"s other children had. It might sound harsh, but this child was the true child of the Whitehaired Duo, one meant to carry their lineage forward.

Knowing that they were so close to having it made Draco feel a buzz. However, he was soon confused as Eva - the mother - would definitely keep track of this better than him.

So why was she still in here with him instead of spending these last few days in clinical care?

Draco decided to breach this with her later, but returned to his mission which was to spend time with his lovely White Dragon. He walked up to her and watched her sleep, but Hikari soon opened her eyes, revealing two bright blue pupils that focuses on Draco.

She immediately got up with excitement and rubbed her snout on Draco. Draco laughed and rubbed her scales gently before Hikari transformed down into her human form.

"Wow, you"re here!" She buzzed with joy.

Draco caressed her smooth white hair gently. "That"s right, I am. How"s everything, my lovely Dragon Queen?"

Hikari giggled cutely. "Hehe, "Dragon Queen", hehehe."

She then coughed to stop herself and replied somewhat seriously. "I am doing pretty okay. It"s just boring not being able to adventure with you like before."

Draco nodded. "Once we reach Rank 4 or clear this blasted quest, we"ll be able to spend all our time together like before."

Hikari seemed mollified by this and dragged Draco over to the large dragon egg with strange, lively black patterns all over it. The patterns glowed with a dark shade, seeming to consume all the light that dared to approach them.

"Our eggs are about to hatch! This one has slightly over a month left, and this one has slightly under half a year, around 20 weeks, before hatching!" Hikari informed him with palpable excitement.

"Is that right? Soon, we"ll be able to see the life we"ve breathed back into the Dragon Race." Draco replied with a smile.

Hikari became silent at this as her lips trembled. The Dragon Race… she was shouldering the severe task of bringing it back to glory along with Draco, and this was a very small step of the way.

In truth, they should have far more children than this, more eggs than they could count. However, Draco had warned her of their collective compatibility and potency.

Those kids were not chaff, they were powerhouses who would be difficult to raise. Just look at the suffering of the caretakers, who looked like they had pa.s.sed through a hurricane everyday just keeping up with the existing kids.

Draco saw Hikari"s state and sighed inwardly. Hikari had too much on her shoulders. She absolutely needed those kids born ASAP so that she could have a distraction from the bigger problems in life.

Draco could dilate time, but he wasn"t going to disrespect his prospective children like that, not to mention he didn"t know how it might affect their growth or personality.

It was fine to test on Qiong Qi and Clarent, for those two fellows were colossal r.e.t.a.r.ds, and no amount of playing with time would change that.

Still, there was not much time left and Hikari seemed like she wasn"t going to crumble into pieces anyway, so it should be fine. Draco decided to distract her in a much different way.

He chuckled and transformed into his Black Dragon True Body, towering over a surprised Hikari. She was curious as to what Draco was doing, but also transformed back into a White Dragon.

Looking at the two of them, they did seem to fit. The muscular and sleek, killer-like Black Dragon and the svelte, glowing and beautiful White Dragon. Still, it didn"t help that the White Dragon was about 3/5ths the size of the Black Dragon.

"Last time, you seemed to enjoy it more when we did it like this." Draco pointed out as he spread his wings out and performed the mating ritual between Dragons, which involved a bit of dancing a bit of mounting, and a bit of roaring.

The rest is omitted.