Guild Wars

Chapter 764 Leveling Up 1

Chapter 764 Leveling Up 1

Nightwalker pressed the end of a cigar to his finger, releasing a tiny bit of lava to light it up. He then took a deep pull of the Epic cigar that Akainu had shared with him, a luxury custom-made by the Diad Family for him.

Nightwalker had to admit that Akainu was a man of excellent taste and bearing. Currently, he was seated at the top of a dead volcano, enjoying the lovely breeze while wearing beach attire.

He had a large umbrella stuck in the ground behind him which provided shade, and he sat comfortably in a soft couch, his legs sprawled like a hooligan,

Nightwalker looked at his experience which was at level 10, 0% and remembered the ultimatum the prodigy"s avatar had given them. Since he had a goal, it was no problem to try and reach it.

"Hey Jormungandr, this volcano is dead, right?" Nightwalker asked lazily.

Jormungandr manifested beside Henry around the size of a giant python, gazing at him with interest. "That"s right. I know what you"re thinking because it"s obvious, so yes, we can do it."

Nightwalker smiled. "That"s great. How far do you think it can go?"

Jormungandr looked out into the wilds, the plentiful forests that surrounded this volcano to the east, the marshlands to the south, the barren desert to the north and the sea to the south.

"By this digital world"s measurements, about an Area Zone in all directions." Jormungandr answered with a confident nod.

Nightwalker whistled. Didn"t that mean, that in the real world, he could practically engulf the entirety of a large state in the Central Country? Impressive.

"Alright then, let"s bring calamity to this place." Nightwalker took another pull as he rose to his feet and came to the edge of the volcanic crater. Looking down, all one could see was dried and caked earth, like the bottom had been stuffed with a cork.

Nightwalker then channeled his Bloodline Energy and resonated with the spirit of the volcano. Apart from releasing calamities from the Calamity Dimension, he could obviously manipulate natural calamities to activate as long as he had enough energy.

Right now, he was communing with the Lava Calamity, and the volcano immediately began to rumble. The various beasts and monsters which lived in the area zone around the volcano became startled, wondering what was going on.

After all, the last time that volcano had been active had been before the majority of them had even been born. Their bodies shook and fell, not even able to muster the ability to rise and flee with how shaky the ground had gotten.

Nightwalker eventually opened his eyes and stood back, along with the manifestation of Jormungandr. They both watched as smoke emerged from the mouth of the volcano, blotting the blue sky and coloring it black.

The heat coming from the volcano was terrible, but Nightwalker was immune to all calamities, so he didn"t feel anything but a nice warmth. However, the organisms near the volcano"s base couldn"t say the same as they removed handkerchiefs and began wiping their sweat.

Phew, its getting hot in here! Maybe it was time to take off all our clothes?

Suddenly, the quaking earth reached a crescendo as the volcano exploded, spreading ash and lava into the sky. It went so high and so far that it was like a bizarre form of fireworks.

However, every species that could see this event, minus Nightwalker, unequivocally shat their pants and trembled, knowing that they were about to experience one of watchmojo"s top ten most gruesome deaths.

The lava crashed down with the rocks and the blaze, setting fire to everything. The rain pelted many creatures and Nightwalker could see endless damage notifications arise around him.

He jumped on Jormungandr"s head, who enlarged himself a bit more, as the volcanic crater reached the "tail-end" of its "busted nut", where instead of shooting ferociously, it began to spurt out like a lazy tube being squeezed.

The lava then piled and slowly flowed down from the edge of the volcano, beginning the horrific but unstoppable spread, as every inch of the Area Zone in all directions was coated with the stuff.

From where Nightwalker stood, he could see countless lifeforms struggling in utter agony, burning and boiling in the most horrific manner as their flesh melted off their bones.

Those with tenacious life force cursed themselves for being so resilient, for it made them experience this terrible pain longer than necessary before they got the sweet release of death.

Looking down at all of this, Night Walker smiled in a strangely hollow manner. His eyes reflected callousness and distance, his words flowing out of his mouth subconsciously.

"Now I have become death, destroyer of worlds…"


"Not bad." Ghost praised as he watched the Orc Chieftain opposite him. Currently, he was in the Badlands Field Zone, a level 100-150 unclaimed zone with a heavy concentration of Orc camps.

The warlike race had made this place their base and often raided nearby areas because they themselves were s.h.i.+t at farming and management, only good at fighting, smithing and raping.

Ghost had just raided one encampment himself and easily killed all opposition in his way, before he entered the Ancestral Hall, where the huge and buff Chieftain before him sat like a king.

Of course, what impressed Ghost about the Chieftain was his aura and HP, not the fact that he had two s.e.xy elves chained to the side of his throne, currently working hard on pleasing his baseball bat-like member.

?Name: Orc Chieftain – Major Rank monster

Level: 140

HP: 12,000,000/12,000,000?

The chieftain just glared at Ghost with bloodshot eyes, hatred within them as it roared at the fellow. After all, he had barged into their encampment and pretty much cleared everyone.

Ghost rubbed his chin. "Buddy, I just killed all your people, and you"re still adamant about getting your PP sucked? Tsk, tsk, how impressive."

Orochi emerged from behind Ghost and coiled around him with a smile. "That is what a king should be like. Even in the face of death, you should never fall to the other party"s tempo!"

Ghost shook his head with disdain. "Rather than that, this fellow has been caught with his pants down and has to rely on force to acquire s.e.xual partners. He"s the type I look down on the most."

"A true king would have women serve him willingly and without coercion, working to please him by virtue of their character or value, and they would never be caught with their pants down and vulnerable like this." Ghost finished and he raised a finger.

Immediately, an ice spike appeared from beneath the throne made of wood and furs, piercing through the pelvis of the Orc Chieftain. The enslaved elves screamed and fell back, crying in fear.

They wanted to go back to the chieftain and continue their work, not due to desire or want, but fear and trauma. They had witnessed what had happened to their sisters who had dared to stop before the chieftain had given the order, and they had become almost mindless in their efforts to survive.

Ghost saw this and went silent. His flat smile became a frown, as he extended the spike, sending the Chieftain flying into the air as it screamed in agony. Orcs were tenacious with a strong const.i.tution, but this Orc was nothing before the power of a G.o.d Serpent Inheritor.

Ghost waved a hand and sent a colorless mist into the face of the two panicking elves, which immediately made their eye glazed over as they pa.s.sed out. He walked over to the Orc chieftain which was still impaled, its blood, guts and s.h.i.+t frozen on the edges of the cold ice.

"I don"t like you." That was all Ghost said, but from someone like him, it was a total death sentence. He breathed out a black mist in the face of the Orc chieftain, who breathed it in unwillingly.

In a matter of seconds, the Orc Chieftain froze as his skin began to decay in real time. As if he was a character from that popular controversial movie from the early 20"s, he slowly turned to dust and was blown away by the wind, turned into nothingness.

Ghost shook his head and left the encampment without dealing with the elven ladies, They were in a deep peaceful sleep. It should help alleviate some of their mental trauma when they woke up, so he had done enough.

Just as Ghost took flight and hurtled towards another encampment, Orochi poked out and sneered.

"What a n.o.ble hero, saving two damsel in distress? Is this all you are made of, my Inheritor? A goody-two-shoes rat who pretends to be righteous when poor little females are bullied?" Ghost was silent for a while.

"Not really. Good, bad, I don"t really care. After all, in the eyes of the world outside, I"m a mad killer who slaughtered my own family, undeniably the bad guy. To Boss Draco and the other G.o.d Serpent Inheritors, I"m their comrade, therefore one of the good guys." Ghost began slowly.

"On the mini map of the ones outside, I appear as a red dot and to those who I just mentioned, I appear as a blue dot. But what matter is what color I see myself as on the mini map, which is usually white." Ghost elaborated calmly.

He slowed down as he hovered over another encampment, which came to life when the sentries spotted him. Immediately, the Orcs went into battle mode, not caring if he came here as a friend or foe, only wanting to kill him.

"To me, I"m neutral. Neither good, nor bad. I just live how I want, at my own pace, without anyone rus.h.i.+ng me. If I dislike something, I dislike it. If I like something, I like it. Seeing the reaction of those females caused me to feel disgusted and uncomfortable, and I dislike feeling that way. So I punished the perpetrator."

Ghost shrugged. "It"s that simple."

Orochi was silent for a bit as it hovered around Ghost, then smiled. "Not bad."

After that, it retracted into his body leaving the fellow to fight the large group of foes below. Just like he did with the previous encampment, Ghost chose the fastest way.

He sucked in a huge breath of air before breathing out a green mist that spread from where he hovered down to the entire encampment. Soon, the sounds of screams and roars abounded as the Orcs met with a terrible fate, Ghost watching it occur with a neutral expression.

He only swooped down when it was clear, getting ready to face this encampment"s stragglers and chieftain as well.


Hades currently walked through a dungeon with hands in his pockets. This wasn"t just any game dungeon, but it was styled like an actual dungeon as well, called the Great Prison.

It was a level 10-250 dungeon, which was an advanced one. The dungeon had five floors, each one corresponding to Rank 1 to Rank 5. The premise of the dungeon was that the greatest criminals were kept here, but an accident occurred which turned them into mad monsters and abominations.

So the players could walk through each floor and clear the monsters with their party until they came upon the floor boss at the end. Once they offed the boss, they could opt to continue or leave depending on their rank.

Of course, one was not forced to run the whole thing. At the beginning of the dungeon was a makes.h.i.+ft elevator that could send you to any floor to begin with, so Rank 2 fellows didn"t have to waste time clearing the Rank 1 floor each run and so on.

Hades obviously decided to run each floor as-is, and he had come upon the first room of the first floor, the cafeteria area. Here, monsters which looked like hunchbacked ghouls were gnawing at corpses and rotten food, only pausing since they had sensed the smell of fresh meat.