Guild Wars

Chapter 771: Legendary Item Display

Chapter 771: Legendary Item Display

The first item was from the demise of the Gundam. 

「RX-78-2 – Golem 

Rank: Legendary 


Pa.s.sive 1 – Fusion Core: The RX-78-2 uses fusion power, which is produced through the burning of Worldly Energy around it. This is an automated process, so there is no need for input from the user. 

Pa.s.sive 2 – Mind Synchro: The golem no longer requires a pilot, and can be controlled through a psychic link between the user and the golem. 

Active 1 – Beam Saber: Summon a sword made of pure Plasma energy to fight. Duration: 2 hours. Cooldown: 1 day. 

Note: Warning! Plasma is not a supported type of matter in the Western Fantasy section! As such, the power of the beam saber will be reduced to 1% of its usual output! 

Description: The RX-78-2 was the second of three Gundam prototype units constructed on Side 7 in UC 0079, as part of the Earth Federation"s V Project. It was plagiarized by a certain deity and converted into a golem for use within Boundless World.」 

Draco sized up the Gundam which stood before him. It was of the same design as the one he had fought, but touching it felt like he was touching some magical metal rather than a sci-fi alloy. Draco guessed the Gundam had been modified by the AI to somewhat fit into a Western Fantasy setting. 

Draco connected his mind to it and felt like he was in control of two bodies, but there was no difficulty for him. Not just due to his mental superiority and foundation thanks to bloodline and control, but also due to the AI handling some tasks for him. 

Just like how a normal human"s brain handled the body"s internal processes itself, leaving its host with more free time to focus on being angsty and full of depression. Heh, do you think that if you had to micromanage all the processes in your body, you would have time to be sad? 

Draco"s eyes gleamed as he made the Gundam fire various laser beams and cannons, which were greatly reduced in power since plasma was not a thing. Nevertheless, he was not too bothered with it, because he knew Eva could easily solve this problem. 

After all, although plasma might not naturally belong into the Western Fantasy section, Light Energy was close enough to it, especially the type Eva used. Once she came back, it should be possible to work out something for this Gundam. 

Next up was the item from the Dino Rangers. 

「Z-Rex Blaster – Combo Weapon 

Rank: Legendary 


Pa.s.sive 1 – Super Mode: The Z-Rex Blaster, when summoned or wielded by the user, will always be in its fully merged form with all 5 Dino Rangers weapons connected, which are the Tyranno Staff, the Tricera s.h.i.+eld, the Ptera Grips, the Brachio Staff and the Drago Sword. 

Pa.s.sive 2 – Dino Power: The Z-Rex Blaster requires power from the dino gems in order to fire. This power is simulated through the absorption of ambient Worldly Energy, making the weapon self-sufficient. 

Active 1 – Power Blast: Fire a beam of pure Tria.s.sic Energy that destroys many foes at the same Rank without fail. Cooldown: Once per battle. 

Note 1: The Z-Rex Blaster can only be used after fighting an enemy extensively and exhausting all your typical moves. 

Note 2: There is a 50-50 chance that your enemy might become gigantic after being destroyed, due to the geno randomizer. 

Description: A powerful cannon made of all five Dino Ranger weapons; the Tyranno Staff, Tricera s.h.i.+eld, Ptera Grips, Brachio Staff, and Drago Sword. It fires a super blast of energy at its opponents. It was plagiarized by a certain deity and converted into a Combo Weapon for use in Boundless World.」 

Draco carried the Z-Rex Blaster and noted that it was heavy as f.u.c.k. No wonder all five had to support it, and one should not forget that the Dino Rangers had super strength and super enhanced stats in their transformed form. Even with Draco"s super strength, he was feeling the pinch in holding this thing with his base Tier 5 BoG and Rank 3 stats. 

He decided to fire it later, as he was in the castle within the Tower right now. Heck, he might even give that Tower Spirit a taste of his "little friend" once the time came. 

The next item was from Ben 10,000. 

「Omnitrix – Unique 

Rank: Legendary 


Pa.s.sive 1 – Master Control: With Master Control, you can freely s.h.i.+ft between any of your acquired forms. Your active skill"s duration and cooldown is negated. 

Pa.s.sive 2 – DNA Database: A DNA Database containing the DNA of all acquired beasts and species you come across. The Omnitrix deduces their ultimate form - the Supreme Rank - and allows you to enter that form. 

Active 1 – Go Hero: Transform into one of the species listed within your DNA Database for a period of time. Duration: 10 minutes Cooldown: 1 hour 

Description: The Omnitrix is a portable library of intergalactic genetic data that allows the wielder to alter their DNA at will and transform into a variety of different alien species, each with their own unique abilities. This item was plagiarized by a certain deity and converted into a unique item for use in Boundless World.」 

Draco held the almighty "watch" that millions of kids worldwide would sell their own mothers for. His heart couldn"t help but thump in a way it never did for the Gundam or the Dino Rangers, and anyone could understand Draco"s feeling right now. 

He was holding Ben"s Omnitrix in hand! 

The ACTUAL Omnitrix!!! 

He wasn"t sure if it had the database of Ben"s aliens, but he doubted it. It was more likely he would have to fill it in with the beasts from the Western Fantasy section as well as the various species. 

Nevertheless, Draco was greatly moved. This watch could allow one to become Dragon, Phoenix, Ultima Sunt, Divine Lion, Elf, Dwarf or whatever species one acquired the DNA for at the Supreme Rank, just below the Divine Rank. 

What"s more with Master Control, there was no duration and cooldown. You could decide to spend the rest of your life as a Dragon or transform into a Phoenix when you felt like it. 

Draco could only sigh. If it wasn"t for the fact that he had so many powers, this one alone would be enough to set him up for life. Right now, the best he could do was load it up with various DNA and either give it to someone who could make the most of it or let it rot in his inventory. 

Next was the item from the death of, the Street Fighting Demon. 

「Goutetsu"s Prayer Beads – Ornamental item 

Rank: Legendary 


Pa.s.sive 1 – Dark Hado: Through the power of the beads, you can control the famed Dark Hado energy, granting immense strength, as well as the ability to both sense and absorb other sources of power to make yourself stronger. You also gain abilities such as telekinesis, flight, and can also potentially influence the emergence of the Dark Hado in others. 

Pa.s.sive 2 – Limitless Killing Intent: Every murder or kill you make condenses your killing intent further, growing the quant.i.ty of your Dark Hado permanently and without limit. 

Active 1 – Raging Demon: The user glides towards the opponent and grabs them. Suddenly, the screen blacks or whites out as the target is relentlessly beaten, as showcased by a series of flashes. This deals 1,000% unarmed damage. Cooldown: None. 

Note 1: The active skill relies on Dark Hado only. As long as you have enough Dark Hado, you can use it endlessly. 

Description: The prayer beads deceased master of and Gouken, Goutetsu, which have a visible black "heaven" kanji on the center bead. It was plagiarized by a certain deity and converted into an ornamental item for use in Boundless World.」 

Draco held up the beads and felt the Dark Hado trying to taint him. He sneered and released his edgelord version"s killing intent, which was so potent and pure that the beads visibly shrank. The black kanji symbol in the center was like a flame in the wind, almost about to be blown out of existence. 

Dark Hado was the opposite of Sacred Hado which Ryu and co used. It was based on killing intent and murder, using it to cast and empower various fighting techniques like the Hadoken, Tatsumaki and Shoryuken. 

Daring to compare in killing intent with an edgelord? These beads clearly had not lived long enough to fear G.o.d. After teaching it a lesson, Draco tossed it into his inventory with a look of disdain, focusing on the final item. 

This one came from the death of Dovahkiin, the Dragonborn! 

「Dawnbreaker – Sword 

Rank: Legendary 


Pa.s.sive 1 – Meridia"s Retribution: When killing undead, there is a chance to cause the undead to explode upon death which infects other undead and causes them to explode as well within 10 seconds. 

Note: The more hits made within the 10-second duration, the higher the chance of explosion. 

Pa.s.sive 2 – Burn: You deal 10% fire damage with each strike, which also causes a burning effect for 10 seconds which can stack infinitely. 

Active 1 – Meridia"s Light: Expel the bright force of Meridia, causing mixed fire and light damage over an Area Zone. This deals 2000% damage. Cooldown: 3 days. 

Description: Dawnbreaker is a Daedric artifact given as a gift by the Daedric Prince Meridia. It was plagiarized by a certain deity and converted into a Sword for use in Boundless World.」 

Of course, Draco was quite fond of swords as a swordsman, and this blade was honestly f.u.c.king broken. The undead bit was a bit circ.u.mstantial, but by gawd, that second pa.s.sive! 

Each strike stacked burning damage as well as overall duration! For someone like Draco who could strike a hundred times in a split second, a person would have 1000 seconds of burning damage at 10,000% to wade through. 

He caressed the sword gently and placed it in his inventory. This sword would be perfect for Eva, who needed a proper weapon after becoming the Celestial Prime. As for its limitation of being Legendary, it wasn"t a problem. Draco could just wait until he became a G.o.d Blacksmith and make Eva a Divine version of this blade from scratch. 

Done with inspecting his acquisitions, Draco dragged the other two stooges from their nests and back out into the Tower. It was time to head to the next set of floors and see what it had in store for them. 

They appeared in a Victorian-era street where a bunch of men and women walked up and down looking Carriages moved up and down carrying n.o.blemen and women while kids run up and down wearing their factory wear. 

"Ah, there you are!" A constable who was quite rotund swaddled over to Draco. 

"Lord Draco, it is great that I"ve finally found you. We"ve been looking for you!" The Constable began. He then seemed to notice Qiong Qi and Clarent, then his eyes bulged. However, his expression went back to normal, as if he had been reset. 

"Greetings to you too, Lords Qiong Qi and Lord Clarent. It is great to see that you"re with your a.s.sistants already, it will make things much easier." The Constable finished while beckoning Draco and co to follow him urgently. 

The trio shared a look and followed the pudgy fellow down a few streets while he made some small talk. This allowed Draco to understand his role and the area he was on much better. They seemed to be in a kingdom called Calistas, which was obviously modeled after Victorian-era London. 

Not only that, but Draco"s ident.i.ty on these floors was that of an esteemed n.o.ble, a rare one who was occupationally a n.o.ble rather than by grace of his lineage. Akin to lawyers and judges, Draco happened to fall into the one other category of judicial force that had been granted n.o.bility. 

Draco was a detective! 

That"s right, Draco - this r.e.t.a.r.d - was about to go through a total of 10 floors in the singular occupation known to and that requires the sharpest observation, deduction, and reasoning skills! Not to mention, that this IQ-intensive job was to be done along with Qiong Qi and Clarent by his side! 

Brace yourselves people, r.e.t.a.r.dation is coming.