Guild Wars

Chapter 775: Necromancer Detective - End

Chapter 775: Necromancer Detective - End

Of course, Draco was an exception to this as he only needed his Control to easily defeat any sp.a.w.n of the Demons, much less when he still had access to his bloodline that was on the level of a Demon G.o.d. A battle was inevitable, but Draco was not inclined to waste too much time on this floor. He was almost on the 8th set of floors, where no one but the previous top three had reached. 

He had no information on the floors from that point on, what they contained, what they stylized, nor what goal he would have to achieve. It was just like when he had first entered this tower, though probably far more dangerous since his relations.h.i.+p with the Tower had developed to an irreconcilable level. 

As such, he directly raised his hand and opened a crimson portal that was burning at the edges. From the demonic portal came a Demon riding atop of a horse, dressed in a set of heavy armor that was stylized in the demonic way. His blackish-red steed had red eyes and sharp teeth. 

The sheer aura of the Demon was enough to suppress all the humans around, who couldn"t help but fall to their knees in fear and terror. They were confused as to what was going on and why things had suddenly escalated in such a manner. 

Demon Lord Purson didn"t bother with the weakling, and simply gazed at the silent Draco with respect. "Lord Demon G.o.d, what would you have me do?" 

"Someone in this kingdom has struck a deal with a Demon. I want you to bring them before me… alive." Draco instructed lazily. 

Purson reared his horse and thrust his lance to the sky. "Your wish is my command!" 

He soon galloped off, while the group remained where they were. About 5 minutes later, Purson returned valiantly with a human body in his grip, held like they were a sack of potatoes. He nonchalantly tossed the body down to reveal a beautiful woman whose features had become slightly demonic. 

After all, Demonic power were not easy to use. It was literally the ant.i.thesis of Angels and humankind, so should the latter try to use it, there were certain side effects that would show themselves, depending on how much they had used it. 

Draco inspected the unconscious person and showed no surprise that it was Catherine Earnshaw, the woman Heathcliffe had intended to marry. With her apprehended, the floor began to decompose. 

「Congratulations on completing: Tower of Babylon Sixty-Eighth Floor       

Time elapsed: 0:44:49       

Objectives complete: All       

a.s.sessment: EX+       


72,000 Score Points       

1 Treasure Selection Reward - Peak Platinum Grade」 

Now, it was time for the penultimate challenge. Helia Nuer and others had been stuck there, so Draco was curious whether it was justified. 

「The Sixty-Ninth Floor – Divine Quest         

Description: Welcome to the Kingdom of Clevante, styled after Victorian Era England! A place where…etc 

You are a Renowned Detective with a reputation on par with Sherlock Holmes. The ones you"ve put to jail in your cases had one thing in common, all of them had contracted with a very mighty Demon. Seeing you cross his plans time and time again has infuriated him, and he"s now out to get you. 

Survive its pursuit for 1 hour! 

Limitation 1: This is a world of industry and science. All your stats…etc 

Limitation 2: You may retreat from the floor at any time, but upon re-entry…etc     

Limitation 3: There is a time limit on each case. You have…etc 

Limitation 4: If you choose the wrong target at the end of…etc 

Provision 1: You have full access to all the resources of the…etc 

Provision 2: You are free to use any method to interrogate suspects, but some…etc 

Provision 3: You have the senses of a detective, so can…etc 

Rewards: Score Points, 1 Gold-Tier Reward Selection.」   

Looking at the screen before him, Draco finally understood why this floor had become a dead end for the others, who had opted to live out their remaining time on the safe zone floor. 

What a joke, all their powers and abilities had been sealed, yet this tower dared them to play tag with a mighty Demon? The chances of that were close to impossible for an NPC! 

At least the previous floor could theoretically be solved by trapping the contractee and using the combined force of those under your command. 

However, this one? Only a player with special techniques, physiques or things that the AI couldn"t block could possibly handle something like this! 

The rest would just be rus.h.i.+ng to show that they can die! The brave ones might have tried their luck, only to barely make it out alive by abusing Limitation 2 which allowed them to escape at any time. 

Still, this did make him briefly wonder how the top three had managed to overcome it... though the curiositypa.s.sed as soon as it had appeared. 

Draco looked around, noticing that there were no NPCs with him this time, only Qiong Qi and Clarent. Not only that, they were hanging out in an abandoned alley. The Tower spirit sure did set the theme for this floor pretty well, as most people would feel fearful and weak. 

Draco though, manifested his Tier 5 Control and stomped the ground, causing the surrounding buildings to crumble and crack into debris. Clarent flapped his wings to disperse the dust and dirt, allowing the trio to see the entire area around them. 

It was an abandoned estate with decrepit houses that were due to renovation and destruction. Draco checked a note in his pocket and read it. He understood that his character had come to this obviously scary maze meant for a dramatic chase because he had found a clue about the perpetrator here. 

He sneered and crumpled the note, before manifesting two Dark Angel wings behind himself to fly up. Qiong Qi jumped onto Clarent"s back as the duo also rose into the air slowly. 

"Clarent, torch this joint." Draco prompted with a cold smile, folding his arms. 

The Dragon grinned and opened his mouth, releasing a flurry of fireb.a.l.l.s over the area, exploding them on the various buildings and setting them on fire. Draco saw a fire response team getting ready to do their job, while some nearby pedestrians had come over to take a look. 

He frowned coldly as his eyes glowed with a nefarious blue light, waving his hand as he spoke under his breath. 

"The King has mandated that no one is to come here since this building is under demolition." 

The various onlookers paused as a blue light flashed in their eyes, then they turned around and left quickly, not wanting to go against the law. 

Clarent continued to lay down the fire, using his Magma Wave, Flame pillar, Rain of Fire, and other skills to enhance his destructive abilities. Draco sneered as he gazed down at the destroyed and burning estate. 

Obviously that "mighty" Demon was hiding in there somewhere, planning to torment the detective thoroughly through fear before dealing with him personally. As far as the scoundrel was concerned, his opponent was free to continue to hide and do batman s.h.i.+t. 

"Even if you"re the actual Dark Knight, your a.s.s will be on fire soon enough". 

Lo and behold, a roar of anger and pain eventually sounded when the fire struck the central mansion in the estate. The building crumbled down and a flaming beast could be seen running out of the debris. It was a huge bear sized hound with glowing red eyes, dark black skin like leather and claws sharper than knives. 

Draco raised an eyebrow. 

All of this... ALL of this... was caused by a mere f.u.c.king h.e.l.lhound? Well, h.e.l.lhounds were technically Demons on the higher end of the spectrum… though amongst their kind they also had a very accurate nickname: "Demon Generals" pets". 

They were certainly stronger and much better than typical higher demons, but they usually just lived as lazy pets. 

Most importantly, since when did h.e.l.lhounds make freaking contracts?! 

"Peh peh, which r.e.t.a.r.d tried to cook this father alive? Your mother"s panties stink like 3 weeks old peppermint!" The h.e.l.lhound cursed in a conspicuously English accent. 

The Shameless Trio shared their strange expressions. Part of them felt like capturing the fellow, so they could use a marker to draw a monocle and gentlemanly mustache on his face to match that accent. 

Draco and co made sure to wear their best monocles and fake mustaches, as well as change into gentlemanly attire with a suave cane, before appearing in front of the h.e.l.lhound. 

The Demon rubbed its eyes and gazed at the group with awe and respect. "What a group of das.h.i.+ng, suave, handsome, stately and distinguished gentlemen! How can I help you, fine sirs?!" 

Draco chuckled lightly. "It"s nothing I do say dear chap. Rightly, would you be so kind as to come with us, so we may treat you to a meal, eh wot?" 

"Yes quite. A goly ol" chap like you is well deserving of our friends.h.i.+p." Clarent proposed with a smile. 

"Mhm, a dinner date where we can discuss all the fineries of h.e.l.l and its modern rulers.h.i.+p." Qiong Qi added as he took a sip from an elgant cup of tea. 

"Hahaha, yes, yes, I am willing to follow dear gentlemen!" The h.e.l.lhound agreed happily. 

The group walked off hand in hand, like best friend when the h.e.l.lhound suddenly paused and realized something. 

"Wait a minute, there can"t be any gentlemen here! The place is literally on fire! How…?" 

When it turned to gaze at the three, it only saw three of the most evil and cruel smiles it had ever seen. The h.e.l.lhound s.h.i.+vered in fear as the Three Stooges reached out to it slowly. 


「Congratulations on completing: Tower of Babylon Sixty-Ninth Floor       

Time elapsed: 0:09:56       

Objectives complete: All       

a.s.sessment: EX+       


73,000 Score Points       

1 Treasure Selection Reward - Peak Platinum Grade」 

Draco and his two fellows came out of floor 69, looking very cleansed and satisfied. They had thoroughly tortured that h.e.l.lhound before leaving, and they felt fantastic about causing endless pain to another being. 

"Well, only one more left. We"re probably gonna meet that r.e.t.a.r.d again." Draco stated lazily. 

"Meh, he fled through a portal just when things were starting to get fun. So much for an hour." Clarent sneered through his nose, making a puff of smoke appear. 

"Personally, I"m looking forward to it." Qiong Qi growled. 

「The Seventieth Floor – Divine Quest         

Description: Welcome to the Kingdom of Clevante, styled after Victorian Era England! A place where…etc 

You are a Renowned Detective with a reputation on par with Sherlock Holmes. After your encounter with the mighty Demon, he has brought you to his lair. Fend for your life until the Demon Slayers arrive! 

Limitation 1: This is a world of industry and science. All your stats…etc 

Limitation 2: You may retreat from the floor at any time, but upon re-entry…etc     

Limitation 3: There is a time limit on each case. You have…etc 

Limitation 4: If you choose the wrong target at the end of…etc 

Provision 1: You have full access to all the resources of the…etc 

Provision 2: You are free to use any method to interrogate suspects, but some…etc 

Provision 3: You have the senses of a detective, so can…etc 

Rewards: Score Points, 1 Gold-Tier Reward Selection.」   

The trio appeared in the broken down estate, but this time, they were trapped in the mansion"s main hall as the room darkened. Soon, an evil laughter sounded from all around them, trying to scare them silly. 

The laughter was cut short when Qiong Qi farted loudly, forcing the perp to choke on his own spit. Irritated, the h.e.l.lhound slinked out of the shadows menacingly, its glowing red eyes boring into the trio with menacing intent. 

"Bwahaha, you little fools are now in my den! Prepare to- ARRGHH!" The h.e.l.lhound began, but was interrupted by Qiong Qi who had already changed into the dress of a certain 17-year-old vampire killer and began punching the h.e.l.lhound rapidly. 

"Hora hora hora hora hora hora hora hora hora hora hora!!" Qiong Qi roared as his punches left afterimages. 

"DWAARGGHHHH!" The h.e.l.lhound screamed as it suffered the beatdown. 

Its body flew and crashed into a pillar, then fell into a heap of b.l.o.o.d.y and broken bones as Qiong Qi turned around and adjusted his cap. 

"Yare yare daze…" 

Floor 70, cleared! 

「Congratulations on completing: Tower of Babylon Seventieth Floor       

Time elapsed: 0:02:12       

Objectives complete: All       

a.s.sessment: EX+       


74,000 Score Points       

1 Treasure Selection Reward - Peak Platinum Grade」 

Done with the floor, the trio returned to the castle once more. Draco and Clarent gazed at Qiong Qi weirdly, and the lion harrumphed coldly. 

"What? I just don"t like dogs! Is there a problem?!" He asked angrily. 

Draco and Clarent raised their hands in submission. "Aye, we go nothing to say bro, you do you."