Guild Wars

Chapter 777: Ebic Victory Royale! 1

Chapter 777: Ebic Victory Royale! 1

Draco sneered. "Hehe, trying to prevent me from collecting my loot? You yourself said the floors are continuous! It doesn"t change anything. Besides, even if you reset them, I can still use the same method, r.e.t.a.r.d!" 

Draco casually mocked the tower spirit, which seemed to get a reaction as his entire castle trembled… though that was the only thing to happen. This lack of reaction led him to become even more rampant as he began to laugh uproariously. 

"Hahaha, it sucks to be a cuck like you who can only swallow their anger because someone superior is bullying them!" 

Draco was certain that if the tower spirit was a living being, it would have spat blood in anger. With that in mind, he entered the next floor right away. 

True to what he expected, he was brought right back to where he had left off, able to pick up his glorious loot. 

「Mithril Sword – Weapon 

Rank: Legendary   

Uses: 50 Swings 

Damage: 100   

Enchantments: This sword deals double damage when it hits a person with a s.h.i.+eld equipped.」   

「Mithril Armor – s.h.i.+eld (Lv.5) 

Rank: Legendary   

Durability: 125/125 

Enchantments: Using any healing items is twice as fast and twice as effective.」   

「Rune Ward – Item 

Rank: Epic   

Uses: 3 

Effect: Throw down this item to sp.a.w.n a dome-like s.h.i.+eld that resists all ranged attacks for 1 minute. It can be entered and exited at will by friends and foes.」   

「Phoenix Down – Item x5 

Rank: Epic   

Uses: 1 

Effect: Revive from death on the same spot at which you died 5 seconds from pa.s.sing away. You retain all your items, and enemies cannot harm you for 3 seconds.」   

「Makes.h.i.+ft Bomb – Item x2 

Rank: Epic   

Uses: 1 

Effect: Throw this strangely made explosive device towards a group of enemies to cause an explosion which deals 150 damage to all those within range. 」   

「Power Boots – Item 

Rank: Epic   

Uses: 100 

Effect: When equipped, these boots allow you to defy gravity for a total of 10 seconds per use, allowing you to levitate, fly or blink within that time frame once.」   

Draco was satisfied with these items and equipped them all. The bomb he especially threw out of the window and towards a filling station, where he sensed a group of five people who were fighting each other fiercely. The moment the bomb landed amongst them, they only had time to raise an eyebrow before they were vaporized. 

Draco leaned over the edge and laughed uproariously at the remains there, realizing very well that death here for these floor "NPCs" was permanent. But since when did this b.a.s.t.a.r.d ever respect human life? 

He jumped out of the tower and dug his sword into the side, using it to slow his descent before landing casually. Draco noticed that three guys were fighting nearby and walked over calmly. 

With Control Tier 2, he easily used his BoG to almost warp towards them, which was him simply blasting forward while leaving a crater in the ground since he acc.u.mulated all his body"s force into his left leg. 

Paragon Sword Style: Sword Skill 1 - Inclined Slas.h.!.+ 

With a slash made from top to bottom at a angle of 45° one of the fighters who had jumped back to gain distance was cut from neck to hip, his face changed as he roared in pain. 



Not to mention that this fellow only had level 1 s.h.i.+elds, he would have still died even if he had level 4 s.h.i.+elds! Only a level 5 s.h.i.+eld like what Draco was wearing could leave one with a sliver of life. 

While Draco dealt with this guy, the other two broke off and looked in horror at the guy who turned to pixels and dropped his loot. After sharing a look, the two decided to team up against Draco who was a far bigger threat to their lives. 

They rushed Draco from either side, one with a naginata and the other with a falchion. Draco simply side stepped the thrust of the naginata wielder and parried the slice of the falchion wielder before kicking him in the b.a.l.l.s. 

The poor fellow screamed in agony and fell since Draco used all the force of his body into that kick. Suddenly the naginata wielder laughed wickedly and swung his outstretched weapon to the side, gazing at Draco like he was looking at a fool. 

"Hahaha! What an idiot, this isn"t a stick, it"s a f.u.c.king pole with a blade at the end! After dodging a thrust, you should be prepared for a sweep!" He roared with excitement. 

Not to mention, Draco had invested all his force into that kick, so no normal human could retract themselves and block his strike so quickly. Unfortunately, his opponent had a specific ability that could allow him to do that at will. 


Nevertheless, he was still struck, and his s.h.i.+elds were partially depleted by less than half. He could have avoided it, but Draco slowly took back his leg and gazed at the naginata wielder with a strange look. 

"My Brother in Christ, why so excited to make 1 hit that barely does anything? Did you forget that things like s.h.i.+elds existed? After seeing me one-shot someone, did you really think you could simply do the same?" 

Draco shook his head speechlessly. The other fellow"s expression froze when he saw what happened and noticed that his opponent"s weapon was far above his own, making his face change greatly. He immediately turned tail, but he only managed to take two steps before he felt a blade pierce his back, coming out of his chest. 

Draco pulled out his sword and watched the fellow turn into pixels without commenting, only smiling lightly. He turned to check on the guy whose b.a.l.l.s he had kicked, only to grimace. His victim was still busy vomiting in utter agony, barely able to move as he was still curled like a shrimp. 

Draco even saw blood leaking from his groin area and forming a small pool around his legs. His s.h.i.+elds were fine, but his HP was dropping fast every second as his movements became slower and slower until they stopped. 

Then, with a look of relief on his face, the fellow turned into pixels and dropped his loot. Luckily, his vomit and blood also pixellized and went away with him. 

Draco had a look of solemnity. He swore to never become so weak that he would have to suffer such a thing because it really was a terrible way to die. Any death that brings relief in general is one that should not be envied, even if it is considered natural. 

Looking around and seeing no others, Draco opened his inventory and took out one of the s.h.i.+eld regenerators he had picked up earlier. One s.h.i.+eld regenerator restored 25 points of a s.h.i.+elds durability, but due to Draco"s level 5 Mithril armor that doubled the effect of healing items, 50 points were restored. 

Since Draco had only lost 40 points to that attack, he was now back to full health. Since he alone had just killed 10 people himself, the floor came to an end, but he reentered immediately and appeared where he last was. 

Draco looked around and saw that there was a vehicle near the gas station he blew up and jumped over to it. He then entered and noticed it was one of the older models, similar to a car that used gasoline. 

Since he already knew how to drive, but did not know much about the structure of a gasoline engine, he scanned it with his VoP to compare with what he knew. Seeing that the car itself was intact, he simply pushed the start b.u.t.ton and grinned when it came on. 

Draco then checked the glove box to find the set of keys there, which explained everything. He also checked the various lights to see that things were safe, not to mention that the gas tank was full. With a casual shrug, he stepped on the accelerator and sped off. 

Since Tilted Skysc.r.a.pers was a developed area, the roads were smooth and good, minus the various dropped loot here and there from the dead. However, Draco found that he could simply pa.s.s through them as if they weren"t there, which made him laugh. 

He looked up at the player counter and saw 76/100, which meant 6 more needed to die to enter the next floor. Smirking he scanned Tilted Skysc.r.a.pers once more and found a few stragglers either looting in peace or hiding in corners while sweating for their lives. 

Draco sneered and cruised calmly through the streets, the faces of the looters in his domain changed when they heard that someone was so arrogant to drive in a match like this. Some showed disdain and decided to rush Draco while others felt intimidated and decided to scram. 

The driver naturally rushed at the ones in hiding and the ones scramming. When playing Battle Royales, he hated stragglers the most because they always introduced an element of chaos and uncertainty in the final zone if they survived that long. 

Soon, he came upon a small convenience store and tossed his other grenade in. The fellow who was hiding under the table of the cas.h.i.+er, laid flat on the floor, saw the bomb rolling over to him while beeping, his pupils dilated as he screamed with a voice full of despair. 



Another one bites za dusto. 

Hearing the explosion, everyone in Tilted Skysc.r.a.pers flinched. Those in hiding hid even deeper and the braver ones began to hesitate. Draco did not care as he parked the car and entered a two-story office. 

He slowly walked through the office while stomping, so that the two hiding under the manager"s desk would hear him. With a solicitous voice, Draco spoke. 

"Come out, come out, wherever you are~" 

The two trembled, both females, and prayed for the best. Their fear had overcome them, making them forget the obvious fact that there were two of them! Even if Draco had slightly good loot, on paper, everyone had the same stats. 

The two of them had a high chance of taking him down logically, but when fear struck, logic was out the window. 

Of course, the actual situation was different, but it was better to die like a woman than like a coward. 

Hmm… that doesn"t have the same ring to it. 

Eventually, Draco loudly kicked the door open and entered. The two girls whimpered and held each other tighter, while Draco slowly searched the room. His footsteps echoed loudly until he stopped right before the desk, then his shadow was cast over it in a way the girls could see. His pause coupled with his position made them both freeze up in silence, not even breathing much. 

This continued for 5 seconds until Draco began walking away, his loud footsteps echoing in the room before exiting the manager"s office and searching the other rooms in the building. This made the two girls breathe rapidly and hyperventilate as silently as they could, their tears flowing out as they wept with fear and terror. 

Finally, after comforting each other and wiping each other tears, they turned to check the gap out of the desk only to see Draco"s head peeking from the top with a sketchy smile. 

"Found you~" 

The two girls screamed so loud that Draco covered his ears with a grimace. They completely lost their composure and kept trying to crawl back and away from him as if he was an eldritch monster out to devour them. 

Draco only watched them speechlessly. "Babes, aren"t I handsome? Why so terrified?" 

The two slowly stopped their screaming as they processed what their brains heard and displayed confused looks. One of the girls slowly said. 

"Erm, you really are handsome." 

The other one glared at her friend with anger. "Is this what you should be thinking about when we are about to die?!" 

The first girl folded her arms and argued back. "What? He asked a question and I answered! Besides, maybe he might not kill us?" 

Saying this, the two turned to check Draco response, hopefully. Draco smiled and shook his head. "I won"t kill you." 

Hearing this, the two girls sighed with great relief, feeling as if they had survived a calamity. They hadn"t. 

Draco snapped a finger and portal appeared close to the girls and sucked them in. 

"It would be a shame for you to simply vanish with the floor. Instead, you are going to be used by my offspring as c.u.m dumpsters. What a truly blessed outcome for the two of you!"