Guild Wars

Chapter 778: Ebic Victory Royale! 2

Chapter 778: Ebic Victory Royale! 2

Done with these two, Draco exited the manager"s office, only to find a three fellows fighting near the entrance. He had sensed them all along, each one had sneaked towards his location to ambush him, but upon discovering the existence of each other, they had begun to fight like idiots. 

Draco watched them in amus.e.m.e.nt for a few seconds, before he appeared on the other side of the room. To them it had seemed like he had walked by in slow motion, yet they had been unable to do anything but remain frozen as if time had stopped, hearing the click of a sword getting sheathed. 

Following this, the three idiots displayed lines across their torsos until they separated them into half. Their corpses pixellized, leaving loot on the floor, though nothing that nothing that was of interest. 

Back in the car, Draco checked the counter and saw that there were 71 people left, meaning the next death would end the floor. Not even flinching, he pierced through the fellow who had hid in the backseat hoping to ambush Draco the moment he lowered his guard, only to end up as the victim. 

With that, the floor came to an end, though Draco jumped right back in, contemplating how Gaving guy and co would react upon learning how quickly he climbed the floors they had somehow been unable to conquer. 

Draco drove his car wantonly through the streets, getting out only when his next target was nearby. Any good looking females he dumped into the Inner Universe so that his kids with the concubines had someone to play with, while the rest met the cruel end of his blade. 

This continued until he sensed that he had cleared out the entirety of Tilted Skysc.r.a.pers on floor 76, with only 48 players left. As such, Draco headed towards the nearby Loot Lagoon. 

It was another relatively high hotspot which deserved his love and attention. Once he got close, he could already sense more than a dozen people there, making him grin widely. "Beloved people of Loot Lagoon, Father Draco has come to pay you a visit to spread his love, so get in line and spread your b.u.t.tcheeks!" 

With his BoG, he could easily augment his voice to become as loud as a loudspeaker, making everyone on Loot Lagopn aware of his arrival. All their faces changed greatly, fights stopped outright, and those who had been hiding or looting instantly froze. 

In their minds, anyone who dared to shout that loud was definitely not someone they wanted to enter fisticuffs with, for they were either crazy enough to have survived up until now... or they actually had the skills to back that confidence. 

They all began skedaddling, but the truth was that this was a lake. Apart from the house in the middle and the factory to the west, which was where Draco"s voice had come from, there were no other closed s.p.a.ces. 

Draco kicked the factory door open and found one person who had been about to get out of it. Seeing Draco, they skidded to a halt and tried to change trajectory, but they were cut in half before they could achieve it. 

Draco skipped along as if he was in a flower field, jumping through the floors of the factory as he cleared everyone who was escaping or hiding with one slice before most could even react. He soon reached the roof of the factory where he found the six remaining people fleeing in all directions. 

The floor came to an end, and Draco jumped over to the next one instantly. Some were still in the water while others had reached the sh.o.r.e and were skaboodling to another location ASAP. 

Draco shook his head and concentrated power in his feet as he squatted slightly. The roof displayed cracks due to the sheer force he was putting on it. 


Like a cannon, Draco launched into the sky, the concrete roof he had launched from crumbling down on itself as he hurtled through the air at an angle. 

"Whheeeeee!! I"mmmm fflyyyiiinnggg!!" Draco squealed as the wind caused his face to distort comically. 

At this time, one of the fellow who was about to reach the sh.o.r.e laughed to himself, thinking that whichever r.e.t.a.r.d who had shouted earlier should have approached quietly and ambushed them. By giving away his element of surprise, he had given him a chance to escape. 

Later, he would camp in the ring and wait things out. That loudmouth would eventually get killed by those with better loot. In fact, he himself could go loot another place and come back to deal with that idiot! 

Just as the fellow was cooking up grand plans, he saw a shadow enlarging itself before him. Since he was out in the open, this couldn"t be a tree or something, and the way it was growing so large so quickly meant that it couldn"t be a pa.s.sing bird. 

Before he could turn around to take a look, he heard a screeching voice with a strange accent. 

"Cowabunga dudes, the waves require Daddy Draco to tame them!" 


Before the fellow could process the nonsense, he was suddenly plummeted face down into the ground as Draco landed on his back with his legs, using the fellow beneath him like a surfboard to break his fall as the ground before them was torn open, creating a small human sized gully. 

Eventually, Draco came to a halt after using the fellow"s body to perform a few sick moves. He got off him and watched the fellow turn into pixels as his entire front had been rubbed off until bones were showing, leaving a bit of blood and flesh in the trail his body had made. 

Draco tsked and began sprinting with a wide gait, his speed soon surpa.s.sing that of 200km/h as he rushed towards another person who thought they had escaped. The person saw the dust cloud Draco created as he rushed over and his face changed. 

"DON"T COME OVER! PLEASE HELP, RAPE, MURDER!" He screamed futilely before he got bisected in half. 

Draco continued his leisurely gait as he t.i.ttered. "We really should implement punishments for false accusations. Sheesh." 

He then moved onto his next target, who saw him coming and also tried to flee, with the same result as the previous two. 

Another one saw Draco coming over and ran back, entering a building. He stopped at the door of the building and knocked with his sword behind his beck. "Pizza delivery service!" 

There was silence from the house, and Draco"s face fell. "As a proud deliveryman of the Morningstar Family Restaurant chain, I cannot tolerate customers who make prank calls and refuse to pay." 

He directly kicked the door flying and rushed through the building, slicing the fellow who was hiding inside a was.h.i.+ng machine in half along with the appliance. 

Draco then exited the building and stretched with comfort before noticing the remaining escapees were rus.h.i.+ng over to him with looks of horror on their faces. 

What did they see? The G.o.dd.a.m.n ring was right behind them, and the void behind it was known to cause exceptional pain. Dying in one hit and dying slowly over a period of time in excruciating pain were two different things. 

"Oh." Draco muttered with surprise. 

Right away, he turned and fled himself using abominable speed. Draco was moving his legs so fast they left cartoonish afterimages akin to that of a blue hedgehod. 

The dust cloud he created while moving blinded those he had left behind him and made them cough endlessly.  Unable to catch their breath, they eventually were forced to slow down and fall into the zone. 

Their screams echoed for miles on end, making Draco, who was at the front sweat profusely. The ring was moving fast because, unfortunately for Draco, it was ending close by. 

The first ring closed at around Salty Lake, which forced him to run across many wide open plains and then through a valley, which significantly increased his travel time. Luckily, his inhuman speed was not something the ring could hope to match, and Draco directly cut down anyone he pa.s.sed on the way. 

When he got to the edge of the ring, he stopped and panted exaggeratedly, wiping off a big drop of sweat. He looked back and saw one guy from over from a different direction, the ring hot on his tail. Based on Draco"s calculations, he shouldn"t make it before the ring gave him a few licks. 

While it wouldn"t kill him, who wanted to suffer such excruciating pain for free? 

"Brother, you can make it! Take my hand!" Draco roared as he rushed to the edge and stretched out his arm. 

The eyes of the desperate fellow shone with grat.i.tude as he reached out. If Draco pulled him in, he wouldn"t have to be burned by that painful void energy. His eyes couldn"t help but water with the thought of Draco"s honor and valiance! 

The moment he grabbed Draco"s hand, he felt relived and so his entire body became slack. The scoundrel actually pulled him in as he had promised, but instead of being pulled to the side, he was pulled right into Draco"s outstretched blade. 

Draco leaned towards his ear with a dark smile. "Long live the ring!" 

He then kicked the fellow into the depths of the ring so that he could cook well for the few seconds before he turned into pixels. Hearing the fellow"s screams, Draco couldn"t help but show an expression of comfort, even though the Tower had interfered to deny him access to his bloodline. 

He then walked into Salty Lake and scanned the placed wantonly. He felt the presence of six people, then checked the counter for those who remained. 32/100 remained in this Battle Royale and the first ring had just closed, meaning it would be harder from now as those who had survived either had great skill or luck. 

Draco, though, was a force of nature that defied the common sense rules of this Battle Royale. With a smile, he cleared out everyone in Salty Lake, leaving the floor and coming back halfway through it. 

With only 26 people left, Draco walked over to the houses nearby and took a nice short nap. These residential houses were quite luxurious, and he even found some snacks in the fridge! 

Having done the most work over the past floors, Draco decided that he deserved a break, so he bathed, gussied up, washed his armor and sword, watched some TV and even browsed the net on one of the PCs upstairs. Obviously, the net of this world was extremely bizarre and cartoonish, consisting of a handful of preloaded webpages. 

He enjoyed this pasttime until he noticed that the second ring was closing in, with only two people having died. Draco clicked his tongue at the uselessness at the NPCs, so he hijacked the family car and drove out, heading towards Moisty Swamp, which should be where the final zone would end. 

On his way, he was attacked by a few players who had been waiting in ambush, but he easily killed them with one strike, finis.h.i.+ng yet another floor before returning for the penultimate one. 

Draco checked his weapons and saw that he had 13 uses left. He looked at the remaining contestants and naturally there were 19 other players left. 

With a sigh, he knew he could no longer be willful, so Draco began looting the corpses of those he killed to find a replacement weapon. Eventually he found a Legendary spear that suited his taste. It dealt 100 damage and caused the target to be unable to use healing items for 5 minutes. 

By the time he arrived at the Stinky Swamp area and scanned, Draco saw that his last 19 opponents had all taken advantageous positions and were eyeing the others. It was tough to hide in a swamp like this, so Draco naturally swaggered into the middle of the swamp. 

"r.e.t.a.r.ds, let"s make this quick! My chicken dinner is getting cold!" Draco laughed as he disappeared like a blur. 

Immediately, he appeared in six different spots nearby before reappearing where he stood. The only difference was that he was a little more fatigued and the six places he had pa.s.sed now held six corpses whose loot splayed over the ground. 

The faces of all those gathered changed greatly as they jumped out of their hiding places and rushed Draco. They all thought the same thing, to kill this G.o.d of Death before he took their dog lives! 

Draco was calm as he watched all those rush at him in virtual slow motion, since his mind was running far faster than they could fathom. He simply raised his blade and gazed at the s.h.i.+ning shaft, which reflected his handsome face. 

"13 targets and 13 uses. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."