Guild Wars

Chapter 798: The G.o.d Serpents 2

Chapter 798: The G.o.d Serpents 2

It could be said that Elle had gone too far. In a battle where people were throwing around superpowers, bringing in a high-tech laser weapon was akin to allowing the Legendary Super Saiyan to fight a normal Super Saiyan. 

A person with a cyan colored robe created an ice s.h.i.+eld to ward off Elle"s attack from her teammates, yet it was futile as the laser easily melted a hole through both the defense and the body. The ice element user was then blasted to pieces by the woman wearing casual wear. 

Nightwalker moved swiftly through the crowd, dealing with multiple foes alone. As the G.o.d Serpent Inheritor who had spent the most time with his G.o.d Serpent, his skill and technique in using his power was the best of the lot by default. 

Rather than opening up calamity portals and allow disasters to wreak havoc, he simply used acrobatic movements to dodge through the wave of enemies to gently push them inside each time he crossed over. 

When he did so, a small portal would open and swallow the person he pushed, making it seem like they had walked into it themselves. 

As for the survival rate of a person with the Apocalypse Realm? Hehe. 

Soon, Nightwalker slowed down as he encountered foes with two colored robes. The combination of ice and fire attacks, along with earth and water and so on, proved potent enough to make him frown slightly. 

He suddenly manifested two small portals around his fits and waved them forward. From one came hot, melting lava, from the other extremely toxic acid that ate away at everything around in its path. 

Nightwalker cruelly splashed this deadly liquid combo around, knowing that none of the other Inheritors were close by to get caught up in the attacked. 

What happens when a person tossed f.u.c.king lava and acid into a crowd? People start melting like wax under a fire, that"s what. 

The combat capability of those around him plummeted to zero as they screamed and thrashed in utter agony, not comprehending why this kind of pain was occurring to them and wis.h.i.+ng for it to stop at all costs. They would likely even sell their soul for it to stop, but unfortunately, no one was willing to buy it. 

Nightwalker simply stood agilely atop a broken stool, relis.h.i.+ng the sounds of pain and agony around him. He and Jormungandr were in an superb mood, as they were not allowed to carry out such wanton slaughters on a normal basis. 

The same could be said for Orochi within Ghost who kept prodding the young man to make use of this opportunity, much to his Inheritor"s reluctant annoyance. Meanwhile, Tiamat was howling with glee as Elle reaped lives like water. 

John Smith walked through the crowd on his own, marveling at Eden"s power. Anyone who gazed at him would suddenly go slack and become stupid, then turn on their colleagues with the fiercest expressions as if they had seen their mortal enemy. 

"Fascinating behavior." The Showman commented with interest. 

Eden manifested on his shoulder and snorted. "Hmph, back in my heyday, I could even make Lesser Deities exist in an illusion for eternity. Dealing with these small fry with limited minds is too easy." 

Realizing that his affiliated G.o.d Serpent loved to boast, John Smith was smart enough to flatter it profusely, making Eden"s head swell. Suddenly the G.o.d Serpent felt like this fellow wasn"t too bad, and could be allowed to carry its shoes in the future. 

…Wait, it didn"t even have feet! 

"Hmm?" Eden was surprised when one of its targets actually struggled to break free of the illusion, a woman in her twenties whose robe consisted of the colors pink and orange. She seemed to be a special one too, as her position had actually been close to those with three robes, but she had rushed over here to slay the intruders. 

"What"s up with her?" The Showman asked with surprise. 

Eden sneered. "She has strong mental fort.i.tude. I have already ripped the information from the minds of the others, and the colors on their robes represent the element they are affiliated with." 

"Those with one color are common members in this organization, called the Elementalists. Those with two colors have mastered two elements to the point that they can merge them, granting them the privilige of being called Elemental Lords. Those with three colors have mastered three different elements, hence why they"re called the Elemental Kings." 

Eden gestured to the fellows being slaughtered by the G.o.d Serpents. "They are the official members of the organization. Those kids you captured were merely trainees. Most new trainees only unlock one element and seek to master it before trying for another. Those who have one element and just unlocked another are sent back to the trainee camp for training until they master it, and so on." 

"So, notwithstanding the useless cla.s.sist system, I"d cla.s.sify this organization into two branches. Trainees and Masters. The fellows you are clearly treating like rats by the roadside are the masters. I can"t wait to see what the trainees have in store for us." Eden commented with a cruel smile. 

The Showman was left speechless. These were the masters? The fully qualified "adult" members of the organization? Was this really all they had to offer? 

Krona by the side also felt this lack of impression. From the moment the fight began, he had simply stood in place after conjuring a water dragon in the Asian style. This dragon carried him like a king, while two others formed and hurtled towards the enemies. 

Seeing an element user, most of the water element users among the enemy group rushed over to suppress Krona and defeat him, thinking him to be easy pickings compared to the others. Krona simply folded his arms behind his back and watched coldly. 

The water element users roared as they conjured water spikes and waves of high pressure water attacks. The aqua dragons Krona created even let these attack pa.s.s by them, gazing at the water element casters with a mocking glance. 

With Krona"s level of power and his bloodline, of course any bit of water he controlled would obtain spirituality. 

The strikes. .h.i.t Krona and drowned in their numerous waves, rendering his form unable to be seen. Just as the Elementalists were rejoicing at the defeat of the first foe, they were suddenly pierced through the forehead by a precise string of water that was faster than a bullet. 

They only had a few seconds to register disbelief and confusion until the water that "drowned" Krona parted like royal subjects to reveal their n.o.ble king. The water that these Elementalists conjured even formed two new dragons, roaring as they attacked their own colleagues. 

The four dragons wreaked havoc, especially targeting fire element casters, as they were easily suppressed to the element advantage. 

Hades still had his hands casually pocketed in his biker jacket, only using his legs to attack. However, rather than rely on his brute force, he used the elements that he had absorbed from those trainees to fight. 

Unfortunately, the flaw of devouring was that Hades" own proficiency was only as good as those he devoured. In other words, his fire, water, earth and wind could not match up to the "masters" here. 

Fortunately, was he not at the perfect place to fix that single flaw? 

A black mist wafted from his body and formed the shape of Nidhogg, with red glowing eyes and a snout that displayed silver black teeth. This nightmarish creature roared and charged at select members of the group, enveloping them for a few seconds as a horrifying and soul-chilling scream emerged from within the mist. 

When it converged and moved towards another target, all that was left was a few pieces of dust on the ground that would be blown away due to the ongoing fight in the area. 

By the time Nidhogg"s apparition finished its reign of terror, Hades had already beaten more than fourteen Elementalists to death using a mixture of the elements and his own superhuman strength. When the apparition reentered his body, Hades glowed with a myriad of lights as he gained the power of various Elementalists all at once. 

He stood in one place and sighed with satisfaction, then suddenly blew up in a ball of flame that scorched the area. Hades looked like a G.o.d of Fire as he converged the flame into his palm which he removed from his pocket, and then fired it forward. 

Immediately, a wide beam of Fire Energy ruptured through the room, turning many Elementalists of one or two robes into ash immediately and burning a hole through the building, even going into the sky and off-planet. 

Suddenly, the fight paused as everyone gazed at Hades speechlessly, while the one responsible was currently blus.h.i.+ng in shame. 

"Cough, I might have overdone it when I injected 5% of my Bloodline Energy…" Hades tried to explain to the fellow G.o.d Serpents, but they shook their heads. 

Nightwalker even screamed shrilly. "You THINK 5% was too much?! Jesus, were you trying to destroy a continent? Use your Bloodline Energy in decimals, bro!" 

Hades rubbed the back of his head. "It"s not like my specific power is used for offense, I just literally found out I can buff the devoured powers with Bloodline Energy. Before, I just devoured life force and essence of being." 

Nightwalker was rendered speechless. Okay, he now understood why Draco had sent them on this mission and why they probably needed to work together more. This was something he had expected because he was the only one among them who had received Lucifer Lineage training and spent almost a century plus with Jormungandr, while the rest lacked both Lineage training, as well as long term connection with their G.o.d Serpents. 

They were literally doing everything based off instinct, which was bad because the scale of the G.o.d Serpent and the scale of humans when it came to instinctual habits were vastly different. What would be a calamity to a human was a mere cough to a G.o.d Serpent. 

"Erm, you guys don"t need to worry too much. Nuwa says we can repair anything that gets destroyed, as long as it"s not the entire planet at once." Warm Spring suddenly spoke up from the back, standing close to Shadowheart who had been calmly watching the entire fight. 

Tiamat within Elle tsked and folded her arms. "Goody two shoes wh.o.r.e." 

The others were also shocked by this, even though they had already been told about Nuwa"s great creation powers. It was her forte in exchange for being unable to do much offensively. After all, she was the primogenitor of White Dragons, the first White Dragoness according to legend. 

Seriously, if the Black Dragon was G.o.d Serpent obviously the White Dragon would be too. 

Shadowheart sighed and stepped forward. "You guys are truly amazing. I feel myself scared and excited to be part of such a powerful group. Each one of you could probably tear down a continent on your own, given enough time and motivation." 

"In order to lead a group as powerful as you guys, I need to first a.s.sess your capabilities before deciding how we"ll synergize, and I can say that we have many ways to doing so. For this battle, though, let"s wrap things up, so we can go back and practice a few formations I"ve thought up. Let"s do it in the game first, lest you might really create a calamity that will be impossible to cover up." 

After saying this, Shadowheart manifested a staff that had the symbol of Ouroboros at the helm, and pressed the b.u.t.t of it on the ground gently, tapping once. 

"Power down." 

A wave of gray colored energy emerged from the point where Shadowheart pressed his staff to the ground, moving through the entire chamber like a formless wave. It spread out in a circular radius, touching everyone and everything, and pa.s.sing through them seemingly harmlessly. 

But was that really the case? 

"M-MY power…!!" One of the Elementalists who had been trying to sneak attack Warm Spring screamed as he struck out towards her, yet his body refused to produce the earth spikes he planned to use. 

Hearing this, the other Elementalist immediately tried to use their various powers, only to find them gone as well. They weren"t sealed nor drained, it was as if they never possessed those powers in the first place!