Gullible's Travels, Etc.

Chapter 36


"There"s the prizes," she says; "and I hope you"ll like "em."

Messenger unwrapped his"n and it was one o" them round leather cases that you use to carry extra collars in when you"re travelin". Messenger had told me earlier in the evenin" that he hadn"t been outside o"

Chicago in six years.

Mrs. Collins" prize was a chafin"-dish.

"I don"t blame Mrs. Garrett for bein" so crazy to win it," I says to her when they couldn"t n.o.body hear. "Her and Garrett both must get hungry along about nine or ten P.M."

"I hate to take it," says Mrs. Collins.

"I wouldn"t feel that way," I says. "I guess Mrs. Garrett will chafe enough without it."

When we was ready to go I shook hands with the host and hostess and says I was sorry if I"d pulled a b.o.n.e.r.

"It was to be expected," says Mrs. Garrett.

"Yes," I says; "a man"s liable to do most anything when he"s starvin" to death."

The Messengers and Collinses was a little ways ahead of us on the stairs and I wanted we should hurry and catch up with "em.

"You let "em go!" says the Missus. "You"ve spoiled everything now without doin" nothin" more. Every time you talk you insult somebody."

"I ain"t goin" to insult them," I says. "I"m just goin" to ask "em to go down to the corner and have a drink."

"You are not!" she says.

But she"s just as good a prophet as she is a bridge player. They wouldn"t go along, though, sayin" it was late and they wanted to get to bed.

"Well, if you won"t, you won"t," says I. "We"ll see you all a week from to-night. And don"t forget, Mrs. Collins, that I"m responsible for you winnin" that chafin"-dish, and I"m fond o" welsh rabbits."

I was glad that we didn"t have to go far to our buildin". The Missus was pleasant company, just like a bloodhound with the rabies. I left her in the vestibule and went down to help Mike close up. He likes to be amongst friends at a sad hour like that.

At breakfast the next mornin" the Wife was more calm.

"Dearie," she says, "they don"t neither one of us cla.s.s as bridge experts. I"ll admit I got a lot to learn about the game. What we want to do is play with the Hatches every evenin" this week, and maybe by next Tuesday night we"ll know somethin"."

"I"m willin"," I says.

"I"ll call Mrs. Hatch up this forenoon," she says, "and see if they want us to come over there this evenin". But if we do go remember not to mention our club or tell "em anything about the party."

Well, she had news for me when I got home.

"The San Susies is busted up," she says. "Not forever, but for a few months anyway. Mrs. Messenger called up to tell me."

"What"s the idear?" I says.

"I don"t know exactly," says the Missus. "Mrs. Messenger says that the Collinses had boxes for the opera every Tuesday night and the rest didn"t feel like goin" on without the Collinses, and they couldn"t all o" them agree on another night."

"I don"t see why they should bust it up on account o" one couple," I says. "Why didn"t you tell "em about the Hatches? They"re right here in the neighborhood and can play bridge as good as anybody."

"I wouldn"t think o" doin" it," says she. "They may play all right, but think o" how they talk and how they dress!"

"Well," I says, "between you and I, I ain"t goin" to take cyanide over a piece o" news like this. Somehow it don"t appeal to me to vote myself dry every Tuesday night all winter--to say nothin" o" two dollars a week annual dues to help buy a prize that I got no chance o" winnin" and wouldn"t know what to do with it if I had it."

"It"d of been nice, though," she says, "to make friends with them people."

"Well," I says, "I"ll feel a little more confident o" doin" that if I see "em once a year--or not at all."


I can tell you the rest of it in about a minute. The Missus had became resigned and everything was goin" along smooth till last Tuesday evenin". They was a new Chaplin show over to the Acme and we was on our way to see it. At the entrance to the buildin" where the Messengers lives we seen Mr. and Mrs. Hatch.

"h.e.l.lo, there!" says the Wife. "Better come along with us to the Acme."

"Not to-night," says Mrs. Hatch. "We"re tied up every Tuesday evenin"."

"Some club?" ast the Missus.

"Yes," says Mrs. Hatch. "It"s a bridge club--the San Susie. The Messengers and Collinses and Garretts and us and some other people"s in it. Two weeks ago we was to Collinses", and last week to Beardsleys"; and to-night the Messengers is the hosts."

The Missus tried to say somethin", and couldn"t.

"I been awful lucky," says Mrs. Hatch. "I win the prize at Collinses".

It was a silver pitcher--the prettiest you ever seen!"

The Missus found her voice.

"Do you have dinner, too?" she ast.

"I should say we do!" says Mrs. Hatch. "And simply grand stuff to eat!

It was nice last week at Beardsleys"; but you ought to been at Collinses"! First, they was an old-fashioned beefsteak supper; and then, when we was through playin", Mrs. Collins made us welsh rabbits in her chafin"-dish."

"That don"t tempt me," I says. "I"d just as soon try and eat a raw mushrat as a welsh rabbit."

"Well, we got to be goin" in," says Hatch.

"Good night," says Mrs. Hatch; "and I wisht you was comin" with us."

The pitcher we seen was called _The Fly Cop_. Don"t never waste a dime on it. They ain"t a laugh in the whole show!