Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!

Chapter 109

“Don’t use that 『Vitality Recovery』 with me, okay?”

“Of course.”

“Since you have five wives as well, they have to be the main cast.”

It’s around one month after safely marrying Elise and the others.
The time was evening, but I continued my secret meetings with Amelie-sister-in-law-san without change.

“Before that, an 『convenient woman』 like me should have been discarded at the time of your wedding, Wend-kun…” (Amelie)

“That part is a selfish strategy of a high-ranking n.o.ble-sama.” (Wendelin)

The relations.h.i.+p between me and Amelie-sister-in-law-san didn’t stop even after my marriage.
I’m continuing it forcefully.
Being an Earl-sama, the surroundings won’t say anything since it’s currently the wilfulness of the greatly powerful me.
At least on the surface.
Even if I’m told something behind the scenes, I’m a high-ranking n.o.ble that doesn’t have to care about such things.
It seems that’s how it is.
Roderich said so before.

『There won’t even be any fellows who will complain about a matter of such degree, but…』 (Roderich)

It might turn into a big problem on Earth, but it wasn’t deemed to be odd in this world.
Rather, there seem to be many people who think 『Supporting the wife of his elder brother whom he killed himself and even promising to bestow peerage and land to her children, Earl Baumeister has a firm character』.
I was surprised by the difference in values, but for that reason I’m continuing my tryst with her once a week.
Entertaining my five wives in order during five days of the week, the remaining two days are my free days.
On one day of those two free days I enjoy a tryst with her for a few hours.
Of course Elise and the other have noticed that, but this time they have given me their tacit consent.
However, since it’s wrong if I don’t return to the mansion, I don’t do something like devouring her that greedily.
There were also time when we had dates after moving to the capital with magic, but this was also for the sake of a temporary peace of mind for me.
Well, it’s something we do once every two times though.

“Wend-kun, you are quite peculiar as well. Even though you have five young and beautiful wives, you keep such old lady company.” (Amelie)

Although it’s the person herself saying that, Amelie-sister-in-law-san isn’t an old lady either.
Considering that she has conceived twice with 27 years, she looks rather young.
Her figure isn’t bad and her skin is fair as well.
It can be said that she simply looked a bit sooty thanks to living in the poor Baumeister household until now.
And, at the time when there was only the two of us, she managed to call me 『Wend-kun』 like in the old times.
This is something I asked her to do.
Recently the people who only call me 『Lord-sama』 or 『Earl Baumeister-sama』 are increasing and that is somewhat unpleasant.
You can also say that I have Amelie-sister-in-law-san deliberately call me like that for the sake of keeping my heart in balance.

“I, who is a lover whom you are keeping to yourself, have the privilege of keeping you company until you get tired of me, Wend-kun.” (Amelie)

“The one’s called n.o.bles are troublesome, aren’t they?” (Wendelin)

“Even my father is someone like that. That’s only natural.” (Amelie)

I somehow came to understand the reason for n.o.bles having many wives or living in luxury to some extent.
Since there are usually various difficulties, they likely do it to release stress.
There were also fellows whose reputation fell too much or who lost their heads in debts though.

“In other words, you can also say that I’m taking a breather* here.” (Wendelin) (T/N: seems to be a wordplay where 息を抜いている can also mean “e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e my p.e.n.i.s”, if you stretch it a bit)

“I can consent with it if that"s the case. Umm, is something sticking to my face?” (Amelie)

We talked while lying naked on the bed, but Amelie-sister-in-law-san noticed my line of sight.

“No. I’m measuring your mana.” (Wendelin)

“Mine’s the same as normal people.” (Amelie)

I have confirmed it many times over, but Amelie-sister-in-law-san’s mana was certainly the same as that of normal people.
An extremely small amount; that seems to be the case for the majority of the people in this world.

“That’s right, isn’t it…?” (Wendelin)

“Did something happen?” (Amelie)

“Yes, it"s an important secret that will turn into a disaster if it’s leaked. However, it will be soon exposed anyway, I think?” (Wendelin)

“It’s fine without me hearing about it…” (Amelie)

Given that Amelie-sister-in-law-san is able to keep a secret, I reveal something I can’t tell other people overly much in fairly large parts.
It’s something like the story of a detestable n.o.ble, a parasite-like n.o.ble and good-for-nothing n.o.ble.
Also, as it’s not like there aren’t any misgivings at all although it’s going smoothly, I have her occasionally listen to idle complaints towards my wives.
I need Amelie-sister-in-law-san for such aspects as well.

“As a matter of fact…” (Wendelin)

I begin to speak about a fact that came to light directly after being newly-wed.


It’s about the next morning after Elise’s bridal night finished.
When we headed towards the dining room to take a breakfast after stepping out of the bath, Burkhart-san, who stayed the night in the mansion, Armstrong and Katharina drew near Elise all at once.

『Hey, hasn’t your mana increased a bit?』 (Burkhart)

『I think so as well, but…』 (Armstrong)

『I noticed it as well.』 (Katharina)

Even I, who was completely in high spirits since last night, begin to measure Elise’s mana in a hurry and certainly, the mana rose to a detectable extent.
Elise, who possesses mana above intermediate level, apparently stopped increasing her mana at the time of being 11 years old as she continuously practised 『Heal』 and 『Purification』 since her childhood.
Busy with the act of healing with magic as 『Saint』, she ended up reaching the limit of mana growth earlier than usual.
Despite that her mana capacity grew again after getting close to becoming 16 years old.
If you consider it normally, that was something very improbable.
It’s disregarding the definition of a matching vessel quite a bit.

『『What did you do?』 means that you did 『something』.』 (Burkhart) (T/N: The pun here is probably that it can also be read as “”What did you do?” means that you licked “something””, though not 100% sure on that one)

『Umm… That is…』 (Elise)

It was a vulgar pun appropriate for Burkhart-san’s age.
Elise blushes out of embarra.s.sment, but I might be the same kind as well as I’m actually grinning after seeing her her state.

『Master-sama, you are indecent.』 (Katharina)

『Sorry, but that’s very likely the cause.』 (Burkhart)

While reining in Katharina’s criticism, Burkhart-san presented one possibility.

『In other words, it means that your mana increases if you do such thing with Earl-sama. I don’t understand why or the finer details to it though. I haven’t heard about such principle either. Such things are subjects investigated in the curio-like Sorcery Guild in the capital.』 (Burkhart)

Due to the very likeliness of Burkhart-san’s deduction, it causes an shock among us.


“So, you looked at my mana? But…” (Amelie)

We are continuing this kind of relations.h.i.+p for several months already, but there has been no change in Amelie-sister-in-law-san’s magic capacity.
That means the mana won’t increase unless one has talent in magic, even if it"s a minuscule amount.

“How disappointing. Even though it would have been amusing if I could make something after becoming a magician. So, how about the other wives?” (Amelie)

After asking me, Amelie-sister-in-law-san pushes out both her hands like a magician and does something like 『Eiya~』.
I end up considering her appearance like that as a bit cute.

“It was terrible, wasn’t it?” (Amelie)

“Well, accordingly…” (Wendelin)

And, after that possibility was suggested, I became strangely occupied.

『Wendelin-san, please ((indulge in me)) without reservations.』 (Katharina)

『I want to be a magician.』 (Wilma)

『If my mana increases, I will also be able to use fire ball.』 (Luise)

『Even I, that possibility…』 (Ina)

With that as cause, it was terrible as partner of the four, who completely changed into carnivores, I told Amelie-sister-in-law-san.
The crucial effect was there, but the four’s mana increased more than Burkhart-san expected.

『Wendelin-sama, please don’t do the unreasonable too much.』 (Elise)

Only Elise, who’s the first wife, was gentle, but since her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are big, I succ.u.mbed to their temptations after all.
I have no doubt, I think b.r.e.a.s.t.s are no good.

『Wendelin.sama, are you tired?』 (Elise)

『Recovery magic exists for that reason.』 (Wendelin)

Due to such reason, I was busy at night on five days in the week.

“Having lost to your desires, you are to blame here, Wend-kun. Or rather, since Elise-san is the first wife, you have to make a child with her quickly.” (Amelie)

“That’s right, isn’t it?” (Wendelin)

“So, it’s the same for Ina-san, too?” (Amelie)

“Ina unconsciously used mana to enhance her physical abilities and spearmans.h.i.+p.” (Wendelin)

Even normal people do that unconsciously, however Ina made use of her large mana a bit more than that.
With it not being wrong to barely call her a magician according to Burkhart-san, her mana raised greatly on the next morning.


『Ina-chan’s increase is large.』(Luise)

『Does the increase grow even if it’s done the same number of times albeit being a person with a low amount of mana?』 (Katharina)

Katharina’s conjecture should be mostly correct.
Even if they gain the same amount of experience points, the people, who have low levels (mana), will likely have it easier to increase their levels (mana).
As it’s unknown whether the amount of experience plays into such acts, there’s no problem with such way of thinking since it’s actually happening, I believe.

『Wend-sama, my ((mana)) went up considerably as well. I want to raise it even more.』 (Wilma)

Given that there wasn’t such a difference in mana quant.i.ty between Wilma and Ina, it increased quite a bit after the first time.

『It’s advanced level I’m aiming for. Of course I have to do my best in various ways since we are newly-weds.』 (Luise)

Even Luise looks at me completely like a carnivore.

『Wilma-san, Luise-san, if you don’t take Wendelin-sama’s stamina into consideration…』 (Elise)

Elise, who has a position like a semi-doctor with her mastery in healing magic, gave a warning to the two who are full of vigour.
It"s probably because it will become terrible if I die during s.e.xual intercourse.

『Ina-san, as well.』 (Elise)

『Huh? I wonder why you are putting me together with them?』 (Ina)

『Ina-chan, you look very happy about your mana increasing.』 (Luise)

It’s not like that’s because it actually showed an effect, but Roderich has been absent a lot in the newly-wed period this month.
While hunting in the Demon Forest, doing public works though less than usual and training magic, scenes making Dominique speechless were created once again.

『Elise. That is?』

『Taking your physical condition into account, I made a concrete schedule, Wendelin-sama.』 (Elise)

Elise gave me, who shook due to the threshold of s.e.xual appet.i.te, freedom and being preyed upon, a night schedule while floating a smile.
At such times the fruits of Elise’s labours as wife stand out after all.

『Of course I want a baby soon. But, it’s fine to go with the feeling of newly-weds for a while.』 (Elise)

Although that was the main objective, there aren’t many people who dislike their mana growing.
Thanks to that, I feel like there were various difficulties.
I think that it was a month that wasn’t bad, but…


——————————————————- End of Part 1 ————————————————————