Hard to Escape

Chapter 25

I didn"t see Yin Li after that. Originally, I had planned to wake up early the next day to check up on him, but when I went to look for him I was met with an empty bed. Strangely, I felt a little disappointed. But I stifled these feelings and the end, I didn"t take the initiative to contact Yin Li.

To my surprise, Wei Yan called me several times. He was currently translating a recipe that incorporated imported foods from France and asked me about a few unusual terms. But unexpectedly, this handful of calls would later give me a huge headache.

I don"t know what rumor Wei Yan"s girlfriend, Su Lin Lin, had caught wind of, but when Monday rolled around she and her whole posse of friends sought me out. Su Lin Lin laughed as she said, "Yan Xiao, today"s my birthday. I"m inviting the whole cla.s.s out to celebrate, and I especially wanted to thank you for helping my Wei Yan out yesterday. That"s just how he is; his French is spotty here and there. If it weren"t for you, he probably would"ve been too busy today to remember my birthday gift." As she spoke, she feigned an air of nonchalance to glance down at the Hermès bag in her hand. Then she shyly lifted her head, and with a modest look on her face she smiled embarra.s.sedly at me.

"Happy Birthday! It"s a pity I didn"t know, I didn"t prepare anything for you today."

Su Lin Lin smiled magnanimously. "It"s no big deal. Just your presence is enough. Besides, helping out Wei Yan is the same as helping me out. That"s the best birthday gift I could ask for."

Once she left, Wu Mei, who had been next to me the whole time, tugged on my sleeve. "Be careful. She"s definitely got something planned to trip you up with tonight. Su Lin Lin"s jealousy is legendary. Last semester, Liu Lan Lan and Wei Yan were collaborating on a short skit for French cla.s.s and rehea.r.s.ed together. There were a couple of times where Lan Lan bought food for Wei Yan and, as a result, Su Lin Lin used her family connections to toss out Lan Lan"s spot in a year-long exchange program to France."

Even though Su Lin Lin"s conduct earlier clearly looked as if she was staking her claim on Wei Yan, anyone with a brain could tell that there was also a little provocation. But I didn"t really care. After all, what on earth could she trip me up with?

But that evening, contrary to my expectations, Su Lin Lin didn"t bring out Wei Yan. In fact, she didn"t invite a single male cla.s.smate. She said only that it was to be a “girls" party” and invited all the female students in the cla.s.s. Her family"s chauffeurs drove a fleet of cars to ferry everyone to a fancy clubhouse. Upon seeing the name of the clubhouse, everyone started whispering.

"Oh my gosh it"s Palace! I thought only people working in finance and trade could enter? They even have a membership system where you"re only invited if your annual income is high enough."

"What does Su Lin Lin"s family do? Can we really enter?"

Su Lin Lin seemed to have already antic.i.p.ated our doubt. She just confidently smiled. Tonight, she wore an evening gown studded with gems and rhinestones, looking refined and gorgeous. After exchanging a few words with the attendant at the door, she brought everyone in with her. As the group walked in, some girls were already sighing in admiration at the hallway"s interior design. And those walking around the main lounge all wore worshipful expressions as they stared at the high society around them.

After pa.s.sing through two hallways and making a turn, the lighting grew dimmer. This place was set up like a bar. In the shadowy room, Su Lin Lin turned around and revealed a smile. "Tonight we aren"t doing the truths in truth or dare, we"re jumping directly to the dares. Everyone, party your heart out!"1

1 不醉不归 is an idiom that translates literally to “to not go home until drunk” …Yeah it shouldn"t be too hard to guess its meaning.

Her smile seemed to turn sinister under the dim lights and my hairs stood on end. I prayed that I wouldn"t fall into her clutches.

"Aiya, Yan Xiao, it"s your loss. This time it"s my turn to penalize you!" A pity the heavens never listen to mortal prayers. Su Lin Lin looked at me like a fox that had caught the rabbit, and I knew things weren"t going to go well. We had played cards to determine who would decide and who would do the dare, and I knew I wasn"t her match in cards.

"What dare should I give you…" Su Lin Lin stirred the cherry in her wine gla.s.s. She bit her lip and pasted an awkward expression on her face. "How about this. Do you see the man in grey sitting at the bar over there? Go up and confess your love to him, then give him a kiss on the lips."

My heart shook with fear2 as I looked for the man she described, but then magically it settled down. This was because, through the noisy and blurred crowd, I spotted Yin Li.

2 心惊肉跳 (“heart frightened, body leaping”) is an idiom that means “to feel scared in the face of disaster”.

He wasn"t the man in grey that Su Lin Lin had singled out. That guy looked like a frivolous dandy, and his gaze flitted to and fro, as if he were looking hunting for his next prey. But Yin Li was different. His suit jacket had two b.u.t.tons open and he looked composed and at ease. He was currently alone, leaning against the counter in a corner of the bar, nursing a drink. It looked like he had just concluded some business negotiations and was taking a break to unwind. Yet he also seemed to give off an aura that dissuaded people from approaching. Two girls came up and tried to hit on him, but seeing that he paid them no interest, they felt it was dull and left.

I turned to look at Su Lin Lin. She had finally revealed a c.o.c.ky expression on her face that seemed to antic.i.p.ate a good show. She must have been familiar with the people at this club, and purposefully pointed out the man in grey for me. That man must be some famous playboy3 in these circles. If I really went to confess and kiss him, people would think I was some cheap girl who threw myself at anything that moved. Now that would cause me endless trouble.

3 花花公子 (“Flowery Prince”) is slang for a playboy

I smiled at Su Lin Lin: "That man in grey is no challenge. The man behind him drinking by himself seems to be more difficult."

Su Lin Lin looked at Yin Li and snorted. "That"s obvious, that"s the Yin family"s eldest son. Of course he would be more difficult. He can"t even be bothered to speak to those on my level, not to mention someone like you. He"s at the tipsy-top of the pyramid, you got it? If you want to go try your hand at confessing and kissing him, I won"t object, and I"ll also consider it as you completing the dare."

"Su Lin Lin, don"t be like this. We can"t afford to offend anyone here. Let Yan Xiao drink a few gla.s.ses of some nasty concoction we throw together, or let her eat some straight wasabi, and let"s call it a day," Wu Mei promptly advised. She looked at me with some worry, hoping that Su Lin Lin would change her mind. At the same time, she also gave me a meaningful look, hoping that I"d admit defeat. Then we could both back off and resolve the situation.

Su Lin Lin seemed to antic.i.p.ate that I would admit defeat, and currently was looking down her nose at me.4

4 居高临下 (“live high, look down”) is an idiom that means “to look down on others based on one"s higher social standing”.

I gratefully smiled at Wu Mei, and then finished off my c.o.c.ktail. "So what? I"ll do it, plant a kiss on Yin family"s eldest son for all of you to see."

Despite hearing Wu Mei worriedly call out, "Yan Xiao come back, you"ve had too much to drink," I valiantly strode on forwards to a.s.sault Yin Li.



A reinterpretation:

I smiled at Su Lin Lin: "That man in grey is easy peasy lemon squeezy on the deezy. The man behind him drinking by himself *smacks lips* OOO BABY NOW THAT seems to be more difficult."

Su Lin Lin looked at Yin Li and snorted. "Fo shizzle ma nizzle, that boi right there is the Yin family"s eldest son. Of course he would be more difficult. He can"t even be bothered to speak to those on my level, not to mention someone like you. He"s at the tipsy-top of the pyramid, capiche? If you want to go try your hand at confessing and kissing him, I won"t object, and I"ll also consider it as you completing the dare."