
Chapter 15

《Farewell, and New companions》

 It was already the lunchtime when the graduation ceremony was done. Before they could take the last meal of the course, the trainees went back to their room to pack their things up. It was a place that holds old memories, of course to other trainees, but especially for Haroon. He took a long time wandering in the simple room and took his clothes that he got when he joined the world of Beyond. It was when he headed out of the room.

 “You were great today. If my boss was here, he sure would have tried his best to get you in our guild,” said Galli, smiling. He was just leaving his room.

 “You too, Galli. Congratulation being a 3 circle.”
“Haha, Thanks. All you, though. I could train hard because of you.”

 Even though Haroon wasn’t sure Galli’s word was true or not, Haroon felt glad about it. But it wasn’t only Galli saying that. It wasn’t only one or two magicians who were thanking Haroon. Unlike how they were wearing training clothes, it was cool they were dressed in Magician robes and staffs or wands.

 “Pay me a visit if you have time. I shall treat you a glorious meal.”
 “Hahaha, I could train well because of you.”
 “My body isn’t really coordinated, so I’ve been only showing you my clumsy side. Pay me a visit, and I will show you who I really am. You know, I’ve got some position in my guild.”
“It was glad to meet you. And with your help, I could reach another level. Take care!”

 Magicians graduated in time same time as Haroon didn’t leave their room without doing nothing to Haroon. They hugged him or patted his shoulder. Haroon didn’t know he was getting so much love from the magicians, so much that he thought he doesn’t deserve it since he has been busy with his training, day or night.

 ‘But Nemion, She…….’

 Nemion and few other magicians didn’t show up. Since he and they had the similar age, he thought he was close with them, and they didn’t show up even after he has proved that he is a magician. Haroon felt betrayed but blamed himself. If he let them knew he had Brat with him, it wouldn’t have come this far. It went like he has tested their trust on him.

Unlike the other trainees heading to the canteen, Haroon went under the tree grown on the corner of the Square with Elser and ate the lunch that Elser has prepared herself.

 “Take some of these too.”

 Haroon tried to control his expression, but he just couldn’t. He was eating the food she claimed she prepared in the early morning, but the taste of it was somewhat so interesting that his tongue and mouth cannot describe of.

– You ate materials forfeited to be a food.
[Your stats are temporally decreased by some point]

 Haroon was eating the food gritting his teeth. Even the UI sound was complimenting the food, but Haroon couldn’t stop eating. Whenever his expression changes, Elser gave him another food with great expectation shown on her face. So Haroon couldn’t dare to describe what it really tastes like.

 “How is it? How is it?!” Elser eagerly asked.

 Haroon tried his best to hide the tears and smiled back. He just couldn’t ignore her expectations.

 “It is de, delicious.”
“Hehehe, It sure is! I cooked this with so much care. You know, I did wanted to cook for a man like this.”

 Elser’s face went bright hearing Haroon’s lie. It seems she did have a feminine instinct still breathing in the deep part of her mind, hidden from her appearance.

 ‘These foods are not what I can dare to comment about.’

 Haroon, at least, wanted to shut his eyes. He felt like he wasn’t allowed even to cringe his face, seeing how starry her eyes were. He respected Elser’s cooking skill to make something to have a discord of sweetness, spiciness, saltiness, and sourness. Thank G.o.d Haroon’s general view on the food is ‘Everything will be the same when it goes down to his belly’. After eating an enormous amount of food that requires superhuman patience, he was able to avoid her innocent, but scary looks.

 While Haroon was eating, Elser has been looking at the armor set and Grade-D Mercenary Ident.i.ty Plate¹ that he received for being the Top Trainee, then she did something with the plate. She waited until Haroon finish eating his lunch, and asked the question she eager to ask.

 “How did you became an Elementalist? You didn’t have that ability when we first met.”
“Well, That’s…….”

 Haroon told Elser what happened during the course, and how he desperately wanted to be a magician because of the Quad w.a.n.kers, and how he coincidentally acquired an elemental spirit in the drainage.

 “So That’s what happened. You’ve gone through a lot. We were, too, concerned about you not being a magician.”

 She suddenly cringed, making a scary face in the middle of the conversation.

 “And who’re the w.a.n.kers again?”

 Elser gnashed her teeth, making a loud noise. If he wasn’t lucky enough to learn the elemental magic, she, McKin, and her father wouldn’t be able to avoid the dishonor. She learned how much Haroon has suffered because of them so she couldn’t let those w.a.n.kers walk away in one piece.

  “Just never mind them. What’s the use of revealing them now?”

 Haroon thought of letting Elser scold them, thinking how much he was stressed of them, but he decided not to. They already paid for their bad acts. And they will, for more. To be honest, they were NPC, and Haroon was a player. Maybe it was Haroon’s bad of interfering their world. Thinking that he didn’t want to make the problem even bigger.

 “I can’t. Do you know what comes first in the Mercenaries’ creed?”

 The Mercenaries’ creed? He didn’t even know there is such a thing.

 “That is ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."”

 He could understand. In real life, there are laws that don’t allow personal revenge. But in this world, the concept of ‘law’ wasn’t properly set in this world as it is based on the Medival time, but still, there were ‘rules’ between the individuals.

 “Say it. It isn’t just your problem. This is also related to my and McKin’s pride.”
“Cut it out. I made them pay for their act already.”
“What do you mean? You already took care of them?”
“Yes, it wasn’t an eye for an eye, it was 10 times more than that, so you don’t have to fix them.”

 She kept telling Haroon to tell who it was, but Haroon didn’t until the end. He didn’t want to tell how he revenge them using Brat. He was satisfied with it, but he was afraid that Elser might think him evil if he told her the full story.

 When Elser and Haroon were arguing like that, some were approaching them. It was Elser’s father Piel, and McKin. They’ve been busy dealing with the authorities of Mercenary guild HQ.

 “Father, how did you come here…….?”

 Piel didn’t even answer her and stared at Haroon. McKin seemed nervous of the situation and stood at the back of him.

 “Are you the d.a.m.ned one named Haroon?”
“I’m sorry? Oh! Yes, I am.”

 If one can kill a person just by a stare, Piel would be the one. The deadly stare at Haroon had a horrifying force in it. Haroon shrank back without knowing and looked down to the ground as he was afraid of facing Piel’s presence that felt like it would pierce his eye like an arrow. But that only lasted for a moment. One of his characteristics woke back up. It was once sleeping inside of him and he has awakened it during the training.

 The unyielding Spirit!

 He didn’t know why Piel was threatening him, but Haroon also didn’t have any reason to feel small. If it was McKin or Elser, it would have been different, but he wasn’t related with Piel by any mean. It wasn’t like he damaged Elser by anyhow, so there wasn’t any reason to fear him.

 When he reached to that point, Haroon tore his eyes away from the ground and looked directly to Piel’s eyes. It felt like Piel’s stare was cutting his body like a sword, but he wasn’t feared by it. After a short, chilling silence, Haroon’s stare got tense. It was because his will and power were added to it.

 “What the h.e.l.l will you do if you stare me like that, you brat!”

 Piel’s sudden shout made Haroon stumble. Haroon felt perplexed being shouted at. It was Piel who started staring with an uncomfortable expression. But oddly enough, Piel smiled at Haroon, standing dumb faced.

 “You are a decent fellow. More than I thought.”

 Haroon finally realized he was being tested. He wasn’t sure how and what Piel tested, but it seemed he did well.

 “What’s your thoughts on being my student?” Piel continued.
“Pardon me?”

 He was still dumb faced as he couldn’t get used to Piel’s warm words. Seeing that, Elser and McKin were smiling at Haroon. They knew about this already.

 “It’s hard to find a good student these days. They always seek for an easier method. They don’t know that skills are gained only by sweats, desperate efforts, and experience with the dangers of losing one’s life. But I think you can take my lessons. Tell me what you think.”

 Haroon couldn’t answer so quickly.

 ‘This is really a good chance!’

 If he decides to be Piel’s student, cla.s.s advancement would be no problem. Of course, he didn’t have enough Soul Points yet, but combat experience will solve that problem. On the other hand, Haroon would be bound to him. Being related to Piel means he will gain relationships with Piel’s relationships as well, and that will bind his free will to one place.

 But the most important point is that the world he lives in is different from what they live in. Thanks to Bell, the Top-cla.s.s capsule, he was able to train without logging out for a long time, but he couldn’t live like that all the time. No matter how real the game is, Haroon’s life was based on the real world.

 The Beyond was really like an another reality, but that didn’t mean he can live them forever. NPCs were really like another human species, but it was impossible for him to stay there and live with them forever, both theoretically and systemically. Haroon finally opened his mouth after long, serious consideration.

 “Thank you for your offer, but I need to refuse it.”
 “Why? Do you have any idea how good chance this is?” Elser reacted quite violently.

 Piel and McKin also inwardly thought Haroon would accept it. But when he refused, their expression changed quite a lot. So Haroon said,

 “I lied to Elser. I’m actually an Outlander.”
“An Outlander?”
“S…so, you are THE Outlander?”

 McKin and Elser were surprised here that. But unlike them, Piel looked up at the sky without saying any word.

 “You don’t mean the Outlanders, who got permission from our G.o.ds to visit our world, under the condition they would kill the monsters? But I heard they can’t stay continuously like you!”

 McKin’s question with surprised expression allowed Haroon to know how NPCs think about the players.

“I’m a quite special Outlander.”

 Haroon didn’t know how to put his state in words to make them understand.

 “So you can’t live here continuously, date nor marry someone?”
“No, I can’t. Even though I’m special, I’m still an Outlander.”

 Haroon stole a glance at Elser, answering McKin. She seemed to be out of the shock.

 “So that’s why. When I first met you, I found it strange that you didn’t know so much about this world.”

 Fortunately, Elser didn’t seem to be surprised too much.

 “I’m sorry, Elser, that I lied to you. I didn’t know how you’d take, so I made a mistake.”

 It was hard for him to move his head up. Haroon felt strong guilt to Elser and McKin who provided him a good opportunity.

 “Nah, that isn’t even a lie. To be honest, I didn’t know anything about the Outlanders since I was busy training and directing trainees when the temple made an announcement. And you being an Outlander doesn’t change the fact we are friends, does it?”
 “No, We are friends till the end, Elesr!”

 Haroon felt so thankful for Elser being straightforward. Just like her impression, she was broad-minded and bright, and that made him comfortable.

 “What a shame. I thought you might deserve to continue my dream of making a continent-scale mercenary guild, unlike how stubborn McKin refused to. I can’t help but to choose Elser,” said Piel, after a long glance at the sky.
 “I don’t know the details of your dream, but I can promise you this, sir. I can’t be with Elser for forever, but I will help her so she can achieve that goal.”
 “Will you?”

 Elser’s eyes were burning bright.

 “I will. Elser is the first friend I met, and she is my savior.”

 The shade on his face was finally gone.

 “Good. Outlanders are known to be selfish and greedy, but it seems you are, indeed, different. You’ve got my expectation, so please, help her a lot.”
 “I will.”

 Haroon gladly nodded. He met them only once, but he knew Elser, McKin, and Piel were trustworthy. Even in real life, there were not many people he found trustworthy.

 “Soon, the whole continent will be in Chaos. You may be an Outlander, but you will still need to prepare for the Chaos. The old, rotting system will be gone, and new days will come. It will be either the days of a newly united Empire or warring state countries. Whichever, it will be an opportunity for us, mercenaries.”

 Haroon didn’t get what he meant. But From his words and the atmosphere of it, he knew there will be a great revolution in the world of Beyond.

 “And one more thing. Your throwing knife skills reminded me one story about a hero who had G.o.dlike throwing knife skills, just like you. I’m not sure if it is just a legend or a real person, but they say he has once defeated a sword master with one throwing knife.”

 Haroon’s eyes were burning bright. A man, ruling the world with just one throwing knife.

 “I heard it with my own ears from the elder of the Elves, who saved my life in the Black Forest. They don’t know the concept of ‘lying’, so it is probably true. In fact, the legend of that hero is told from mouths to mouths of the Hukran Mountains. Travel around there if you get any chance. Maybe you will stumble upon a good chance.”
 “Thank you, sir.”

 Haroon felt his heart was bouncing and his blood getting boiled as soon as he heard Piel’s words. It felt like his destiny. His primary goal is getting cla.s.s advancement, but once that is solved, he decided to chase the marks of that legend.

 “Only one year, only one year left on the contracts made with Mercenary Guilds are expired. A wind of change is blowing in the imperial family, it’s the wind that was never like before. This only meant one thing; impending chaos. When things are changing, we will lay a cornerstone for one giant mercenary guild. When it is the time, We’ll need your help. The number of Outlanders is increasing, and their ability is rising as the time goes, so I think you could be a big help to us.”
 “Count on me, sir. Given that much time, I think I can be somewhat useful.”

 That helped Haroon to understand Piel’s motive. Piel and Elser were dreaming of a giant mercenary guild. Using the chaotic period, he was going to make his mercenary guild much larger, and a stronger guild that can rule on the whole continent. Haroon was glad to help Piel to achieve that dream.

 ‘It won’t hurt sharing the goal with them.’

 Being a Mercenary wouldn’t be so bad. Most of the player’s aim was on leveling up so they could earn some money by obtaining a good item, or gaining some fame by being a ranker. But Haroon had a different goal from the beginning.

 Getting stronger. This was the only one goal, and it was the only one thing that he wanted. Whichever cla.s.s he chooses, he will need a great amount of experience to be a master of it, and in order to gain those, he will need a companion and friends. It would be possible to take steps toward his goal and share the same dream with them.

The dormitory was quite unlike before. Many trainees already have parted. Even after packing up his a few belongings, Haroon couldn’t leave his room for a while.

 ‘I really should be planning my life. And I will need to know how the other users leave.’

 It was fortunate that Haroon was able to meet Elser, and join the Training Course, as he would be ahead of other users, at least about the stat values. But thinking how the n.o.blemen living in District S and A would be using most advanced game capsules to play the game 24/7 and hired many servants to help them, he realized how behind he would be.

 Despite the Necomwall’s intention and effort to separate the two worlds, they couldn’t avoid the power and fortune of the real life indirectly affecting the world of Beyond. So Haroon didn’t want to be disappointed by pointless expectations.

“Oh, right! The cla.s.s advancement!”

 Haroon forgot he was in the game because of the training, and meeting with Brat. Hitting his head with his own hands, he checked his status.

Name: Haroon
Race: Human
Cla.s.s: –
Level: 10
t.i.tle: The Top Trainee of Mercenary Training Basic Course (and other 2)
Health Point: 480
Mana Point:490
Elemental Force Point: 200
Strength: 32    Stamina:38
Intellect: 21    Wisdom 39
Luck: 26    Agility:32(+2)
Sustenance: 22    E.S.P. :7
Focus: 24    S.P.: 40
Fame: 100

 By gaining a new t.i.tle, his S.P. was increased by 10, and he got 100 points for Fame. But rather than those, he was more interested in the increase of the value of other stats, naturally. Those were the points he earned by the efforts of sweat and blood.

 ‘The t.i.tle I got after slaying the Catrats increased my stat values, but this time it didn’t. So it means every t.i.tle has different rewards. I only got some S.P. Is this high for my level, anyway?’

 He couldn’t tell. He didn’t have any user he knew and he didn’t log out much enough to compare with the others. But it was certain that he got E.F.P. by obtaining Brat. Of course, it was so low that it could do anything.

 Moreover, there was a change in his t.i.tle. He wasn’t sure how the system determines which t.i.tle to be displayed, so he decided to search for the t.i.tle system later on. 

 Partic.i.p.ating every lecture he could take helped him gaining the stat values for Intellect, almost similar to other stats. Newly gained stats – Sustenance and Focus – has increased very much too. Somehow, Luck was increased by 3 too.

 Like he always did, he invested all of his bonus points to Luck. He wouldn’t regret it as he thought it was Luck that allowed him to meet the Essential spirit, Brat, even though it was a polluted on.

 He opened his skill window this time.

 [Pa.s.sive Skill]

Spirit-Guided Throwing Knives: Lv.1(7.23%)/Lv.5

Controls throwing knives using a special force of a spirit. The impact of it increases as the skill level increases. Uses 5 mana per second.

Sense Sword: Lv.1(20.00%)/Lv.5
Emergency Medical Treatment: Lv.1(2.50%)/Lv.3
Compounding Cure Medicines: Lv.1(2.30%)/Lv.5
Set/defuse Traps: Lv.1(3.00%)/Lv.3 

Seeing his skills made him really want to start a journey for the cla.s.s advancement. Even though every single one of them is basic skills, but it meant a lot for him. Even after he closed the skill window, it felt like he still could see the vivid image of it.

  ‘First, I need to know the details about the cla.s.ses, and then I will choose one to be.’

 He finally made up his mind and headed to the canteen. There was one thing he still had to do.

 After the lunchtime, when all other trainees had left the Academy, he was at the canteen with 3 other work trainees. It was the last labor; dumping the food wastes.


 There was several times more food waste than before, but it wasn’t so hard for them, not anymore. Even the weak Rose could carry both buckets full of food waste to the dumping site, without resting.

 “But I still feel upset,” said Moggle, seeing other three people.
 “At first, I was going to drop the course as this was too horrible. But somehow, I made it,” said Mannen, glancing over the stinky wastes.
 “Huhu, it was all Haroon Oppa.”

 Rose smiled. Whenever they felt down and weak, Haroon has always been helpful for them. It wasn’t like he encouraged them or something, but being sincere to his task and doing his best on it has motivated them, until the end of the course.

 “I totally agree!”
“I can’t say no to that. If it wasn’t him, I might have caused a trouble with those w.a.n.kers. And if I did, I would have been kicked out. In fact, I heard the previous trainees quit the course not because the course was hard, but because of the discrimination.”

 Moggle looked at Haroon with thankful eyes. Haroon replied with a smile.

 “Nah, it is good to hear I could be a help, but it would have been hard for me if there weren’t you guys. I could endure the hard times because you were there for me,” said Haroon.

 He wasn’t lying. If they were motivated by him, so he was by them. Haroon knew that he was able to go through the hardships because he wasn’t alone.

 “When we meet again, I’ll buy you drinks.”
“Me too. I know you will be a great mercenary. Just don’t act like you don’t know me when you become one.”

 Moggle and Mannen had a great smile on their face too.

 “What are you going to do, Haroon Oppa? Are you going to join a guild like us, or are you planning to be a wandering mercenary?

 Haroon fell in thoughts hearing Rose’s words. Originally, he didn’t join the course to be a mercenary. It was just Elser’s help that he was able to join the course.

 “I can’t say for sure. I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

 He already told Elser and Piel that he walk his own way, and getting a cla.s.s was his top priority, so he didn’t plan that far.

 “The others say that you will officially be a student of Piel. Does that mean you will be a wanderer?”
“Probably, since Piel, ‘The brave of the Black’, nor ‘the Silver-haired Witch’ Elser isn’t a member of any mercenary guild,” said Moggle.

 He was an expert when it comes to the mercenary world. Hearing his words, the two enviously looked at Haroon. Being a student of a legendary mercenary was a great honor, and it guaranteed the future. 

 “Whatsoever, I’m really proud to have a friend like you. Moreover, we’ve shared the same burden being the work-trainees.”

 Mannen respects Haroon. He always has been, and he will respect him even more as he got to know that Haroon was an Elementalist. It made Haroon uncomfortable, but at the same time, he was proud of it.

 “Oh? What on earth, are they here for?”

 They turned to where Moggle was facing and they could see the Quad w.a.n.kers coming.

 “What is it? What made you come here?”

 Moggle spoke surly. He was sick of seeing them. Moggle was taking his small magic staff out, as nothing could stop him now since they’ve already graduated.

 “I just wanted to talk with Haroon. I’ve got no business with you guys.”

 Philip was speaking without any sarcastic mood unlike before. Moggle felt awkward by it as he even took his staff out. 

 “I don’t buy it. Do you still have anything left to say when the truth is revealed?”

 Mannen also cringed his face and spoke angrily.

 “No, it is not about that. I came here to apologize for that, and I need to talk with him in other affairs.”

 Like Moggle, Mannen felt awkward seeing Philip not fighting back. He wasn’t here for a fight, nor to bully Haroon. Instead, his voice was quite polite and was almost respectful. It was very strange to hear him like that.

 “I’m really sorry for what I’ve done to you guys. I was naive to think that we were superior to you, so I felt jealous of Haroon being ahead of us. Please, forgive us.”
“I’m sorry too.”
“I… wasn’t meant to bully you on training hard. Like Philip said, I was stressed by falling behind, and I made a huge mistake. I’m sorry.”
“Um, first of all to 3 of you except Haroon, there was nothing personal. I am sorry for behaving naively.”

 Moggle, Mannen, and Rose was surprised. They just didn’t see the Quad w.a.n.kers will apologize to them since they had a good background, and they’ve got some skills too.  In fact, if they have met outside of the academy, they won’t even be able to talk to any member of the Quad w.a.n.kers because of social state difference.

 Speechless, they stole glances at each other. To be honest, Haroon was the one who was getting mocked at, and they weren’t stressed too much by the Quad w.a.n.kers. Of course, it was hard to live with other trainees as the Quad w.a.n.kers made strong, dirty image on them. But it wasn’t only their concern but to previous work-trainees as well.

 “Mmm, I can see sincereness in your words so I will forgive you,” said Moggle, representing other trainees.

 The other three work-trainees smiled at them. Crossing their forearm, they shook bad feelings off. That was the mercenaries’ way of greetings. 

“Well, then, would you excuse us? We’ve got something to talk with Haroon.”

 So they looked back at Haroon. They couldn’t see any brighter smile from him.

 “Then, See you again.”
 “Take care.”
 “Oppa, I will introduce you a girl if we do meet again.”

 They hesitated to leave the place easily as they didn’t know how they could meet again, but for Haroon’, they left the place.

 “Well, what is it?”

 Haroon clearly knew what they wanted, but he intentionally talked in an abrupt manner. 

 “I apologize from the bottom of my heart for those times. I’ve been misunderstanding you. The rumors said that you have sworn an oath of mana, but I simply didn’t believe that, and I thought you joined the course by cheating somehow. I’m sorry.”

 With those words, Philip kneeled down at Haroon’s feet. Haroon didn’t have much time to take a close look at Philip, but now, he could see that Philip is quite a handsome guy, well fit because of the long-going training he took. The rumor says that he learned a swordsmanship that can be compared to one of the Experts. If they met outside of the Academy, Haroon thought he might have wanted him as a friend.

 “I am sorry. My father wanted me to be a Top Trainee, and I got jealous of you since you did so well. Also, I once asked one of my friends to search for your record, and he told me your ident.i.ty is quite suspicious so…. I’m sorry!” 

 A giant guy Gitan also kneeled down at his feet. Haroon thought he looked creepy, and now come to see it, Gitan had a quite childish innocent face.

 “I’m sorry, I got carried away. I was once interested in you, romantically, and they told me you are a fake magician so…. I’m sorry.”

 With a sad face, Serinn kneeled down. She got some tears in her eyes too. There would be no man who wouldn’t hold her hands and help her stand up unless they haven’t seen her beauty, but Haroon didn’t dare to. It was only for a moment, but Haroon saw a sudden, foxy change in her expression.

  “I’m sorry too. I’m hot tempered and my thoughts are quite short, so I misunderstood you. But that doesn’t mean you did well too. If you have told us you have sworn an oath of mana, I would have been a friend of yours. I know I didn’t do well either, but there is some of your responsibility too.”

 Even when she was apologizing, Ritrina didn’t retreat any steps. Haroon found her likable,  much more than Serinn, who is busy pa.s.sing the buck to others acting weak.

 “You don’t have to kneel down. I’ve shaken my feelings off seeing you suffer from the stomachache, so you don’t need to apologize like that.”

 So they stood up. They seemed brighter than before. Philip and Gitan’s face looked free and easy so Haroon could see they were apologizing with their heart. But it seemed Serinn and Ritrina haven’t admitted their fault entirely.

 “All is well. Let this be our last time we meet as the enemies. Until we meet again. So long” 

 Haroon turned back, but he couldn’t just go away. It was because all four jumped at him and grasp his clothes as if they promised.

 “How can you leave us like this?”
 “What he said! You gotta cure us.”

 Their face was very dark.

 “I used all treatment I have. How am I supposed to cure you? Moreover, I was about to start a journey tomorrow. Why don’t you ask your parents? I am pretty sure there are people that have better remedy than I had. I don’t want to take a journey with you guys who don’t have any experience.”

 Haroon’s cold words made Philip’s hand shiver.

 “No! Once you were in, you got to do it ’till the end. If it isn’t you, we will be dumpers once again. I’d better die than being one once again.”

 Philip gnashed his teeth. It was the most embarra.s.sing thing he ever suffered from in his life. In the mercenary guild and in various academies, Philip was considered to be a model mercenary. But he used his mind wrong, only once, to be a one who is being mocked at. He couldn’t let it happen once again.

 “Yeah, it’d be better to be eaten by the monsters! Much better than slowly dying gushing everything out.”

 Gitan’s voice was urgent too.

 “Please, Help us, I don’t want to be like that again. Please, think how embarra.s.sing it will be to a beautiful lady like me. Please….”

 Serinn was crying. But it was different than the last time. Haroon was sure that Serinn wasn’t acting.

 “Please, Help me. I will be your wife, no, I can be your maid so, don’t leave us like this. I can’t go to my hometown like this.”

 Ritrina, also, was crying.

 It seemed they did search for the doctor. Thanks to Brat, the amount of the polluted material remained in their body was so perfect that still allows them to suffer, and be able to move freely.

 ‘Well, I guess this was a little bit too much,’ Haroon thought.

 They were begging desperately as they didn’t know the reason of the illness, but Haroon had a plan in the beginning. And he was about to draw it out. First, he drew a deep sigh and started placing the lures.

 “What to do? I must leave tomorrow, even if it is going to be alone.”
“Le, Let’s go together! We will prepare everything we will need for the journey. We will also pay for the materials you will need to make the treatment. I know you are an Elementalist, but two head is better than one, isn’t it? And I might be useful when it comes to combat.”

 Now, that was a big catch. Philip was letting words that Haroon exactly wanted. He was almost about to cry though. Haroon was smiling inside but frowned back and accepted him.

 “It might be a burden as the recipe of the pill is too hard, and materials are too expensive. But I guess I can take you. The journey won’t be boring together, at least.”
“Really? Hahaha! Thank you, Haroon, really!”

 Philip was laughing like a crazy man and shook Haroon’s hand repeatedly. Seeing that, Gitan became even more nervous.

 “Take me too. You know I’ve got some strength, right? I will take the labors. Just like Philip, I will prepare the expenses and the cost of the pills. Take me with you, won’t you?”

 Haroon felt funny to see a giant guy begging for him. it was almost sorry for him.

 “Alright. You are going with me. More expenses prepared, better it will be, I guess.”
“Haha, Thank you! I will think of you as my savior, for the rest of my life. You are not just my savior, but to my father as well, as I’m the only one heir to the guild. If you can cure me, my father would be glad to help you as well.”

 Gitan even danced. He was that much glad to have hope he can be cured.

 “How, How about me? Take me with you too!”

 Foxy, sly Serinn. She gently pressured her voluptuous body on Haroon. She was trying to get away with it, unlike Gitan or Philip. She was making a nasal sound too, trying to make herself cute.

 ‘You really are a fox.’

 Even Haroon, who wasn’t familiar facing women, felt strange feeling seeing Serinn giving off her multi-color charm. But there was one thing Serinn didn’t know. What she was doing was so similar to what S or A n.o.bles does. Showing off money, power or beauty. That was the one thing he most hated.

 “Our Mercenary guild doesn’t have a branch here, so I cannot prepare anything. But I will do anything you say. Cooking, Laundrying, Anything. Even if you say come to your place at night, I will.”

 Even though she is hot tempered for women, Ritrina is open minded and honest. There was no branch of her guild in Metropolis, so she was once in despair. But her head was not an accessory she always brings with her. She noticed that Haroon likes money. So she couldn’t be more desperate as she had nothing

“Huh! You say like I’m a ladies’ man.”

 Well, indeed he had lots of curiosity about women, but using her like this was far from his intention.

 “No, I’m just telling you I am that much desperate. Please, take me with you too. Instead, I will write you a contract with my signature on it, stating that I will pay you the expenses and for materials later. You can trust me because at least, I have my big brother who can keep the contract for me.”

 Ritrina was pushed to the edge by Haroon’s careless att.i.tude. Philip and Gitan were easily accepted to his party, but as Haroon seemed he wasn’t interested in Ritrina and Serinn, Ritrina was alarmed and she mentioned her last card, which was signing a contract. If a mercenary or merchant has signed a contract, the contract needs to be kept even it costs their life. Rather than Serinn, who is still rubbing her breast against him, Haroon was more interested in honest Ritrina.

 “Alright, you can go with us. Since you don’t have any money now, I guess you can cook for us.”
“Yay! Lovely!”

 Ritrina was jumping and shouting with joy like a little kid received her birthday cake.

 “How about me? Hmm?” Serinn asked once again with nasal sound.

 But Haroon coldly pushed her away, also to run away from the good scent.

  “No work, no food! I really hate your kind of people. Don’t you see how they are preparing expenses and various things need for the journey? I can go through the trouble for them, but who do you think you are that I will work for free?”
“Well, tha, that’s……. No Teronn gentleman leaves beautiful ladies, like me, behind.” 

 She seemed perplexed but was still trying to show her beauty by brushing her long hair back, and exposed her long neck.

 ‘Woah, she indeed is pretty though.’

 Small, cute ears and white neck, and the light blonde was so attractive that it almost moved his mind. His mind was shaken when the scent from the hair reached his nose. Philip and Gitan were already sticking their nose out, but Haroon gathered scattered mind and focused. 

 “You heard me. You are not going with us. If what you said is what gentleman does, I hate being one.”

 In real life, Haroon was ignored for the most time of his life for not having biological parents, and that he was incompetent, so he knew how it was important to have money and have the ability to do something. So he had no intention to work for free, at all. Of course, what he was doing now was deceiving, but Haroon thought they deserve to be deceived.

 Serinn was now in despair. Until now, there was no man who could resist her charm, and Haroon totally whamed it. Everybody was dazed in her background and beauty, but Haroon was different.

 “You are so mean…….”
“If you think so, why don’t you pay? I know you are an heir of a big mercenary guild.”

 Serinn was deeply hurt by Haroon’s word. She had never met such a low guy like him. She could move every man’s heart, but when her specialty wasn’t working on him, she couldn’t think of a better move.

 “Okay, I will pay the same.”
“You are in. But you are in charge of laundry and cooking, same as Ritrina.”

 Serinn couldn’t stop crying for real this time. She couldn’t properly speak, so she had to nod to answer him. Seeing Serinn, in the other three’s mind, respect to Haroon was floating up to the surface.

 ‘He really is the one. How could he even ignore a beautiful lady’s tears?’ Philip thought.

 His eye was shaking quite rapidly. He couldn’t even make direct eye contact with Serinn, and Haroon made her laundry and cook for the party.

 ‘I’m not his compet.i.tor, at least,’ Gitan thought.
‘He won’t be easily moved by the beauty, huh? At least he isn’t stupid as the others. Hmm,’ Ritrina thought.

 She was interested. Even though she does get along with Serinn, she’s been thinking Serinn is a pathetic girl seeing how she uses her beauty to play with the men. Of course, those men are pathetic too.

 After making the situation as he planned, Haroon opened his mouth again.

 “And there is something I need to tell you about myself.”
“What is it?”

 They seemed curious. They’ve been thinking Haroon had a diferrent process of thoughts so they couldn’t expect what would come from his mouth. So they were nervous about it.

 “I’m an Outlander.”
“Huh? You mean THE Outlander?

  They seemed surprised. But that was all.

 “So that’s why you weren’t moved by my beauty.”

 Serinn finally stopped crying, and frown her face upside down. The Templars have been announcing their appearance through the oracles from the long-time ago. So they knew clearly about the Outlanders.

 “But I heard Outlanders disappear and reappear quite frequently?”

Haroon knew what they were questioning. He already has experienced it through Piel.

 “Well, I’m quite a special one.”

 They seemed they don’t care much about him being an Outlander. It meant NPCs’ view on the Outlanders are not so bad, at least not much as he thought.

 There was one more thing he needed to make clear.

 “You know, we need to make the rank clear as we decided to journey together.”
“What do you mean?”
“If ranking is not properly set, we might not be able to react properly to the emergency situation.”
“Well, that’s true but…….”

 Serinn, the youngest in the party, seemed nervous about the situation.²

 “First, the leader should be me, right?”

 After thinking about it for some time, they nodded. After all, they must rely on Haroon because of their sickness so it couldn’t be avoided.

 “So no matter the age, I’m the boss here, right?”
“Well, that’s…..true.”

 Philip seemed uncomfortable but agreed.

 “Well then, call me Boss from now on. We five, are not enough to make a guild but, we need to act like one.”

 Serinn stuck her lips out, but other three agreed with good grace.

 “I agree! After all, you are a Grade-D mercenary, and we are Grade-E mercenaries.”

 Simple Gitan. He remembered that Haroon’s rank was promoted to Grade-D, so he had no complaint about it.

“Me too. What’s the matter about calling you Oppa or Boss, if you are curing my sickness? I totally agree.”

 As it seemed Gitan and Ritriana agree with him being a Captain, Philip agreed with no objection.

 “Then why don’t we actually make a guild? We’ve satisfied the minimum number of beginning members, and being in a guild will help us to get some quests too.”

 Philip Suggested. He was the oldest one of five. He was only 23, and he graduated Capital Academy as well, in prior to the mercenary training. But the age was only the number in the Mercenary world. They only cared about one’s ability. They all grew up in that world, so naturally, there was no objection for Haroon being a leader of the guild.

 “Phillip, Gitan, and Serinn, you said you have a branch of your guild, right? Prepare the journey then, and bring some extra expenses as well. As I need to gather the materials for the treatment, let’s meet at Guild office near the west gate the next morning.”

 They were alarmed because they knew how hard it is to prepare for the long journey, so they looked at Haroon with a surprised look, but Haroon didn’t care about it. It wasn’t his work anyway. Since they’ve been mercenary in their young age, they will do well.

 “Well then, see you tomorrow. Oh right, don’t forget to bring 100 Gold, each, for the materials for the pill. And I guess 30 gold would be enough for the journey expenses, right? Don’t look at me like that. It’s not like I leave any margin, after all.”

 Leaving them alarmed, Haroon left the place and head to his room. He was going to take his packed bag and log out at some kind of inn. To get a cla.s.s, he will need to go to the cla.s.s advancing town, and it needed to be the closest one from the Metropolis.


¹ Grade-D Mercenary ident.i.ty Plate:

 In the raw text, it was originally written ‘4th-grade mercenary ident.i.ty plate.’ But I thought it would be weird to see 3rd-grade being higher than 4th grade, so I chose alphabet system to avoid any misunderstandings. Just in case if you wondered what this footnote was for.

² About the age

This is kind of an unspoken law: If you are older, your social rank is higher. Unless it is some special relationship, like military, politics, etc.

 TL Notes:

 Sorry for the long pause in the delay. Some personal things happened after the vacation.
Btw, during the vacation, I’ve been concerning about the censorship, and I decided to follow how the raw text is. I can tell you that it doesn’t go as far as ‘nsfw’, but there are few, rare descriptions you might find uncomfortable to read. Just a fair warning.

I’ve changed the font color to black. While editing, I didn’t realize this was somewhat in grayish color. If you don’t like it,  I shall change it back. (Please tell me you don’t like it cuz for some reason it was quite challenging)