
Chapter 26

《Unexpected Cla.s.s Advancement》

 The party thought and thought, but could not come up with any good ideas.

 "We are running out of food, and we"ve got enemies on our back……." Said Doran, drawing a deep sigh.

 That"s exactly the kind of situation the party was in. Haroon was concerned about the three kids most of all. Why do kids have to suffer from being chased because of adults" matters?

 "Well, Except Briella," Haroon thought.

 She was the one in the middle of everything. He didn"t know the details, but he was able to deduce a few facts out from what happened in the past few days.

 "She must be a person with the potential to change the whole situation of the Empire. That"s probably why she became a main character of the story quest, and the story will change depending on her arrival to Paros."

 While the others were giving each other their opinions, Haroon was lost in many kinds of thoughts.

 "Devron and Doran must be knights, or va.s.sals of Briella, Hall is a bodyguard, and Teeno is……"

 He wasn"t sure about who Teeno was. He must have gained those abilities from experience when wandering around, so he couldn"t relate him with Briella. From the way he acts, Haroon was pretty sure that Teeno has been a slave or servant of someone, but that didn"t sum up as Teeno wouldn"t be that good at pathfinding if he was one.

 "So Boss, any ideas?"

 It was Philip.

 "Nope," Haroon replied.

 The party were hoping for one from him, as they were able to cross the poisonous wetland because of him.

 "What worries me is that they might get in proper position before we actually attempt to cross the river," said Doran.

 So the party looked down the mountain, and they could see how the Sun Guards were placing their troops, blocking every way to the bridge.

 Thinking rationally, it wasn"t Haroon or his members" concern. Devron"s request was just to escort them to the Viscounty of Paros, not to risk their lives to be involved in political war. To be fair, they did tremendous work by protecting them from the monsters.

 "But it is not like I have no relation with them, as I"m now part of them as well," he thought.

 The party was devoured by anxiety, seeing the sun going high up. If they hesitate any longer, not only will they not have any chance to go across the river, but they would get attacked from every direction instead.

 "Only if there is something to draw their attention away," Doran said.

 "Yeah. It"ll be even better when that happens in the darkness, so we can sneakily swim across the river," Philip added.

 Listening to that conversation made a slight change in Devron"s expression that n.o.body noticed. Devron thought deeply, and talked with Doran in private. Then, he came to Haroon, who was sitting a bit away from the party.

 "What are you intending to do as living when you survive out of this? Are you still going to be a mercenary?"

 It was a sudden question, but Haroon calmly answered.

 "I"m not quite sure myself. My goal is to be strong. I"ll have to do my best, looking for ways to be stronger, until I can be satisfied about myself."

 From Turan, or from Rotem Mercenaries, he had learned lots of things about being a mercenary. Everything was a pure coincidence. By meeting Elser, he got to become something that no users but only NPCs would. Moreover, moving as a mercenary was the way he chose to help himself to get a cla.s.s, and he had no intention of being one.

 He wanted to play with other users, like Jinsoo, when he got a cla.s.s. Playing the game with other NPCs without meeting any other user made him feel like he became one of them. Of course, that wasn"t something he hated, but he always thought he needed to be with other players as he is a player.

 Moreover, as his physical body was getting stronger too, it was now time for him to take care of his real self. He needed to buy food supplies for his capsule, which costed buckloads of money, and he wanted to go see his step-father"s tomb, who made Haroon experience all these valuable memories. He also needed to repay the Outers" kindnesses, whom helped his step-father create the capsule.

 "I can show you one way to be strong. Think of it as a reward I give you for your work so far."

 "What do you mean?"

 "Just follow me."

 Devron gave a nod to Doran, and started walking down the mountain.

They went to a wide place that was far from the group. Without any explanation, Devron showed Haroon a way to walk, run, and a swordsmanship.

 "What is the meaning of these?"

 "These are the skills I am going to teach you. The people who know these skills are you and me, the only two in this world. I"ll show you the way and flow of the swordsmanship once again. For now, rather than practicing it, try to memorize every move. You have to focus especially on the breathing, and how to connect moves organically."

 Devron started explaining the move by details. Haroon wasn"t sure why he would teach him skills suddenly, but he concentrated on his explanation without questioning.

 "This swordsmanship is called Messenger Swordsmanship. There are numerous knights who reached the high-end of Experts, so it can be considered as an advanced swordsmanship. This was the secret of Shadow Messenger Knights, who used to be the strongest, and who were members of a secret knightage of the royal family."

 Devron explained, being impressed upon seeing how Haroon concentrates with deep, clear eyes.

 "Is he even thinking of risking his life, or something?" Haroon thought.

 Haroon suspected Devron was planning to risk his life to draw the enemy’s" attention away to earn time for the party to go across the river. His face seemed determined, more than he"d ever seen. Haroon had lots of questions to ask, but he couldn"t when he saw Devron"s strong expression.

 "Try to copy the move, as far as you can remember. I"ll correct the wrong moves."


 With a short answer, he showed three sword dances that had 42 different changes in moves, before he forgot the rest. He didn"t even dare to waste time by asking mere questions, or saying "thank you", as he knew Devron was taking this quite seriously. 

 Devron smiled, seeing Haroon remembering the moves better than he thought, and started correcting the length of breathing, and the way to connect the moves, demonstrating each, and every move.

 It took five times of explanation and demonstration for Haroon to perfectly memorize the moves of feet, arms and breathing. He wasn"t actually able to perform the swordsmanship, but he did memorize every single explanation.

 While Devron was taking a break for a moment, Haroon was able to hear the UI sound that he was eager to hear.

[You"ve converted to a Swordsman! Every stats has increased by 1 point.]

 Haroon was able to get a cla.s.s, as he had enough Soul Points, and an NPC willingly taught him skills. But no time was given for him to be happy about it, nor to check the change in his stats, as Devron continued teaching.

 "More than a swordsmanship, you"ve got to learn this skill. You will need it today. This skill is not simply about properly walking or running. This skill was born with the union of high-dimensional theory and breathing."

 Haroon was going to ask something, but didn"t bother to, and focused on Devron"s voice. It was a difficult skill where one needed to give full attention on their feet.

 Devron explained twice while demonstrating, and it helped Haroon to learn the principle of the skill, and how exquisitely it formed. Devron seemed satisfied as Haroon seemed like he was understanding the theoretical part of it.

 "The skill that I just taught you allows you to build up mana just by walking. If you devote yourself to this skill, it"ll bring enormous potential to your development."

 "Thank you so much!"

 Haroon was really happy. An NPC had just taught him skills that were simply too much for him.

 They were simply amazing, how just walking and running can build up mana.

 "Well then, practice yourself until sunset. You have learned the moves already, so practicing for half of the day should be enough for you to develop."

 "I will."

 Devron went back to the group, leaving Haroon alone. Haroon wasn"t sure why Devron suddenly would teach him skills, but also, there was no reason for Haroon to not learn the skills. This was the opportunity Devron gave him to be stronger.

 Haroon forgot that he just got a cla.s.s, and focused on the Messenger Skills that Devron just taught.

 Leaving the running skill behind, which required more complicated theory and detailed moves, he started practicing walking, focusing on movement of his feet to sync with his breathing.

 Although it seemed like mere walking, putting just the right amount of strength in each part of his feet wasn"t an easy task. The ground within a 20 step diameter started getting messy from Haroon"s feet.

 "Absorb mana from the ground, and use it to organically move each part of your feet!"

 That was the key point of the theory of the skills Devron just taught.

 Repeatedly reciting that, Haroon focused on toes, sole and the heel, and imagined the breath going down to each part of the feet. He slowly lost himself in his concentration. His amazing concentration was happening once again.

 About two hours later, he suddenly heard the UI sound.

[Focus is increased by 1 point]

[Wisdom is increased by 1 point]
[You have learned a new skill! – Messenger Walking]

Messenger Walking (Pa.s.sive)

 You have learned the Walking skill, which was the secret of Messenger Knights, the legendary knightage that doesn"t exist anymore. Messenger walking is not just walking. It is the skill that took over a thousand years to create, and the trials and errors of many swordsmen. Learning Messenger Walking allows the acc.u.mulation of mana within one"s body. This was the secret to how the Messenger Knightage of the Royal family could have been the strongest knights in history.

 Haroon clenched his fists. It was a skill that he could use to build up mana. It would take some time, but he eventually would not have to suffer from lack of mana when summoning Brat, never again. Moreover, he just gained 3 stat points when learning the skill. It brought back memories in Mercenary Academy. He just learned a skill that he really liked.

 He wiped sweat from his face with a cloth, and went back to practicing. He wasn"t feeling tired even after he just walked for 2 hours. He actually was feeling more energetic than before. His practice lasted until Devron came to call him.

 The sun was setting. Devron was shocked upon seeing Haroon.

 "Was it……. Really after high noon that I taught him the skill?"

 Haroon"s progress was way faster than he thought. It was a very slight move, but Devron could see the gra.s.s moving, pointing at the sole of Haroon"s feet.

 "He is absorbing mana from gra.s.s, although it is a very small amount."

 He could have never imagined that Haroon would learn the skill and principle behind it, this fast. It was the hardest part to learn when he was learning the skills.

 He remembered the days back in his training. He didn"t believe that absorbing mana through feet was a possible thing, and it was just a mere description of the skill. It took 10 months for him to actually be able to do that. Before that, he never knew one could breath through their skin.

 For some reason, he decided to teach Haroon, who was the strongest one in the party if he"d exclude himself, hoping for it to be a little bit of help for tonight. But he never thought Haroon would learn the skill this fast.

 One could easily walk faster just by moving their feet organically, and that was the only thing that he expected from Haroon. But Haroon has already entered the world of Messenger Walking.

 "He is gifted. I"ve never seen anyone like him……." He thought.

 He shook his head.

 He couldn"t imagine the limit of Haroon. Just like peeling an onion, there was always a new aspect of him when he thought he had found a limit. It made him feel embarra.s.sed about how he talked about Haroon to Sepher, back when Haroon had lost his consciousness.  

 "Finding a path in the poison is already a mysterious ability, and he has a throwing knife skill that no one ever heard of. A man with the ability to react quickly in a rapidly changing situation, strong leadership, and making quick judgements. And those he showed so far, are getting better and better, and now he is showing this kind of concentration?"

 He wasn"t able to wake Haroon up from his deep concentration. As a person who has learned the same skill, he felt sorry about disturbing Haroon.

 "He"s a really talented one that I want to teach! Only if it wasn"t about the Royal family……." he thought, drawing a deep sigh.

 It took quite some time for him to call Haroon, still feeling guilty about it.

 To Be Continued…….


Editor"s notes:

Channy_: Vol.2 Done! Hope you enjoyed it :

Tom: Loving this series so much! Have you read anything similar? Tell me in the comments below!

Kmatt: Now we just need poison resistance.