
Chapter 9

《Mercenary training basic course》

 There was a reveille

 "Wake up! WAKE UP!" The trainers shouted.

 Haroon jumped out of bed surprised by the sound. What came into his eye was unfamiliar objects. He realized it wasn"t his room.

 "Wha… What"s going on?" He thought.

 He thought it was a dream for a moment. It took some time for him to remember the situation.

 "Oh right, I"m still in Beyond, and I"m still in the Mercenary Academy." he remembered, after shaking his head to wake up from the sleep.

 When he was still in his thought, he could hear the other student rushing out. Haroon jumped out of his room too. Last night, he heard from McKin that the trainees need to go to the training ground.

 Between the two buildings and the dormitory that Haroon was staying in, there was a wide place that few hundreds could fit in. Many trainees already have gathered in that place.

 The trainees couldn"t hide their anxiety and excitement while looking around. Haroon found that trainees had different costumes, and their ages seemed to vary so much.

"Quickly! Hey, you. Yes, YOU. Stand here. Everyone, behind this trainee, In columns of 10!" Said a man with a powerful voice.

 Haroon turned his face toward where the voice came from. There was a man with solemn face and handsome mustache. He is probably one of the trainers.

 Some quick young trainees understood his words and lined up behind the one the trainer picked. Only after seeing that, rest of the trainee ran quite disorderly and lined up. As the training ground was so chaotic, he was late to realize that there were many female partic.i.p.ants too.

 Overslept people hurried out of their room, probably because they slept in an unfamiliar place. When the trainers couldn"t see any more trainees coming out of their room, one of them moved up on the prepared podium.

"I"m Trainer Schultz and I am in charge of the course." he said.

 He had scary outlook, and even at first glance, trainees could see his skill are very high. He was a bit thin, but his gaze was same as eagle"s, and it gave strong impression that he built up in his hardship. He had scars all over his body as his t.i.tles. His word was bold, and it was enough to make the mood very quite at once.

 He gazed upon the trainers with scary look for a while. No one dared to face him directly. There were some trainees who seemed quite aged, but even they couldn"t stand Schultz"s sharp stare.

"This IS a real mess! I"ll let this slide for this time as today is the first day, but if you are late for the next time, I will show you what h.e.l.l is. Holy s.h.i.t! This term is the worst of all." He angrily shouted.

 He clicked his tongue at his pathetic trainees, and that made trainees feel small.

"Do you really think you guys can receive this course properly if you are like this?"

 The ground went silent. As if Schultz liked that mood, he relieved the nerve a bit.

"Al-right! It is your first day anyway, and we are running out of time, so I"ll skip the "lecture". But keep this in mind! If you don"t even pa.s.s basic course properly, never mind being a mercenary "cause you won"t be able to survive the world at all. I"m aware that most of you are mercenary magicians, treasurer or officers, but that doesn"t mean you won"t have to be fit. No matter how great you are in magic, if you don"t have any strength, you will be a monster"s dinner before you even complete casting a spell."

 Haroon was worrying about this since yesterday when Elser introduced him a basic course. Since he is too weak, more he trains better it gets but he wasn"t sure if he would get along with others because of his age. Since it was a basic course, he presumed that there will be younger partic.i.p.ants in better shapes. But that wasn"t the case. He was one of the youngest of all. ¹

"Now I see that this course is for the mercenaries that don"t require much physical ability, like magicians. That"s a relief." Haroon thought.

 That explained why. If this course was for combat training, the average age of partic.i.p.ants would be much lower.

"OK, Here"s the schedule. Listen carefully and follow quickly because I am explaining this one time only. But before that, since you joined this course, you are all an equal trainee, not n.o.ble nor a peasant. Therefore, you guys will be called by your a.s.signed numbers, not by your name. We, trainers, will treat you strictly and fairly for your improvement in physical ability and achieving the basic knowledge, no matter what age and gender you guys are in. So if you want to be treated well because you are a old one, magician, or female, you can leave whenever you want. Do you copy?" Schultz continued.

"Yes, sir!

 Trainees answered loudly. But Schultz"s expression wasn"t good.

“It seems n.o.body understood. Voices are always low when they don"t understand. We were supposed to have breakfast soon, but now I don"t see when it is gonna happen. By the way, Canteen here will be open only during fixed meal time. That is the rule without any exception. Even the Dean won"t be able to enter when it is closed."

 He threatened the trainees with the food. That cheap, old-school but strong method seems to exist both in Beyond and the real world.

 Haroon wasn"t clear how the day flew by.

 There wasn"t any physical training for that day. But trainees received the orientation, and items they will use for three months; training clothes, armors, etc. The number Haroon was a.s.signed to was 123. Every item he received had that number written on it.

 In the afternoon, there were few lectures of course details and explanation of how important the course is.

 Fortunately, the course isn"t so forced as other ones are. Partic.i.p.ants were mostly magician, treasurer, officers, information director or medics so they didn"t require too much physical ability. But they were not used to the life with a tight schedule, physical training, nor communal living, so when they realized they even had fixed bedtime, they began, and never stop sighing.

"Well, I guess I am so dead." Said Galli with a sigh.

 Galli was staying in the next room of the Haroon"s one. He is a mercenary magician, and he is quite aged to take the course. He was complaining to Haroon, and his mood was getting dulled every moment.

"But you will gain some stamina at least." Said Haroon.

 When Galli was young, A mercenary magician lured him out and forced him to join a Mercenary to serve him as a servant. It was later that he was able to learn some spells. He was 32 now, and he was a 2 circle mastered magician. He hated using his body so much just like other magicians and tried his best to avoid this course. But after seeing his companions sacrificing their body to protect him, he decided to take the course.

"Sure, but I just hate working with body……."

 He was almost about to cry. It didn"t go with his age so Haroon didn"t have any word to comfort him. In fact, Haroon also wasn"t sure if he could pa.s.s the training. But Haroon had a different motive. Not only he desired for improved body, but he just couldn"t train effortlessly thinking how Elser has favored him. Haroon was more pa.s.sionate than the others, but he wasn"t sure if that was because he was taking it as a game. After the dinner, there was a summon of work-trainees

“Hmm, even work-trainees of this term is untrustworthy."

 It was prime trainer Schultz. He was the director of work-trainee too. He didn"t hide his disappointment seeing faces of four work-trainees. Every single one had really thin, weak body.

"You guys were admitted only because you agreed to give labor as the payment of taking this course. It is quite admirable to see your will to learn expecting hardships, but I"m not sure if you guys can endure the pain of train and labor to make it "till the end." he continued. 

 Trainees clenched their teeth as if they were showing their determination. Everyone had a different story, but their determination was on some level.

"Can you?"

“Yes, we can!" four trainees answered loudly, but Schultz"s face was still cringed with worries.

 He continued.

"There are basically five things you need to do. Preparing items for training before it begins, organizing them when it is finished, and dumping food waste after every meal time. This is a.s.signed to every one of you, and you will have to do it together."

 It was already felt hard to hear. But they nodded with silence.

"The other two is cleaning toilets, including digging out the waste and cleaning the drainage. These are quite occasional. We will tell you when it is needed. Well, if you guys are lucky enough, you might not have to do it at all. I will just tell you there always has been once in a term."

 Trainees" faces became serious. They already could smell the toilet and drainage. They were expecting the first three, but they never thought they would do such a labor he mentioned.

"Your work will begin tomorrow, so for today, just exchange greetings and get some sleep. Dismiss!"

 Schultz left, but trainees couldn"t move up their head easily. They had mixed feelings, especially about how hard the training would be.

"Well, I"m Moggle. I"m 26, and I"m 1 circle magician."

 To be honest, he looked over 30.  It was quite late at his age, but Haroon could see that he was proud of being a magician

"I"m Haroon. I"m 18, and I"m a magician."

 As he was staying in a dorm of magicians, he needed to pretend as one. Moggle seemed glad to hear that Haroon was a magician.

"I"m Mannen I"m learning accounting. I"m 19 years old."

 Mannen had a soft impression and looked weak as Haroon, but he had clear eyes.

"I"m Rose. I chose to become a healer. I"m 16, and a cousin of Moggle. It seems I"m the youngest, I hope we can be good friends, Oppa, hehe!"

 Rose was small and had a cute face, and she seemed to be open minded. Even tho that was their first meeting, she called others Oppa and brightened Mannen.

"We got to start working tomorrow, so get some good sleep as Mr. Schultz has said, and let"s meet after the morning meal. I knew a friend who took the same course as work-trainee, and he said only the first month is hard and rest would be much better. Whew, we didn"t do anything today but I"m still quite tired."

 As Moggle said, it was their first day and training hasn"t started yet but they it was already very tiring. Other three thought it would be better as Moggle"s word shed some hope. It will certainly be a help later on.

 They shook hands to cheer others up and parted to their rooms.

 Before Haroon could log out on his second night in the game, he fell asleep straight away as he lied down in his bed. Maybe he liked his room, or maybe he was just too tired.

 It felt like he closed his eyes just a moment ago, but he could hear the reveille again. Haroon jumped out of his bed, but he couldn"t move properly. He stretched his body. He was satisfied with his current state.

 Thinking of time, He was moving for 5 and half hours, and took 2 and half hours of sleep. His body was still fine. He was sleeping well.

 It felt like he got used to Beyond"s timeline. His usual sleep time was 7 hours, but that was shortened to one-third.

"Is this really OK for my health?" he worried.

 There were some cases of being brain dead while playing VR games. To prevent this from happening, all consoles had force-disconnect feature, but in rare cases, players" conscious never came back.

"I"m logging out tonight. I"ve got to ask Bell about this."

 He doesn"t know Bell that well, but she is an A.I. computer so she already would have collected data and information about Beyond. Through her, he would be able to learn a lot of things about the world that isn"t like any games.

 The training was too harsh. As soon as they woke trainees up, they didn"t give any time even to wash their faces and made trainees jog around the training ground. They had an iron sword and they had little pockets of iron b.a.l.l.s tied to their legs.

 Haroon checked the info of items he was wearing.


Training iron sword

Cla.s.s: Common
Attack Damage: 25~30
Durability: 45/50
Weight: 5kg

 A dull iron sword crafted for training purpose. Ma.s.s produced with poor, low-quality iron. It barely cuts anything.


Training bags (Iron b.a.l.l.s)
Cla.s.s: Common
Physical Armor: 20
Durability: 62/80
Weight: 1kg

Training bags used to weigh arms or legs. Usually used by knights or swordsman. Helps to gain strength and sustainability. Once one gets used to the weight, more weights should be added for its effectiveness.


‘I shouldn"t have checked.’ he whined.

 Running around the training ground as big as a soccer field for ten times is very hard work for trainees who didn"t use their body that much. Moreover, the weight of the sword and their bags added up to 7 kilograms.

 Haroon got exhausted on his second lap. His legs were tired and started shaking. It felt like the ground was pulling his body like magnets. He was embarra.s.sed about his capability, but behind him, he could see half of all trainees already fell down to the floor. The word "poor stamina" was still too rich for them.

 He clenched his teeth. He didn"t want to give up on his first training. n.o.body will be able to blame him for falling lying down on the ground. Instead, he will just merge into one of them fall to the ground.

"I won"t let them happen!" he cried.

 He was tempted to stop, and it lingered in his mind but his pride kept him going. Others were at least a magician or officers, but he really was nothing. They were weak, but they"ve got some skills but Haroon, he was a really useless person. He didn"t want to give up and rely on the others.  

 He forced his tired legs. On his third-lap, Haroon saw there were about the same number of people in front and back of him. He was on the average. Trainees running ahead of him were sweating and they were expressionless as they were tired too, but on his back, he couldn"t find a word to describe their tired faces. All trainees were walking, and not jogging anymore.

"What the h.e.l.l is these pathetic weaks?"

"Huh…. This is the worst of all! Well, I"ve seen the names of trainees and some of them were well known for being magicians or healers, so I"ve been expecting it but it was worse than that!. Yikes! Can you hear Mr. Schultz grinding his teeth? I mean, what can we do with this weaks? d.a.m.n it."

 He could hear two trainers" talking very clearly. They didn"t lower their voice. But they weren"t mocking on the students. It was true anyway.

 "Yikes!" Haroon cried, biting his lower lips. It started bleeding. He realized how useless he was. When everybody else was studying hard, he dropped himself out of school. Without any education, dream nor any ability, and now, without any strength, he realized how out of shape he was, and he disliked, and was so embarra.s.sed about himself.

 His legs felt like tons of weight, and it felt like his heart is gonna burst. It was painful to breathe. His body was covered with his sweat. Some went into his eyes. It poked his eyes like needles.

"And this isn"t the end. I"ve got some labor to do too." Something whispered deep from his mind.

There was tons of training waiting for him. And he had other things to do as well. If he gets exhausted here, he won"t be able to do any other training, nor any labor. Rationally thinking, It might be better to stop there and prepare for next training.

"But, I must!"

The result of falling for this temptation was a weak body and weak spirit. If he was in the real world, he might have given up already.

But he was in the virtual world. He can always start again even if he dies. That situation allowed him to gain perseverance that he could never have before.

‘I can run. I must run. I need to change!’

He screamed at himself who was trying to be weak. He didn"t look far away, he always looked for two or three more steps. He moved his heavy body. The heart was pumping so hard that it was about to burst. The leg was screaming pain as if it was about to tear down.

"You are not that useless. You can run! You can"t lose here. Or you"ll live your life like this forever!"

 He kept screaming at his weak shadow. Somewhen, he started feeling strange senses. He could feel he was running, somehow not falling down even though his body was shaking so much. There were only about 20 trainers ahead. Most of those running in ahead of him fell down or slowed down.

"I"m… I"m still running."

 It was a refreshing shock to Haroon, who never was ahead of something over anyone. It was a touching moment for him that he had won so many other trainers. His legs went numb. The pain from the muscles was gone somewhen. The heart went stable as well. It was a weird experience.

 It certainly was himself. He was very tired, but his body didn"t collapse. When he realized that, what filled his mind was very fresh, tasteful expression.


 He wasn"t sure because he never felt that before, but this might be what they call ecstasy. The pride, satisfaction and the joy of going over hardship kept his leg running. He was in ecstasy. Nothing came into his mind. He was the owner of that place and that time.


 Haroon felt someone else forcing his body to stop, and heard a voice of the trainer at the same time. His vision was blurry because of his sweat. He opened his eyes wide and he could see Schultz holding his shoulders.

"Well done. I can see you do have some guts.”

 Schultz carefully held Haroon"s body as he was about to collapse. He lied Haroon down on the floor and started ma.s.saging Haroon"s legs. Haroon screamed with heavy breath. Schultz"s hands were waking the pain up.

 "Endure. If you don"t stretch your muscle like this, you won"t be able to move for a few days. Trainee 123, you"ve done very well. I presume this was your first time on a long run? You"ve control yourself very well."
 "Agh, AA!"
 "Huh-huh, I see your number is starting with 1. You are a magician, eh? It"s been a long time since I"ve seen the last magician completing 10 laps on their first day. I"m very glad to see one today. I"m counting on you. Oh, you will need to ma.s.sage your legs at least for 5 minutes.
"Th…Thank you, sir."

 Schultz"s ma.s.sage was very painful, but Haroon thanked him anyways. Haroon realized that he has done something very ridiculous. But he was smiling at the end.

"I think I heard something, what was it?" he thought.

 But there was no time for thinking. Overworked legs were screaming at him with pain, and it overwhelmed the whole body constantly.

 There were about twenty trainees who completed their laps before Haroon did. They were looking at the magician with mixed feelings. They were surprised at him completing a course.

 Was it because he was uncomfortable of people"s eyes? On that day, the schedules waiting for him were hard trainings.

 Trainees had to suffer going to the canteen with their heavy legs. They were able to take a rest after the breakfast, but Haroon and the other three. They had to throw food wastes out. Fortunately, it wasn"t so far away but carrying buckets on a bar with their shoulder was very hard work.

 The head cook demonstrated how to carry the bar. Only Once. Four trainees had to rest every few steps. The sun was hot too. Moist food wastes were so heavy, but what made it even worse was the smell of it. The weird smell of various food waste rotting was strong enough to numb their nose quite easily.

 Other trainees started avoiding them. Because of the murderous rotting smell, others were looking at them with empathy, but it soon changed to hatred and disgust.

"Moggle, I"m dying. I don"t know why I completed the morning training. I should have stopped after just one or a couple of laps." Mannen complained to Moggle.

 It hasn"t been ten steps since his last complaint.

“I gave up on my fourth lap, and I am, still, dying. It won"t take, long to break all my bones." Moggle replied, panting.

 Moggle didn"t even seem to have enough strength to talk but replied to him anyway. But they couldn"t say anything seeing how Rose was having difficulties carrying half of weight they were carrying. They wanted to help Rose as she couldn"t bear the weigh, but they were having difficulties as well. Her face went red using every strength she had.

"I can. I must. I need to shake off the shadow of weaks."  Haroon kept casting his spell on him.

"Just one step more, and I will make it like last time."

 His body was already exhausted, and it was begging Haroon for a rest, but their voice got lowered when Haroon remembered the experience he had on the morning. What one success brought him was not a simple success.

 Haroon didn"t rest. Other three went for three or four steps and rest for a bit, but Haroon was walking very slowly, but without stopping. The bar didn"t bother to give any mercy and stamped on his shoulders and his neck, but Haroon had courage and will which started gaining control on the body.

 He was able to reach the dumping site first. There was smell strong enough to give a dull headache for a second. The dumping site was as big as a small pond, and half of it was filled with food waste. They were rotting, exhaled smells, and were feeding various bugs. He didn"t want to stay there any longer. Haroon dumped what his buckets were containing, and shouldered lightened bar. Haroon"s body was crying with pain, but he only could ignore it for now. 

 Trainees marched after the breakfast. It was prepared as mercenaries" Main means of transport was walking. But it was too much for the trainees. Most of them ended up resting every minute or even lie down on the ground.

"I CAN DO IT!" Haroon shouted

 Haroon was sweating. Not because he was tired nor it was hot. It was cold sweat breaking out because of pain. His mind was desiring for a rest, just like other trainees lying on the earth. But he had to endure.

 It was a battle of himself in the morning, but now he had everyone"s expectation on his back. They were misunderstanding Haroon, but Haroon was only the one who completed the course among the magicians, so trainers were keeping their eyes on him. He could see mere expectation from their eyes, and some trainers were nodding on him, showing their greetings.

 "Eek, d.a.m.n it! I can"t go anymore. Please keep going, Haroon. All of us, magicians are counting on you. We are so offended by hearing we were the worst of every trainee they had. You hear me, Haroon? Show them what magicians got." It was Galli.

Haroon was already tired of fighting with his own mind, and Galli was rubbing salt on his wound.

"Galli, Let"s go together, just a little bit more."

"No, I can"t. I"m already at my limit, f.u.c.k…."

Galli swore with a low voice and sat down where he stood. Haroon was quite eager to stop for a moment next to him, but he forced his legs. His exhausted muscles and pains were trying to stop him. On the other hand, he thought he will be able to do it because he has done it not once, but twice.

 It was always going to be an uphill battle. It wasn"t about how fast he gets there. It was at his will, he thought. So he always sought for one more step, seeing just a few steps ahead. But his will was betraying him. As the machine unused for a long time go rust and won"t run, his flesh was getting out of his will"s control.

"d.a.m.n it!, I"m almost there……. But I can"t"

 He could see the flag of Mercenary Academy with his blurry vision. He was really close. He was so upset about his body, but he could feel nothing on his legs. He stopped his steps. It was that moment.

– You have leveled up!
– Stamina is increased by 1 point.
– Wisdom is increased by 1 point.
– New stat: "Sustenance""

‘Hmm? What was that?’

 He just realized he was playing a game. Because it was so tiring, and everything was so realistic, he forgot he was in the virtual world, and the voice reminded he was. He checked his status.

Name: Haroon
Race: Human
Cla.s.s: –
Level: 2
t.i.tle: Mercenary Trainee
Health Point: 170
Mana Point: 180
Strength: 5 Stamina: 7
Intellect: 9 Wisdom: 8
Luck: 7 Agility: 5
Sustenance: 1
S.P.: 0
Bonus stat point: 2

‘When did Stamina and Wisdom increased this much?’

 Speaking of which, he thought he heard the similar audio in the morning, after running 10 laps. He was worn out and painful, and probably that"s why he couldn"t check it.

 He gained two bonus stat point by leveling up, and he increased Luck with it. For training he will take, it could have been better to invest those to other stats, be his mind said to do so. He thought luck was the most important stat, as it was what guide Haroon to the charismatic world of Beyond.

‘You can gain stats and experience even in this way?’

 Isn"t hunting and completing quests only the way of gaining experience? But in this game, even physical training was gaining you some level and stats. He also found out that two additional stats will be gained per level. Also, repeating specific action was related to gaining relevant stats like the other games. It, however, was new to see one"s will is related to the stat Wisdom. Of course, his goal wasn"t at leveling up, but if he continues to gain stats by training, he wouldn"t have to envy others leveling up.

 It was so painful to death just a moment ago, and he could feel that his body got much better as he levels up. Haroon gladly smiled and moved his legs. He learned how to control his pace when he gets tired. Believing in himself lead to increase in confidence, more and more.

 Haroon was the first one of magicians who arrive the other training ground outside of the castle.

 And he had enough time to stretch out and ma.s.sage his legs.

"And I wasn"t expecting anything that thin guy. This pal is something."
"Haha, Rather thinner people usually have some spirit, don"t they."

 It was Trainer Max and Tammi. They were in charge of building A. The were glad to see a trainee from building A completing a march. Mainly trainer"s performance was rated by trainee"s achievement.  

 The dorm was divided into two, one for male and one for female. Building A was a.s.signed to magicians or magician apprentices. Trainees studying office works or treasury were staying in Building B. The trainees staying in Building C are to be dispatched around the continent to collect intel. Compared to trainees in Building C, trainees of Building B and A had very poor stamina.

 For that reason, There never was a trainee from Building A completing a course with high achievement. Even though they were mercenaries, magicians never trained their bodies. They simply didn"t have enough time learning a spell and casting it wasn"t a easy job. How could they have train their bodies then.

"I wonder which circle 123 is on."
"Seeing his age… Wouldn"t he have reach 2 circles? Whatsoever, if we are to be helped, later on, Let"s treat him well from now. Magicians do have bad personalities but, they never forget two things, favor and spite, you know. Moreover, seeing how persistence he is, he might get his name well known later on."

 Haroon just remembered that he was being considered as a magician. Instead of being proud of completing a training, He was shamed on himself. He remembered how he and others were different.

"Why am I satisfied only for this? Shame on you, Haroon. Look at those people and see how good they are."

 Haroon saw trainees not tired of marching. They were not magicians, but they do have skills in the different field. But he, Haroon was really not good at anything.

 At least, every trainee made it before the lunch time. Of course, trainers picked up one-third of trainees with carriages though. Fortunately, there were no injuries. Eating lunch outside was quite enjoyable, though not many trainees could enjoy it. Haroon neverhase eaten a meal outside. In Union, a place where you could enjoy the surroundings and eat outside only existed in District A or S.

 It was only a moment that he could enjoy. After being full and sleepy, trainees had to go through afternoon lessons. It was as hard as the morning ones.

 There was numerous method prepared to gain stamina, like climbing mountains and using various tools, running over obstacles and going through some routes.

 Trainees were divided into few groups, and they repeatedly ran, or crawled all over the mountain and training ground, seeing their Trainer"s demonstrations, until they could smell burning in their mouth. But it was a worth day for Haroon. Even though he didn"t gain any level, he gained a point for strength, stamina and sustenance.

 It is impossible to judge one"s ability with numbers, and numbers would be displayed judging different facts, but increas.e.m.e.nt of it cheered Haroon. The schedule has finished when the sun was about to go over.

"Ay, I"m dying!"
"And we are doing this for three month? I"m done.”
"Trainers are so mean…even to girls…"

 Complains burst out here and there. Not many trainees were standing up, and many were lying down on the ground wearing training clothes, no matter young or old, boy or girl. But that only lasted for a moment. When Scary Schultz appeared showing powerful aura, it didn"t took much for trainees to array themselves up.

"Everyone, nice work today. For next three month, you guys will be training your body and learning basic knowledge that you will need in living a life as a mercenary. We know you guys never have done a training like this, and we know how hard it is. But think of your leaders" or your mentor"s expectation of you. It was they who have recommended and paid for your improvement. And it is the time for you to return to your rooms. Don"t be a lost kid while returning to the main building. Dismiss!"

 Schultz"s word shocked everyone, and made everyone shut their eyes with worries. Not only because they had to go back and forth of two training ground every day, but they had to return to the base camp right now.

 Additionally for Haroon, he couldn"t return to his room with light mind. As the lunch was eaten outside, Haroon and other three work-trainees must have pulled the wagon of leftovers. They used a horse on the way to the mountain, but as soon as it has done its job, they returned the horse back to the main base. Not so much food was left as trainees ate a lot because of hard work, but the wagon was still heavy.

"Rotate, Please!"

The road was plain, but it was still a dirt road. It does require a lot of work. Mannen who just started pulling the wagon called for rotation. Haroon was fine, but other three was so tired that they were having a hard time moving their body.

"Haroon, pull from the frontside. We will push from behind. At least you seem to be most strong guy among us, do some work for us." Said Moggle.

He was dying too! It was bad enough being trained harshly, and he had to hear that. But like Moggle said, he seemed to better form than the others.


Haroon really hated doing so, but he couldn"t say no to Moggle whose voice was cracking. They will miss their dinner if it gets delayed any longer.

"I"m not letting that happen."

 He was counting on Bell.

 According to his foster father, the capsule will automatically provide required substances for his body. But that only works when he eats something. Resting or sleeping seems to be the best medicine for other three, but for Haroon, he needed to eat. He couldn"t avoid pulling it anyway. They say if you can"t avoid it, enjoy it. Haroon was implementing that. If he can"t avoid it, take it as if it is his work.

He was using his back, shoulder, and neck in the morning. Pulling the wagon was a different work. He needed to use his shoulder, waist and his legs.

 "Well, this is going to be hard, but it will be good for my strength and sustenance. All of these are training for me." he thought.

 As soon as he changed his thoughts, and that relaxed his mind and strengthen him.

 Moggle was right on the method. Haroon pulled, and others pushed, and they could gain some speed. Haroon was satisfied with himself, of how much he improved just in one day. He never had this kind of persistence, nor control of pace he was wielding now. Also, when he was at his limits, there was a good news for him.

– Strength is increased by 1 point.
– Sustenance is increased by 1 point.

 This was the advantage he had as a player. He doesn"t level up in the middle of some event, but stats were increased whenever he reaches some requirement.

 They arrived the base camp when the meal time was about to finish. Three of them forced eating foods, whereas Haroon was eating meal quite well. They had a work left though. Dumping out leftovers.

"Can you really eat right now, Oppa?" Said Rose.
"Exactly, that"s what I mean." Said Mannen.

 Haroon was chomping down the foods. He couldn"t taste anything, and his mouth hurt because of hard training, but he ate them because he knew that"s what the capsule will make him strong.

"You will need it. I know it is hard, but have some more." Haroon replied.

 Fortunately, He didn"t get sick of eating food so fast.

 "Ugh, Am I still alive?" Said Moggle, lying down in front of dumping site with this arms and legs spread.

Other three were lying as well.

 "Oppas, If I am not found in the morning, tell the others I"m dead."
 "Same to me" Said Rose and Mannen.
 "You guys will still need to ma.s.sage your muscles before you sleep. If you don"t, you really won"t be able to walk in the morning." Said Haroon.

He was saying just as Schultz has told to him.

"You are stronger than you looks, Haroon. From which part of your bony body does that much strength come from" Moggle asked.

Haroon smiled looking at the night sky.

"Who could have thought I am?" asked Haroon to himself.

"Moggle, that wasn"t from his strength. That was from his insist. Did you see Haroon"s eyes? It was burning like a h.e.l.l."

 Rose and Moggle raised their upper body and looked at Haroon. As if they were asking if it is true.

"I can"t miss this opportunity. Because this is the last chance I got. If I lose to myself again, I will probably live rest of my life like a loser. It would be better to die then," said Haroon.

 Other three couldn"t say anything hearing Haroon"s will. They just looked at the empty sky. Their situation didn’t so different from him, though the reasons might be different. This course was an important chance to them as well.

"Haroon, you are really cool. We should cheer up too! What are we so different from Haroon? I don’t know why I whined when I am in better shape than Haroon is. Let"s do it. It will be better. Everyone got to start from somewhere. We"ve got to face hardship directly for better future, for hopes burning in our mind," Said Moggle.

 Everyone nodded hearing Moggle"s introspective determination.

 Haroon took a shower and changed his clothes. It was a relief that they give some free time for trainees.

"I should be logging out tonight."

It was a long day. Every bit of his muscle and bones cried with pain whenever he moves. It was even worse when he sat and stood up again. He couldn"t think anything else, only that he wanted to fall down and sleep on the bed.

"Will I be really able to pa.s.s the course?" he worried.

 Haroon could feel his body was getting loosed. He forced tensing muscles and severed the connection on his third day in the world of Beyond.

 A light came shed on his closed eyes. Haroon opened his eyes, and he could see the room filled with a dim light. Haroon couldn"t remember where he was for the moment. Is it because he got too used to the Beyond?

"Oh," said Haroon.

 He remembered he was in a capsule named Bell. It only has been a day. It was certain that he was back to the real life, but it felt like he is dreaming. It wasn"t his room, and there were no cables connecting the room with his body. But it felt very comfortable as if someone was caring him, and that relaxed his mind.

– "It"s been a day."

Clear, cute voice. It was Bell.

– "Yes, that"s me. I"ve been waiting for you."

 Is every A.I like this? He could sense from her voice that she"s been longing for him. Haroon felt glad that he had someone waiting for him, although she wasn"t a real human.

– "How was Beyond?"
"It was amazing. It was like a real world, too real I didn"t want to come back."
– "Is that so?"

 Bell"s voice was a bit sullen. Haroon was good at sensing other"s expression because he had to read people"s expression to act well as he wasn"t welcomed anywhere.

 "I wouldn"t have if there wasn"t Bell."
– "fufufu…" she joyfully giggled with low voice.

"What am I doing? Why am I sweet talking to an A.I? Was I that lonely?" He thought.

 He and Bell only met once, but he couldn"t be any closer to anyone than to Bell. It felt like dealing a cute little sister, with big age difference.

"When did Bell came into my mind?" He was confused.

It felt strange to seek love from a software.

"Did anything go down when I was away?”
– "No. Have you been always like this?"

 She"s probably asking Haroon"s relationship. Haroon didn"t have anyone visiting him, nor anyone to contact him.

"Well, Yes, on the most of the time……."
– "Me too. I"ve been always alone."
"You were?"
– "It"s been a long time since I was created."

 Really? That meant she hasn"t been used for a long time after she was created. Does that mean her conscious was awake? Or does that mean her ego has formed a long time ago? Haroon didn"t know any specialized knowledge about Bell, so it remained unknown. It was best to deal with it by "I see" mindset.

– "I was hiding behind the shadow of Gaia and wasn"t allowed to expose myself to the world, until I was subordinated to you, Jungmin. I mean, Haroon."
"I see."

 He could feel the sense of closeness and kinship with Bell. Human beings feel their own value by relationships with their partners and friends. Bell wasn"t a human being, but she seems to feel every kind of emotion. Especially the emotion he has been feeling. He could feel his eyes p.r.i.c.kling with tears, so he changed the subject.

"By the way, have you been collecting data about Beyond?"
– "Sure. But user"s reaction was quite… viral. I was worried something might go wrong."

 He could see why. He saw users logging out with anger seeing limitation of what they can do in the Metropolis.

 "Beyond is quite different from the games I"ve played. There are game features , but it was more like travelling to the fantasy world, rather than playing a game."
– "Hohoho, you experienced it in the right way."
 "That….. was the right way?"
– "Yes, as soon as Captain logged into Beyond, I"ve been collecting information and data. For first few hours, the Necomwall website was swamped with complaints. They were usually about hunting and availability of quests. The almost took the server down.

 That"s what he expected. The game was so unkind.

– "When a day was pa.s.sed in a game time, Necomwall announced additional information about the game. I"m not sure if they were nervous about overwhelming complaints, or it was scheduled, but they did."

 There is a slim chance of a giant company like Necomwall not expecting that situation, so it was probably scheduled. He thought it might be them intentionally intensifying tension to spread awareness. Bell nodded with agreement as if she read his mind.

– "You are probably right with what you are thinking, Captain. What users saw in the Beyond was more real than the real world."
"Yes, it was."
– "And Necomwall told users that Beyond isn"t just a game. Beyond is where you can experience another world with fantasy, yet real with game features. It is the world where you could realize another ego without distinguishing NPCs and Humans."

 Haroon agreed with them. He couldn"t say no as he has experienced that fully for three days. Meeting with Elser, and training in Mercenary Academy was very real. The pain on his body was the evidence of it. He didn"t believe it was a program, nor other users were taking training with the exact same route. It was too real to be a detailed program. It was way too detailed. n.o.body will think of it as a game.

– "For that reason, the game gained a popularity that the number of subscribers of the game is now approaching 5 million. It only has been a day. Ironically, the people who got sick of previous VR games are now trying Beyond out because of complaints that users make."

 Users of Beyond will have a feeling of living two different lives. It isn"t like any games that you be a ranker by building fame with leveling up and gathering items. Beyond is the world where previous game formulas don"t work anymore. It wasn"t like movies or performances where the end is already set on the script. This is the world full of potentials.

 People do regret their decisions and hope to live a life of a way they didn"t take. Moreover, if people are not happy about their current life, they will desire for another one thinking only if they get another chance. That"s what Beyond was offering. What exposed to the world was the only tip of an iceberg, but it was enough to hype the people.

– ""Come to Beyond for another life!" is what Necomwall sloganed. And that is now a rallying cry that"s stirring people"s blood."
 "Yes it would"

 Everyone would fall in love with this game if they do get proper experience with it. People were sick of simple, straightforward games, and they will fall in love with the world of Beyond. Necomwall never betrayed their users’ expectations.

– "And the other one is related to experience system."

Haroon"s eyes were brightened.

– "In Beyond, you won"t level up in the middle of combat. Training doesn"t matter though. Users abusing the regeneration system of leveling are complaining about it but Necomwall"s decision seems to be very solid."

 But maybe that was the right way. If you level up in the middle of combat, that will be a sudden advantage for users, which interrupts experiencing reality.

– "Also, they do have quest system but they will be able to do it at higher levels. NPC"s simple tasks are considered as "trading" rather than a quest. I have checked various forums and threads, but there hasn"t been anyone claiming that they have received a quest.
 "I see."

He didn"t care much about it as he doesn"t think that"s matters to him.

– "Also, to out to the wild area for the hunt, they will have to use training ground or get used to the world of Beyond to find their own path. They have set the level requirement for going out of their starting point. They say they will need to be at least level 5."

 This system was widely used in other games. It was to prevent low-skilled players from getting easily killed by field monsters.

– "The most important part is the cla.s.s system. In Beyond, you will be able to get the first cla.s.s at level 10, second cla.s.s at level 100, third cla.s.s at level 250. Except those with manufacturing cla.s.ses, they will have to get to certain places to advance their cla.s.s.
 "I know that. I heard that from the game guide."
– "Those places are limited to urban centers. There are few exceptions though. If one has enough Soul Point to advance to other cla.s.ses, receiving certain skills from NPC or being an apprentice to them would advance them to a certain cla.s.s."
"So are skill books not related with advancing cla.s.ses?"
– "No, not with the first cla.s.s.They do sell skill books at certain guilds, or you can obtain it from monsters very rarely. They can be used to learn skills, but they can"t advance to any cla.s.s with that. The second advancement might be different story."

 Now he didn"t have any question about cla.s.s advancement. Haroon asked one more thing.

"And active skills?"
– "That is available. But to use it precisely, you will need some experience with it. Compared to other games, you will need to spend more time on training.
 "I see. The rumours were right."
– "There is no smoke without fire."
"Hmm. So value the reality rather than the features as game. They want us to experience the world with NPCs, rather than the game only enjoyed by the users. This is the real role-playing"
"Oh, wow, that"s the exact wording the Necomwall used." Bell was surprised by that.

  But countless users would have found out this much. One certain thing is that NPCs should not be ignored in this game, as it seems they are the major factor of the game, rather than just hunting down the monsters.

– "By the way, Captain, have you already started your training?"
"Mmm? How did you know that?"
– "You"ve been moving your body quite intensely. On daytime, I saw you moving without stopping, and on night, You"ve been groaning with muscular pain. Also, a lot of nutrients are being released to you. Your body is requiring those, so how could I not know about it?"

  Well, He"s been forgetting that Bell is a capsule. Didn"t she said she"s connected with every part of him with electromagnetic waves? As she said, how she could not know.

– "I can experience every moment of your journey too, but I"ve been waiting you to allow me."

 She was caring of his privacy! He admitted that she has an ego.

"I don"t want to show you my weaknesses yet so until I say so, please be that way."

 Privacy need to be kept. He didn"t have to think that for ordinary robots, but not to Bell who has an ego.

– "Yes, sir! But I really wonder what the Beyond looks like, so I hope you would give permission to me soon."
 "Alright." Haroon promised.

TL note:

 Whenever I read this chapters, I think of two songs.
Trip Lee’s “Sweet Victory” & Miley Cyrus’ “The Climb”

Foot notes:

¹ Again, In Korean culture, age difference is quite a big issue. People with same age tends to get along well.