
Chapter 4

"Today is indeed your first day of adulthood. Wait a minute, I"ll prepare the necessary doc.u.mentation and check if there"s any coming-of-age congratulatory gifts for you." The voice of the supervisor was impa.s.sive like the eyes of the female receptionist on the first floor.

The lack of his interest was presumably due to Jung Min"s mundane profile, indistinguishable from the rest of the residents of F Sector. The supervisor probably felt he was much n.o.ble than F sector plebeians like Jung Min, and interacting with them lowers his status quo. 

Nonetheless, he had to do his job. So, the supervisor nonchalantly walked towards the security zone to prepare necessary doc.u.mentation for Jung Min. 

Jung Min had a bitter look on his face while looking at the back of the fat supervisor.

Ruefully, he started to retrospect his past.  

In middle school, Jung Min had teachers. Though they were somewhat ostentatious like that supervisor, they imparted useful knowledge to him.

Jung Min also had a foster family in the B Sector; however, they neglected his needs and didn"t give a lot of love. Nonetheless, one can say he was having a rather fortunate life compared to the great majority of the Union society that were fighting for survival. But he didn"t know back then.

Then, after his third apt.i.tude test, he was conclusively ruled as Apt.i.tude-less. As he was in his p.u.b.erty, his failure was the final straw; he couldn"t handle the combined pressure of school, family, and failure. So, he dropped out of high school and ran away from his foster home. 

Unfortunately, Jung Min realized the cruelty of the Union only after he ran away from his foster home. He discovered that Union doesn"t accept people who lack apt.i.tudes or powerful backgrounds. 

Only then he felt regret of his previous actions. He realized that if he had endured the indifference of his foster parents, he probably had a solid future since his foster family was residents of the B sector.

But he now couldn"t cry over spilled milk. He knew he had to face the reality: he was a lowly F sector resident with practically no future prospects.

While recalling his past and feeling regretful, Jung Min turned his head around towards the sound of footsteps.  He perceived that the supervisor"s expression became minutely different after coming out from the security area. 

"Hmm... You have an coming-of-age congratulatory gift. But the contents are unknown.
And the sender isn"t listed. Have you found your biological parents? I don"t think that"s possible..."   The supervisor doubtfully said. 

Though he said so out of confusion, he knew that is quite impossible. 

The majority of the higher ups of the Union, like this supervisor, already knew the huge scandal that shaked the entire Union.

They knew that people like Jung Min, who were artificially contrived, were also known as subjects of the Neo- Human Project.

They also know that the Global Committee Senate chose to artificially inseminate such children to increase the population and combat against the constantly decreasing birth rate, but the project was abandoned after an year due to various reasons and almost all information about it was destroyed or cla.s.sified as top secret.

Nonetheless they were informed by a subdivision of the Global Committee Senate that the extraction of sperms and eggs used to contrive children were done without consent and in a very clandestine way; thus, almost no artificially contrived know their biological parents. 

My biological parents? Jung Min exclaimed loudly and kept blinking his eyes, showing his obvious bewilderment.  

"No way," the supervisor thought after seeing the frivolous reaction of Jung Min. Also, he knew that it was quite impossible for an artificially contrived children to find their biological parents.

Moreover, after scrutiny of the contents, he realized that the insides of the gift were filled with powders that seemed like meal replacements. 

He then justified the gift as a gift given by an altruistic (and rich) person who saw Jung Min"s bony body and gave food-like substances out of pity. 

Then he began to explain the logistics and other necessary information to Jung Min. 

"Your future residence has been a.s.signed by the Union: your current residence will continue on as your residence for the future. Moreover, though you didn"t commit any crimes and are adapting well, you are apt.i.tude-less and have a history of running away from your foster home. Therefore, the Union decided that it won"t provide any more support to you. Fortunately, the Global Committee Senate gives $5000 as an adult congratulatory present to all artificially contrived children like you. Use it well."

Jung Min nodded silently. At least he was happy that he gained quite a profit, and was even a bit thankful to the supervisor.

"Also, since your gift is quite heavy, it would be delivered to your residence in the afternoon.  You can receive your $5000 present from GCS at the Department of Finance. They would then send the money into your personal account.  Oh, and by the way, the Department of Finance is in the center of the second floor."

"Thank you!" Jung Min exclaimed. 

"But firstly, we have to insert a biological resident chip inside your body at the Department of Health Services (DHS). As DHS is in a restricted zone, please follow me to pa.s.s the security checkpoints." The supervisory nonchalantly said. 


Jung Min was thrilled to receive a huge sum of money and an unknown gift. 

"Who in the world would give me a coming-of-age congratulatory gift?" Jung Min wondered. 

But he didn"t have time to deeply think about it, as the fat supervisor was already on his way to the first security checkpoint.

Nonetheless, Jung Min felt that his first day of adulthood was quite different than normal.

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