
Chapter 10


 A new sun, followed by running 10 laps as a "warm up", a march to the training ground outside of the castle, running courses with obstacles. Every day and at the very same time.

 About a month has pa.s.sed. Every trainee, including the trainees of Building A, had a great improvement on their strengths and will. The number of trainees giving up in the middle of training decreased as well. Of course, there were still trainees fall behind consistently, but the trainers respected their willingness to improve, so there weren"t so many disadvantages to them. Trainers did grade trainees, but that was only to differentiate the top trainee. After all, the basic course was literally for gaining basic strength.

 But still, you can say it is guaranteed that there is always a compet.i.tion where people gathered, and this course was no exception. Except for the magicians. They already have learned few spells, and they were treated well even though they were mercenaries, so they are the only exceptions. But between the other trainees, who were to be treasurers, officers or scouts who joined the course by the will of mercenary guilds, there was always a compet.i.tion going on under the surface.

 This compet.i.tion existed for more than 100 years since the Teronn Empire Mercenary Guild Headquarter made this course the only official one. As the Academy only accepted the trainees with a recommendation of their leaders, the form of compet.i.tion couldn’t be avoided.

 Even though it was a basic training course, being a top trainee of the course became a hot issue in the Metropolis, so the name of guild they belong, and it would get their name more recognized. This ultimately lead increase in a number of requests they get and the difficulty of it, so the mercenary guilds couldn"t care less for the trainees, and the trainees were always under pressure of the guild"s expectation from them.

 As the time goes, the compet.i.tion got tenser. The quality of the top trainee got better and better, and they grew up into one of the great mercenaries well recognized in the world of mercenaries.

 "It might be different this time."

"I don"t see it happening. No.222, 228, 231 331 and 323 are the best card of their guilds, and Trainee No.251, 301 and 421 are talented ones recommended by the elders. They set the bar high up that 100s cannot reach."
"Well, this is a slim chance but, see how fast trainee 123 improved, and his perseverance. It might be different this time. And he is a work trainee too. He still made the nearly top of trainees, if we only compare their physical ability."

 Somewhen, Haroon became one of the most talked-about. They were amazed by how fast Haroon improved. Especially because of that he WAS one of the weakest, is one of the magicians, and the fact he doesn"t belong to any group and he still got a recommendation.

 Haroon didn"t care what they talk about him, and how they see him. Well, he couldn"t. He was busy enough with the training and labors he does, which was still painful and tiring work. He, however, didn"t stop there. He has been doing his own training until late night, but that was his favorite time.

 With Bell feeding him nutrients and herbal medicinal properties, he saw how rapid the stat values increase by the efforts of sweat, and started improving his body. His level was going up 8 soon, and the stats were way over than the average value of level 7. This was the fruit of his effort in training without cheating to himself. It was the fruit of his will to change his weak body, with the support of Bell and helps of trainers including Schultz, with or without letting him know about it.


Race: Human

Level: 7

Health Point: 340

Strength: 15 Stamina: 24

Luck: 19 Agility: 12


 Whenever he wanted to fall down to the ground from exhaustion, he felt encouraged thinking of his stats changing every day, so it was granting him a rapid improvement. His willingness allowed a rapid increase in Wisdom, and the training was giving him strength, stamina, and sustenance.

 Because he was pushing his body to the extreme level, it wasn"t easy to log out as well. Getting into his room, take a brief shower and falling down in the bed. Waking up in the morning with trumpet sound. That was all he could do when his training was finished.

 When he did log out on the end of the second week, he couldn"t believe what Bell collected and had to show to him. His speed of leveling up was quite high compared to other users, even if they considered users not revealing their levels. After a month of Beyond time, Necomwall announced official ranking ladder of users, and the top one"s level was 9, right about to get a cla.s.s.

 His growth was more inspiring at the stat point of view. According to Bell"s a.n.a.lysis, the average of total stat value of Level 7 users was 70 to 80. Of course, when it comes to the practical value, it will vary more depending on user"s actual ability, but still, Haroon"s stats were added up to 125, which was 1.5 times more than average.

 The stat "luck" was also at 19. He has been investing his bonus points all-in. He thought about investing those points on Strength or Sustenance, but it was his conclusions that those two can always be gained by training, and luck is not the stat that you can naturally gain. He didn"t regret it though because he has been lucky in a minor part of his life. Like, finding a big chunk of meat in his soup, or avoiding a little hump when he climbs.

 But not only good things were happening to him. Some trainees started being jealous about a rapid improvement of a wizard who joined the course as a work-trainee, named Haroon. The eyes of trainees, who were aiming and competing to be a top one, were giving him a scornful look.

 They, however, were gentle compared to the others. At least the top trainees were not gossiping about Haroon. But these four were such a low people. They acted as if the work trainees are their servants. These four, also known as The Quad w.a.n.kers, were testing Haron"s patience every day.

"Hey, Worky! Bring me some water." The Quad w.a.n.kers ordered.

 Whenever they getbreak timee, they ordered non-orderly orders. Of course, he ignored it straight away, but his hair bristled up whenever he hears them.

"Yuk! You stink! Go away."

 They were acting same on the meal time too. Because of them, other trainees avoided the work-trainees, so they had to go to the kitchen to eat their food, where there were no chairs.

"Hey, Brawn-but-no-brain-worky! C"mere and ma.s.sage my legs."

 This is what Haroon heard when The w.a.n.ker Quad scored some points while training. Haroon did rage at them in the beginning, but he had to tolerate for a few reason.

 "Those w.a.n.kers are all the child of guild presidents. You can be kicked out if you mess with them. I know it is hard, but you should let them be."

"Just ignore them. Those w.a.n.kers are popular for being troublemakers"

 Other work trainees tried to calm Haroon down. Even if they didn"t, Haroon would have done it himself, thinking how desperate he was on the course.

 "And you are adding more?"

"Are you really a magician? Even normal mercenary swordsmen don"t carry that much weight."
"Well, I do."

 Haroon was attaching another pocket of iron b.a.l.l.s to his legs while preparing for the march after a breakfast. It was Nemion clicking her tongue at Haroon. She was the only one with the same age as Haroon. It was hard to see a young one like her, as the magician partic.i.p.ants are usually older.

 She doesn"t have a pretty face, but she is warm hearted, kind Elementalist, so she was very popular among the trainees.

 Elementalists are much rare than the magicians. When magicians need deep understandings and training to cast spells, ultimately becoming sorcerers, elementalists could use elemental spirits to cause similar effect of spells. Moreover, using elemental spirits are more potential than the magic. Though, human didn"t know much about elementalism, as it was more natural to the Elfs, and if a human was born elementalist, they couldn"t master elementalism as deep as other races do.

"You monster!" said Nemion. But Haroon just replied with a laugh.

 Haroon also didn"t know he would improve that much. His plan was not to be a dropout or fail the course. But now, on his training, Haroon has been carrying an iron sword and 30 iron ball pockets. It was 35 Kg overall. Haroon found out that if he doesn"t train with this much weight, he won"t be able to gain strength or stamina. If he trains until his body is out of any power, that"s when he gained more stats. If he gets the feeling that his body feels a bit light, or that the training was easy for him, the stats were not gained.

 "Anyway, I have a big expectation on you, so train well!" Said Nemion

"I heard so. But I get sick of even seeing a sword… what should I do?"

 Her face went pale as if she was disgusted by only thinking of sword. It was a normal reaction that you could find from a weak lady, but Haroon wasn"t tricked by it. He saw her go raging sometimes. Although nothing really happened as she wears mana-restraint cuffs as well.

"Why did you become a mercenary in the first place?" Haroon asked to Nemion.
"Because of my father, of course. I told you he signed me up against my will."

 She once told him that her mother is a well-known healer, and her father is a first-cla.s.s mercenary, well known as One-eyed Katlz. Nemion was the only child they had, and she was born with a talent of mana like her mother. When she was a kid, she was willing to be a sorcerer, but she somehow met with a spirit, and become an Elementalist.

 The spirits she befriended with was Sylph and Salamander, the most basic spirit of wind and fire. Even though they are quite low-cla.s.s spirits, she was able to communicate with them quite well, that they had very close, deep relationship. Basic spirits" abilities are as powerful as the spells of a 2 circle magician, so mercenary guilds were always looking to scout them.

 Nemion was almost forced to join this course by her parents" will, especially her father"s. According to what she said, Kaltz always says "Non-mercenary man is not a man." It only changed to "Non-mercenary human is not a human being." as Nemion borns.

 "Anyway, who really are you? n.o.body knows who you are, and by the looks, you only look like a swordsman, not a magician."
"Haha, I"ll tell you soon."

 He was quite stressed by avoiding those questions. First of all, his admission to the course was not the official way. The biggest mistake he and Elser made was registering him to a building A. Haroon noticed that he is getting more and more attention as he improves because his improvement wasn"t what ordinary magicians would get.

 As they were about to go to the training ground, four trainees blocked the way.

"Ay, 123, the fake! You know sword skill training is starting today, aren"t you? Are you intending to draw some attention by hiding your real skills, just like last time?”

 It was Phillip, the master of mocking people.

"Nah, He wouldn"t. He doesn"t need to hide it. Not anymore, does he?"

 And this b.i.t.c.h, Ritrina, was quite talented turning stomach by the words.

"You can"t say that for sure. That"s the way he draws the attention of the trainers."

 Said a muscular man, but no brain, named Gitan.

"Look at that I-know-nothing-fake face. How does he manage to do that?

 Said Serinn. She had a beauty and glamor figure with a nasal voice which was giving her s.e.xy charisma. But every word coming out of her mouth was full of sharp, harsh tone.

 From the beginning of the term, they"ve been moving together as if they have met before. And now, these four w.a.n.kers take the role of leading other trainee"s opinions, mocking weaker trainees or their compet.i.tors like Haroon.

 Haroon decided to ignore them at all. Thoughts are free, and they are being childish because he took the attention they thought they would have got. They are not that good, and still immature. There is no need to care about. That"s what Haroon has been thinking.

"How childish you guys are." Said Nemion, clicking her tongue.

 She always talks like a grown-up. Her way of talking was heavily influenced by other mercenaries, usually by the friends of her parents.

 "If you guys envy him that much, be one by putting your efforts. Why do you think other trainees will believe he is only acting to get other"s attention?"
"Who knows? He maybe IS an actor," Ritrina added.

 She was bothered by Nemion"s word, as it was all true, but was still adding another toxic comment. They say Ritrina is a daughter of a famous, middle-sized mercenary guild"s leader. No wonder why that guild couldn"t grow any larger despite their name and reputation.

 ""Like attracts like", the grown-ups are never wrong," Nemion murmured, but clear enough for them to hear. "Do you guys really like getting yourself in trouble, huh? How dare you gu……."

 The Quad w.a.n.kers ran away. They knew how Nemion rampages when she gets really angry. They say even his father Kaltz avoids her sometimes.

 "Just don"t mind them. Cuz I don"t mind them too," said Haroon.
"Anyway, if I find them doing them the very next time, The quad w.a.n.kers won"t be in one piece."

 Haroon took Nemion and head to the training ground.

 The weight he added significantly slowed him down. "But it was only 2 Kg!" He thought. The march won"t be so easy today, but he always felt pa.s.sionate about the training. How much stats he will gain after this training? Won"t I level up this time? When he thought of these two questions, he couldn’t wait for the next training.

 As usual, Haroon made first to the training ground. He still got some time before the lunch time. Compared to the first day, he got about four times faster. He was getting improved and was making new record every day. Trainers had all their eyes on him. He isn"t the fastest, but he was the most improved.

"Good work, Trainee 123. You are good to rest, untie those pockets."

 Schultz softly said to the Haroon, which is not usual action for him. He treated Haroon more softly than the others. Haroon thanked him, and went into the woods, without resting.

"Huh! Cla.s.sic Haroon……."

 Schultz couldn"t tear his eyes off from Haroon"s back.

"So! That’s the famous trainee 123."

 Said Renny, walking to Schultz watching Haroon"s back. She is the trainer who just joined the term, and she will be teaching sword from now on. Her eyes were full of interest as she heard a lot about Haroon from other trainers of Mercenary Academy.

"Yes, he is a man of effort. A man I want as a son-in-law if I had a daughter."

 Renny was surprised, and looked at Schultz. She never heard him complimenting someone, and in mercenary world, that was the best compliment they could ever make.

 "He sure is something. None of the trainers had arrived yet and here he is. Where is he heading by the way?"

"To workout?"
"Yeah. He got some guts, and he is improving so fast that we doubt he is a human being. Well, I guess everyone can improve as fast as him if they can train like him."

 Renny felt that schultz was cherishing his moment that will never come back. Renny got more interested to Haroon, because he was the trainee that made Schultz, the "Iron Snake" Schultz to miss his old days.

"Well, then I"ll have a look on him."

 The trainers and trainee will still need more time to arrive, so Renny thought she might be able to kill some time seeing how Haroon Trains. She headed to the woods, same direction the Haroon headed. Schultz was about to stop her, but he hesitated and decided not to. He turned his body and headed to the spot where they set up enchanted training dummies.

It took some time to find Haroon. But there was a small path between the tall gra.s.s and branches, which was formed by Haroon. Renny could follow his track quite easily.

"How far did he go?"

 It took about 10 minute, and she could hear Haroon groaning, and something banging.

"What kind of training is he doing?"

 She fasten her walking pace, and The place where haroon is came to her eyes.

"Is this quarry?"

 As he thought, Haroon was at quarry. Various sized boulders and stones were everywhere. This was abandoned quarry. Haroon was carrying a boulder as big as his upper body. His abnormally developed muscular arms were shown below the stretched training clothes. He was sweating a lot, and he cringed his face because of pain.

"Well, I"m disappointed."

 No mercenaries can"t lift their upper body sized boulders. When Renny was about to give a snorting laugh and turn back, she noticed something weird.

"Wait, is that?"

Which was iron ball pockets he still had on his arms and legs.

"So that"s why……."

 And that was what she thought as abnormally developed arms. Even from the distance, she could see there was about 30 pockets around his arms.

"Are you…kidding me.…….?"

 She lost words She would have lifted 30 more Kg, rather than adding more weights on her arms. Moreover, he had those weights on his arms only, not his entire body. Because of the center of ma.s.s, just lifting his arms would be a hard work too.

 It is easy to think that strength comes from the body part you use – like carrying things would be arms" work, but that wasn"t the case. Of course, they use the arm muscles too, but it was mainly from stable lower body and strength of waist. She knew better than anyone as she is a sword skill trainer. But this monstrous trainee was carrying 30 iron ball pockets just to train his arms. It would be hard for sure. She wasn"t sure if she could do that.

 When he was doing that for 20 minutes, he changed his training. He was lifting the boulder to the top of his head, and slowly dropped it about under his chin, repeated it over and over. Tendon exposed on his neck was wiggling like a snake, and his arm muscles were shaking as if it is going to burst, but he didn"t stop.

 After doing that for some time, he began walking carrying the boulder on his head. The ground was full of broken piece of stones which made him hard to walk. And he was walking there, with a heavy weight on his head.

"He….is mad…."

 She couldn"t think anything else. Only that he is crazy. Who trains so stupidly like that? It would certainly help him to develop the sense of balance, especially of his lower body but it was so dangerous and ignorant.

 What he continued was throwing a head-sized rock high up in the air and catching it. He seemed quite used to it, but for Renny, she couldn"t continue to see as it looked so dangerous. Renny turned back giving a long sigh out. She couldn"t say anything, nor think anything about it. She just felt shame of her that the trainings she did could never be compared to what Haroon was doing. She only regretted that she might have reached what she dreamed of if she trained not fearing any harm like Haroon was doing. Renny finally realized why Schultz had complex feeling of Haroon.

"But a mad one is mad anyway!" Renny cried in her mind, and left the quarry.

The other trainees has arrived. When they all gathered, Renny introduced herself briefly, and started the sword lesson.

 "Sword is not simply an iron weapon. This applies to all kinds of weapon. This means you will have to put your mind and your will in your weapon to wield the true power of the weapon."

 Renny paused for a bit and looked at each trainee who were prepared for the sword by training their stamina.

 "Being a mercenary is a hard job. You don"t know when you will have to face any kind of danger. Even though that is why it is attractive. I know that most of you don"t have any relation with sword skill, and you might probably think this is the course you won"t need it."

"And, you are right! It might be very true. If you are at least 5 circle sorcerers. BUT!"

"You aren"t. You will be spent only by casting two or three combat spells. When you have spent most of your mana, will you let the enemy have your neck? Magicians, Officers, Treasurers, Scouters. No matter what you are, if you do have a t.i.tle of mercenary, you should have enough guts, stamina and skills to kill your enemy with the weapon you can find at very moment. This is why you need to know basic knowledges and how to use each type of weapons."

 Renny had enough power to adrenalize the trainees. Mostly because it was about them.

"That"s why you need to learn the sword. There is no shame if you don"t know how, since you guys has been living in another field of area. In this course, we don"t expect you to get expert in sword skill. What we expect from you, is get to know how to use the basic weapons, especially a sword which is the most efficient weapon. Of course, we won"t stop you if you want to live with sword for your life. We want you to know the sword with your body, not your brain. Talk with the sword by sweat, not from words from our mouth."

 The iron sword the trainees were carrying were never allowed to be used, and was only bothering their movement. But as soon as they heard Renny"s words, they were able to look at their sword with new mindset. It, however, wasn"t the time for them to use iron sword right away. A hard wooden sword was given to them in prior of training.

 When Trainer Renny thought the trainees were mentally ready for the training, she guided the students to face the enchanted target dummies.

"The basic component of sword technique is stabbing, side slash and vertical slash. Every kinds of fencing is made out of this three skills."

 Renny paused for a moment.

 "As a mercenary, you will be facing various and numerous combats. Dangers comes without any warning. Mercenary"s primary goal would be to survive from those dangers, and completing the quest. I won"t repeat why swordsmanship is important, but I will tell you that your sweat in this training will be life-saving boat later on. For next seven days, you will be training just these three skills. Your group trainer will be demonstrating each one. Watch carefully and go to the dummy with your number on it. Train with most comfortable pose you can take."

"Didn"t Elser said she is one of sword skill trainer as well?" Haroon thought.

 Haroon didn"t have time to think of her, and he felt sorry about it. Haroon had special feelings about Elser. Not because she was a girl, but she was someone who taught Haroon the way to survive in the world of Beyond.

 The trainers demonstrated in details. It was very simple, but dull three moves, but they emphasized on the fact that the speed of improvement will vary on how they train it.

"I am sick of swords."
"Me too. I really really hate it!"

 Gally and Nemion grumbled. Moggle was in different group, but Haroon was sure he would be complaining too. For them, it was more important to train more spells to break the wall of 3 circles, or communicate more with the spirits to be more effective. Training swords were out of their mind.

 "Haroon, is this fun to you?"
"Yes, more than I thought."

 Gally stuck his lips out, seeing how Haroon smiled getting an wooden sword.

 "I can"t understand you. If you were a swordsman or warrior, I might understand but you are a magician, and those looks you give to that wooden sword is……."

Gally and Nemion will never understand Haroon until they find out his background.

 Students were a.s.signed to a group, and the trainers started giving them the instruction.

 "Your goal is to stab the dummy for 1000 times. At the moment you thrust your arms, you must hold your breath, and move precisely. Hit the red points marked on the dummy with enough strength. Once it is. .h.i.t, the number panel on the next of dummy will turn over. If you don"t make it 1000 times, there is no lunch for you so you"d better give up giving up in the middle of training."

 Trainers warned the trainees. Haroon could hear them sighing here and there.

"d.a.m.n it, It is always the food, isn"t it?"
"I know right? And I thought the training would get better today……."

 Haroon couldn"t hear others complaining. He was already focusing on the target in front of him.

 There were six red spots on the vital points; Forehead, philtrum, neck, both side of chest, and lower abdomen. Haroon targeted the forehead. He posed just as the trainer demonstrated, grasp the wooden sword and thrusted his arms.

Wheep! Tak!

 He missed. He thought he was on the point, but he probably didn"t stab the red spot. He tried several times more, but he could not make it. He tried his best on focusing, and but missing it for a few times more shaked his mind too.

"d.a.m.n it!"
"What the heck is wrong with this?"

 Other trainees seemed to be having hard time with it too. Haroon could hear curses and complains.

"What could have gone wrong? I am sure I did exactly same as the trainer demonstrated……." Haroon thought.

 He paused for a moment and stared at the wooden dummy. At the same moment, the Trainer gave a word to him.

 "Trainee 123, the tip of your sword is shaking. Stabilize your body first! When your lower body gets stable, the sword goes its way."
"I focused on the target only." Haroon found out what he was doing wrong.

 According to the piece of advice, he was missing the red spot because his body wasn"t prepared. He needed to focus before he see the target. Haroon breathed in deeply, and hold his breath. He first checked if his body was stabilized. His legs, waist and hand was slightly shaking. He would certainly miss the target if he tried stabbing now.

 Instead of moving, Haroon stabilized his pose repeating the breath. He comfortably breathed in and out, making sure he wasn"t short of breath. And when he hold the breath in lower belly, he could experience that his body was stable. At that moment, he knew he could make a precise move.

 But it didn"t last long. It wasn"t long enough to make a move. Still, it was the fruit of his effort. He tried to focus on the breath again.

"Great. I"m stable now."

 As soon as he was certain his body was stable, he stared at the red spot on the dummy"s forehead. It was not easy to move focus away from his body. He always lost concentration moving his arms. When other trainees were wielding their sword, he didn"t even try to move his sword. But he didn"t feel anxious about it. He found out how, it was only matter of his effort and time.

 He seemed to be standing there for quite some time. Eyes half-opened, and no movements like a wooden dummy in front of him. He suddenly moved his shoulder and thrust his wooden sword. With a clear sound, a number panel went over. He made it this time. He dropped his sword because of the aftershock of the strike he made, but there was a smile on his face. It felt like he found the right path.

– Acquired "Basic Swordsmanship".

"Could this be a skill?"

 Haroon opened a skill window. It couldn"t even be displayed since he didn"t have any skills.

Basic Swordsmanship(Pa.s.sive): Lv.1(15.00%)/Lv.5

A basic swordsmanship that every user can learn. Mastering this skill will allow you to

 Haroon was overwhelmed with joy. He looked around, and he could see others making progress too. But he didn"t feel anxious about not being first. He wasn"t competing with others. He was training, and competing with his old self. He was satisfied enough to gain a victory of it.

You have levelled up!

– New stat: "Focus".
– Agility is increased by 1 point.

 His effort was rewarded with a level up and a couple of new stats, though Haroon found it weird to level up just by succeeding only one stabbing without any training. Bell has also mentioned that experience point required for leveling up is increased exponentially. It was hard to understand what just happened.

"Also, there is a stat named "Focus"? And I thought "ESP" was for archers or merchants?" He thought.

 It was hard to understand the system of Beyond. He was able to acquire a stat that he thought it is limited to certain cla.s.s, which meant there is no unique characteristics of each cla.s.s. Ultimately, this meant there is no advantage for choosing certain cla.s.s.

"Well, I can think about this later on. I need to focus on the training for now."

 Since he found out how, there was nothing else could ever stop him. Of course, he failed a few more times, but as the time flows, his sword got more precise and more elaborate. Also, he learnt how to handle the aftershock of the impact. By controlling the amount of power he put, and by twisting the wrist at the right time absorbed it quite much.

 The panel began spinning faster and faster.

 His group trainer, and adjacent groups" trainers began to move closer to Haroon as they coach other students. His rapid movement has attracted them. There was Trainer Renny too. She was smiling down at Haroon, who was only concentrating on training.

 "He is gifted. His body is learning the moment of stabbing by extinct. He won"t notice even if a lightning strikes right next to him. His lower body is very balanced just like years trained swordsmen. Is it because of the training I saw earlier on?"

 Haroon himself felt the change of his body. He was certain that he was only concentrating on him, his sword, wooden dummy and thrusting his arm, but he could see and feel what he was doing.

"What is this?"

 It was a strange and fresh experience. It felt like another self of he was watching him. It couldn"t be described in words. What he could say was, when he misses the target, he could see with his eyes why he missed the target. But this rich experience didn"t last long. The trainer has interrupted his state by gently hitting his shoulder, and Haroon was upset of losing his another conscious.

 "Trainee 123, It"s lunch time."
"Pardon? Oh, is it lunch time already?"

 Haroon looked around. He was the only one trainee in the training ground. He nodded. Maybe stabbing wasn"t the hardest training, every trainees already headed to the outpost canteen.

 "You were amazing, by the way."

"I never saw someone like you, who can improve and concentrate that much. You might have career even if you train as a swordsman or a warrior."
"Thank you, sir."

 The instructor and trainers were all new face to him. He wasn"t sure why the unfamiliar trainer acted friendly to him with smile that didn"t seem unnatural. When the Trainer headed to the canteen, Haroon didn"t know what to do and looked at the wooden dummy.

 "Hm? Was that always like that?"

 The red spot he targeted was not there anymore. Instead, he saw a small hole there, and a number panel next to the dummy.


 "Wait, Isn"t that the number of times I succeeded? Did I really do that much?" he was confused.

 He couldn"t see anything else, because he focused on the act of stabbing. Someone probably touched his number panel by accident, he thought. Only if he succeeded that much, he hoped.

 On the afternoon, they had side and vertical slash training. Unlike stabbing, slashing didn"t require momentary force, but more of persistence. For this time, trainees had to target the top of the head and sides of the dummy. Haroon started focusing on his breath. The trainers, other trainees slowly fade out. There was only him and the dummy in his conscious. The tip of sword slowly moved to the top of his head.

 The sun was setting. Sword trainer Mayc.o.c.ks came back to the outpost training ground to find his friend Zilean. Zilean was standing right next to one trainee like a statue. He took another look at the trainee. It was the trainee the other trainers talked about.

 "Hey, Zil. Why are you still here? Is it because of him? I heard he is a monster, and I guess he isn"t with the sword?" Said Mayc.o.c.ks.

"Then why is he still training?"

 Mayc.o.c.ks couldn"t understand. Zilean just have to stop him. And he didn"t suppose it is because this trainee is scary.

 "He isn"t waking up from the focus." Zilean replied.

 Zilean had envious look on Haroon, who had exact same movement, using the same amount of power every time he swings his sword.

 "But seriously? How could a trainee do that?"
"I don"t know that either. The important thing is, he is doing it, and it is the most valuable training he could have, so I didn"t want to disturb him. And nothing should. That"s why I"m guarding him."

 Mayc.o.c.ks was still in a daze, and took another look at Haroon. His movement was very precise, almost machine-like. His lower body is balanced, and steady that not a typhoon can root him up.

 Stabbing, side slash and horizontal slash he was doing was balanced, precise and almost perfect. It wasn"t something that a trainee could make.

 "He must have learnt swordsmanship before. But he is amazing though."

"Is that even possible?"

 Mayc.o.c.ks got shocked. What Zilean said didn"t make any sense, but he knew Zilean wouldn"t lie to him. This only meant a complete beginner has reached that level, but he never saw or heard anything like that happening.

 "Huh-huh, Yeah, isn"t it crazy? I know how you feel, I envy him as much as you do. I didn"t know a man monstrous like him could exist. At the beginning, I envy him, and I was jealous of him, but now? I admire him. It has been 6 hours, and his movement didn"t get off not a single time. I don"t think I can be matched with this man. Do you remember how I was called as a tough cookie?”
"Really? He hasn"t get out of that state not even a single moment? You must be kidding……."

 Mayc.o.c.ks heard the great sorcerers do meditate for days, but he never heard a swordsman concentrating for hours. But a trainee? Who just began training sword?

"No, I"m deadly serious. I"ve been watching him the whole time. He didn"t get out of focus, not even once. Maybe we are teaching a man who will be a legend in the near future."

 Zilean and Mayc.o.c.ks kept their position beside Haroon. They even forgot they had to go to the canteen before it closes. There were flames burning in the two trainer"s eyes. That was like the eye of travellers who just found a light in the darkness while wandering the wilderness.

 Finally, Haroon finished his training when the darkness covered the mountains after the sunset, His clothes was full of sweat and sticky, but he couldn"t be in the better mood. He found out how dark it got, and how silent the training ground was.

"Has everybody gone back to the base? Why did they leave me alone?"

 He finally found out he was left alone. He thought so, and was surprised to see two trainers watching him.

 "Oh! Um…"
"Hmm, are you finished?"

 Haroon realized they stayed for his training.

 "Yes, I am sorry to make you wa……."

"Uh…I"m sorry sir but I don"t know what you mean."

 Haroon didn"t know what was going on, but seeing the trainers smiling at him, he smiled back. He wasn"t sure what they"ve learned but he felt relief that he hasn"t troubled them.

 "Let"s go eat then. Trainer Renny told us she has gave a word to the kitchen, so we will still be able to get the meal now."
"Yes, sir! Thank you a lot!"

 He did say yes, but he couldn"t go with them. There was some people waiting for him. Trainers made a bitter smile seeing three trainees waiting for Haroon next to the wagon.

 "Right, I forgot trainee 123 is a work-trainee. Thinking of that, I respect how pa.s.sionate you are."

"Thank you so much."

 Haroon took the frontside of wagon as usual. The other three didn"t push the wagon anymore. Haroon asked for it a few days ago. Haroon had enough strength to pull the wagon alone. The four trainees continued their way with haste, chatting about the day they had.

 It has been a week since the sword training began.

"You may know that some trainees already completed the basic swordsmanship before the course began, and some amazing trainees already mastered it by continuous effort, concentration and consistency. So from now on, you will be taking different courses depending on your ability."

 All the trainees faced the same spot. Where Haroon was standing. Everyone knew that Renny was talking about Haroon when she mentioned the amazing trainee.

 For trainees who isn"t interested in sword, or need more training, the trainers a.s.signed them the same course they took. For trainees who seemed to be good enough, they provided them a personal s.p.a.ce dedicated for them.

 "To be honest, training the sword with enchanted dummies are beyond the level of this course. However, we have some talented trainees in this term, so we"ve altered the course a bit. Not only them, but the other trainees too have talents and great spirits the other trainees of different term didn"t have. You guys have been good, so keep up with it. Dismiss!"

 Compliment makes an elephant dance, so it did to trainees too. Even though it was very small portion of trainees, they were glad that they could get higher training in their term. Very few overconfident, or those who felt inferior to Haroon, they started falling behind, but others strengthen their ties with the others.

 Because of the mercenary groups" compet.i.tion, more talented trainees tend to join the course. This term was no exception, but there was something special going on. The att.i.tude towards the training and their integrity impressed the trainers, so trainers wanted to give help by their heart, not just habitually.

 Some higher trainers, including Renny, presumed that the existence of one trainee has increased the quality of the trainees. It was the trainee 123, Haroon. They saw, how the trainees were not so different from the trainees of the last term, but the existence of Haroon changed everything.

 There was two different reaction for Haroon"s rapid improvement. The first one was of the magicians; having Haroon in their group made them take pride. One one side, they were envious and had expectation on him. One the other side, they felt shame about themselves that they didn"t try so hard which made them to train with honest minds.

 The other reaction was from non-magicians of Building B and C. Seeing an unbelievable improvement for Haroon, a magician, some felt jealous of it, and some started spending more time on training, rather than spending their time on feeling jealous of him.

 No matter what kind of group it is, there always a thing called mob mentality. This term had heavy influence of it. Even Nemion, Gally and Moggle, who said they hate sword with their heart, they began spending more time on training, too much that they and Haroon had no time for chat. No matter how dark the night gets, the training ground was always full of trainees practicing their sword.

 Haroon started training with magic circle engraved dummies. When the magic circle activates, the dummy moves just as a human being, and start attacking the opponent. From that, Haroon learned changing the tactic depending on the situation, and he was hooked on the charisma of swordsmanship.

 There were many types of the swordsmanship the dummy use. At the beginning, Haroon couldn"t avoid the attacks. He lost count how many times he rolled on the floor after getting hit by those attacks. When he avoided the first one, the dummy moved swiftly and tricky, not letting him to avoid the second one. When he was getting used to the attacks the dummy use, it changed its the way it moves its sword, and left painful marks on the Haroon"s body.

 His body was covered with bruises, and he even fell unconsciousness several times. When the dummies sneakily attacked the vital points, he simply didn"t have enough time to block it, avoid it nor perry it. Not even trainers told him what to do. They were just keeping their place just in case of an emergency situation.

 His skin turned blue for at least a week. If he exclude soles and eyes, he couldn"t find a single spot he didn"t get hit. Getting good at this was not same as gaining stamina or strength. He had very slow progress. He couldn"t see the way to avoid 5 continuous attacks. He could simply retreat one or a couple of steps back like the other students, but he didn"t. He wanted to learn the way to face it directly.

 Trainer Renny couldn"t bear watching Haroon, and had to gave a hint that this course may be easily completed by watching the moves the dummy use, and copy it. But Haroon didn"t listen to him. Instead, his eyes begin burning even more brightly. His bashful, shy personality couldn"t be found anymore. It was gone by the training he took. He was determined not to flee, avoid, or excuse to comfort himself.

"I am doing this, my way." Haroon thought.

 Mind. Haroon found that the mind is very weak thing that if once the will is bend, it wouldn"t be able to be controlled anymore, and makes the body be out of the path he need to take. So he determined not to bend his will. Also, he turned off the user interface sounds to ignore it. The main motivation he"s been using was the UI, and he wanted the motivation to be more pure, and practical, rather than taking the trainings as a game.

 Solid, but naive training, that almost seemed stupid continued day and night. He gave up everything for training, except those works and the basic life things, like eating and sleeping. On his seventh day of personal training, the tip of sword missed and swung right next to his neck. It was the first moment of his training that he avoided the chained attack. As the Trainer Renny said, seeing the sword until the end, and learning with the body helped him a lot. What he didn"t do was the copying the move. He"s done his own way. That"s when he could finally smile.

 But that was only the beginning.

 Haroon found out there is always a slight movement of feet and shoulder before the sword moves, and he started to be able to relate those moves with how the sword moves. As the time goes, his concentration and observation skill earned him more time to avoid the attacks from very close distance, and make more counter attacks.

 On the second week, he was able to avoid every move, and he still had enough time to hit the vital spots on the dummy. Clear, wooden sound echoed in the training ground. Haroon"s sword was fast enough to leave afterimage. Then suddenly, he stopped with his sword still vibrating. He stopped because the enchanted dummy stopped moving. He seemed puzzled.

"Congratulation. You"ve pa.s.sed level 1. Though, it is very impressive to see how you attacked the dummy without copying its move."

 It was Renny. His voice was vibrating because of the excitement he couldn"t hide. The purpose of the enchanted dummy is to learn the recorded swordsmanship. And sure, if one can avoid the attacks and counter between the attacks they can pa.s.s level one too, but it was very rare, because copying the move was already hard enough for the beginners.

"Level 1, sir?"

Renny was surprised to see that Haroon wasn"t impressed by pa.s.sing level one.

 "The goal of level one is to remember the chained attacks of five, and use it to attack the dummy.”

"Sure do."

 Hearing that, Haroon"s eyes burn bright again.

"Then I would like to challenge it."

 Haroon said with determination. Renny couldn"t find the proudness of pa.s.sing level 1 from Haroon"s voice. Renny nodded with smile.

 "Then follow me. I have prepared level 2 dummy just in case. The dummy you will face has 10 chained attack of seven different swordsmanship recorded."

"Right, Although those are the most basic swordsmanship that young knights or mercenaries learn, but the power and effectiveness of it is proved by various people. Also, I forgot to mention that each swordsmanship has ten different variation, which means you are fighting with 70 different swordsmanship."

 Haroon felt his fighting spirit sleeping deep inside his mind, and it was awakening.

 "You may pa.s.s if you find out those 70 different actions, memorize it and fight the dummy using those actions. By the way, if you pa.s.s level 2, you can t.i.tle yourself as a swordsman. No matter where you go."

 Haroon nodded with bright eyes. He wanted to face level 2 before his pa.s.sion and fighting spirit cools down. He wasn"t satisfied by pa.s.sing level 1. Thinking of his meaningless past days, he couldn"t be satisfied just yet.

 "I won"t walk the same way. That will only make me act like another person. I need to be who I am."

 So he face another challenge. His eyes were sweating of fighting spirit. His arm muscles started vibrating with overflowing strength.

 It has been month since trainees started training sword. During that time, Haroon was crazy about swordsmanship, that he never logged out in a month. But his effort and concentration were payed back on the last night of the sword training. It was thought to be an impossible thing to do, but he pa.s.sed, and mastered level 2. Like a fish swimming against the strong stream, Haroon reached the point where he can shrewdly and flexibly evade the dummy"s attack, stabbing and slashing the dummy.

– You have mastered "Basic Swordsmanship"

It wasn"t added to your skill list due to the lack of combat experience.

 What a glad notice.

 He finally mastered the basic swordsmanship, and it created his own personal swordsmanship. It was far from the trainer"s intention, but Haroon finally smiled with satisfaction of confirming his thoughts.

 Meanwhile, the sound of enchanted dummy alerting Haroon"s pa.s.s drew deep sighs from Renny and other trainers.

TL notes: