
Chapter 12

《Polluted spirit, "Brat"》

 Just as Renny mentioned, there were various types of trainings provided.

 Unlike stamina or sword training, the trainers opened lectures that would be necessary for the mercenaries, and trainees were free to take whichever they want. But most of the trainees didn"t really need to take most of the subjects, as they already learned those in the mercenary guilds they belong. Taking subjects like Simple accounting or information gathering methods was not really need for the accountant and officers; Searching, setting or disa.s.sembling traps was not popular for the combat mercenaries. The popular subjects for them was cla.s.sifying the level of quests, or how to conclude favorable quests; so-called "profitable lectures".

"I must learn everything." thought Haroon.

 So he registered for every single subject. It was hard to manage the time as he was a work-trainee, but not all lectures were open for whole month, so he wouldn"t be able to take it if he miss it. This was big fortune to him. But this made another misunderstanding to the others.

"That guy is trying to gather attention again."
"Maybe he is a spy to collect information about this course."

 But Haroon didn"t care it much. He was getting enough stress from the Quad w.a.n.kers, Sevona"s suspicion.

"Even if I am going to be revealed, I need to learn as much as possible when I have chance."

 Haroon knew well enough how precious the chance of education is. He already suffered from missing it in real life. What he learns in the Academy was quite different from what he learned in the real life, but it will be the base of the living in the world of Beyond.

 His morning wasn"t so differ from his previous days. In the morning, he partic.i.p.ated the course teaching the intellects that every mercenaries should know. Simple outdoor-cooking, Accounting, Scouting/Searching, Setting up/dissembling traps, skinning monsters or beasts leathers. He registered for every cla.s.s the trainers provided.

 On the afternoon, He partic.i.p.ated simple medical treatment course and several others, including throwing weaponry.

 The first lesson of throwing weaponry. There was various types of throwing weapons displayed in front of trainer Bottus. From the throwing knifes to the daggers, many fancy weapons attracted the trainees" eyes. Almost half of the trainees has registered for this course.

"As you can see, there is lots of types of throwing weaponry and hidden weaponry in the world. Every weapon has different purpose, so the way to handle them differ as well. Since they are small, this might look easy, but size doesn"t mean everything. Handling throwing knifes requires investing times and sweats as much as learning swordsmanship."

 Everyone brightened their eyes. Maybe throwing weaponry could be most necessary skill for the trainees partic.i.p.ated for the basic training course.

 "The basic of handling throwing weapon is finding the center of ma.s.s, and understanding the trajectory and revolution fundamentals. You will learn it by practicing in groups with explanations of your group"s trainer. In this course, you will be learning six bladed shurikens, flying knife, or last but not least, daggers. Some says this is easier than the sword. But mastering it needs training, effort, concentration and repeating those three over and over. Since the time is short, you won"t be training all three. That being said, you will be throwing all three types today, and choose which one you will train for the rest of the course. Do you copy?"
"Yes, sir!"

 The trainees" voice got louder unlike before. Since this trainees are not capable of combat situation, it was more effective to use throwing weapons or hidden weapons rather than training swordsmanship or other weapon. It would be life saving ropes later on, so their att.i.tude toward the training couldn’t be same.

 After the trainer"s explanation and demonstration, they gave some time for the trainees to train on their own. While practicing, Haroon nodded alone as he thought he understood what Bottus, the retired mercenary, said about mastering the throw.

 Swords need its center of ma.s.s at the center to be wield stably. But the throwing weapons were very different. Depending on its center of ma.s.s, the revolution speed, turning radius and trajectory all differed. He was too quick to think that it would be easier than the swordsmanship. Different types of throwing weapons had different properties, and he even noticed that each one has slightly different center of ma.s.s after he threw some of them. It was another score made by his concentration. It felt like the grip of weapons were automatically positions itself into his hands. He"s got a good feeling about it.

 After practicing the throwing, he practiced his sword with the enchanted dummy with Chief Trainer Schultz"s permission. He covered his dinner by the food he packed during lunch time.

 He asked Moggle, Mannen and Rose to do the evening labor. In return, he did morning and noon labor all alone. Since the size of the meal has gradually increased, so the amount of left-overs are decreased, he was able to do it alone.

 The time flew went by, and it was D-10 the graduation day.

It rain on and off for few days. And on that morning, it started raining so much as somebody drew a hole into the sky. It wasn"t the circ.u.mstance that they could continue the outdoor training. Some courses were already finished, so trainees could take a rest in a while. But Haroon couldn"t enjoy the unexpected holiday, because unexpected labor was ordered.

"Seeing how it smells so bad, an animal"s corpse is rotting, or somewhere is blocked. I didn"t want to order cleaning the drainage, but the smell is so bad that even I couldn"t prevent the labor ordered from the higher place," Schultz commended, with an apologetic expression.
"Don"t worry, sir. We know well how you have been considerate to us. Thank you for that."

Moggle replied, representing the work-trainees.

"The air might be toxic, so be careful."

 The four trainees left the Schultz"s office, and went to the tool house. There was rubbery working clothes and tools to pick up the rotting objects.

 "Rose, take some antidote just in case," said Moggle.
"Got it," said Rose, returning to her room with hurry.

 As a trainee who want to be a healer, she had different kinds of antidote.

 The four trainees walked side by side to the entrance of the drainage. Just as Schultz said, the foul smell numbed their nose.

 "It feels like my nose is rotting."
"Woah, I"m dizzy."

 Mannen"s and Rose"s face went pale. Moggle endured it well, but as soon as he arrived the entrance, he fell down to the ground. The rain was preventing the smell to be spread, but still the smell was very murderous, and caused dizziness.

"Hey, Moggle, Wake up. Moggle, MOGGLE!" Mannen shouted, shaking Moggle violently.”

 Moggle couldn"t wake up easily. He seems to be conscious, but he couldn"t move his arms nor legs. Rose was already holding her nose not knowing what to do about him.

"Oh my gosh. Haroon, I will carry him to his room, so wait here or go into the drainage with Rose first. I will catch up soon."

 Haroon nodded slowly.

  Moggle he knows wouldn"t fake illness in order not to clean the drainage. He thought it might be vital seeing how Moggle is. When he saw Mannen and Moggle"s appearance fade out in the fog of heavy rain, he prepared to enter the drainage. Since he worked at the crematorium, he could endure the smell well enough. He was intending to check what is going on in the drainage before Mannen comes back.

 "Rose, if you think you can endure the smell, Let"s go in together. We don"t know what we need, so let"s only see what it looks like."
"Ogay. Led"z gou," said Rose, making nasal sound as she was holding her nose with wet clothes.

 Haroon went first holding the iron sword he brought just in case.

 The wet footsteps echoed in the drainage. They wasn"t sure when it was built, but the scale of drainage was quite big. Not even the real life drainage would be built this well. There were luminous stones driven into the top of drainage. It didn"t seem expensive, but it gave enough light for Haroon and Rose. Nothing is more scary than the intense darkness. When they could see, there was nothing to fear of. Haroon even saw the corpses torn wide of by Harks, or flattened corpses by traffic accidents.

Squick! Squiiick!

 The sudden appearance of two people scared the rats and they ran to every direction screaming sharp noises. They were brown rats living in the drainage.

"Holy!" cried Rose.

 She sttuck to the Haroon"s back as she was disgusted by them, or is really scared of the surroundings. Haroon could feel how terrified she was from the vibration he could feel.

 "Rose, wait me at the entrance. I will see what"s inside."
"Got it, Oppa."

 Rose ran to the entrance as she was waiting his order.

 Haroon kept going forward. There definitely was something seeing how the smell gets tense. It felt like a giant sized animal"s corpse was rotting. As he walks in more deeper, he could smell sour and smoky water with bad smell. He walked into little square.

 It was where water from several smaller pipes join altogether and leave to where Haroon walked in from. But a lot of dumps formed a little dam, and trapped quite big chunk of water. That was where the rotting smell coming from.

 Haroon made a whole to dam with a metal club he brought. Trapped water rushed its way out to small hole. Most of the dumps got carried away, so the smell did. But the murderous smell didn"t go way yet.

 Haroon went deeper.

Squiiick! Squick! Squick!

 Rats ran away between the rotting water and wastes, into the cracked walls and in every direction. Because the drainage wasn"t cleaned for a while, and it was too close to the food-waste dumping site, it became a habitat for the rats..

 After a while of walking, when he arrived the pa.s.sage the foul smell was coming from, something appeared from the cornered area where even the dim light couldn"t reach. It was a giant rat, brown and s.h.a.g furred, red eyed and it was as big as a cat. It was staring at Haroon, and was giving him a warning with horrifying scream and exposing its sharp fangs.

Squiiick! Squick! Squick!

 "That"s really big. I think people should call it cat-shaped rat monsters."

 He didn"t feel any fear from them. What else can a rat be? He thought. But Rats didn"t run away seeing Haroon approaching them. Instead, their little eyes turned red as if they were preparing the attack.

"Well, I guess it is rat hunting season now."

 Haroon put down the iron club which was too long to be used. And he firmly hold his favorite iron sword. Even if his first enemy was the rats, he thought they might be big enough to be a good practice targets of what he learned from the enchanted dummy.

 There were more than 20 rats. Even though they are just rats, that size and sharp fangs and claws might hurt him, so Haroon was inwardly nervous.


 With sharp cry, one of them jumped at Haroon with its claws exposed. Haroon"s sword swung vertically at its head without any hesitation, and the rat"s body fall down to the ground, being cut in half. It act as an aggro to the rest of the rats, so they attacked as a whole.

"One at a time."

 Haroon swung his sword and twisted his upper body to face and cut two of the rats attacking from his front side. He could feel the weight from his sword cutting the bodies. He actually could feel he was cutting something. But there was no time for thinking. It was a race against the time as the rats were attacking from every direction.

 Haroon punched a rat jumped above his head with his left hand, and swung his sword. With a short bursting sound, the flesh and blood splatted to everywhere.


 There was a sudden pain in his left shoulder. He could see a rat"s head when he turned his head to the shoulder. There was his blood stained on its fang.

"You freak!"

 He tried to pull of the rat with his left hand, but he couldn"t as it felt like his whole shoulder is being torn off.


 He couldn"t give all his attention to the one on his shoulder. Another rat has already approached to bite his right thigh. Haroon roughly spun his body and swinging his sword. Three of the rats got into the swords track, and got killed crying out sharp noises. But the one biting his sword as still there.

"You dirty rats! You are all dead to me."

 Haroon got mad when he saw the blood. Not only the blood, but the pain bullying his whole body. And he felt like he was getting weak.

"What is wrong with me?"

 He was sure that he was getting sick. Haroon violently swung his sword to expel the rats, and re-enabled the U.I. sound. It didn"t take long until he could hear the notification. It probably repeated for several times already.

– You are deeply poisoned by the rat bite.
[Receiving 15 damage per 10 second.]

 He never heard there is poison in rat"s fang. But he couldn"t let the rat to bite his shoulder anymore. Haroon moved his sword to his left hand, and pulled rat"s head with his right hand. Strong burning pain still left in his shoulder. There was a lump of Haroon"s flesh stuck in the rats fang.

"You vicious……."

 Haroon couldn"t think straight anymore seeing the rat"s mouth full of flesh and blood. He gnash his teeth with unbearable anger. He couldn"t let himself be fed by the small creatures like rats.

"Die, rats!"

 He threw the rat at the wall as hard as he can. The rat"s head got crushed, and the blood blurred to the dirty water below.

"These are not just ordinary rats. These are monsters."

 He wasn"t going to spare those rats anyway, but now he didn"t have any reason to let them live since they were eating humans. Forgetting that he had to stop the bleeding, he straightened the pose he hold the sword. It will be different this time.

 With a strong kick of the water, his sword flew with a tremendous speed. The sword penetrated the rat that was already jumping to him, and the sword head to the rat right next to him.

"This isn"t any ordinary rats."

 As if rats has sensed that Haroon has great skills, they surrounded him and they attacked him successively or at the same time. They already had great combat experience.

 Haroon"s body started move fast and precisely.

 He couldn"t waste time by swinging the sword in big radius, so he mainly used stabbing and slashing and twisting his body at the same time. The rats fall to the ground making sharp cries.


 Haroon breathed heavily killing all 20 rats. He used too much power facing irregular attacks, which was very differ from the enchanted dummy which had dedicated skill routes.

"Ugh, It hurts too much."

 His shoulder was bleeding too much. Fortunately, he didn"t lose too much flesh, but the poison has discolored the clothes into black. Haroon decided to retreat for now. Haroon felt dizzy, but he wasn"t sure if it was because of the poison, or if it was because he moved too much. He managed to stagger out of the drainage, but the pain and dizziness coming from the wound couldn"t make him realize that he was breathing the fresh air.

"Oh my gosh. Oppa, What happened to you?"

 Fortunately, Rose hasn"t returned to her room awaiting him.

"Just, give me a sec," said Rose, preparing something.

 Rose healed him with a practiced hand. She revealed the wound by tearing out the section of cloth, and took a pocket out of her cloth, and sprinkled what it contained on the wound. Haroon couldn"t help but to scream because of the hair-rising pain.

"Hang in there, even it hurts. It is detoxing the wound."

 A sweat of pain formed on Haroon"s brow. Only if he knew it was going to hurt, he would have lower the sync rate a bit. It was automatically sat to 55% at the moment, which was the high capacity of the current state of his body. Because of that, the pain was so vivid.

 Nemion finally gave a sigh of relief only after wiping out the wound with a cloth torn out from her sleeve.

"All right. I can see your blood is clear now. The detoxification was successful. And since this medicine is very good, you will be cured in just few days without living any scars."

 Rose added, tearing out the other sleeve and applying it on his shoulder with some kind of medicine.

 Haroon felt he was losing control of his body, and he forced it to linger in. He bled too much blood in such a short time that it made him dizzy and feel like vomiting. He was tempted to sleep, but his rage woke him up.

 "What happened, Oppa? Don"t tell me it was the rats."

"Are you serious? Rats, attacking humans……?"

 Rose dreaded the thought of facing them.

"When I went deep into the drainage, there were rats as big as the cats. But those were not just any ordinary rats. I believe those were some kind of monsters. They probably tasted the flesh and blood of humans. They won"t have attacked me unless they haven"t."

 Rose shuddered saying nothing.

 His body recovered after some time. Just as Nemion said, the medicine Nemion applied was very effective. He still could feel his body burning, and the pain came back sometimes, but it wasn"t uncomfortable to use his left arm.

"It"s show time."

 Haroon put away his sword, and checked the throwing knives leather holder which he couldn’t even think of using it during combat. He prepared it to train after the cleaning, and now it was fortunate that he brought it. Cross belted leather holder had 20 daggers. It was quite rea.s.suring to see them.

"Oppa, It is dangerous to go alone."

 Rose stopped him heading back in.

 "No, I was just careless last time. I didn"t face them seriously because I thought they were just big rats."

"We will report, but not now. I will come back if I don"t think I can do it alone. Let"s report after I come out."

 Haroon gnashed his teeth. He determined to be changed, and get strong, so he didn"t want to flee from whatever the danger is. That didn"t mean he will make unnecessary fights or risk himself to be in unfair battle, but he determined not to step back that easily.

"And they ate my flesh and drank my blood."

 Rose retreated seeing how determine Haroon was. She suddenly took out two little sacks from her chest and handed it to Haroon.

"Oppa, this is some antidote, and this is injury remedy. Bead shaped one is the antidote, and injury remedy is a powder that you can sprinkle on the wound. It will be very effective, but it won’t prevent the pain too."

"Got it. But do you really think this is good idea?"
"I told you I was just careless. I will run out as quick as I can when I think it is going to be dangerous, so don"t worry."

 Saying that, Haroon came back to the drainage. Rose was left alone, but she wasn"t brave enough to follow him.

 Haroon"s boots splashed water, and the sound of it echoed in the drainage. It was after the commotion of the combat, so tiny rats already hid and wasn"t coming out. It didn"t take long for him to arrive where he had combat since he knew the way so he walked faster than before.


 Curiously enough, there was nothing there. The corpses has disappeared while he was curing his wound, which means there is another party of them, or another kind of cleaning monster exists. Haroon proceed his way following the luminous ores. An offensive smell from the water kicked in his nose, but he still could endure it.

"Don"t let me catch you, "cause I will smash you into ashes."

 His anger risen up to the top of his head allowed him to endure the smell. It took five more minutes for him to reach another square.

 It seemed that he was at the central part of drainage. It was full of indescribable smell, and toxic gas exhaled from the bubbles of rotted water. Haroon torn off one of his sleeve and covered his nose down. He wasn"t able to endure them anymore. It was at that moment when he heard a familiar voice.

– You have found a dungeon of Catrats.

"What? Dungeon of Catrats?

Seriously, where did that came from? He found a dungeon so easily. He opened his mouth without knowing hearing he found a dungeon.

Dungeon of Catrats (E Cla.s.s, Temporary dungeon)

Dungeon of Catrats that eat rotten and polluted stuffs. When their number increases, they eat each other in order to control the population. When its number is at the peak, the smell of the drainage gets tense, and as they eat each other, the smell gets weakened. Catrats are cat sized rats, and they are armed with sharp claws and their fangs with strong bio-poisons stored inside created by eating polluted materials.

The dungeon shall be cleared by killing a Boss Monster "Polluted Ratcat".

As a very first discover, you will be rewarded with 20 Soul Points, and doubled item drop rate. Clearing the dungeon will grant you a random chance to acquire a mystery item.

– You will gain 100 fame if you register the dungeon.
Do you want to register the dungeon?

"No," said Haroon.

 Even if he coincidentally found it, he didn"t want to register the dungeon. A normal user might be spent by smells and toxic gases on their way to the dungeon. And he doesn"t know the true value of it, so he didn"t dare to register it.

"Undiscovered, and temporary……. I am so lucky that I found it when it was on. And Finally, Soul Points! And possibly a mystery item..! Huhuhu!"

 Befoer he knew it, he was laughing with joy that he found a dungeon. Temporary means it needs specific circ.u.mstances to be opened. No other users will be able to enter this dungeon in short period of time. Haroon smiled and stepped forward to the central part of the square. It was then when he could sense something was coming to him. It was slight sound of that swimming towards him. Haroon took a throwing dagger out and looked for a move.

Squuiick! Squick Squick!

 Yes, it was Catrat. Haroon suffered by being surrounded by them last time, so he didn"t hesitated to throw his daggers.


 As the blade of the dagger penetrates the flesh of its head, it made disgusting sound and stuck its nose at the rotten water. But at the back and side of it, there was too many Catrats charging at him.

"Bring it on."

 By fighting them for once, he found out how he should be using his sword, and he was confident with it. Even though he was outnumbered, the catrats only had sharp fangs and claws. He knew he shouldn"t be using formulaic swordsmanship. By extinct, he learned the swordsmanship of finding out the gap, and attacking the vital points. What he only need was being careful, and nothing would be hard then. But he couldn"t risk being surrounded.

 Haroon backed a wall, and rapidly threw the daggers. He only needs to deal with three side now. He thought he wasn"t experienced enough to face his back as well. As it only took an blink of an eye to kill about 15 catrats, the rest of them cried horrifying sound and rushed their way to Haroon, not fearing death.

"Yeah, that"s the spirit!"

 Mad catrats were not hard enemies like the first time. His experience made him calm. Their attacks were too straightforward to be not able to avoid, and their size was too big that he couldn"t miss. Haroon"s sword only consist of basic moves of slashing and stabbing, but Catrat"s corpses were being piled up around him as a wall.

"It was only matter of not fearing. I can see their moves very clearly."

 A little enlightenment. He was able to find out how he should move, if he throw away the fear and see the situation with clear-headed eyes. And also, the enlightenment came with a reward.

–ESP is increased by 1 point.

 "ESP" seems to be related with the dynamic visual activity. As the stat rise, he was able to see catrat"s move more clearly, even in the deem light, and it felt like they were even slower. His sword kept moving.

Squick! Squiick…….

 Now it was almost sad to hear catrat"s screams. They kept attacking him, but Haroon didn"t even get short of breath at all. By extinct, he was learning to use only the minimum movement needed. Haroon was exited, and started to slowly move forward.

 He was being attacked by four side now, but he could sense the attacks from behind him. His sword moved more swiftly, and more smoothly. When the dead body of catrats made a bridge along the way Haroon moved, the attacks stopped. Was all catrats killed?

– Learned how to use swordsmanship "Sense Sword"

Sense Sword (Pa.s.sive)


Sense Sword is basic swordsmanship, and it consist of 5 levels. It"s a swordsmanship of avoiding and finding gap to attack by extinct with strong concentration and extrasensory perception(ESP). Mastering this skill will evolve it to advanced swordsmanship that allows you to use an aura.

 Haroon laughed like a crazy man checking the skill window. It was a pa.s.sive skill, but he learned his personal swordsmanship, when he didn"t even get a cla.s.s yet. He would not able to learn the swordsmanship only if he fought with a enchanted dummies with exact movements the trainers told him.


 With a terrifying roar echoing around the square like a whistle, one side of the wall of the square opened.


 Finally, the boss monster appeared.

 Catrat boss appeared in front of him was truly amazing. It was as big as a tiger. It started at him with a burning yellow eyes. He stood up straight with its back paws and roared several times with anger of its subordinates death.

"Are you the boss monster? Bring it on then!"

 Haroon taunted it bobbing his index finger. Like its name, Polluted Catrat, it exhaled awful smell and polluted materials. Even though he taunted it, it felt dizzy enough of breathing just a few times, even with a piece of cloth covering his lower face. Thinking he did well covering his nose and mouth, he hold his breath as long as possible.

 But ultimately, he only knew because of the UI sound.

– Your skin and respiratory organs are polluted by strong polluting materials.
[Poisoned. You are receiving 20 damage per 10 second.]

 He couldn"t face him for long time. His HP is low, and it was even lower because of the fight with uncountable catrats. So before it can position properly, he threw a dagger. His target was at its open chest.


 With a sharp noise, the freak avoided the dagger with swift move, and stared at Haroon. Haroon was going to attack first, but it charged at Haroon with its mouth open ready to bite him with sharp fangs, emitting strong odor.


 Haroon let out the breath with a shout, and thrust his sword to stab its eye. But with a metal sound, the sword bounced off its claws it raised to protect its eye. Haroon spinned his body the direction the sword bounced off to avoid its attack. Its attack made a giant scratch on the floor.

 Haroon"s Adam"s apple bobbed. Whichever part of him that claws gets, it will be ripped off no matter what. But it didn"t mean his fighting spirit is dead. Haroon kicked the ground and jumped up high, slashing down the sword to its head.

 The sword hit its claws again and made metal sound. Haroon"s whole body bounced back by Catrat boss"s great force. As soon as Haroon landed on the ground, the Catrat jumped on him and Haroon reacted quickly. He moved his sword to left hand, and threw a dagger with a right hand.

Squick! Squiuik!

 The dagger flew like a lightning and stuck deeply in its right eye. It screamed so hard that Haroon felt like his felt was like deafened. But Haroon didn"t stop there. Another dagger flew in the air. It was heading a part that it seemed weaker than the other part. It was between the two front paws that were holding its right eye. With at clear penetrating sound, Catrat"s big body started shaking. As if it couldn"t believe it was getting defeated, it lower down its paws and stared at HAroon with anger with its mouth wide opened. Haroon could see a grip of the dagger in its mouth.

"And now, begone!"

 The catrat started to falter. Haroon didn"t miss that chance and swung his sword at its neck. Its vicious looking head flew away, and its headless body fall down to the ground, splashing the water.

– You have cleared Catrat"s Dungeon!

 Good to hear that. But that wasn"t the end.

– You granted the t.i.tle "Catrat Slayer".

– You have acquired reward items.

– You have acquired 5 S.P.

– Strength is increased by 1 point.

– Agility is increased by 1 point.

 In addition to acquiring a proper swordsmanship, combat related skills were all increased by 1 point. It was a short combat, but it was full of an excitement and stimulation that couldn"t be found in the long training. What"s more is that not only he got the dungeon clearing rewards, but he also got the mystery item that has slim chance to acquire. But most of the excitement was at acquiring personal swordsmanship. Even though it was at basic level, training the swordsmanship will ultimately lead him to be a great player.

"It seems I should focus gaining ESP and Focus," he thought.

 The backbone of the sense sword is fast dynamic visual activity and swiftness. It was his thought that he will gain rapid experience in Sense Sword if he invest his bonus points on those two stats and gain more combat experience.

 And now, it was time for checking the item.

 Haroon took out two items that came into inventory after defeating the Catrat boss.

"So this is the item."

 It was remarkable. One of them was a armor gear that was made out of Catrat boss"s leather. There is no doubt that it would be very hard and durable since even the dagger at close range couldn"t penetrate it.

"Item stat."

Catrat"s claw

Cla.s.s: Magic¹

Durability: N/A
Requirement: N/A

 A throwing knife made out of Catrat boss that only lives in the extremely polluted area. It is more solid and sharper than the steel. It has properties of polluted materials that deals an enemy with 20 damage per 10 second.

"Is this a good item?"

 It was good to see that it is dealing additional damage by polluted materials, not an ordinary poison. But since he never saw an ordinary item, he wasn"t sure how good that item was. He was only certain that it will be rare enough since it is graded as "Magic" item.

"Let"s keep it for now."

 Haroon took an another item.

 It was ball shaped, and had a strange smell. The overall color tone was dark, and sooty that it just seemed unworthy. He hold nose and took a close look. It looked like as if it is an living creature since it had a head and legs.

"What is this?"

 The face was crumpled, legs were short and it had burning red tail. What"s more funny is that it had four pairs of wings.

"I"ve never seen a creature like this." he thought.

 A ball shaped creature that he has never seen in real life nor games was not moving at all as if it was dead.

"Item stats."

Polluted Spirit (Mystery pet)

Level: 1

 When the world was divided into the Divine, the Devildom, the World of Matters and the World of Spirits, for some reason this essential spirit failed to go to the spirit world. It now fell in deep sleep losing its power for unknown reason. During that time, the drainage was built, and various types of polluting materials has polluted it. Now it cannot go back to the spirit world anymore. If you take good care of it, it might be helpful later on. Though, it is quite stubborn so taming it might be hard……..

 Ability: Depending on the summoner"s level, it can wield every kind of elemental force. Within the owner"s mana capacity, it can use common elemental spirits power until level 50, intermediate elemental spirits power until level 150, and master elemental spirits power until level 250. The more will be decided by the spirit"s ego. Leveling Pet’s level will gain its own skill as well.

 Summoning: On the "stand by" stage, you can communicate with pet just with your spirit without consuming any mana. Summoning it will consume 1 mana per second, performing elemental magic consumes 10 mana and 10 elemental force points per one second. But depending on the pet"s capability, it might not require elemental fore points. The summoner will be poisoned upon summoning and will receive 1 damage per second.

 Limitations: Except the summoner, no one will be able to see the pet until it reaches level 10. At level 10, the pet will gain its own subs.p.a.ce, but it will require absorbing various types of mana from items that has different properties.

 Contract requirement: Pump your mana into the pet by touching its mouth with your finger, saying "Inject Mana"

"Wait. what? This is a pet?"

 It was unbelievable. No matter how weak it was, it is a scary creature that can use all four kinds of elemental force. Isn"t this a cheat character?

 According to a explanation, this spirit cannot go back to its world because it is polluted. Maybe that"s why it was considered as a "pet". Haroon was so excited to see that it is a spirit, even though summoning it will damage him. Haroon forgot that he was poisoned because of the excitement that it will get him out of the trouble he was in.

– You"ve got deeply poisoned.
[You are receiving 30 damage per 10 second.]

 If it wasn"t the UI sound, he might have been poisoned to death.

"Oh gosh!"

 Haroon poured the items into the inventory, and ate a antidote pill. Haroon chock. His throat hurt, but it was better than dying. He forced the saliva to be released by pretending to chew, and it relieved a pain a little. After a while, the UI sound told him that he was cured. Only after then, he started walking out.

 One the way back, he noticed that the catrat"s dead bodies have disappeared. The most of the smell has disappeared as well. They will be regen"ed somewhen though.

 Even though it was dirty and smelly drainage, there was a lot to earn. He couldn"t wait to logout to research about the pet system. His steps naturally got faster because of his current state of mind.

"Haroon oppa? Is that you?"

 Rose was waiting him walking out of the drainage splashing the water. The rain was getting heavier outside, and the darkness started drawing it, but she didn"t go back yet. Her face showed a great grief worrying Haroon.

 "You look so awful. Are you not hurt?"

"Whew, that"s a relief. I was about to go to the HQ since you weren"t coming back, but the smell started to be weakened. So I knew you get rid of the origin of smell and killed all those disgusting things. What was in there, by the way?"

 Haroon knew the drainage cleaning was done hearing her words. The smell won’t come back anytime soon until the catrats regen. Haroon thought that the origin of smell is either the catrats, or the mystery pet that was in his inventory. Haroon was not able to answer all her questions. There was something else bothering her mind.

"It"s a long story. I will tell you later. I want some rest for now."

 Rose shut her mouth seeing Haroon"s tired face. They went back to their room getting wet by the heavy wind.

 After logging out, Haroon searched Catrat"s claws. Necomwall"s item trading site wasn"t so active for now. There were just a few shoddy common gears being traded that the blacksmiths made. So he entered the auction site on the official site o fBeyond. He could see the archived record of the auction of NPCs.

"Hm…. I guess not even the NPCs entered the Catrat"s Dungeon."

 He searched for Catrat boss, or Catrat"s claws, but there was no single entry about it in the Teronn Empire"s history. Maybe he was very first one who entered the Catrat"s Dungeon.

"Well, I guess no one will want to go into that smelly place. Even if they did, they were probably the peasants who couldn"t deal with the catrats. And they might have forgot about it since the smell went away soon anyway. Also, the catrats won"t come out of the drainage, so it might be natural."

 But it was good to know that there was no weapon that has 200 Attack Damage just yet. Although it poisons the user too.

"Let"s keep it for now. I won"t get the true value of it anyway."

 Haroon searched for the pets. Pet system existed in almost every game. There are many types too. Some are literally "pets", but there were scary creatures that was controlled by the necromancers or dark magicians. Summon contract is simple too, that it was just done by injecting the owner"s mana.

 But what Haroon acquired develops going through various experience, which was a great advantage, but it acted as a great disadvantage as well. In order to level it up, he needed to summon it as much as possible, but that was the problem.

"Why did it have to be a polluted spirit? I will get poisoned for summoning it, so how can I take a good care of it?"

 He couldn"t just summon it at any time, since he would be polluted whenever he summon it. It wouldn"t matter if he had large chunk of HP to spare, but he didn"t since he didn"t even get a cla.s.s yet. But he needed to. He needed to use the power of the elemental spirit. Now the challenge was on showing the proper elemental magic before he is poisoned to death.

"Let"s do it."

 Rather than actually using it, he needed to practice performing a magic show using his pet. It is really fortunate that he got what he needed. Though, he wasn"t sure if it was the power of Luck stats that he"s been investing on, or it was the power of the system that gives the user the item the one needs.

 Haroon came back to Beyond, and took the polluted spirit out.

– You are poisoned.
[You are receiving 1 damage per second.]

 It wasn"t a surprise to hear that he was polluted. Haroon cringed for a second, and hold it with both hands. Even though it was a ugly, ball shaped, environment-unfriendly, he needed to make it learn that he is its owner. Haroon focused on his fingers and shouted.

"Inject Mana."

 Haroon couldn"t feel any change at the beginning, but soon he could sense something in his body was being transferred to the pet. There was a change at the pet too. Its face was getting uncrumpled, and it was opening its eyes. It wasn"t even possible to see where the eyes were since its face was full black, but now he could see the white of the eye and the pupil.

"I am your master. Keep that in your mind."

 But it was just blinking its eyes. As if it couldn"t speak just yet, it just started at him blinking its eyes. For some reason, that stare upset Haroon. He felt as if it was sarcastically saying "Really? Are YOU, MY master?"

"Well, what am I thinking."

 But Haroon didn"t have much time. His HP was almost spent. Like a baby drinking their mother"s milk, the spirit greedly sucked half of his mana. Haroon put the spirit back to inventory and ate the antidote. His hands got dark because of the solution.

"This is like getting a sword that doesn"t have a grip."

 Haroon couldn"t see how he should be training this spirit. It was very frustrating how he only had an option to train it to get him out of the trouble, even if it pollutes him slowly to the death. He took a rest for a while, and summoned the spirit again. The spirit was fully awake now.

"Who are you? Why did you wake me up? It is so annoying, you know?" The spirit said.

 Haroon was annoyed. The way it talks, the way it stares at him, it was so annoying.

 "You are my pet now."

"Because! You have consumed My, Ma, Na," Haroon said slowly, gnashing his teeth.
"Did I said I wanted it? I won"t accept YOU as my master."

 What is this att.i.tude? He knew that there was only one way to deal with this kind of peo…spirits. Even though no one tell him what he needs to do, he knew very well what he should do. He blow his fist at it.


 He punched the face. Now it will know how the violation feels.


 He blew twice in its belly.


 He continued hitting the belly with both hands, consecutively.


 He disliked how it stared at him, so he punched its head.


 He blew a punch at its side. It was so satisfying to see its eyeball rolling of the pain.


 He used both hand at once.


 And he kicked its waist. He was feeling better seeing it fly away.


 For this time, he used both arms and legs. Even the knees.

 The eyes disappeared in its face, so the stare went away. Well, it was because its face was swollen.

– You are deeply poisoned.
[You will die in 30 second if you don"t detoxify the poison.]

 Haroon quickly took an antidote. He couldn"t believe that he will get poisoned by hitting it.

"Where on Union did this kind of pet came from……."

 No good word could come out from an angry person.

"Stand upright!"

 The swollen spirit stagger to stand upright.

 "I am your master. Got it?"

 Well, that"s the answer he wanted. If he hit more, maybe it will get more polite, but he was satisfied enough with that for now.

 "According to the info, it has lived a long life anyway. Maybe I should be the one respecting it"

 He found out that violation may be more effective than what he thought. At the same time, he found out that he might use it even more because of this pet.

 "My name"s Haroon."
"Got it, mas…ter."

 He couldn"t see its eyes clearly because of the wrinkle of the face, or maybe it was the swollen part, but anyway, he couldn"t really say what expression it was making. He decided to finish the first discipline whatsoever. Haroon is open minded anyway.

 "What is your name tho?"
"Don"t have one. Why don’t you name me one, a pretty one."

 But you look like a pig bladder, he thought. Haroon, however, decided to give it a name. He thought for a while, but nothing suitable came into his mind.

 "How about Mirinae²? Meaning is "the milky way""
"Nah. Too girly."

 But isn"t "pretty" very closely related to "girly"? Haroon was perplexed.

 "Rose. A name for a flower."

"Iris. It"s name for a "pretty" flower."
"That"s so insincere. Isn"t that a common name?"

 Haroon had nothing to say. Its face was clearly asking him "Is that all the intellect you"ve got?" and it annoyed him quite much. With an anger, he told it more girl names, but it rejected. And during he choose a name for the spirit, he was being poisoned more and more. It was time for him to take an antidote and put that back in the inventory.

""Brat". If you don"t like this too, you might burn with the flame."

 Haroon was at the end of his patience, and there was great force filled in his words. Everyone would clearly see that he meant it and he wasn"t joking at all.

"But…. "Brat"…is a bit……."

 Hearing that, Haroon cringed his face and hold the spirit a little bit more tightly. If anything goes wrong, he was going to throw it. If he holds it any longer, he might be poisoned to death.

"Uh…. Great, Master. I lik…like it.:

 It accepted the name, well, because it was threatened. It was so cathartic for Haroon. It was so glad to see it suffer. Well, so the contract was one, it was time to check his stats.

Name: Brat

Type: Mystery Pet

t.i.tle: Polluted Spirit

Mana Point: 1,000
Elemental Force Point: 1,000


Toxic: Brat can use all kinds of basic skills about any kinds of poison, including releasing, absorbing and combining. It requires 1 mana per second.

Elemental magic: Brat can use all kinds of basic elemental skills. It requires 10 mana and 10 E.F.P. per 1 second.

 Even though Haroon doesn"t know anything about Essential spirit,it was almost jealous to see it has infinite amount of H.P, 1,000 M.P. and E.F.P. More than that, being able to use the elemental magic was what he really desired for. It was just the skill about the poison that bothered his mind.

"Well, I guess it is good for me at least since Brat is my pet."

 What he didn"t like it was having Brat as a pet, which it acts like a brat, and poisons the summoner whenever it was summoned. But what he could do? He desperately need using its elemental power. A drowning man would catch at a straw, so Haroon needed to rely on it.

 "Hey Brat, Is there anyway to make others notice your presence?"
"Isn"t that Master"s concern, not mine? Well, since you showed me what the matter world looks like, I will answer you that one. The basic elemental spirits are invisible to the others, but they can be detected by movement of mana or the evidences like change in wind, water or fire, so wouldn"t they notice my presence if there is one of them?"

 It had the point, though its answer was a little bit perverse.

"But wouldn"t that be too plain for the show?"

 Haroon thought for a better move for a second, only to waste a time. He got to use a spirit, so it was only a matter of time to find a way to do it. But first, he needed to put the spirit back because he was offended by its look, and the presence of it poisoned him.

"Brat, the contract is done so you may go back."

 This perverse elemental spiritual pet Brat gone away without leaving a word as a answer. What kind of pet acts like that? Anger started to boil in deep part of his mind again.

"Should I summon it and beat it up again?"

 Haroon clearly know how he should be dealing with Brat. If he goes easy on it, it will think him like nothing. Haroon didn"t think that Brat was not accepted by the spiritual world only because he was polluted. It was probably because it acts perversely and wasn"t adorable like other pets. Haroon gnashed his teeth barely eating an antidote. He didn"t have any thought summoning it after the performance was done.

"Were the pets have that much intelligence?"

 When pets in VR games are born, they are usually too young to know anything, so the summoner has to teach everything. But Brat wasn"t.

"Is it because it existed in the world for long time?"

 It was rather to have on that can communicate with. If it acts perverse, and won"t communicate, that would be more problem in his plan. Haroon checked the stat window, also to check how much E.F.P he used.

Name: Haroon

Cla.s.s: –

t.i.tle: Catrat Slayer (and 1 other t.i.tle)

Health Point: 480

Elemental Force Point : 210

Intellect: 21   Wisdom: 38

Sustenance: 22  E.S.P.: 6

Bonus stats: 2

 Another stat was unlocked for him, which was Elemental Force Point. It seems that the capacity increase by 10 whenever he summon the pet.

"And I didn"t know how useful the "t.i.tle" was!" He exclaimed.

 Because of the t.i.tle he got, every stats has increased by one. It was different from how he got the t.i.tle "Mercenary Trainee". Finding the dungeon, and defeating the Catrat boss gained him total number of 30 Soul Point. If he has more than 50, he will be able to get a cla.s.s. At this state, he will only have to slain 20 rare monsters, like Orcs.

"Wow! I"m level 10 already."

 To be not bothered by the sound during the training, he has been disabling the UI sound, and didn"t check the status window that regularly, so he didn"t even know he was already level 10. Well, nothing really changes even if he knew about it.

 Levelling wasn"t his primary goal anyway, and he can"t go to his journey escaping out from the academy. Since it has almost been 3 months since the game began, so probably many others would have got cla.s.s too. There was no need to feel nervous about not being the first.

"Haha! I head great physical change instead."

 Haroon invested 3 bonus stats each to the Focus and ESP.

"Huh? What is wrong with this?"

 Well, at least it seemed he tried.

– Invalid request: Bonus stats can only be added to the basic stats.

 Haroon agreed with the Beyond"s stat system. The other stats needs to be gained by one"s effort. So Haroon invested all his points on Luck, just as he did so far.

 He was now back to concern what he should perform on the talent show.

"How about throwing a knife using Brat"s ability?"

 He did enjoy the swordsmanship, but throwing knifes and daggers were more enjoyable, and it really suited him. Slight change of movements in hands, wrist and shoulder made which direction the weapon goes, and Haroon fell into it. Haroon was thinking adding the Elemental spirit"s power into it.

 "But the problem is the antidote. I should master trainer Hector"s lecture."

And that was the next goal he concluded.

"Yikes, I"m late!" Said Haroon, seeing the time.

 It was already the dinner time. The other students might skip a meal enjoying the scenery of the raining day. But the work-trainees couldn"t. And he needed more antidote so he had to meet Rose anyway. No one knows how much more he needs to be able to use the specific elemental magic whenever he wants.

 Haroon asked Rose where she"d got the antidote. Rose told him that it was Trainer Hector, the retired mercenary who is the dormitory leader and the lecturer of the Therapeutics and Herbalism. Haroon was already learning Herbalism from him, but he wasn’t interested in learning medical treatment like bandaging, but things are different now.

 Hector was surprised to see Haroon scarily digging in his lecture. Ironically, wanna be healers were not paying attention to his lectures.

 Actually, Hector became a mercenary in a young age, so he never learned Herb from anyone, so he didn"t really have deep knowledge about herbary, but It was coincidentally found antidote that made him famous. So he mainly thought about the detoxification, and Haroon absorbed Hector"s teaching like a sponge, so much that Haroon started applying it. Hector never felt such an excitement teaching someone.

"Ha…. What should I teach him now?"

 Hector was in most happiest time in his life. He"s been studying lately in order to teach his student.

 "Uh, Sir."
"Why? Do you have another question? I have nothing more to teach you so study yourself, so deal with it. I even get you a book for Herbalism and Therapeutics, didn"t I?"

 There was only two of them left in the lecture room, so Hector try to run away before Haroon really ask something.

 "Well, not really. It is about the antidote you have made."

"I got one from Rose and I have used it in the drainage, and it was super effective. There is a place near my hometown where the toxic materials are stacked up, so I have seen many people dying. If I can make the antidote, I think I can save lots of life. So……. may I?"
"Why, that"s very good idea. Yes, one needs to be a mercenary who value the lives. But Haven"t I teach you the recipe of antidotes?"

 Hector was moved by Haroon"s sincere att.i.tude in learning his lectures and his intelligence, so he even taught him his secret recipes before.

 "But not all medicines can be compounded by recipes. I want to learn the way by