He Became The Aunt Of His Best Friend After Waking Up

Chapter 10

Shi Chen chose to ignore Qing Bo again, though it was because of embarra.s.sment this time.

Then they left the box. They met a sissy in the hallway, who was dressed in gaudy clothes. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw them. Then he directly dashed towards Qing Bo, twisting his slim waist all the way.

Chen flashed to stop him from getting near Bo, while it was already too late for the sissy to halt timely and thus the sissy almost collided up to Chen cheek to cheek. Fortunately, Qing Bo reached out his hand timely and stopped it from happening.

"Little Ke! Long time no see! Why don"t you reply my WeChat messages?"

Chen looked expressionlessly at the person in front of him who was about as tall as himself, "Who are you?"

"It"s me! You don"t remember me?" The sissy froze for a few seconds, and then turned around to look at Qing Bo, "Has he really forgotten everything?"

"Hmm." Qing Bo touched the hair of Chen.

Chen slapped his hand away.

However, Qing Bo was not annoyed. He asked the sissy smilingly, "Have you come with Mr. Wu?"

"No, who the h.e.l.l knows where he goes? I"ve already had an appointment with my sisters tonight. It"s better that he"s not here!"

"Well, have fun." Bo held the waist of Chen, "We"ve got to go."

With someone shouting at the end of the corridor, the sissy shouted in reply, "In a minute!" Then he grabbed Chen"s hand and said, "Little Ke, you"ve got to get better soon. There are still a lot of experiments for us to finish. I"ll wait for you!"

"Boss Bo, try to be nice to my Little Ke, or I"ll kick your a.s.s." Finishing with the words, he came over to steal a kiss on Chen and ran away quickly.

Shi Chen, "…"

Qing Bo rubbed with the back of his hand against Chen"s face that had just been kissed by that sissy, "Am I good to you?"

Chen slapped Bo"s hand away and refused to answer with a straight face.

"Still angry? Then shall I buy you a big meal and make up for it?"

This man must have done it on purpose! He obviously knew Chen was full!

Old man! This crafty old fox!

Chen blushed with anger, gave Bo a hostile glare and walked straight away in front of him.

On the way back, Bo had three phone calls in a row. As soon as he arrived at the villa, he went into the study. Chen did not know what he was going to do. He did not understand a word he said from beginning to end.

Sure enough, it was bad to be uneducated. What if he couldn"t even understand when the old man scolded him to the face one day?

Chen squatted at the door of the study, scratching his head in anxiety. When Yunsheng Liang went upstairs and saw Chen like that, he was amused by it. He went over and asked, "What are you doing?"

Chen withdrew his hand and looked up at Liang, "Where have you been? Why are you behind us while you left earlier?"

"Just I"ve just taken a walk outside and bought another watermelon in pa.s.sing."

"Watermelon?!" Chen stood up immediately and said, "I want to eat!"

"Not iced."

"Then forget it." Chen squatted down again, with his face full of disappointment. "What"s the point if it"s not iced?"

Liang went to his room, saying, "Whatever you think."

Chen began to scratch his head again. Well, being not iced was still acceptable, anyway. Qing Bo was busy right now. He might not be able to eat the not iced watermelon when Bo noticed. That old man was way too much stricter than Liang and was almost inhuman!

It was still his brother that treated him well. The old man just wanted to see him unhappy!

Chen rushed downstairs into the kitchen, and saw the sliced watermelon neatly placed on the crystal fruit plate on the countertop immediately. Directly moved to tears, Chen ate three pieces of it without pause, wiped his hands, and took out his mobile phone to send a WeChat message to Liang, "Darling, I love you!"  

Liang instantly replied in voice message, "Pervert!"

Shi Chen, "…?"

A minute later, Liang rushed downstairs and apologized to Chen, "Sorry, I"m sorry! I didn"t mean it just now!"

"Got it." Chen wiped the watermelon juice around the corner of his mouth, took another piece and asked, "Who were you chatting with?"

"n.o.body." Liang was obviously unwilling to say more about it. He had a glance of the fruit plate and saw there were only two pieces left. He then said, "I think it"s enough for you. Don"t eat too much of it."

Chen nodded, then took another piece, had a look at Liang, and took the last piece in his hand.

Shaking his head helplessly, Liang came over to pick up the fruit plate and turned on the faucet to clean it. Standing next to him, Chen praised Liang as gnawing the watermelon. "Liangzi, how virtuous you are."

"Shut up!" After he finished washing and wiping up the fruit plate, and put it where it should be, Liang turned and glared at Chen, "Eat your melon and shut up!"

Seeing Liang about to leave, Chen extended his foot to hook him, "Don"t go, and talk for a while."

Liang stopped and looked down at him. "What do you want to talk about?"

Chen washed his hands, and also cupped water in his hands to wash his face. Finishing, Chen wiped his face with his arm. "Have you brought cigarettes?"

"No, you should smoke less."

Chen sat on the countertop and said with a smile, "I find you quite resemble your uncle."

Liang stared into Chen"s eyes, "Really?"

"Yes. But I"m sure you"ll be much more handsome than him when you grow up, and you won"t be as bad as he is."

"Bad?" Liang frowned slightly. "What has he done to you again?"

Chen flushed for remembering the loud burp, which smelled of braised fish, and subconsciously raised his hand to touch his temple. "Nothing. He"s always so bad anyway."

Liang was silent for a while, then suddenly asked, "Are you still sleeping with him at night?"

"Sure." Seeing the doubt in Liang"s eyes, Chen explained hurriedly, "Don"t get me wrong. Although we slept together, we didn"t do anything! If there"s really something, I would really be your aunt, right? Believe me, Liang, I won"t betray you!"

Liang"s face darkened, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After a second thought, Chen said again, "I know what you"re worried about. Take it easy. I"ll keep it for Ke Zhen."

"Keep what?"

"His chasteness!"

Liang, "…"

"I presume you don"t know that your uncle and Ke Zhen haven"t had s.e.x yet." Chen smiled and thumped him. "Brother, the world would be your oyster if I disappeared from Zhen"s body someday."

Liang wanted to kick someone"s a.s.s again.

"Have you ever thought about what to do if you would be in his body forever?"

Chen stayed alone in the kitchen, seriously thinking about what Liang had left behind.

Yes, what was he supposed to do if he was really gonna be trapped in Zhen"s body and completely replace him for the rest of his life?

How to deal with the relationship with Qing Bo? And how to face Yunsheng Liang who loved Ke Zhen?

Holy s.h.i.t, it was a f.u.c.king hot potato. Chen thought he would rather be thrown into the summer vacation homework! At least he could absorb more knowledge in reading and become a little more educated, so that he could understand more of the foreign languages the old man spoke in the future… No-no-no, the logic here was obviously wrong. What was his future to do with the old man?

Chen punched himself on the head in irritation.

"What"s wrong with me?"

Chen raised his head all of a sudden and looked up towards the door of the kitchen.

Qing Bo was wearing a nightgown and his hair was wet. He obviously had just taken a bath. He went aside and poured himself a gla.s.s of water, drank two mouthfuls, and handed the cup to Chen. Chen put on a disdainful face.

"I didn"t ask you to drink. Take it."

"Why do I have to take it? Don"t you have your own hands?"

"Finally willing to talk to me?" Bo stuffed the gla.s.s cup in Chen"s hand smilingly. "Why are you sitting here in a daze? Is there something bothering you?"

Chen bowed his head and turned the water cup, "Nope."

Qing Bo kissed him.

Chen frowned, "Behave yourself. Don"t kiss me without my consent. Do we know each other very well?"

Bo smiled, "Are we still not familiar with each other while we"ve been married for two years?"

"I haven"t regained my memory yet!" Chen said with reason. "I"ve only known you for less than twenty days!"

"That"s all right as long as our bodies are familiar with each other." Finished with his words, Bo intended to lift Chen"s clothes again. Fortunately, Chen reacted in a timely manner and quickly pressed his hand, "Don"t mess around!"

With his right hand pressed, Qing Bo still got his left hand but Chen was holding the cup with the other hand. As soon as Chen was about to put down the gla.s.s cup, the old man"s slow voice of threat was heard, "Dare you put the cup down, I"ll have a good f.u.c.k of you right here."

Chen was so frightened that he squeezed the water cup tightly.

"I"ll also do the same if the water overflows."

Chen hurriedly looked down at the water in the gla.s.s cup.

"Well, be good." Qing Bo kissed him again. "Spread your legs."

"You, you shameless old b.a.s.t.a.r.d, what do you want to do? Your nephew is still here!" Chen scolded Bo in a flush, with the gla.s.s cup held firmly in his right hand.

"I won"t do anything, I"ll just touch."

"If you dare to lie to me, you will … will have premature e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n!" Chen spread his legs, and saw Bo"s body squeeze in. Feeling una.s.sured, Chen changed his words, "No, premature e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n is still too good for you. If you lie to me, you will be impotent! You will be impotent for the rest of your life!"

Bo tried to restrain from laughing, "Baby, don"t curse yourself like that."

"You listen clearly who I was cursing. It was you!"

Only then did Chen realize what Bo had just called him. Chen flushed instantly and said angrily, "You shameless old man, who are your …?"

Qing Bo reminded him, "Hold steady."

Chen hurriedly turned his head to see whether the water had spilled. He then breathed a sigh of relief for it had not. Then he went on to say, "Who is your baby? Don"t do that!"

The old man not only called Chen like that, but also touched Chen against his will.

With the gla.s.s cup in his hand, Chen had to be careful not to let the water spill out. Thus, he was totally not the counterpart of Bo. Being neither able to overbeat him nor surpa.s.s him in curse words, Chen had simply no ability to resist, only to be reduced to sitting there being sucked.

Yeah, the old man was sucking his nipples again.

One of Chen"s nipples were sucked swollen, making him feel very sick. Just as he could not stand it anymore and was about to curse, Bo switched to the other side, making him looking up in pants, with his legs clamped reflexively. Chen could not bear that strange sucking sound made by Bo. And he was so ashamed that he almost cried.

"You, gentle …"

Qing Bo held Chen"s waist and pressed it hard to himself, making their crotches clinging closely to each other. Chen could clearly feel the amazing changes in a certain organ under Bo"s crotch.

It was so awful!

Chen started wriggling around, trying to break away from the hand behind his waist. Finally, Qing Bo releases his mouth, looked up at Chen, and said in a low voice, "Don"t move."

Chen froze and dared not move again.

"Why do you clamp so tightly?"

Chen hurriedly spread his legs, but then he felt it even weirder. He frowned and attached his legs to Bo"s legs again, though with less force this time. With one hand pressing on Chen"s knee and giving it two gentle rubs, Bo pulled off Chen"s pants all of a sudden with the other hand. Startled, Chen reached out to push him subconsciously. Chen reacted so violently that the water spilled extensively out. Seeing the spilled water, Chen chose the reckless act and directly put down the cup. However, Bo gripped his p.e.n.i.s at this time, making Chen gulp in horror. With his mouth half open, Chen stared at Bo in panic.

"It"s so beautiful." With a compliment, Bo rubbed it twice.

Chen murmured, "Please don"t do this …"

"What if I insist?" Chen reached for the cup while Bo reminded him in time, "It"s worth 4,500 Yuan."

The words eliminated Chen"s mind of smashing it right away. Chen carefully put down the gla.s.s cup, push it away from them, and switched to thump Bo"s shoulders, "You promised not to do it until my memory is restored. Are you trying to go back on it now?"

"No, no."

"Then why do you take off my pants?"

"I"ve made you unhappy tonight. I"m trying to make it up to you."

"By taking off my pants? What do you think of me …?"

Chen almost freaked out. He had never expected that Bo would give him a b.l.o.w.j.o.b. Were the old man"s lips truly so soft?

It was so, so great!