He Became The Aunt Of His Best Friend After Waking Up

Chapter 3

Just being out for such a while, Shi Chen sent himself back again into the hospital now. After going through all the tiring procedures of examination, the intravenous drip and the medicine, Chen felt that half of his life had given out.

Shi Chen grew up in an orphanage, so he was crystal clear that he was different from those kids who had moms and dads. When he got sick, n.o.body would take care of him, let alone give him the money to pay for medicine. Fortunately, his body didn"t get him into a lot of trouble for he seldom got ill all these years. It was the first time that he truly felt how painful it was when getting sick.

It was a f.u.c.king torture.

"Stop crying."

"Who cries?" As soon as he finished the words, Shi Chen froze for he found his voice was not as usual. He raised his hand and had a touch around the corner of his eyes. It was wet.

Oh, my G.o.d. Ke Zhen just had f.u.c.king no tolerance to pain! Anyway, he was an adult man. A few groans would be the most for him,

Shi Chen sniffed and rubbed his face on the pillow, unwilling to speak. On the one hand, he felt humiliated. On the other hand, he just had no single strength left. He was too tired.

Qing Bo bent down and sat on the edge of the sickbed. He stretched out his hand and intended to take off Chen"s clothes, directly making Chen scared out. Chen held his hands tightly around his collar and recoiled in fear, "What are you going to do?"

Qing Bo raised his eyebrows, "What do you think I"m going to do?"

Chen was so p.i.s.sed off, "You a monster! You"re still having the idea of f.u.c.king me while I"ve been reduced to this!"

Bo stared at Chen"s eyes for a moment, then suddenly said, "Now I believe it."

"What do you believe?"

"I believe you really suffer from memory loss."

"Oh." Chen moved back "Of course it"s true. I"ll be a psycho to make fun of such kind of thing."

"Well, you are in fact ill now."

Why did his word just not come out right? Chen curled his lips and took a disdainful glance of Bo. Then Chen lay down onto the pillow. "Just a little problem. I"ll be fully recovered after finishing with the intravenous drip and having a night of sleep. You can just go back."

Bo said, "Are you driving me away?"

Chen replied, "I just don"t want you to get too tired. Don"t you have to work tomorrow?"

Bo smiled, "Great, now you know to care for others."

Chen closed his eyes. He really didn"t want to talk anymore. He felt so sleepy.

Qing Bo sat there quietly, waiting for Chen to fall asleep. Then he got up, went into the bathroom and brought a basin of hot water out. Bo carefully wiped Chen"s body with a towel. Chen was very alert even during his sleep. When the towel reached between his legs he woke up with a jerk. Before he started swearing, Bo raised his hand and patted him on his thigh, "You"re in a sweat."

Only then did Chen notice the towel in Bo"s hand, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and lay back softly.

"Put your legs further apart."

Chen half closed his eyes and did what he asked obediently. They were a couple, so they must have done what a couple was supposed to do and they must have seen each other"s body as well. It would be too unreasonable for him if he struggled and resisted his touching at such a time.

So, Chen lay on the sickbed comfortably, and without knowing it, he fell asleep again.

And Chen had a s.e.x dream.

In the dream, someone licked his body and m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed him. It couldn"t be more exciting.

Chen stayed in the hospital for another week. It was in the summer, but he was having warm water and hot stomach-tailored porridge every day. Life was rather miserable for him.

Finally, the day came when he could be discharged from the hospital. Bo"s secretary came to deal with the discharge papers, and Feng Ma helped pack things up, so there was nothing for Chen to do. Chen called Yunsheng Liang as soon as he got dressed. Hearing that Liang was just on the way to the patient department, Chen yelled excitedly, "Don"t need to come up here. Just wait for me at the gate." Then he grabbed his phone and rushed out of the door of his ward.

"Liangzi!" Off the elevator, Chen ran straight to Liang, who was waiting at the gate, grabbed him by his arm and said excitedly, "Let"s go to eat ice!"

Liang showed a black face, "Eat your head."

Chen held his face in cupped hands and shook his head, "My head is so cute. Are you willing to eat it?"

A little embarra.s.sed, Liang turned his face aside, "Stop it."

Chen put down his hands and stamped his feet angrily, "Huh, I"m not kidding! I really want to eat ice! I"m dying for it."

"You"re talking of nonsense." Liang frowned. "It"s not that I don"t allowed you to eat ice, but you really can"t eat it."

"It"s all right. I"ll take the medicine after eating ice." Chen took a bottle of medicine out of his pocket in glee. "I"ve thought everything out."

Liang s.n.a.t.c.hed the medicine, "Don"t even think about it."

"Liangzi, my darling wife, can"t you just go with me, please."

Chen habitually stretched out his hand and put it on Liang"s shoulder. If it were in the past, this action would have indicated that they were good brothers. But Chen was in Zhen"s body now and Zhen was much shorter than Chen while Liang was almost as tall as Qing Bo. So, Chen had to stand on tiptoe so as to put his hand on Liang"s shoulder. And now he undoubtedly acted like a spoiled child.

Seeing him on tiptoe, Liang bent down and refused him sternly, "You can save your breath."

Chen put down his hand and gave him a punch. "All right. I"ll go by myself."

As soon as he finished his words, Chen ran away immediately, with Liang chasing him up in order to stop him. Chen turned around and hugged Liang by his arm, "Are we still brothers? You should just go along with me this time if we still are!"

"No." Liang answered quickly.

"You …" Chen approached him and threatened in a low voice. "If you don"t want to be my brother, then I"ll be your aunt."

Liang glared at Chen, who was grinning.

Sadly, Liang could do nothing but compromise. Then, Liang accompanied Chen to eat ice, watched him take the medicine, and sent him home.

It was the home of Qing Bo and Ke Zhen.

It seemed that Zhen really could not eat anything cold. Chen could not imagine how Ke Zhen had survived in the past. And he even dreaded to imagine how he could manage it himself in the following days of his life.

Life couldn"t be more miserable for him.

"Are you still gonna eat it or not?"

Chen took the cup of hot water handed over by Liang and drank two mouthfuls. Then he said despairingly, "I can"t live like this any longer."

"You, what are you crying at?"

"It"s not me who"s crying. It"s Ke Zhen who"s crying. I"m not like him. He"s so easily got in tears all the time."

Chen raised his hand to wipe his tears, only to find there was too much. So, he just threw himself into crying wildly, "I want to eat iced watermelon."

Liang, "…"

Qing Bo, who was just entering the house, was also speechless.

Hearing the noise behind him, Liang turned around and find it was Qing Bo. He then called, "Uncle." "Did you send him back?"


Bo nodded, and went to the sofa and asked Chen, "What have you done before you come back?"

Chen looked up at him, his face covered with tears, "Eat ice."

Liang touched his forehead helplessly.

"Is it delicious?"

"Yes, it"s delicious."

"Do you still want to eat more?"

"Yes, I do."

Bo held Chen upstairs, without looking back, "Close the door when you get out."

As soon as they got in the bedroom, Bo threw Chen onto the bed, and began to take off his own clothes without saying any words. Chen kept thinking about his iced watermelon and was muddled until he noticed that there was only a pair of underwear left all over Bo"s body. Chen then finally realized why the guy carried him upstairs.

"Are you trying to f.u.c.k me again?" Staring at his perfect chest muscle, Chen asked angrily. But his face got burning involuntarily. "Shameless! I thought you were going to divorce me!"

"I"ve changed my mind." The closer Bo walked to him, Chen"s voice got louder and louder, "Stay away! I, I … I…"

"You what, huh?"

With Bo already in front of him, Chen knew that he couldn"t escape this time, so he said with a bitter face, "I"ll give you the b.l.o.w. .j.o.b. You don"t f.u.c.k me."