He Became The Aunt Of His Best Friend After Waking Up

Chapter 6

Shi Chen went out the bathroom after taking a bath. When he pa.s.sed the second bedroom, he found Yunsheng Liang inside. Chen rushed in, and patted him on the a.s.s from behind, "What are you doing here?" Raising his head up, Chen saw the suitcase in front of Liang. Chen"s eyes brightened, "Are you gonna live here?"

"Yes." Liang turned around, walked to the wardrobe and put the folded clothes inside. "My mom has gone to Australia again. Don"t know how long she"s planning to stay there this time."

Chen took two steps forward to hang on his back. "I"ve once heard of this from you. Did she go there at the same time last year?"

"Yeah, pretty much the same time." Liang pulled Chen away from him and turned around. "We"re now in my uncle"s house. Mind your behavior."

"What"s to be afraid of? How pure the comradeship is between us!" Chen went up to lean on him again. "Alas, you say why Ke Zhen is so short while Xun Zhen is so tall. I"m not used to it."

"How do I know?" Liang bent down and walked to the other side of the bed. Chen also followed him. "Maybe one inherits the height from their father and the other from their mother."

Chen suddenly remembered one thing and asked him, "Is Xun Zhen gone?"

"Yes. He"s gone." Liang closed his suitcase and suddenly turned around, "Have you taken a bath?"

"Yeah." Chen released his hands and stepped back, touching around his temples. "I got my clothes dirty when I washed the dishes just now."

Liang zipped up his suitcase, "Ke Zhen never did the housework. You don"t mind those stuffs later on."

"I hear from your uncle that Feng Ma has asked for a leave to go home for family stuffs. Then let me do the housework hereafter. I have nothing to do anyway." Seeing Liang frowned, Chen said with a smile, "Are you worried that this may arouse your uncle"s suspicion?" It"s all right. There are many examples of a great change in temperament caused by amnesia because of car accident. He wouldn"t think too much of it."

"No matter what, it"s not your job to do the housework." Liang put the empty suitcase inside the wardrobe. "I"ll take care of it."

They watched movie all afternoon in the audio-visual room and played several rounds of games. Seeing the time had come for dinner, Liang asked Chen, "Are you hungry? What do want to eat for dinner tonight?"

"Hot and sour potato noodles!" Chen threw away the joystick and stretched with his back against the sofa. "Or hot-spicy pot."

"Then vermicelli with spareribs, or stir-fried rice noodles with trotters." Liang opened the take-away food App to order their dinner, ignoring Chen"s pitiful eyes. "You can"t eat spicy food."

Chen lay down on the ground, twitching his limbs.

Liang gently kicked him, "Choose one."

Chen twitched even harder, with only no foam dribbling from his mouth. "No, I don"t choose. It"s taken me so much to be a child of a rich family. I insist on a big meal!"

Not bothering to pay attention to him, Liang directly ordered the vermicelli with spareribs and stir-fried rice noodles with trotters. No sooner had he paid the money than the doorbell rang. Chen sat up instantly, "Really, so fast?"

Liang stood up and said, "I"ll go and have a look."

Chen followed him out and saw four chefs in white coats and top hats standing outside the gate. He stepped up quickly to stand beside Liang and whispered to him, "What"s going on here?"

Liang pulled him aside and asked the cooks to enter the door, "Your big meal."


"My uncle sent them here."

"Wow!" With his eyes glowing, Chen sighed wholeheartedly, "It"s so nice to have money!"

Liang tilted his head and glanced at him. Chen stood on tiptoe and hung upon Liang"s shoulder, "It"s nice to have you, too! Ha ha, I"ll leave the stir-fried rice noodles with trotters for you to eat after you finish your summer vacation homework."

"It"s already done." Liang took out his mobile phone and cancelled his order.

An hour later, the dishes were served, most of which could not be named by Chen. What could he do about it? He was used to being poor from an early age and the most expensive meal he had ever eaten in all of these seventeen years alive was the buffet dinner for 168 yuan per person. And even that was on Liang"s treat.

Chen rubbed his hands excitedly, sat down on the dining chair, and called outside elatedly, "Come here, Liangzi. Quick!"

Twice in a row, the call didn"t bring Liang here. Instead, it was Qing Bo who turned up.

Chen, "…"

"What"s wrong? Have you done something bad behind my back again?" Bo went to Chen composedly, and then sat down beside him.

"No. How"s that possible?" Chen rubbed his face. "Why are you back?"

"Where can I go except home after work?" Bo picked up the hot towel on the table and wiped his hands. "What have you done at home today?"

"Nothing. Just playing games and watching films." Chen turned his head and looked out. "Where"s Liangzi?"

"He had left."

"Left? Where"s he going?"

"He said there was an appointment to play basketball with his cla.s.smates."

Chen did not believe his words at all. "You kicked him out, didn"t you? What"s wrong with you being his uncle? He hasn"t eaten yet!"

Bo dropped the towel and lifted his eyelids to look at him. "Then what"s wrong with you being his aunt? Are you thinking I"m dead when you hung on his shoulders or his back, or held his waist or arms?"

"I, when did I …" Speaking of this, Chen"s face suddenly changed, "You spied on us?!"

Qing Bo knocked on the table, "Eat."

"No!" Chen said angrily, "Let"s get this straight here!"

"How dare you ask me to clear that up while I don"t even ask you to explain your behaviors?" Qing Bo used his chopsticks to pick up a piece of sweet and sour spareribs to put in Chen"s bowl. "Be reasonable."

"There"s no need to be reasonable with scheming middle-aged men like you. Have you installed needle-camera tubes in every room?" Chen took a look at the ribs in his bowl and swallowed his saliva back quietly.

"Next time I hear the word "middle-aged man", I"ll beat you up." Bo reached for Chen"s bowl. "Don"t want to eat? That"s fine. I"ll eat it myself."

Chen hurriedly s.n.a.t.c.hed the bowl away, and directly stuffed the sparerib into his mouth with his hand, glaring at Qing Bo. "Who said I"m not eating? My body"s growing right now. I"ll not only eat, but eat a lot!"

Bo made Chen a bowl of soup. "Still growing when you"ve been 24?"

"Who says people stop growing after 24? I"m not like anyone else. My body will keep growing until I"m 28!" Chen spit out the bones in his mouth, picked up the soup and drank it, nearly scalding his tongue off.

"What"s the hurry? No one"s vying with you for it."

Chen frowned and kept sticking out his tongue, with his eyes reddish, "Then why do you laugh …"

Bo said with a smile, "Ok, I don"t laugh. You can eat."

Chen ate vengefully most of the dishes on the table, and the rest was all he didn"t like to eat. Not rejecting the rest dishes for they were Chen"s leftovers, Bo sat there chewing slowly, drinking from time to time. Chen was lying against his chair, with his eyes staring blankly at Qing Bo. Chen was absolutely not waiting for Bo. It was just that Chen had overeaten and was too lazy to move.

This middle-aged man … his eyelashes should be so long. Chen took another look at Bo. Um, his lips were also in good shape.

It must be great to kiss on them.

s.h.i.t, what was he thinking? Stop! Stop!

Chen patted hard on his own head, got up in a minute and intended to walked out, only to be pulled back onto Bo"s legs when pa.s.sing by him.

Suddenly they were so close to each other. Chen could even feel Bo"s breath brushing across his neck. With no idea of what he was nervous about, Chen stumbled, "In, in broad daylight, you shouldn"t do this. It"s … indecent!"

Bo reminded him, "It"s now evening."

"Well, you shouldn"t do that either!"

"We"ve been married. What"s wrong to have a hug." Bo reached out from under the hem of Chen"s clothes and touched his waist. "You"ve been looking at me."

"No! I didn"t look at you! I"m looking at the door!"

Bo"s hand slowly went up, stopped on Chen"s chest, pressed his index finger around Chen"s nipples, and rubbed it in a circle. "Then what are you looking at?"

"Well --!" Chen shivered, curled up in a rush and hugged around Bo"s neck, burying his face on his shoulder. "No, don"t press there."

"Answer me. What are you looking at?"

"Ah … I, I"m looking to see if Liangzi is back!"

Qing Bo pushed Chen away, making Chen stagger behind with two steps and hit the back of his waist against the edge of the table. Chen let out a cry of pain. Bo pulled out his dining chair, had an impa.s.sive look at Chen, then turned around and strode out of the restaurant.

What the h.e.l.l, this guy! Chen rubbed around his aching back, and glared at him. When he was just about to raise his middle finger at him, Bo suddenly turned back and carried up him without saying a word.

"Ah! Hey!" Chen did not expect this to happen. He shouted, "What are you doing? Put me down!"

Bo slapped him on the a.s.s, "Shout again and I"ll take off your pants."

Chen covered his mouth forcefully.

Carrying Chen upstairs, Bo went into the master bedroom, threw him onto the bed, and looked down at him in a sulk. "You seem to be particularly interested in my nephew?"

"I"m not just interested in him!" Chen quickly pulled the quilt around himself and looked up at him. "You can think about it. I was in a coma for more than a month. I woke up and forgot everything. If I"m interested in something, that"ll be everyone I saw when I woke up. You, Liangzi, and Feng Ma. Even your handsome secretary …"

Qing Bo squinted his eyes.

Chen changed his words in a hurry, "No no, he"s not as handsome as you!"

Qing Bo looked at him coldly, "Look at your mouth."

Chen stretched out his hand and made a zipping act in front of his mouth.

No sooner had his mouth been zipped up than Bo unzipped his pants.

"This again!" Chen tried to cry but failed to shed a tear. "We can have a good talk. You don"t have to pull out your gun every time. Mind that it will go off!"

"Come here."

Chen hugged the quilt and drew back. "Are you old men all so overs.e.xed?"

"I said that if I hear that again, I"ll beat you up."

"I"m not saying middle-aged men. I said old men this time!"

"Come here." Bo repeated. "I"ll open fire if you still don"t come over."