Heart Protection

Chapter 30

Chapter 30


To safeguard themselves against the risk of being attacked by demons, Yan Hui and Tian Yao took advantage of the daylight and traveled with a caravan . There was safety in numbers . Also, demons typically didn"t attack during the day .

Yan Hui and Tian Yao arrived at Yong Zhou City before the gates closed . Yong Zhou was a major city in Central Plains . Goods going to the western or southern regions pa.s.sed through Yong Zhou City . Many people lived here, good and bad .

The sky was a dark yellow-orange by the time they entered . Yan Hui bade the caravan leader good-bye and then led Tian Yao toward the western part of the city . Seeing her actions, Tian Yao asked: "You lived in the mountains year-round . How are you so familiar with Yong Zhou City?"

"I came in the past with shifu to take care of some demons . I made a friend . Later on, I would come here every time we left the mountain . Remember how I got kicked out of Chen Xing Mountain? Well, I came here to Yong Zhou City and loitered around for a few days . Yong Zhou City is big, and I"m not familiar with the whole place . But I can always find the path to her place . " While she was talking, she spotted some government officials straight ahead .

Yan Hui"s footsteps faltered for a brief moment . Tian Yao heard her mutter to herself: "I forgot about this . . . . . . " The next thing he knew, there was a tug on his sleeve, and Yan Hui shoved him into an alley without a word of warning . After several twists and turns, she led him out into another path .

It didn"t seem like Yan Hui was going to explain what just happened . Tian Yao asked: "You"ve also crossed the officials?"

Yan Hui waved her hand: "Why would I provoke the officials? I just had a small incident here in the city . It"s not worth mentioning . It"ll delay us . Just follow me . "

Tian Yao didn"t pursue the matter .

They walked several city blocks before reaching their destination . In front of them was a three-storied bordello .

"My friend lives here . "

Tian Yao looked up at the building . In the middle hung a gigantic sign with three golden words emblazoned on it, "w.a.n.g Yu Lou" . A balcony jutted out of the second floor . Two girls dressed in beautiful but revealing clothing sat there .

So it was a friend from this kind of place . . . . . . .

Tian Yao didn"t move . He frowned . Yan Hui completely ignored him . She walked forward, looked up at the second-story, waved: "Sister Liu, Sister Xing!" [1]

They arrived at a time when business was still slow . There weren"t many guests here yet . That"s why the two girls were gossiping with each other on the balcony . Hearing Yan Hui"s shout, they looked down . One of them stood up, eyes creased with laughter: "I was wondering who it was, coming in such a rush . Turns out it was the distinguished Sir Yan coming back . "

Tian Yao gave Yan Hui a slight look when he heard the girl"s address . Yan Hui saw his glance, but she didn"t bother to respond . She only laughingly responded back to the girls: "It"s been a while . Did you two miss me?"

Yan Hui hadn"t finished talking when the other girl leaned on the railing and lazily laughed: "Oh, and with a person in tow . What family is this poor boy from, who Sir Yan tricked into becoming gay?"

Tian Yao"s eyes narrowed even more .

Yan Hui turned her head and glanced at Tian Yao . She actually followed along with the two girls" words: "Mmhm . This boy lost his heart to me and now won"t leave me for life or death . It doesn"t matter how much I try to push him away . I beweep my suffering state [2] . Ah, it"s all because I"m too charming . "

Tian Yao severely frowned: "Shameless . Crazy nonsense . "

Yan Hui pursed her lips and looked at him askance: "Yesterday, you clung on my hand saying you wouldn"t let me go no matter what . Today, I say crazy nonsense . Your heart changes faster than Spring"s weather . "

" . . . . . . "

The two girls upstairs covered their mouths and started to laugh . Yan Hui didn"t continue teasing Tian Yao . She addressed the two girls: "Sisters, I have something to discuss with Xian Ge . Is she within?"

"She"s in the rear court . Go ahead and look for her . "

Yan Hui responded and entered w.a.n.g Yu Lou"s doors . She went straight toward the back .

Along the way, Tian Yao said from behind: "I"m surprised . You seem to owe a lot of dates . "

"Putting aside if your words are true or not . . . . . . " Yan Hui looked back at him . "Even if we pretend it"s true, so what? Are you going to go in my place?"

Tian Yao choked . He closed his mouth in silence .

Every girl they met along the way to the rear court would giggle and wave hi . Actually, if it wasn"t for Yan Hui"s strange condition that allowed her to see ghosts, then Yan Hui wouldn"t be so strange and act so abnormally . Her relationships with the disciples at Chen Xing Mountain wouldn"t have fallen to such a bad state .

Yan Hui used to occasionally lament her eyes . Why would she see those evil things? After knowing it was because of the heart protection scale, sometime this thought would still flash through her mind . However after thinking about it more, her life hung in the scale"s balance . . . . . .

So her relationship with the other disciples were set aside .

Being alive was the most precious thing in the world .

Yan Hui idly pondered over this while walking . Not long after, they reached another two-story building in the rear court .

She knocked on the door . A voice replied from within: "Enter . "

Yan Hui led Tian Yao into the room . She happily called out: "Xing Ge"er, the great beauty . " She dragged out the words, taking on the sloppy manner of people who visited bordellos .

The person in the room wore a red robe . She was sat upright with proper posture behind a screen . The lady didn"t even raise her head when she heard Yan Hui"s voice . She calmly sipped some tea and asked: "You sound so happy . Did you receive a reward from a hunt?" The lady"s voice was like the tinkling of clear bells .

Rounding the screen, Tian Yao couldn"t help but be shocked by the mesmerizing sight . The woman behind the screen was a breath-taking beauty . Her every gesture, flick of the eyes, lift of the finger, was the epitome of grace and charm .

Yan Hui gathered up her clothes and bounded over to Xian Ge"s side . She plopped down and gulped down Xian Ge"s tea without asking: "Don"t mention it . This journey was filled with bad luck . "

"Then did you come to find me because you need money or a place to stay?" Although Xian Ge"s voice sounded cool, her eyes were laughing .

"How could I!" Yan Hui rushed in . "You make it sound like I only come here to get a free meal . "

"Isn"t that so?"

"Yes, it"s so . " Yan Hui brought her face closer to Xian Ge and pretended to be pitiful: "I can"t freeload?"

Seeing this, Xian Ge couldn"t help breaking out in a smile . She rolled her eyes and poked Yan Hui"s forehead: "I have no idea where you learned to dally about with women . Move over! You"re keeping me from serving tea . "

Yan Hui hurriedly fawned: "I"ll do it . I"ll do it . " She placed three cups onto the table and carefully filled them with tea . Xian Ge turned her gaze away from the tea . She finally noticed Tian Yao, who was still standing off to the side . She sized him up and then looked back at the tea Yan Hui finished pouring . She took a sip: "This is the first time you"ve brought another person here, and now you"re so eager to get on my good side . Alright, tell me . Who is this young man? Are you bringing trouble?"

"Not just one trouble . " Yan Hui laughed . She held out two fingers, "It"s two troubles . "

Xian Ge"s eyebrow slightly twitched . She set down her tea cup but didn"t immediately ask questions . Instead, she beckoned Tian Yao to sit down . Then she continued: "Tell me, what are these two troubles?"

Yan Hui curbed her mischievous expression: "One is about this guy . His ident.i.ty . . . . . . . I can"t tell you, but you should be able to tell . His aura is unusual . "

"Mm, his aura is alluring, like a hidden treasure," said Xian Ge . "The way back to Yong Zhou City couldn"t have been easy . The first thing you want to trouble me with, could it be covering up his aura?"

Tian Yao slightly narrowed his eyes . This was a sharp and beautiful woman, dangerous . The fact that she could sense his aura meant she wasn"t an ordinary person . When he was walking around in w.a.n.g Yu Lou, he sensed hidden spell arrays everywhere . This wasn"t an ordinary place either .

"Exactly that! I wanted your help with this . " Yan Hui plainly praised Xian Ge: "My little Xian Ge"er is the princess of my heart!"

Xian Ge laughed at Yan Hui"s over-the-top praise: "Naughty!"

"Then do you have a way to help us?"

Xian Ge thought about it: "I know of a treasure . It"s called Aura Masker . It"s an anosmia sachet . " [3]

Xian Ge thought about it: "I know of a treasure . It"s called Aura Masker . It"s an anosmia sachet . " [3]

Yan Hui was surprised: "An anosmia sachet?"

"Yes, it"s scent is anosmia . It can conceal all auras, or perhaps, it can be said it absorbs all auras . " [4]

Yan Hui"s and Tian Yao"s eyes brightened at the same time . This time, Yan Hui didn"t manage to say a word before Tian Yao asked: "Where can we find the sachet?"

"A few days ago, I just happened to get one . If you want it, I only have to order someone to bring it . "

Tian Yao sincerely thanked her: "It"s very much appreciated, Lady . "

"No need to thank me . Just thank Yan Hui . I rarely see her help someone so whole-heartedly . "

Tian Yao glanced at Yan Hui, but when he saw her smug expression, his "thank you" got stuck in his throat . It should"ve been easy, but he couldn"t get the words out . In the end, he stared at her for a while before looking away .

Yan Hui: " . . . . . . "

Xian Ge observed the interactions between the two . Her lips curved into a slight smile . She asked: "And the second trouble?"

Yan Hui recalled the second issue and grew solemn . She deliberated over it before opening her mouth: "Xian Ge, do you know of xian sects dealing with the demon trade in Yong Zhou City?"

Xian Ge took a sip of tea . She didn"t say a word and continued to listen .

"I recently stumbled across some information that some people of xian sects are in the demon trade . They refine the blood of fox demons into an aphrodisiac fragrance . They sell it to the lords and ladies at a huge profit margin . Xian Ge, do you know who is doing this in the city?"

Xian Ge lightly tapped her tea cup, producing a slight ringing sound . She was silent for a few moments before speaking: "So for this second issue, you want me to investigate who is behind the demon trade?"

Yan Hui nodded .

Xian Ge was silent again for a while: "Truthfully, this matter is a little difficult for me . " She stood up . The ends of her red skirt pooled on the ground . She slowly started to walk toward the window and looked out at Yong Zhou City .

"If I do as you request, this will involve the xian sects and the officials of the city . Those two groups are involved in all matters concerning the Central Plains . Since they accepted and permitted the practice, then, Yan Hui," Xing Ge turned back around . Her face was grave . "Even if this practice is a terrible crime, it is still allowed . Even though I want to help you, I"m afraid . . . . . . I don"t have that power . "

Tian Yao considered what she said, and his eyes deepened . Xian Ge"s words were direct and cruel, but they were realistic . In this world, "justice" and "morality" depended on who was in power .

Tian Yao considered what she said, and his eyes deepened . Xian Ge"s words were direct and cruel, but they were realistic . In this world, "justice" and "morality" depended on who was in power .

Yan Hui was silent for a long time . Then, she raised her head: "There are no such terrible crimes that are allowable . " Tian Yao listened with darkened eyes . He turned to look at Yan Hui, but she immediately started to smile: "But what you said makes sense . " Her stance seemed to relax . "This issue makes things difficult for Xian Ge"er, so don"t investigate it . As long as you can get that sachet, then it"s already an enormous help to us . "

Yan Hui tossed back the cooled tea . She stood up: "I"m still going to mooch off a place to stay from you! The inns are too expensive . My wallet bleeds . " Saying this, Yan Hui led Tian Yao out . "I"m off to find Sister Liu to prepare a room for us . "

Xian Ge heard and silently stood by the window to watch Yan Hui go . When she saw Yan Hui exit, she spoke up: "Yan Hui, I don"t know who pled for you to investigate the matter, but this matter will trap you in a difficult position . Sometimes, people have to live a little selfishly . "

Yan Hui"s steps slightly paused . She rested her hand against the door frame and turned around . She grinned: "Xian Ge"er, how do you not already know? I"m a selfish person!"


Too bad Xian Ge won"t help . I wonder how Yan Hui will investigate the demon trade now . . . . . . .

[1] Sister Liu, Sister Xing

All the girls working at the bordello are named after trees . Liu is willow . Xing is apricot .

[2] I beweep my suffering state

The original line is 可愁煞人了 . It references a poem . I believe this line represents sufferingI swapped it with a line from one of Shakespeare"s Sonnet 29 with a small change . The original line is "I beweep my outcast state . "

[3] An anosmia sachet

I took some creative liberties here . The actual phrase is 无香无味的香囊, which is scentless sachet . Xian Ge later says the sachet"s scent is scentless . That makes sense in an abstract way, but I thought it would be easier if I switched "scentless" to an actual scent . So I made up a scent, anosmia . Anosmia is an actual disorder where you lose your sense of smell .Let me know if you think it should be changed back to scentless .

[4] It can conceal all auras

I"m actually not sure if aura is the right translation . Probably not . I"ve translated it as aura, breath, and scent in Heart Protection . It just depends on what I"m feeling when I translate . I have a feeling the true meaning is a mix of all three, but I"m not entirely sure . I"ve seen other translators leave it as breath or even flavour .  Let me know what you think it should be! 气息 is the word .


To safeguard themselves against the risk of being attacked by demons, Yan Hui and Tian Yao took advantage of the daylight and traveled with a caravan . There was safety in numbers . Also, demons typically didn"t attack during the day . Yan Hui and Tian Yao arrived at Yong Zhou City before the gates closed . Yong Zhou was a major city in Central Plains . Goods going to the western or southern regions pa.s.sed through Yong Zhou City . Many people lived here, good and bad . The sky was a dark yellow-orange by the time they entered . Yan Hui bade the caravan leader good-bye and then led Tian Yao toward the western part of the city . Seeing her actions, Tian Yao asked: "You lived in the mountains year-round . How are you so familiar with Yong Zhou City?" "I came in the past with shifu to take care of some demons . I made a friend . Later on, I would come here every time we left the mountain . Remember how I got kicked out of Chen Xing Mountain? Well, I came here to Yong Zhou City and loitered around for a few days . Yong Zhou City is big, and I"m not familiar with the whole place . But I can always find the path to her place . " While she was talking, she spotted some government officials straight ahead . Yan Hui"s footsteps faltered for a brief moment . Tian Yao heard her mutter to herself: "I forgot about this " The next thing he knew, there was a tug on his sleeve, and Yan Hui shoved him into an alley without a word of warning . After several twists and turns, she led him out into another path . It didn"t seem like Yan Hui was going to explain what just happened . Tian Yao asked: "You"ve also crossed the officials?" Yan Hui waved her hand: "Why would I provoke the officials? I just had a small incident here in the city . It"s not worth mentioning . It"ll delay us . Just follow me . " Tian Yao didn"t pursue the matter . They walked several city blocks before reaching their destination . In front of them was a three-storied bordello . "My friend lives here . " Tian Yao looked up at the building . In the middle hung a gigantic sign with three golden words emblazoned on it, "w.a.n.g Yu Lou" . A balcony jutted out of the second floor . Two girls dressed in beautiful but revealing clothing sat there . So it was a friend from this kind of place . Tian Yao didn"t move . He frowned . Yan Hui completely ignored him . She walked forward, looked up at the second-story, waved: "Sister Liu, Sister Xing!" [1] They arrived at a time when business was still slow . There weren"t many guests here yet . That"s why the two girls were gossiping with each other on the balcony . Hearing Yan Hui"s shout, they looked down . One of them stood up, eyes creased with laughter: "I was wondering who it was, coming in such a rush . Turns out it was the distinguished Sir Yan coming back . " Tian Yao gave Yan Hui a slight look when he heard the girl"s address . Yan Hui saw his glance, but she didn"t bother to respond . She only laughingly responded back to the girls: "It"s been a while . Did you two miss me?" Yan Hui hadn"t finished talking when the other girl leaned on the railing and lazily laughed: "Oh, and with a person in tow . What family is this poor boy from, who Sir Yan tricked into becoming gay?" Tian Yao"s eyes narrowed even more . Yan Hui turned her head and glanced at Tian Yao . She actually followed along with the two girls" words: "Mmhm . This boy lost his heart to me and now won"t leave me for life or death . It doesn"t matter how much I try to push him away . I beweep my suffering state [2] . Ah, it"s all because I"m too charming . " Tian Yao severely frowned: "Shameless . Crazy nonsense . " Yan Hui pursed her lips and looked at him askance: "Yesterday, you clung on my hand saying you wouldn"t let me go no matter what . Today, I say crazy nonsense . Your heart changes faster than Spring"s weather . " " " The two girls upstairs covered their mouths and started to laugh . Yan Hui didn"t continue teasing Tian Yao . She addressed the two girls: "Sisters, I have something to discuss with Xian Ge . Is she within?" "She"s in the rear court . Go ahead and look for her . " Yan Hui responded and entered w.a.n.g Yu Lou"s doors . She went straight toward the back . Along the way, Tian Yao said from behind: "I"m surprised . You seem to owe a lot of dates . " "Putting aside if your words are true or not " Yan Hui looked back at him . "Even if we pretend it"s true, so what? Are you going to go in my place?" Tian Yao choked . He closed his mouth in silence . Every girl they met along the way to the rear court would giggle and wave hi . Actually, if it wasn"t for Yan Hui"s strange condition that allowed her to see ghosts, then Yan Hui wouldn"t be so strange and act so abnormally . Her relationships with the disciples at Chen Xing Mountain wouldn"t have fallen to such a bad state . Yan Hui used to occasionally lament her eyes . Why would she see those evil things? After knowing it was because of the heart protection scale, sometime this thought would still flash through her mind . However after thinking about it more, her life hung in the scale"s balance So her relationship with the other disciples were set aside . Being alive was the most precious thing in the world . Yan Hui idly pondered over this while walking . Not long after, they reached another two-story building in the rear court . She knocked on the door . A voice replied from within: "Enter . " Yan Hui led Tian Yao into the room . She happily called out: "Xing Ge"er, the great beauty . " She dragged out the words, taking on the sloppy manner of people who visited bordellos . The person in the room wore a red robe . She was sat upright with proper posture behind a screen . The lady didn"t even raise her head when she heard Yan Hui"s voice . She calmly sipped some tea and asked: "You sound so happy . Did you receive a reward from a hunt?" The lady"s voice was like the tinkling of clear bells . Rounding the screen, Tian Yao couldn"t help but be shocked by the mesmerizing sight . The woman behind the screen was a breath-taking beauty . Her every gesture, flick of the eyes, lift of the finger, was the epitome of grace and charm . Yan Hui gathered up her clothes and bounded over to Xian Ge"s side . She plopped down and gulped down Xian Ge"s tea without asking: "Don"t mention it . This journey was filled with bad luck . " "Then did you come to find me because you need money or a place to stay?" Although Xian Ge"s voice sounded cool, her eyes were laughing . "How could I!" Yan Hui rushed in . "You make it sound like I only come here to get a free meal . " "Isn"t that so?" "Yes, it"s so . " Yan Hui brought her face closer to Xian Ge and pretended to be pitiful: "I can"t freeload?" Seeing this, Xian Ge couldn"t help breaking out in a smile . She rolled her eyes and poked Yan Hui"s forehead: "I have no idea where you learned to dally about with women . Move over! You"re keeping me from serving tea . " Yan Hui hurriedly fawned: "I"ll do it . I"ll do it . " She placed three cups onto the table and carefully filled them with tea . Xian Ge turned her gaze away from the tea . She finally noticed Tian Yao, who was still standing off to the side . She sized him up and then looked back at the tea Yan Hui finished pouring . She took a sip: "This is the first time you"ve brought another person here, and now you"re so eager to get on my good side . Alright, tell me . Who is this young man? Are you bringing trouble?" "Not just one trouble . " Yan Hui laughed . She held out two fingers, "It"s two troubles . " Xian Ge"s eyebrow slightly twitched . She set down her tea cup but didn"t immediately ask questions . Instead, she beckoned Tian Yao to sit down . Then she continued: "Tell me, what are these two troubles?" Yan Hui curbed her mischievous expression: "One is about this guy . His ident.i.ty . I can"t tell you, but you should be able to tell . His aura is unusual . " "Mm, his aura is alluring, like a hidden treasure," said Xian Ge . "The way back to Yong Zhou City couldn"t have been easy . The first thing you want to trouble me with, could it be covering up his aura?" Tian Yao slightly narrowed his eyes . This was a sharp and beautiful woman, dangerous . The fact that she could sense his aura meant she wasn"t an ordinary person . When he was walking around in w.a.n.g Yu Lou, he sensed hidden spell arrays everywhere . This wasn"t an ordinary place either . "Exactly that! I wanted your help with this . " Yan Hui plainly praised Xian Ge: "My little Xian Ge"er is the princess of my heart!" Xian Ge laughed at Yan Hui"s over-the-top praise: "Naughty!" "Then do you have a way to help us?" Xian Ge thought about it: "I know of a treasure . It"s called Aura Masker . It"s an anosmia sachet . " [3] Yan Hui was surprised: "An anosmia sachet?" "Yes, it"s scent is anosmia . It can conceal all auras, or perhaps, it can be said it absorbs all auras . " [4] Yan Hui"s and Tian Yao"s eyes brightened at the same time . This time, Yan Hui didn"t manage to say a word before Tian Yao asked: "Where can we find the sachet?" "A few days ago, I just happened to get one . If you want it, I only have to order someone to bring it . " Tian Yao sincerely thanked her: "It"s very much appreciated, Lady . " "No need to thank me . Just thank Yan Hui . I rarely see her help someone so whole-heartedly . " Tian Yao glanced at Yan Hui, but when he saw her smug expression, his "thank you" got stuck in his throat . It should"ve been easy, but he couldn"t get the words out . In the end, he stared at her for a while before looking away . Yan Hui: " " Xian Ge observed the interactions between the two . Her lips curved into a slight smile . She asked: "And the second trouble?" Yan Hui recalled the second issue and grew solemn . She deliberated over it before opening her mouth: "Xian Ge, do you know of xian sects dealing with the demon trade in Yong Zhou City?" Xian Ge took a sip of tea . She didn"t say a word and continued to listen . "I recently stumbled across some information that some people of xian sects are in the demon trade . They refine the blood of fox demons into an aphrodisiac fragrance . They sell it to the lords and ladies at a huge profit margin . Xian Ge, do you know who is doing this in the city?" Xian Ge lightly tapped her tea cup, producing a slight ringing sound . She was silent for a few moments before speaking: "So for this second issue, you want me to investigate who is behind the demon trade?" Yan Hui nodded . Xian Ge was silent again for a while: "Truthfully, this matter is a little difficult for me . " She stood up . The ends of her red skirt pooled on the ground . She slowly started to walk toward the window and looked out at Yong Zhou City . "If I do as you request, this will involve the xian sects and the officials of the city . Those two groups are involved in all matters concerning the Central Plains . Since they accepted and permitted the practice, then, Yan Hui," Xing Ge turned back around . Her face was grave . "Even if this practice is a terrible crime, it is still allowed . Even though I want to help you, I"m afraid I don"t have that power . " Tian Yao considered what she said, and his eyes deepened . Xian Ge"s words were direct and cruel, but they were realistic . In this world, "justice" and "morality" depended on who was in power . Yan Hui was silent for a long time . Then, she raised her head: "There are no such terrible crimes that are allowable . " Tian Yao listened with darkened eyes . He turned to look at Yan Hui, but she immediately started to smile: "But what you said makes sense . " Her stance seemed to relax . "This issue makes things difficult for Xian Ge"er, so don"t investigate it . As long as you can get that sachet, then it"s already an enormous help to us . " Yan Hui tossed back the cooled tea . She stood up: "I"m still going to mooch off a place to stay from you! The inns are too expensive . My wallet bleeds . " Saying this, Yan Hui led Tian Yao out . "I"m off to find Sister Liu to prepare a room for us . " Xian Ge heard and silently stood by the window to watch Yan Hui go . When she saw Yan Hui exit, she spoke up: "Yan Hui, I don"t know who pled for you to investigate the matter, but this matter will trap you in a difficult position . Sometimes, people have to live a little selfishly . " Yan Hui"s steps slightly paused . She rested her hand against the door frame and turned around . She grinned: "Xian Ge"er, how do you not already know? I"m a selfish person!"  .


Too bad Xian Ge won"t help . I wonder how Yan Hui will investigate the demon trade now [1] Sister Liu, Sister Xing. All the girls working at the bordello are named after trees . Liu is willow . Xing is apricot .


[2] I beweep my suffering state. The original line is 可愁煞人了 . It references a poem . I believe this line represents suffering I swapped it with a line from one of Shakespeare"s Sonnet 29 with a small change . The original line is "I beweep my outcast state . "

[3] An anosmia sachet. I took some creative liberties here . The actual phrase is 无香无味的香囊, which is scentless sachet . Xian Ge later says the sachet"s scent is scentless . That makes sense in an abstract way, but I thought it would be easier if I switched "scentless" to an actual scent . So I made up a scent, anosmia . Anosmia is an actual disorder where you lose your sense of smell . Let me know if you think it should be changed back to scentless .

[4] It can conceal all auras. I"m actually not sure if aura is the right translation . Probably not . I"ve translated it as aura, breath, and scent in Heart Protection . It just depends on what I"m feeling when I translate . I have a feeling the true meaning is a mix of all three, but I"m not entirely sure . I"ve seen other translators leave it as breath or even flavour .   Let me know what you think it should be! 气息 is the word .
