Heartsease; Or, The Brother's Wife

Chapter 56

It was determined that the secret should be strictly kept; it was the one point on which Lady Martindale was anxious, being thereto prompted by her aunt. Theodora declared she had no one to tell, and Mr.

Fotheringham only desired to inform his uncle and aunt, Sir Antony and Lady Fotheringham. He was now going to pay them a visit before settling in his lodgings in London. Theodora"s engagement certainly made her afford to be kinder to Violet, or else it was Percy"s influence that in some degree softened her. She was pleased at having one of her favourite head girls taken as housemaid under Sarah"s direction, her only doubt being whether Violet was a sufficiently good mistress; but she had much confidence in Sarah, whose love of dominion made her glad of a young a.s.sistant.

The party was now breaking up, Violet in high spirits at returning home, and having Arthur all to herself, as well as eager to put her schemes of good management into practice. The sorrow was the parting with John, who was likely to be absent for several years.

Before going he had one last conversation with his sister, apropos to some mention of a book which she wished to send to London to be returned to Miss Gardner.

"Does Violet visit her?" he asked.

"There have been a few calls; Jane Gardner has been very good-natured to her."

"Is that cousin of theirs, that Gardner, still abroad?"

"Yes, I believe so."

"I hope he will stay there. He used to have a most baneful influence over Arthur. Theodora, if by any chance it should be in your power, you ought to do your utmost to keep them from coming in contact. It may be a very superfluous fear, but your intimacy with those ladies might be the means of bringing them together, and there is nothing I should so much dread."

"Surely Arthur may be trusted to choose his own friends."

"You don"t know what happened in their school days! No, you were too young. It was discovered that there was a practice of gambling and drinking wine in the boys" rooms, and Arthur was all but expelled; but it turned out that he had been only weak, and entirely led by this fellow, and so he was spared. Percy could tell you many histories of Gardner"s doings at Cambridge. Arthur"s worst sc.r.a.pe since he has been in the Guards was entirely owing to him, and it was evident he still had the same power over him."

"Arthur is no boy now."

"I doubt," said John, half smiling.

"No one can make the least charge against him since his marriage."

"It has done much for him," answered John, "and she has improved wonderfully. Theodora, now that I am going away, let me once more tell you that you are throwing away a source of much happiness by disregarding her."

"Her romantic friendship with Emma Brandon is a proof that she cannot have much in common with me."

"There is one thing you have not in common with either," exclaimed John, "and that is an una.s.suming temper."

"Yes, I know you all think me prejudiced. I do not want you to go away misunderstanding me," answered Theodora. "She has good principles, she is amiable and affectionate; but there are three points that prevent me from esteeming her as you do. She has a weak fretful temper."

"I am sure you have seen no sign of it."

"It is just what is never shown; but I am convinced poor Arthur suffers from it. Next, she thinks a great deal of her appearance; and, lastly, she is fond of power, and tries to govern, if not by coaxing, by weakness, tears, hysterics--all the artillery of the feeble. Now, a woman such as that I can pity, but cannot love, nor think a fit wife for my brother."

"I can"t tell, I don"t know," said John, hesitating in displeasure and perplexity; "but this once I must try whether it is of any use to talk to you. Her spirits and nerves are not strong, and they were cruelly tried last spring; but Arthur only saw her cheerful, and never guessed at the tears she shed in secret, till we found her papers blistered with them, when her never complaining and letting him go his own way had almost cost her her life! and if you knew her, you would see that the tendency to over-anxiety is the very failing with which she struggles. I wish I could make you see her in her true light."

"I cannot help it, John," said Theodora, "I must speak the truth. I see how it is. Men are not clear-sighted in judging of a pretty woman of engaging manners. They are under a fascination. I don"t blame you--it is exactly the same with papa and Percy."


And for the last time baffled, John parted with his sister in much anxiety and disappointment, such as made it repose to turn to that other gentle, open-hearted, confiding sister, whose helplessness and sympathy had first roused him from despondency and inaction.

He begged her to write to him; an honour and a pleasure indeed; and now there was no fear of her letters being such as that she had sent him at Martindale. He declared the correspondence would be a great pleasure to him--he could not bear to think of hearing of those in whom he took so much interest only at second-hand; and besides, he had been accustomed to pour out his mind so much in his letters to Helen, that he felt the want of full and free confidence. His letters to his mother were not safe from the eye of his aunt, and neither his father nor Mr.

Fotheringham could be what a lady correspondent would be to a man of his character, reflective, fond of description, and p.r.o.ne to dwell on the details of what interested him.

So the time of his departure came, whereat Arthur lamented, vowing it was a horrid bore that he could not live in England, and hoping that Barbuda would patch him up for good; while Violet made arrangements for his convenience and pleasure on the voyage, such as no sister had ever supplied for him before.


So she had prayed, and He who hears, Through Seraph songs the sound of tears, From that beloved babe had ta"en The fever and the beating pain, And more and more smiled Isobel To see the baby sleep so well.

--E. B. BROWNING (Isobel"s Child)

On a bright cold afternoon the next spring, Theodora was setting out for a walk, when she saw a carriage driving up the avenue, and Arthur emerging from it. Joyously she sprang forward--"Arthur! Arthur! this is pleasant. How glad I am. This is like old times."

"Ay, I thought you would be ready for me. I have had a cold, and I am come home to shake off the end of it."

"A cold--not a bad one, I hope?"

"Not very. I wanted Violet to come too, but the boy is poorly."

"Oh! I hope there is not much the matter?"

"Only teeth, I believe. He is desperately fretful, and she can"t attend to anything else."

"Well, I hope you are come for a good long visit."

"I can stay a week."

"That"s right, it will do you good. I was just going to write to you. I have a great mind to go back with you, if I shall not be in the way."

"Not at all. It will be famous having you; but what makes you come? To gratify Fotheringham?"

"I have many reasons. I"ve got Charlie Layton elected to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and I must take him there."

"I"m not going to take him! "Tis enough to have to carry about one"s own babies, without other people"s."

"We"ll settle that," said Theodora. "Will you walk with me! There is no one at home, and I am stupefied with reading French novels to my aunt.

Such horrid things! She has lost her taste for the natural, and likes only the extravagant. I have been at it ever since luncheon, and at last, when the wretches had all charcoaled themselves to death, I came out to breathe fresh air and purity."

"Where"s the Piper!"

"Piper no longer. Have you not heard?"

"Not a word since Percy announced that my aunt and Harrison had come to a split about the orchids."

"You have great things to hear. Harrison got a magnificent appointment, as he calls it--situation is not grand enough--to some botanic gardens; splendid salary. Nothing hindered the wedding but Miss Piper"s dread of my aunt. It was not only that she could not tell her, but she could not face her after it was told, though I offered to undertake that. So the upshot was, that for very cowardice she preferred stealing the match and taking French leave. It was a silly piece of business; but I could not help that, and they were accountable to no one. I promised to announce it to my aunt when the deed was done, and satisfied the poor little woman"s conscience by undertaking to be my aunt"s white n.i.g.g.e.r till she bought another."

"If that"s not self-devotion, I don"t know what is," said Arthur. "I trust she has got one."