Heartsease; Or, The Brother's Wife

Chapter 39

"There, it is of no use to try."

"I hope you are better; pray don"t speak; only will you have anything?"

"No, thank you; lying still will set me to rights. It is only that these coughs leave a pain--nothing to mind."

He settled himself on the sofa, not without threatenings of a return of cough, and Violet arranged the cushions, concerned at his trying to thank her. After a silence, he began to breathe more easily, and said,

"Will you read me the rest of that?"

She gave him the book to find the place, and then read--

"The world might call them blighted in their early bloom, and deprived of all that life was bestowed for; but how different is the inner view, and how glorious the thought of the numbers of quiet, commonplace sufferers in homely life, like my currant and gooseberry bushes, who have found their frost has preserved their dewdrops to be diamonds for ever. If this is too fanciful, don"t read it, but I go rambling on as the notions come into my head, and if you only get a laugh at my dreamings, they will have been of some use to you."

"How beautiful!" said Violet; "how you must have liked receiving such letters!"

"Yes; the greatest blank in the day is post time."

He held out his hand for the book, and found another pa.s.sage for her.

"I have been thinking how kindly that sentence is framed: "Casting all your care on Him." All, as if we might have been afraid to lay before Him our petty perplexities. It is the knowing we are cared for in detail, that is the comfort; and that when we have honestly done our best in little things, our Father will bless them, and fill up our shortcomings.

"That dressmaker must have been a happy woman, who never took home her work without praying that it might fit. I always liked that story particularly, as it shows how the practical life in the most trivial round can be united with thus casting all our care upon Him--the being busy in our own station with choosing the good part. I suppose it is as a child may do its own work in a manufactory, not concerning itself for the rest; or a coral-worm make its own cell, not knowing what branches it is helping to form, or what an island it is raising. What a mercy that we have only to try to do right from moment to moment, and not meddle with the future!"

"Like herself," said John.

"I never thought of such things," said Violet. "I never thought little matters seemed worth treating in this way."

"Everything that is a duty or a grief must be worth it," said John.

"Consider the worthlessness of what we think most important in That Presence. A kingdom less than an ant"s nest in comparison. But, here, I must show you a more everyday bit. It was towards the end, when she hardly ever left her grandfather, and I had been writing to urge her to spare herself."

Violet read--

"You need not be afraid, dear John; I am quite equal to all I have to do. Fatigue never knocks me up, which is a great blessing; and I can sleep anywhere at the shortest notice. Indeed, I don"t know what should tire me, for there is not even any running up and down stairs; and as to spirits, you would not think them in danger if you heard how I talk parish matters to the curate, and gossip with the doctor, till grandpapa brightens, and I have to shout an abstract of the news into his ear. It is such a treat to bring that flash of intelligence on his face--and it has not been so rare lately; he seems now and then to follow one of the Psalms, as I read them to him at intervals through the day. Then for pastime, there is no want of that, with the two windows looking out different ways. I can"t think how you could forget my two beautiful windows--one with a view of the back door for my dissipation, and the other with the garden, and the varieties of trees and the ever-changing clouds. I never look out without finding some entertainment; my last sight was a long-tailed t.i.tmouse, popping into the yew tree, and setting me to think of the ragged fir tree at Brogden, with you and Percy spying up, questioning whether golden-crest or long-tailed pye lived in the dome above. No, no; don"t waste anxiety upon me. I am very happy, and have everything to be thankful for."

""My mind to me a kingdom is," she might have said," observed John.

"She might indeed. How beautiful! How ashamed it does make one of oneself!"

So they continued, he choosing pa.s.sages, which she read aloud, till the evening was over, when he asked her whether she would like to look through the book?"

"That I should, but you had rather I did not."

"Yes, I do wish you to read it, and to know Helen. There is nothing there is any objection to your seeing. I wrote them out partly for Percy"s sake. Your reading these to me has been very pleasant."

"It has been so to me, I am sure. I do not know how to thank you; only I am grieved that you have hurt yourself. I hope you are better now."

"Yes, thank you; I shall be quite right in the morning."

His voice was, however, so weak, and he seemed so uncomfortable, that Violet was uneasy; and as Brown lighted her candle in the hall, she paused to consult him, and found that, though concerned, he did not apprehend any bad consequences, saying that these attacks were often brought on by a chill, or by any strong excitement; he had no doubt this was occasioned by hearing of Mr. Fotheringham"s intended return; indeed, he had thought Mr. Martindale looking flushed and excited all day.

Never did charge appear more precious than those extracts. She had an enthusiastic veneration for Helen, and there was a youthful, personal feeling for her, which made her apply the words and admire them far more than if they had been in print. As she dwelt upon them, the perception grew on her, that not only was it a duty to strive for contentment, but that to look on all trials as crosses to be borne daily, was the only way to obtain it.

Helen"s many homely trials and petty difficulties were what came to her chiefly as examples and encouragements, and she began to make resolutions on her own account.

Yet, one day, when Arthur was expected and did not come, she conjured up so many alarms, that it was well that consideration for her companion obliged her to let him divert her mind.

The next day John led her to the beach, and set her to find rare sea-weeds for his mother. The charm of the pursuit, the curling tide, the occasional peeps at Johnnie as he was paraded, serene and sleepy, in Sarah"s arms, made time speed so fast that she was taken by surprise when voices hailed them, and she beheld Arthur and his father.

No wedding-day being in the case, Arthur had gladly put off his coming on a proposal from his father to accompany him, see John"s menage, and be introduced to his grandson.

Much more warmly than in former times did Lord Martindale greet his daughter-in-law, and quickly he asked for the baby. In spite of the doctor"s prognostications, the little fellow had begun to mend, and he looked his best, nearly hidden in hood and mantle, and embellished by his mother"s happy face, as she held him in her arms, rejoicing in the welcome bestowed on the first grandson.

Violet had never been so comfortable with Lord Martindale. There was the advantage of being the only lady, and he unbent more than he ever did at home. He had come partly to see what was to be the next arrangement.

Five weeks of London had been almost too much for Lady Martindale, with whom it never agreed, and who had found a season with her unmanageable daughter very different from what it had formerly been, when her aunt arranged everything for her; and the family were about to return home. Arthur was to bring his wife to Martindale as soon as his leave began--but this would not be for a month; and his father, concerned to see her still so delicate, advised him not to think of her return to London in the hottest part of the year, and proposed to take her and the baby home with him. John, however, declared that he should prefer staying on at Ventnor with her; the place agreed with him, and he liked the quiet for finishing Percy Fotheringham"s work besides, it suited Arthur better to be able to come backwards and forwards. The only doubt was whether she was tired of his dull company.

Arthur answered for her, and she was well satisfied, thinking it a great escape not to have to go to Martindale without him, but afraid John was giving up a great deal to her, when she must be a very tiresome companion; at which Arthur laughed, telling her of John"s counter fears, and adding, that he had never seen his brother in such good spirits in all his life--he was now actually like other people.

Lord Martindale also feared that John found his undertaking wearisome, and talked it over with him, saying it was very kind of him, very good for Arthur"s wife; but was she society enough? "Would he not like to have Theodora to relieve him of the charge, and be more of a companion?"

"Thank you," said John, "we shall be very glad to have Theodora, if she likes to come. It is a very good opportunity for them to grow intimate."

"I"ll send her next time Arthur comes."

"But you must not think it an act of compa.s.sion, as if Violet was on my hands. She is a particularly agreeable person, and we do very well together. In fact, I have enjoyed this time very much; and Theodora must not think herself obliged to come for my sake, as if I wanted help."

"I understand," said his father; "and of course it will depend on what engagements they have made; but I should be very glad she should be more with you, and if she saw more of Arthur"s wife, it might detach her from those friends of hers. I cannot think how it is Theodora is not disgusted with Mrs. Finch! It is a comfort, after all, that Arthur did not marry Miss Gardner!"

"A great one!"

"This girl has simplicity and gentleness at least, poor thing,"

continued Lord Martindale; "and I am quite of your opinion, John, that marriage has improved him greatly. I never saw him so free from nonsense. Strangely as it has come about, this may be the making of him.

I only wish I could see her and the poor child looking stronger. I will send your sister, by all means."

So Lord Martindale returned, and proposed the plan to his daughter. At first, she was flattered at being wanted, and graciously replied, "Poor John, he must want some variety."

"Not exactly that," said her father. "They are so comfortable together, it is a pleasure to see them. I should like to stay there myself, and it is a very agreeable scheme for you."

"I was considering my engagements," said Theodora. "Of course, if I am really wanted, everything must be put aside."

"John desired you would not think it an act of charity," said her father. "He says he finds her a most agreeable companion, and you need only look upon it as a pleasant scheme for all parties."

"Oh," said Theodora, in a different tone.

"He said you were not to put yourself out of the way. He would be very glad of your company, and it will be very good for you all to be together."

"Oh! then I don"t think it is worth while for me to go," said Theodora.

"I am much obliged to John, but I should only interfere with his course of education."

"Not go?" said her father.