=rubicundo,= rubicund, red.
=rubio,= fair.
=ruboriza.r.s.e,= to blush.
=ruda,= rue (_a medicinal plant_).
=rudo,= rough, coa.r.s.e.
=rueda,= wheel.
=ruego,= prayer, request, entreaty.
=ronco,= hoa.r.s.e.
=ronda;= =andar a la --,= to go around.
=Ronda,= _prop, noun (Spanish town picturesquely situated in the mountains; about 60 miles north of Gibraltar)._
=rondar,= to haunt, make the rounds.
=rondena,= fandango.
=ronquido,= death rattle, hard breathing; dull, harsh sound.
=Ronsard,= _prof, noun_ (Pierre de Ronsard [_1524-85_] _was a French poet and literary reformer_).
=rona,= scab; cunning, craftiness.
=ropa,= clothes, linen; -- _dominguera_, Sunday-clothes; --=a de desperdicio,= cast-off clothing.
=rosa,= rose; =color de= --, pink, rose-colored.
=rosado,= rosy.
=rosal,= _m._, rosebush; =-- guirnaldero,= climbing rose; -- =de Pasion,= pa.s.sion-flower.
=rosario,= rosary; =acabar, o terminar, como el -- de la aurora= _is an idiomatic expression that is used when speaking of a meeting or a.s.sembly that, by reason of disagreement, breaks up in disorder and tumult._
=rostro,= face, countenance.
=roto,= _irr. p. p. of_ =romper=.
=rotundamente,= frankly, categorically; =manifesto --=, she made the sweeping statement.
=rozar,= to graze.
=rubicundez,= _f._, blush, copper-color.
=rubicundo,= rubicund, red.
=rubio,= fair.
=ruboriza.r.s.e,= to blush.
=ruda,= rue (_a medicinal plant_).
=rudo,= rough, coa.r.s.e.
=rueda,= wheel.
=ruego,= prayer, request, entreaty.
=rugido,= roaring.
=rugir,= to roar.
=ruido,= noise, rustle; =meter --,= to make noise.
=ruidosamente,= loudly, with great ostentation.
=ruidoso,= noisy.
=ruina,= ruin, destruction; ruins.
=ruinoso,= in ruins, ruinous.
=rumbo,= point of the compa.s.s; course, direction (_as of a ship_).
=rumor,= _m._, noise.
=rustico,= rustic; rural, rough.
=sabado,= Sat.u.r.day.
=sabana,= sheet.
=sabedor,= =-a,= wise man, wise woman; =-- de,= knowing.
=saber,= _m._, learning, knowing.
=saber,= to know, be able, learn, hear; =-- a,= to taste of, seem like; =a no --,= if I had not known; = --se,= to know; =ya se sabe,= it is well known; =que se yo!= I do not know; =quien sabe!= perhaps.
=sabio,= wise, sensible, learned, cautious.
=sable,= _m._, sabre.