=sudoroso,= covered with perspiration.
=suegra,= mother-in-law.
=suela,= sole; =de siete --s,= of the deepest dye.
=sueldo,= salary, pay.
=suelo,= floor, ground, soil.
=suelte!= _3d pers. sing., pres. subj., of_ =soltar=.
=suelto,= loose.
=sueno,= sleep, dream, vision; =tener --,= to be sleepy.
=suerte,= _f._, luck, lot, fate; manner; =de esta --,= in this manner; =de --,= so.
=sueste,= _m._, south-east; south-wester (_a water-proof hat worn by sailors_).
=suficiente,= enough; =lo --,= sufficient.
=sufrido,= patient.
=sufrimiento,= suffering, pain.
=sufrir,= to suffer.
=sugerir (ie),= to suggest.
=sujetar,= to subdue, hold fast, fasten.
=sujeto,= subject, person; _adj._, subject, subjected.
=suma,= sum; =en --,= in short.
=sumamente,= utterly, quite.
=sumaria,= proceedings, investigation.
=sumergir,= to submerge, plunge.
=suministrar,= to supply, furnish.
=sumir,= to bury, plunge; =--se,= to be swallowed up, buried.
=sumo,= highest, very great, greatest; =Sumo Bien,= G.o.d.
=suntuoso,= sumptuous.
=supe, -iste, -o,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =saber=.
=superar (a),= to excel, be greater (than).
=superficie,= _f._, surface; =plana --,= level ground.
=superior,= _m._, superior (_the head of a convent_); _adj._, greater, upper, higher; =hacerse -- a,= not to mind.
=supersticioso,= superst.i.tious.
=supiera, supiese,= _imp. subjs. of_ =saber=.
=suplicante,= imploring.
=suplicar,= to entreat, implore.
=suplicio,= capital punishment; gallows, scaffold.
=suplir,= to supply, make up (for).
=suponer,= to suppose, imagine, fancy.
=suposicion,= _f._, supposition, surmise.
=supuesto= (_p. p. of_ =suponer=)=,= supposition; =-- que,= granting that, since; =por --,= of course.
=sur,= _m._, south.
=surgir,= to rise.
=surtidor,= _m._, spout, jet, spurt, splash.
=surtir,= to furnish, provide.
=suspender,= to suspend.
=suspenso,= amazed.
=suspirar,= to sigh; =el suspirado buey,= the ox she craved.
=suspiro,= sigh.
=sustancioso,= substantial.
=sustentar,= to sustain, support.
=sust.i.tuir,= to subst.i.tute, replace; =venia a --le,= would come to take its place.
=susto,= fright; =dar un --,= to scare, frighten; =llevar un --,= to be frightened.