=agraciado,= graceful.
=agradable,= agreeable, pleasant.
=agradar,= to please.
=agradecer,= to appreciate, be thankful (for).
=agradecido,= grateful.
=agradecimiento,= grat.i.tude.
=agrado,= liking; =sin buscarlo halla el --,= without trying to causes pleasure; =de buen --,= with (great) pleasure.
=agravar,= to aggravate; =--se,= to grow worse.
=agravio,= grievance, affront, injury.
=agregar (ie),= to add.
=agresor, -a,= aggressor.
=agrietar,= to crack.
=agrupar(se),= to group, come (_or_ draw) together.
=agua,= _f._, water; _pl._, waters, stream; =--s vivas,= running water.
=aguachirle,= _m._, poor excuse for wine; slops.
=aguantar,= to bear, suffer.
=aguar,= to mix with water.
=aguardar,= to wait for; =-- a que,= to wait until.
=aguardiente,= _m._, brandy (_or_ any distilled liquor); =-- de cana,= rum.
=agudisimo= (_from_ =agudo=)=,= sharpest, very keen.
=agudo,= acute, sharp.
=aguileno,= aquiline.
=aguina= (_dim. of_ =agua=)=,= water.
=aguja,= needle.
=agujero,= hole; =-- de la llave,= key-hole.
=ah!= ah! oh!
=ahi,= there; =por --,= there, yonder; =-- dentro,= in there.
=ahoga.r.s.e,= to drown, be drowned; =-- de,= to be suffocated with.
=ahora,= now, now-a-days; =-- mismo,= now, at once, this very moment; =no es de --,= this is not the first time.
=ahorcar,= to hang.
=ahorrar,= to save, economize.
=ahumado,= smoked, burned, smoke-stained.
=ahuyentar,= to put to flight.
=aire,= _m._, air, wind, breeze.
=airecito= (_dim._)=,= little air.
=aislado,= isolated, lone.
=ajeno,= belonging to another; =lo --,= that which belongs to another.
=ajimez,= _m._, arched window (_with a pillar in the center_).
=al= = =a el,= (_before an inf._) on, in (_doing something_).
=ala,= wing.
=alabar,= to praise.
=alabastro,= alabaster.
=alambre,= _m._, wire.
=alameda,= (public) promenade _or_ avenue (_lined with shade trees, generally the_ =alamo=, poplar. _Hence the name. There is generally an_ =alameda= _in the Southern-Spanish and the Spanish-American cities_).
=alargar,= to hold out, reach, hand, lengthen.
=alarido,= outcry, shriek.
=alarma,= alarm.
=alarmado,= alarmed.
=alba,= _f._, dawn; =asi que el --despunto,= at day-break.
=albor,= _m._, dawning.