=exangue,= bloodless.
=exanime,= weak, faint.
=exasperar,= to exasperate, offend.
=excedente,= superfluous, exceeding, dismissed; =-- por reforma,= temporarily removed from office, "laid off".
=excelencia,= excellence, superiority, advantage, merit.
=Excelentisimo= (_from_ =excelente=)=,= most excellent, your (his) Excellency.
=excepcional,= peculiar, extraordinary.
=excesivo,= excessive.
=exceso,= excess; =en --,= excessively.
=excitar,= to excite, arouse.
=exclamacion,= _f._, clamor, exclamation.
=exclamar,= to exclaim.
=excluir,= to exclude.
=exclusiva,= exclusiveness; =vivir de --s,= to delight in being exclusive.
=excluyendo,= _pr. p. of_ =excluir=.
=excrescencia,= hunch, excrescence.
=excusa,= excuse, apology.
=excusar,= to excuse, avoid, omit; =excuso,= it is needless; =lo excusado,= the impossible.
=exento,= exempt, free.
=exhalar,= to exhale.
=exigir,= to demand, exact.
=eximir,= to exempt.
=existencia,= life, existence.
=existir,= to exist.
=exito,= outcome, success.
=exordio,= preamble, exordium.
=exornar,= to embellish (_with rhetorical figures_).
=expediente,= _m._, expedient, pretext; motive, plan.
=expender,= to spend.
=expensa,= expense; =a sus --s,= at their own cost.
=experiencia,= experience.
=expiacion,= _f._, expiation.
=expiar,= to expiate, atone for.
=expiatorio,= expiatory, atoning.
=expirar,= to expire, die.
=explicaderas,= _pl._, manner of explaining oneself.
=explicar,= to explain; =--se,= to be explained.
=exponer,= to expose, explain, submit; =--se,= to expose oneself.
=expositor, -a,= expounder, explainer.
=expresamente,= expressly.
=expresar,= to express.
=exprimir,= to squeeze, press out.
=expulsar,= to drive out.
=expuso,= _pret. of_ =exponer=.
=exquisito,= exquisite, perfect.
=extasiar,= to enrapture; =--se (en),= to go into ecstasies (over).
=extasis,= _m._, ecstasy, trance.
=extatico,= ecstatic, entranced.
=extender (ie),= to stretch out, extend; =--se acerca de,= to enlarge upon.
=extenso,= extensive.