=filosofia,= philosophy.
=filosofo,= philosopher.
=filtrar,= to filter.
=fin,= _m._, end, object; =al --, en --, por --,= finally, at last, in short; after all; =a -- de (que),= in order to (that); =un sin --,= an endless number; =tener --,= to have an end.
=fincar,= to buy land.
=fineza,= favor, kindness, gallantry; morsel.
=fingir,= to feign, pretend.
=fino,= fine, perfect, well-bred, cultivated.
=finura,= tact, good manners, courtesy.
=firme,= firm, strong, stiff, constant; =en --,= hard; =de --,= severely; copiously, in torrents (_as rain_).
=firmemente,= firmly.
=firmeza,= firmness.
=firmisimo= (_from_ =firme=)=,= very firm.
=fiscal,= _m._, attorney-general, prosecuting attorney.
=fisico,= physical.
=fisiologo,= physiologist.
=fisonomia,= physiognomy, features.
=flacucho,= flabby, lean, soft and weak.
=flamante,= flaming, brand-new.
=flanco,= side (_of a ship_).
=flanquear,= to flank.
=flaqueza,= weakness, faintness.
=flaquisimo= (_from_ =flaco=)=,= very lean, lank.
=flecha,= arrow.
=flojo,= loose, lax; shallow; small.
=flojon= (_aug. of_ =flojo=)=,= lazy, good-for-nothing; =mas que --es,= worse than good-for-nothing.
=flor,= _f._, flower; =-- de mano= _or_ =de tela,= artificial flower.
=Flora,= _prop. noun_ (_in Roman mythology, the G.o.ddess of flowers. She was worshipped mostly by young maidens_).
=florecita,= little flower.
=florero,= vase, flower-pot.
=florete,= _m._, foil (_a sword used in learning to fence_).
=flotante,= flowing, floating.
=flotar,= to float.
=fluido,= fluid.
=foco,= focus.
=fogata,= bonfire, blaze.
=folio,= leaf, page, name-plate.
=fomentar,= to foment, encourage.
=fonda,= inn, hotel, restaurant.
=fondo,= bottom, depth, background; heart, character.
=foque,= _m._, jib.
=forastero,= strange (_not living in the place_); _noun_, stranger.
=forcejear,= to struggle, make violent efforts.
=forma,= form, shape.
=formacion,= _f._, formation; =a la --!= fall in!
=formalmente,= seriously.
=formar,= to form, compose, fall in.
=formula,= formula, prescribed rule.
=fornido,= strong, st.u.r.dy.
=forraje,= _m._, forage, grain, hay, gra.s.s.