=gaznate,= _m._, throat, gorge, throttle.
=gemido,= groan, moan, sighing.
=general,= _m._, general; =-- de brigada,= brigadier general.
=generaliza.r.s.e,= to become general; begin.
=genero,= kind; =todo --,= all kinds.
=generoso,= generous; fine, rich (_as wine_).
=Genieys,= _prop. noun_ (_town in France, in the Department of Aveyron_).
=genio,= genius, character, temper, humor.
=gente= _or_ =--s,= _f._, people, men.
=gentil,= genteel, graceful, pretty, fine.
=gentileza,= gentility.
=gentilmente,= prettily, daintily.
=gentio,= crowd.
=genuino,= genuine.
=Gerardo,= Gerard.
=gesticular,= to gesticulate.
=gestion,= _f._, effort, step, measure.
=gestionar,= to solicit.
=gesto,= gesture, look.
=geta= = =jeta,= thick-lips, "mug."
=Gibraltar,= _prop. noun_ (_town and fortified rock at the southern extremity of Spain; it belongs to England_).
=gigantazo= (_aug._)=,= huge giant.
=giganteo,= gigantic.
=gigantesco,= gigantic.
=gime,= _pr. ind. of_ =gemir=.
=gimnasia,= gymnastics.
=girar,= to turn, revolve.
=gitanico= (_dim. of_ =gitano=)=,= little gipsy.
=gitano,= gipsy.
=globulo,= globule.
=gloria,= glory, ecstacy, heavenly bliss.
=glorificar,= to glorify, exalt, praise.
=glorioso,= glorious, blessed.
=gnomo,= goblin.
=gobierno,= government.
=Goliat,= Goliath.
=golosina,= sweet-meat, delicacy.
=goloso,= fond of dainties; =por --,= for being fond of dainties.
=golpe,= _m._, blow, stroke, clang, onslaught; =de --,= all at once; =de -- y porrazo,= quickly, all at once; =-- de mar,= billow, heavy sea (_breaking over the deck_).
=golpear,= to beat, clatter; =-- de tambores,= beating of drums.
=golpecito= (_dim. of_ =golpe=)=,= tap.
=golleria= _or_ =gulleria,= dainty; =pedir --s,= to ask for unreasonable things.
=gordo,= fat, obese, corpulent, big, great; =de puro --,= from sheer obesity.
=gorjeo,= warbling.
=gorra= _or_ =gorro,= cap.
=gota,= drop.
=gotear,= to drip, fall drop by drop.
=gotico,= gothic.
=gozar (de),= to enjoy.
=gozo,= delight, joy.