Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories

Chapter 97

=intimidad,= _f._, intimacy.

=intimida.r.s.e,= to be intimidated.

=intimo,= intimate, familiar, private, deep.

=intolerable,= unbearable.

=intraducible,= untranslatable.


=introduccion,= _f._, introduction.

=introducirse,= to get in, enter.

=inundar,= to inundate, flood.

=inutil,= useless, unnecessary, in vain.

=inutilidad,= _f._, uselessness.

=inutilmente,= in vain.

=invadiente,= descending, invading.

=invadir,= to invade, inundate.

=invariablemente,= invariably.

=inventar,= to invent.

=inverosimil,= improbable, inconceivable.

=inveterado,= inveterate, deep-rooted.

=invierno,= winter.

=invitar (a),= to invite.

=invocar,= to invoke, appeal to.

=involuntariamente,= involuntarily.

=inor= = =senor=.

=ir,= to go, go on; keep on (+ _a pr. p._); =vamos a= (+ _inf._), let us; =vamos!= come! well!; =fue rodando,= went rolling; =--se,= to go away; =me voy,= I am going; =vamonos!= let us go!; =como te va?= how goes it with you?

=ira= _or_ =--s,= anger, rage.

=iracundo,= angry, irate.

=irascible,= petulant.

=irradiar,= to irradiate.

=irreflexivo,= rash, thoughtless.

=irresoluto,= irresolute.

=irrespetuoso,= disrespectful, irreverent.

=irritado,= irritated, angry.

=irritar,= to irritate.

=Isidro,= _prop. noun_; =San --,= Saint Isidro ("the Ploughman", _was born in the 12th century on what became the site of Madrid, of which city he is the patron saint. The_ =dia de San Isidro= _is the 15th of May_).

=izar,= to hoist, raise up (on high).

=izquierdo,= left; =por izquierda,= to _or_ on the left.


=ja!= ha!

=jabon,= _m._, soap.

=jabonado,= washing (with soap).

=jadeante,= out of breath, panting.

=jamas,= never, ever.

=jamon,= _m._, ham.

=j.a.pones, -a,= j.a.panese.

=jaranero,= boisterous, merry.

=jardin,= _m._, garden.

=jarra,= jug; =puesta en --s,= with arms akimbo.

=jarro,= jug, pitcher.

=jasmin,= _m._, jasmine.

=jaula,= cage.

=jayan,= _m._, herculean man.