=atender (ie),= to attend, listen, pay attention.
=atenerse,= to adhere, hold to.
=atentado,= offence, transgression.
=atentamente,= attentively.
=atento (a),= attentive (to), bent (upon), watching.
=aterecio = aterecido,= benumbed with cold.
=aterrado,= terrified.
=Atlante,= Atlas, Atlante (_figure of a man used as a column to support an entablature_).
=Atlantico,= Atlantic Ocean.
=atmosfera,= atmosphere, air.
=atolondrado,= stunned, in consternation; thoughtless, confused.
=atolondra.r.s.e,= to be stunned.
=atonito,= astonished.
=atracar,= to lie alongside of, moor; =--se,= to stuff oneself (_with food and drink_).
=atraer (a),= to draw, attract (to, toward), bring down (upon).
=atrajo,= _pret. of_ =atraer=.
=atrancar,= to bar.
=atrapar,= to catch, nab.
=atras,= backwards, behind, back.
=atravesar (ie),= to cross, pa.s.s through.
=atreverse (a),= to dare, make bold.
=atrevido,= bold, daring, fearless.
=atribuir,= to attribute, ascribe, charge to.
=atribulado,= afflicted, worried, distressed.
=atrocidad,= _f._, atrocity.
=atrofiar(se),= to waste away.
=atronador, -a,= thundering, deafening.
=atronar (ue),= to make a deafening noise (_like thunder_).
=atroz,= atrocious.
=at.u.r.dido,= thoughtless.
=at.u.r.dimiento,= perturbation, stupefaction.
=audaz,= fearless, valient.
=auditorio,= audience.
=augusto,= grand, imposing, venerable, sacred.
=aumentar,= to increase.
=aumento,= increase; =seguir en --,= to continue to increase.
=aun= _or_ =aun,= even, yet, still; =ni aun,= not even.
=aunque,= although, even if.
=ausencia,= absence.
=austeridad,= _f._, austerity, severity.
=austero,= stern.
=auto de fe,= _auto de fe_ (_better known by the Portuguese name,_ =auto da fe=: _a ceremony that used to take place in Spain, in which heretics were publicly punished, or even burned, together with their heretical writings_), great fire.
=automata,= _m._, automaton.
=autor, -a,= author, auth.o.r.ess; =--de mis dias,= my father.
=autoridad,= _f._, authority.
=autoritario,= domineering.
=autorizar,= to authorize.
=auxiliar,= auxiliar, a.s.sistant.
=auxilio,= aid, a.s.sistance.
=avance,= _m._, advance, attack.