=guasa,= jest; =poca --,= this is no joke.
=guelva= = =vuelva=.
=guerra,= war, strife, hostility.
=guerrero,= warrior, soldier.
=guia,= _m._, guide.
=guillave,= _m._, fruit of the =quisco= (_in Chile_).
=guinar,= to wink; =-- un ojo,= to wink.
=guino; hacer --s,= to wink.
=guisa,= manner; =a -- de,= like.
=guitarra,= guitar.
=gustar,= to please, like; =le gusta a usted,= you like; =usted me gusta a mi,= I like you.
=Gustavo,= Gustavus.
=gusto,= taste, pleasure; =a --,= gladly, with pleasure, to the taste (_of_); =hacer su --,= to do as one pleases, follow one"s own bent; =a mi --,= as well as I should like.
=ha,= _see_ =haber=.
=Habana; la --,= Havana (_the capital of Cuba_).
=habanero,= Havanese.
=habano,= from Havana.
=haber,= _m._, property, income.
=haber,= to have; =hay,= there is (are); =-- de= _or_ =que,= to have to, must, will; =ha de estar,= is to be; =habia,= there was (were); =no hay para que decir= _or_ =no hay que decir,= it is needless to say; =no se ha de decir,= it shall not be said; =no hay que hablarle,= it is useless to speak to him; =lo que hay que hacer,= what is to be done; =dos anos ha,= two years ago; =no ha muchos anos,= not many years ago.
=habil,= skillful.
=habilidad,= _f._, skill, ability, cleverness.
=habilitar,= to equip, get ready, fit up.
=habilmente,= skillfully.
=habitacion,= _f._, room, dwelling.
=habitante,= _m._, inhabitant.
=habitar,= to inhabit, dwell (in).
=habito,= habit, dress, garment; _pl._, garb of an ecclesiastic.
=hablar,= to speak.
=hacer,= to make, do, have (+ _an infin._); =--se,= to become; =--alto,= to halt, stop; =--lo bueno,= to prove it; =-- dormir,= to put to sleep; =--se a la mar,= to set sail; =--se como que,= to act as if, pretend; =--se cargo de,= to take possession of, realize, consider; =--se a un lado,= to keep out of the way; =--se sordo a,= to pretend not to hear; =-- de las tuyas= (=suyas,= _etc._), to be at your (his, _etc._) tricks; =se haria mal (en),= it would be doing wrong (to); =lleva hechas,= he has made, he has to his credit; =hace dos anos,= two years ago; me hice =... escalera,= I pretended to go upstairs; =hizo sitio,= gave place; =haz lo que debas y suceda lo que suceda,= do what is right and let come what may.
=hacia,= towards; =-- arriba,= upwards.
=hacienda,= property, estate, plantation.
=hacinamiento,= ma.s.s, pile.
=hado,= fate, destiny, inevitable doom.
=haga,= _pr. subj. of_ =hacer=.
=hallar,= to find, consider; =--se,= to be.
=hallazgo,= finding, discovery.
=hambre,= _f._, hunger; =tener --,= to be hungry.
=haraposo,= ragged.
=harina,= flour _or_ meal (_of wheat or maize_); _-- tostada,_ roasted meal.
=harmonia,= harmony.
=harto,= enough; tired, weary, bored.
=hasta,= until, as far as, as many as, even; =-- aqui,= so far; =--que, -- tanto que,= until.
=hay,= _see_ =haber=.
=haya,= _pr. subj. of_ =haber=.
=haz,= _imper., 2d pers. sing., of_ =hacer=.
=hazana,= feat, achievement.
=he; -- aqui,= behold, here is, the following is.
=hecha; de esta --,= from this time.
=hechizo,= witchcraft, sorcery.