Heavenly Castle

Chapter 59

Publishedat 15th of August 2019 09:44:57 PMChapter 59

Translator: Drey          Editor: Ryunakama


In order to trace the elves secretly, I moved while hiding myself reasonably . Although I’m in disguise, I don’t think that it will have a great effect because I’m with a big robot, but luckily my search is going smoothly .

The Blau Empire is a big country that is extremely prosperous, but the liveliness of people is not even a fraction of it . In the main street peddlers are pulling their carts back and forth, and you can hear lively voices from the crowded stores . Buildings, roads and clothes of people . Their technology might be better than our country in every aspect .

However, there were also many poor-looking people enough that I can see the difference in their appearance . Those people are moving on the corner of the street with almost no exception .

“I wonder if they are the second-cla.s.s citizens?”

I heard that the people, who were the citizens of the countries that were invaded by the Empire or the countries that surrendered and became a va.s.sal nation, are being treated as second-cla.s.s citizens of the Empire, so I felt that they are those .

There also seems to be some slaves, but many of them have lost their arms or legs . Perhaps, they are the soldiers of the country that lost in war . Sometimes, it is advantageous to ma.s.sacre the soldiers of the enemy country . In short, the Empire may be tolerant .

However, even if they survive, it will feel no different from the death penalty if they are sold as a slave in the end .

In fact, most of the slaves have lifeless eyes .

While looking at them, I shrugged my shoulders and pa.s.sed by hurriedly .

“Scary, scary . If I get caught, I will definitely have the most terrible experience . ”

I muttered a monologue and shuddered in fear of the future that I imagined .

In any case, I am a pract.i.tioner of the Imperial Country of Fleida which the Empire has not taken yet . I will definitely be tortured repeatedly .

“…… Uwaa, I want to run away . I terribly want to run away……”

I muttered that while trembling, but I continued to search without running away in the end .

“This is also not for my motherland, but for that magnificent Heavenly Country . And also for myself . I will not search for them if it is for that unknown elf . ”

Saying that, I encourage myself and step further into the Empire .

When I look at my back, Taiki-sama’s golem is following me with almost no sound . I probably barely keep my cool thanks to this existence .

When I look ahead, the soldiers surrounding the elves are advancing on the street quickly . It seems like the width of the road is getting narrower little by little each time we turn the road . At first, it was wide enough for two carriages to pa.s.s at ease, but now even one carriage is uncertain .

And, the more narrow the road became, the traffic and the number of shops becomes less .

“c.r.a.p…… My strategy to mix in the crowd of people is……”

While muttering, I hid my body by sticking on the back of the building .

An instant after Taiki-sama’s golem also moves to my side . What’s amazing is that even if I don’t give any instructions to it, it is hiding itself in order to be unnoticed just like myself .

No, Taiki-sama, who’s moving the golem from a far distance to the point that his figure can’t be seen, is also amazing, but this golem, that moves by understanding my intention even though I didn’t say anything, is also amazing .

What kind of order did Taiki-sama give and how much can this golem move voluntarily?

Don’t tell me, Taiki-sama actually also came nearby and is controlling it while watching my movement? I heard that there is something called camera, but it is absolutely impossible to see my situation and give a new command with magic from the top of the sky .

I look up at Taiki-sama’s golem and hummed .

“…… The more I look at it, the more mysterious the golem becomes . I want to try to disa.s.semble it……”

I muttered that really faintly, but Taiki-sama’s golem turned around at me as if it was a human and took a step away .

“It, it’s a lie . I’m sorry . ”

I reflexively apologize to that natural behavior . I laughed at myself and think ‘what am I apologising to a golem for’, but the golem raised its face and came close at me .

And, It stopped moving as if to wait for me to move .

“…… Did you forgive me?”

When I try to ask that, the golem quietly turned its face at me .

I am surprised .

It may be coincidental, but the golem showed a response to my abstract statement .

I’ve wanted to try various things for a bit, but currently there’s something I have to do .

“d.a.m.n…… I have to try various things later”

Secretly determined, I showed half of my face from my hiding spot and look at the receding figures of the elves .

However, not just the elves, there are also no receding figures of the soldiers who were supposed to go further down the street .

“…… Oh no!”

It seems like more time has pa.s.sed than I thought from being distracted by Taiki-sama’s golem .

I hurriedly run further on the street, but the street has an intersection from there and I look at the four sides, but I can’t find them .

I felt like cold water flows on my spine and my face turns white .

“How, how could this happen……! How, how will I explain this to Taiki-sama……!”

While saying that, Ditzen, who wandered around in the middle of the intersection, suddenly raised his head and turned around towards the robot .

And, he kneeled on the ground and bowed his head .

“I’m sorry! I will hurriedly search from now!”

Ditzen shouted that and prostrated to the robot .


“…… Taiki-sama . Ditzen-sama has prostrated on the ground in the middle of the street, even though there are few people pa.s.sing by…… . ”

Ayla reported that awkwardly, but I’m also at a loss even if she tells me .

“…… He’s, he’s standing out, isn’t he? Should I ask Ditzen-san to search on a different area? Let’s dispatch another person there . ”

Saying that, I changed the image on the screen while thinking who I would dispatch .