Heavenly Castle

Chapter 64

Publishedat 25th of August 2019 02:45:07 PMChapter 64

Translator: Pink Tea          Editor: Ryunakama


「Why won’t it open…!」

I pressed my hands against the round wall that was quite strange to touch and tried to open it somehow . However, neither pushing nor pulling produced any results .

I considered destroying it with magic but there was the golem sticking right behind me . It would be better to refrain from careless actions .

「…If only you could open it . 」

I mutter while giving the golem a sidelong glance .

Then, the golem stood next to me and touched the wall .

Immediately after, without any sound, the wall has split in two and revealed that round room .

Entering inside the room I turn to the golem that followed after me .

「…Thank you . Then, please guide me to Taiki-sama next . 」

Being asked so, the golem silently turned around and put its hand on the wall . Walls slid back, closing the pa.s.sage, then a faint sense of floating could be felt .

And just a few seconds later . A surprising sight was revealed when the walls opened once again .

An astonishingly large rectangular window with a view of the imperial townscape .

Furthermore, it was a familiar sight of the Empire’s capital . Curiously, even though the huge window was mounted diagonally it showed the scenery with many people and carriages .

「…T-This is…?!」

Presented with that astonishing sight I involuntarily leaked a voice .

「——! General Violette?! How did you get here?!」

Hearing my voice, princess Ayla turned around and changing her face scowled at me . Her eyes were full of unprecedented hostility .

Contrary to Ayla, who was full of wariness, the person that I was looking for slowly turned his face to me .

And with a smile, like he was greeting his acquaintance in the morning, the King of Heavenly Country opened his mouth .

「h.e.l.lo there, Violette-san . You came at a good time . 」

That soft att.i.tude and voice made me feel like a piece of ice had slipped on my back .

Taiki was completely unconcerned about me .

Not even talking about viewing as an enemy or an ally, he didn’t even see any threat in me .

That was the same feeling that I held towards the ordinary footman on a field of battle, indifference .

「…Fufufu . 」

Involuntarily, laughter came out from my mouth .

If things go well, I might even have a chance to a.s.sa.s.sinate him . I was even thinking of taking over the Heavenly Country, but such ideas were soon easily crushed .

As I continued to stand without moving, Ayla kept staring at me with a grim look . However, Taiki, with the same soft smile, tilted his head slightly and said .

「Now, please, come over here . 」

Saying that Taiki pointed at the spot beside him .

He is underestimating my power too much . In such a case, I might have a chance if I resolve to bet my life…

And the moment I thought so, a golem cut right in front of me . The golem that has guided me this far .

Furthermore, the golem standing next to Ayla also turned around to face me . Two golems stood on both sides of Taiki and Ayla, looking my way .

Without saying anything . Ayla is one thing, but Taiki maintained the same gentle expression .

However, it didn’t look like I can make a move at all .

So after all, even if I get lucky, I won’t be able to win?

「……Fine . I shall come over there . 」

Laughing at myself, I approached . Standing right next to Taiki, I look at him .

Then, Taiki made an awkward smile, as if he was troubled, and looked at the huge window .

「You might not want to cooperate, but I thought maybe we can at least get some advice from you… Do you know where the elves are?」

After being asked that, my eyes involuntarily went wide .


And then I produced such a silly sound .


「Oh my, this place also has meat… People of the Empire really like meat . Fleida would have had more fish arranged though . 」

Saying that Yuri looked at the shops lined up along the boulevard . In front of her was arranged meat on skewers, that was grilled with seasoning, which released a fragrant smell in surroundings .

「It smells delicious . Perhaps the elves would get lured by this smell and will come over here . 」

Smiling brightly and talking aloud to herself, Yuri was walking along the main street .

Her outfit was the same as Ditzen’s and the others, with a hood lowered on her eyes, covering her face, but men walking on the street were occasionally turning around and following her with their eyes .

Seeing that sensual feminine figure that could be noticed even though the robe, some men showed indecent smiles .

Unaware of such sights, Yuri walked down the street while staring at the stalls lined up there .

Suddenly, she stopped and turned her head to the dim alley .

「…A presence of dense magic power . It resembles Aifsama . Is that an Elf?」

Saying that joyfully, Yuri looked behind her . Quite far back stood Taiki’s camouflaged robot, gathering stares from the people around .

「Over here~」

When Yuri quietly said so and gently waved a hand in front of her face, the robot slowly moved .

After looking at that with satisfaction, Yuri took a step inside of the alley .

「Taiki-sama’s golem is really clever . Even if you order them in a small voice that can barely be heard, they will properly respond right away . In such a case, it might be possible to order them even without saying anything, with gestures alone . 」

Smilingly, Yuri was saying, as she walked deeper into the alley with light steps .