Heavenly Castle

Chapter 71

Publishedat 19th of September 2019 08:36:25 PMChapter 71

Translator: Pink Tea          Editor: Ryunakama


Led by a still confused Fiatora, we descended to the lower floors .

Going past a few huge doors we proceeded along the corridor and then went down another set of stairs . As we were walking through it the building felt more s.p.a.cious than it appeared from the outside .

I couldn’t spot even a single window, but with a neatly spread white carpet, stone walls decorated with paintings and vases put here and there, the overall atmosphere didn’t feel too depressing .

Mysteriously, the ceiling itself seemed to glow, perhaps the same technique as in Taiki-sama’s heavenly castle was at work here .

If so, then I understand how the Empire was taking over neighboring countries one after another .

If they had golems equal to those of Taiki-sama then it’s understandable .

「…No, that’s not the case, huh…?」

According to what I’ve heard, the Emperor was astounded by the sight of the heavenly castle and dispatched Aifa to get it . And I also heard that during the confrontation with Azul Kingdom the empire was utterly beaten .

Taking their action into account, the possibility of the Empire possessing technologies of the same level as Taiki-sama is extremely low .

Then just as Schwartz said, this tower is an exception . If even Schwartz, part of the royal family, has no idea, then just who could have built it .

I certainly would like to investigate this .


As I observed the ceiling or touched the walls those walking in front stopped .

It was because Fiatora has opened a single big door .

「This way please . 」

After seeing her say that and then go inside, I also entered, walking behind Schwartz .

The place where we were guided turned out to be a large hall . The ceiling and the walls were luxuriously decorated, but this room had no windows as well . However, it wasn’t dark, as the ceiling here also radiated light, illuminating the room .

And farther in that room on a chair calmly sat a middle-aged woman wearing a white indoor dress .

Even now she had the appearance of a beautiful woman, but twenty years ago she probably was called a peerless beauty .

And that woman, the moment she laid her eyes on Schwarz, stood up with obvious surprise written on her face .

「Ah, Aah……! Is it really……!」

Saying that she approached without taking her eyes off Schwarz . As if she didn’t see us at all, she went straight towards him .

Then, Schwarz relaxed his stiff expression a bit and deeply bowed .

「I’m slightly late with my greeting… Mother」

After saying so, the two hugged each other in silence .

「A reunion of mother and child…」

Yuri whispered seeing that scene and wiped her eyes .

Mmmm . So that person is the Empress? I feel like age-wise she is too young, but this atmosphere doesn’t seem to be a farce .

For some reason, I feel like we did something good, but it isn’t the time to get sentimental .

「……For now, we’ll be taking Fiatora?」

Saying that just in case, I wave my hand to Fiatora, urging her to come to us .

However, the person in question stood without moving, having a troubled expression on her face, and instead, it was Schwarz who turned here after he finished with his reunion .

Being done with the hugs and while still having his hands on the Empress’ shoulders he glared at me with an annoyed face .

「……You can’t read the mood . However, it is also true that there is no time . We should hurry and make our preparations as well . Mother, please provide me with your support . 」

The Empress narrowed her eyes, still wet with tears, and replied .

「…Yes . I understand . So you have resolved yourself, Schwartz… Then I, as a mother, won’t be holding anything back . 」

After that exchange, Schwartz and the Empress turned to us .

「They are collaborators . The reward is elves, including Fiatora…… Are you two fine with this?」

「Eh? Collaboration? Reward?」

As I panicked at the sudden development, Yuri, who stood next to me, put on a gentle smile and nodded .

「Yes . No objections . It seems like it will be the best outcome for us . 」

As Yuri replied, the faces of the Empress and Fiatora became more rigid as if they realized something .

While both Yuri and Yanual usually were somewhat absentminded, when politics or finances were involved they suddenly became a lot sharper .

And people belonging to royalty and t.i.tled n.o.bility had a habit of obscuring such details during a conversation .

「…Can someone explain what we are about to do?」

When I asked, everyone looked at me with the eyes of disbelief .


While watching Mea and the others return to the empire’s capital, I spoke .

「Now, I wonder what are they gonna do about the last one?」

「Could it be that they judged it to be impossible to bring them out secretly after all?」

「Possibly . In that case, as was expected, we will have a conflict with the Empire . Let’s prepare a letter for Violette-san to deliver . Aifsan and others seem to have stayed, so they probably stealthy infiltrated the castle . In the meantime, we should make our preparations as well . 」

When I stood up with those words while having a wry smile on my face, Ayla worriedly looked at me .

「Are they going to be okay, sneaking into the castle without Taiki-sama’s golems and with only three of them…」

「Aifa is a court magician, right? Unless they go really wrong about it, they should have no trouble getting inside the castle . Right, Violette-san?」

When asked, Violette only shrugged her shoulders, disinterested .

「They will easily manage one way or another . He can enter the castle alone and then bring the two afterward, he also could put them into a container and smuggle in a wagon . 」

Violette snorted and expressed her agreement with my opinion .

「That’s how it is . But, if they meet the Emperor it might get problematic . So we have to prepare in case things go awry . 」

Surely, they wouldn’t try to force their way through . Since Aifa had a slave seal engraved onto him by the Emperor, a brute force approach is far too risky .

Aifa appeared to be level-headed, so he shouldn’t try anything irrational .

And with these thoughts, I leisurely prepared my letter to the Emperor .