Heavenly Castle

Chapter 80

Publishedat 18th of October 2019 12:53:34 PMChapter 80

Translator: Drey          Editor: Ryunakama

「Welcome to the Heavenly Country . 」

When I greet him like that, the new emperor of the Blau Empire, Schwartz, who just came down from the carriage, speaks .

「…… Are you, Taiki-dono?」

I smile wryly while becoming puzzled at his response like he couldn’t hide his confusion .

「So far, I’m calling myself with the name Taiki . 」

When I answered that, Schwartz shook his head from side to side with a slightly panicked look .

「Aah, no, I’m sorry . I was imagining an old man who seemed to have surely live for hundreds of years, but…… No way, your appearance as I have heard is really……」

Schwartz muttered that and straightened up his back once again .

「I am the current emperor of the Blau Empire, Schwarz Blau . I feel grateful for your a.s.sistance during the previous revolution . For a while now, I have been making efforts in laying the foundations of the empire, but once it will be settled, allow me to once again hold a grand event for you as an ally . I would like Taiki-dono to partic.i.p.ate on that occasion by all means……」

And, Schwartz begins his greetings with a low att.i.tude unbecoming of the top position of a large country .


However, it may be something inevitable . After all, the Blau Empire is just after their revolution . They are probably occupied on their internal situations and must be wanting to reduce the hostile countries .

I’m told that originally, it seems impossible for the new emperor to go to other countries so soon, but this time he was able to come for a greeting and observation trip for a very short time of two days and one night .

I was thinking that if he was so busy, he could postpone it some more, but Schwartz seems to be quite concerned about this .

And while giving a sidelong glance at me who thinks about various things, Schwartz slowly looked around the surroundings and spoke .

「…… However, even though I finally set foot on the Heavenly Country, I don’t feel a sense of reality at all . Certainly, the clouds are lower than my line of sight and the sky is so much closer than I have ever seen . But at my feet is a beautiful cobblestone and a gra.s.sy road…… It’s a beautiful, but mysterious place . 」

When Schwartz said such impressions, Ditzen nodded greatly and spreads his hands .

「Exactly, it’s a utopia at the top of the sky! Taiki-sama! Ditzen has finally came back! Please teach me about the abyss of magic again……!」

I wonder if I have ever talked about the abyss of magic?

Although I thought that deep inside, I returned a wry smile at Ditzen and raised a hand .

「Taiki-sama, Aylsama . We’re back . 」

When Torraine said that, Mea, Rant, and Schnee, who stands next to her, makes a deep bow .

「Thank you for your hard work . 」

When I return a compliment Torraine and the others look at each other with a smile .

「It’s been a long time, Taiki-sama, Aylsama . How have you been?」

Then Yuri greets us . I and Ayla nod and I give a reply .

「Thank you for your hard work as well, Yuri-san . Your cooperation has been really helpful . 」

When I replied that, Yuri laughed delightfully .

「Fufu . It is me who should say that, because I have been given an experience that could hardly ever come . I was able to personally get acquainted with His Majesty of the Blau Empire, so I was able to get more than enough rewards . 」

When Yuri said that and turned towards Schwartz, Schwartz was nodding while laughing awkwardly .

It seems like, he knew that Yuri is a royalty from the Imperial Country of Fleida . I wonder if I can sum it up like he became greatly indebted to them as an emperor of the empire?

While I am laughing at the complicated situation, Aifa finally came to the front . Then he knelt down on one knee on that spot . Beside Aifa, there are three elves and all of them are bowing at me .

While everyone shuts their mouths, Aifa spoke as a representative .

「Taiki-dono…… my families returned to the forest safely thanks to Taiki-dono . If you wish, we will introduce Taiki-dono to the Spirit Tree . I don’t know if the Spirit Tree will respond, but maybe if it is Taiki-dono, then…… 」

When Aifa said that, each one of them except the elves gasp in surprise . Well, it would be amazing to be able to personally see the existence which was being talked of as a legend .

However, it’s scary to actually come down inside the forest . There also seems to be some monsters .

I, who suddenly thought such things, raise one hand and shake my head from side to side .

「No, it’s a wonderful and a great honor, but I’d rather not . Because Yuri-san and Torraine-san’s family have worked harder than me . 」

When I said that and laughed, the elves raised their head with their eyes round .

「How unselfish……」

「Is there such a person in the humans?」

When the two male elves muttered that, the female elf behind Aifa tuck her chin . If I’m not mistaken, her name was Fiatora?

「…… I see . I now understand what Aifa was saying . And if he is such a person, I want to introduce him to the Spirit Tree . 」

As she utters such troubling words, Fiatora bowed again .

「Taiki-sama . I am aware its impolite towards Taiki-sama, the king of the sky……! But please, descend on the ground and touch the Spirit Tree……!」

Fiatora says further and Aifa follows her lines .

「Fiatora is someone who can be called a shrine maiden who was personally taking care of the Spirit Tree . I a.s.sure that you won’t regret it . Please come there and touch the Spirit Tree by all means……」

Eeeh . I don’t like it .

Such words almost came out from my mouth reflexively, but I managed to swallow it .

「…… . Thank you . But please go inside the castle first . Everyone should be tired, so I will treat you as a token of my grat.i.tude . 」

When I said that and smiled at them, the elves were exclaiming in admiration as if they received it in a good way for some reason .

Schwartz, who was watching that, whispered alone with a very complicated expression .

「My father was reluctant to give up for many years, but Taiki-dono is being asked eagerly by the elves instead . How ironic . 」

Hearing the words that were spoken with a self-deprecating laugh, somehow the words of The North Wind And The Sun came into my mind .  1

TL Note: It’s a fable with a moral that gentleness and kind persuasion win where force and bl.u.s.ter fail .