Heavenly Star

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Ye Wuchen sat up, held her horizontally in his arms, smiled and asked, "is it better?"

Feeling the wet and greasy face, he smiled and shook his head secretly. The way his pupil told him to get up was always so special.

Tong Xin nodded, separated the clothes on his chest, and gently bit on his chest, as if he had her favorite taste. Although she has awakened, ye Wuchen feels that her strength has recovered less than one tenth - but this degree is amazing

Nearby, Ning Xue slept soundly and was not awakened by them. Looking at the light coming in from outside, ye Wuchen didn"t wake up Ning Xue. He got up quietly and went out with Tong Xin in his arms.

Tong Xin doesn"t have the habit of congxue sleeping. On the contrary, she sleeps for a short time. When she sleeps with ye Wuchen congxue, she always wakes up first, and then either looks at ye Wuchen motionless, or wakes him up in her own way. After waking up, she looks at him with her eyes open.

It was bright in the East. Ye Wuchen walked out of the hut, greedily breathed the fresh air with the smell of dew outside, looked around and walked slowly to the place in memory.

"Tong Xin, do you like it here?" Ye Wuchen asked as he walked with a smile.

Tong Xin lay down in his arms like a newly awakened kitten, lazy and didn"t want to move. Very early, very early, she envied that Ning Xue could always be held in his arms. At this time, lying in his arms, she felt an unspeakable sense of warmth and security. She is the daughter of heaven"s punishment who frightens the whole Tianchen continent and makes nanhuangzong encounter great difficulties alone. Her strength is many times stronger than ye Wuchen. However, she still feels a strange sense of security from him. This is the warmth that can only be felt with one"s heart. This feeling can only be brought to her by Ye Wuchen in the world. Slowly, she closed her eyes and wanted to sleep happily in his arms like frozen snow.

In front of me, there is a trickling stream. The stream is very clear. You can clearly see every stone under the stream, and occasionally swim through small fish spitting bubbles. He stopped by the stream, looked at it for a while, smiled and said, "it was here that I took Xueer"s hand and asked her to call my brother. At that time, she just came here. Like me, she didn"t know who she was or why she appeared here. She was bullied by many people and couldn"t find anything to eat. She was hungry every day. If she couldn"t occasionally get some fruits from brother Chu, she might have starved to death here. " Thinking of the night when he first met Ning Xue, his heart was sour and painful, followed by a faint warmth: "now in retrospect, it was really the most correct decision in my life. If I hadn"t met Xueer, what I would have to go would have been a different life... Or I would have lost my life. "

The pupil listened quietly. Sometimes the black eyes closed gently, sometimes lifted up to secretly look at his face, sometimes naughty blinked a few times, and more often, they twisted their body and rubbed her, trying to be closer to him. Whether sleeping or lying in ye Wuchen"s arms, she is not as quiet and honest as condensed snow.

Across the stream, facing the gentle morning wind, before long, another stream in memory blocked in front of me. The stream is also clear, but it is much wider and deeper than the previous one, and there are many more fish and much larger.

"Do you know why I named Xueer "ning Xue"?" Ye Wuchen stopped by the stream, lowered his head, nodded his little nose and said.

Tong Xin wrinkled his nose, raised his head and looked at him with black diamond eyes.

Ye Wuchen smiled lightly and said, "Xueer"s clothes, head and skin are like solidified by snow. When I first saw her, I thought I saw the spirit of snow. So I named her "Ning Xue"... Do you know why I named you "Tong Xin"

Tong Xin still looked at him as before, but the frequency of her eyes flashed obviously faster. She wants to know.

"Tong Xin," ye Wuchen hugged her with one arm, raised his right hand, stroked her face, felt the soft and incredible touch, looked into her eyes and said, "you know, you are a very beautiful girl. If you grow up, I believe there is no more beautiful girl in the world than you. And your most beautiful part is your eyes. "

The pupil listened quietly, his head tilted and blinked. She likes to hear him praise her for her beauty and what he says now.

"When our destiny is connected with a strange coincidence due to an accident, I can feel your feeling and see your heart from your eyes. Therefore, I thought of the name "Tong Xin." Ye Wuchen bowed his head, kissed her eyes gently, and then looked at her dark eyes and smiled silently. He can"t imagine the day when he can"t see these eyes. In the eyes of others, this is a pair of demon eyes that can make people die without a whole body. In his eyes, this is the most beautiful eyes in the world. Because these colors are different from ordinary people"s eyes, they will only belong to one person.

The delicate eyebrows in the pupil"s heart bent slightly... That"s a smiling face.

She was obviously just a young girl who looked twelve or thirteen years old, but ye Wuchen felt the great lethality from her smile. He raised his head and smiled bitterly in his heart. As he said, if the pupil grows up, really no one can resist her most casual frown and smile. She doesn"t belong to the Tianchen mainland, and her face is perfect, which is by no means comparable to that of the Tianchen mainland.

"Tong Xin, shall we have fish for breakfast today?" Looking at the free fish in the stream in front of him, ye Wuchen has seen them sitting together eating fish.

For Tong Xin, of course, what ye Wuchen said is what she said. She nodded silently and listened to ye Wuchen then say, "well, let"s have a game, okay? Look who catches more fish. If I lose, I will be punished for holding Tong Xin all day. If Tong Xin loses... "

Before ye Wuchen finished the second half of his sentence, ye Wuchen felt a light in her arms. Her pupil heart had disappeared and appeared in the high sky. Immediately, a wind seemed to blow from all directions at the same time, with a little dark breath. In the middle of the air, her clothes and silk were raised by the wind. Her eyes were fixed and her arms were stretched out, The newly condensed wind seemed to be pulled by some powerful force and roared to both sides of her body... The direction swept by the wind was just going back along the stream.

be noisy

Where the wind swept, the water in the stream was immediately exaggerated and raised the flying water spray. The water spray went with the wind, like a small wave pushed by the wind on the sea, and all the fish in the stream were swept into the wind, without exception.

Before long, the two winds galloped back and ran for hundreds of meters. At the same time, they rose from the sky and returned faster. Then, as the wind approached, dense black spots fell from the air and kept falling to the ground. There was a "clattering" collision sound. It was clear that they were some living fish and fish.

After a while, the big and small fish piled up into a hill in front of him. Ye Wuchen stayed for a long time before he came back to his mind. He breathed a sigh of helplessness, smiled and said, "OK... I can only admit defeat."

After yesterday"s war, Tong Xin has only recovered less than one tenth of her strength, but even if she has only one tenth of her strength, it is quite terrible, at least a hundred times stronger than ye Wuchen. At this moment, all the fish within the range of her left and right eyes were rolled up. Ye Wuchen had no idea what fish to catch nearby.

The pupil dropped from the air, his feet gently touched the ground, and then stretched out his arms high to ye Wuchen, with a very bright light in his eyes.

Ye Wuchen spoiled me with a smile, and suddenly picked up the pupil heart and hugged it in his arms. "Well, if I lose, I will hold my pupil heart very tightly and don"t loosen."

Tong Xin"s body rubbed slightly in his arms, releasing the joy in his heart.

In my ears, there seems to be a very light sound. The sound was far away, but ye Wuchen heard it clearly. He grabbed a few small fish piled up there, turned around and walked back: "Xueer woke up early today, so let"s eat fish now."

Back to the cottage, Ning Xue stood there waiting for them and watched him approach. She ran excitedly: "brother, have you gone to catch fish? It seems that I haven"t eaten the fish baked by my brother for a long time... Eh? Is sister Tong Xin awake? "

Tong Xin raised his head and smiled gently at her.

"Great. My brother said you were tired yesterday. You must have a good rest." Ning Xue also smiled happily, with deep concern in her soft voice. Except ye Wuchen, Tong Xin is her closest person. At the same time, deep in her heart, there has always been the envy and grat.i.tude to Tong Xin, who helped and protected him with her own strength.

Ye Wuchen sat down on the ground, put Tong Xin on his lap, smiled and said, "these days, we have to eat baked food every day. What does Xueer want most? "

"Hey, brother, whatever you do is the best." Ning Xue lifted up her skirt and sat down beside ye Wuchen, watching him take out prepared things from the sword G.o.d ring. The ground here is slightly wet and green. In addition, it"s early morning and dew everywhere. There"s no need to worry about the fire here.

Before long, the bonfire burned, and wisps of light smoke rose slowly with the light laughter of the frozen snow. Ye Wuchen carefully strung the fish in his hand with green branches, felt the pupil"s obsession with him, listened to the innocent smile in his ear, and suddenly felt that heaven was just like this.

But if he stayed here forever, would it really be the life he wanted?

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