Heavenly Star

Chapter 527

Chapter 527

Time can go so slowly. In the blank world, it seems as if a century has pa.s.sed.

"Xueer... What did you say... What did you say... I didn"t hear..." ye Wuchen"s lax eyes looked at the frozen snow above, and his brain was blank and could hardly feel his existence.

"The awakening of the black Xuan G.o.d made the white Xuan G.o.d have a chaotic sense of autonomy. Although I have occupied his consciousness s.p.a.ce, I can"t interfere with his actions. Even my existence can"t last too long... In not too long, my consciousness will be swallowed by his self-generated consciousness. At that time, everything can"t be recovered. Only when I can still exist in his consciousness, my life and death will determine his life and death. When I die, the white Xuan G.o.d will dissipate due to my death... It will dissipate into the most natural light force without exploding... The white Xuan G.o.d will disappear, and the black Xuan G.o.d far away in the demon continent will disappear as an element of darkness and death, and the pupil heart that is not fully integrated by the black Xuan G.o.d will be saved... She will replace me and stay with my brother forever. "

Ye Wuchen: "......"

"Brother, now I have lost my physical freedom, otherwise, I really want to kill myself... Brother, the only person I can rely on and trust is you, and only die in my brother"s hands. I am willing... Selfish I can only think of such a way."

"No... no..." ye Wuchen knelt down like a collapse, and then suddenly shouted wildly, "no!! Cher! What are you talking about... I won"t allow you to die! Don"t die! You just promised me... You"ll never leave me, you just promised. "

"Brother..." the soft voice finally brought a sad cry: "I really want to never leave my brother, but if I can exchange my pupil heart alone for the home with too many beautiful memories between me and my brother, I am willing... Brother, my consciousness... Is being suppressed, there is still a minute... It"s too late... Brother, Please... Kill me... Otherwise, Tongxin and I will die, and Tianchen continent will be destroyed... Brother... "

"If I were an ordinary girl, how wonderful it would be. In that way, I could ignore everything and only think about the happiness of staying with my brother... But I don"t regret it, because I am princess Bai Ying, the chaotic pearl of light and life, so I can save my brother and save all the people my brother cares about, Save the whole Tianchen continent... Save the eternal home of my brother and me... This beautiful world... "

"Promise me..."

"Forget Xueer... You have Tongxin to accompany you instead of Xueer, and so many sisters to accompany you instead of Xueer. Smile and be happy forever..."



The voice of the frozen snow became weak until the weak could no longer be heard.

"No! Cher... Why! Why me... Why me!! "

It"s really cruel for him to kill Xueer himself. It"s more cruel than killing him and cutting thousands of knives on his body and heart.

"Why didn"t I die... Why didn"t I die! Cher... Answer me, answer me. "

In the white world, he knelt heavily on the ground and let the tears tearing his heart run crazy. He, who only shed tears for the frozen snow once, cried loudly for her again. What more cruel despair and pain is there in the world.

Frozen snow floats there quietly. Maybe she can hear his voice, but she can"t give him an answer.

One minute, very short, very short

Kill Ning Xue, Tong Xin can be saved, and Tianchen mainland can be saved

Otherwise, everything will be destroyed.

But how could he kill Ning Xue himself? He would rather kill himself than hurt her.

"Xueer... Why should I make this choice... You don"t know, is it too cruel to me..."

"Since there is today, why did we meet at the beginning? Since we met, why did we separate... And why did I kill you... What is this... What is it!!"

In the pale world, only his voice of crying and roaring. Ning Xue is close at hand, and her figure is slowly becoming dim with a very small range... She is so fragile that ye Wuchen can wipe out her existence as soon as he does it... But how could he do it, and how could he kill his Xueer himself.

"Xueer, you are my only Xueer... Why did you choose to kill yourself for Tianchen continent... Why did you push this choice to me so cruelly... I"m just a person, a very small human being, I"m not a hero or a savior... What does the destruction of Tianchen continent have to do with me? What does it have to do with us if all people die, Why sacrifice my Xueer... Why, why is it like this!! "

The great pain made his mind almost collapse. If he didn"t kill the frozen snow, everything would be destroyed, the sky continent would turn into ashes, and all the people there would die... All the people. Kill Ning Xue, he can save the whole Tianchen continent, save the world in exchange for Ning Xue"s life, save himself and countless lives.

But why all this must be exchanged for the life of Ning Xue!? But if he killed Ning Xue himself, how should he face and finish his future life... Ning Xue died and was killed by him himself. No matter how peaceful his future life is, there will be a large cloud of pain in his heart forever, every minute and every second, which can not dissipate all his life. However, without that, he can"t do it in the future. Even if the mainland will be destroyed, he can"t do it. In the chaotic and nearly collapsed sea of consciousness, there are only frozen snow"s tears and laughter, tears and sounds... I don"t know from what, she has become a part of his life... No, it is a more important part than his life. Time is flowing, and it is never possible to go back. The figure of Ning Xue is slowly fading. She floats there in a sacred att.i.tude, with a quiet and peaceful look. On the snow face, there are still shallow tears left one after another“ Master... Master! Don"t hesitate. The consciousness of the white Xuan G.o.d has begun to shake. If you don"t... It"s really too late. She will die, the master will die, and everyone will die... Master! " However, no matter how Naner called or shouted, ye Wuchen didn"t respond at all. He knelt on the ground, looked up at the frozen snow above, as if he wanted to permanently engrave her current posture in his heart - it was a very sad and beautiful picture. A bunch of golden light suddenly shot out from ye Wuchen and went straight to the frozen snow in the sky. Ye Wuchen with scattered consciousness suddenly moved at this time. He drew the direction of the star chopping sword with his mind, stretched out his hand and held it in his hand“ Master... "Nan"er shouted anxiously and nervously“ Nan"er, listen. " Ye Wuchen"s eyes were empty without any color. His voice was calm and calm, which frightened Nan"er: "if you dare to hurt xue"er... I will die in front of you immediately with xue"er... And I will never forgive you."“ Woo... WOW! " The extremely wronged Nan"er cried sadly: "master, you will die, you will die..." Nan"er can not care about anyone"s life and death. Even if the sky continent is destroyed, all the people there are dead, she will not have the slightest heartache. All she cares about is ye Wuchen. Because since she recognized ye Wuchen as the Lord, he has become all her hope and sustenance. Everyone can die, but he can"t“ Dead? Is death really that terrible? " Ye Wuchen dropped his hand holding the sword and suddenly smiled on his calm face. It was a kind of relief smile that dispelled all the pain and anxiety. He looked at the frozen snow above and said gently: "destroy... Everything... Since you have made such a selfish choice, I will accompany you... Make a more selfish choice..." everything, Destroy it all... If you can only experience this endless pain alive, then destroy it all... There will be no sadness, no pain, no torture... Xueer, I can"t protect you in this world... But no matter which world you go to, I will always accompany you and won"t make you lonely... "He smiled, but tears gushed. This is him [if so, what is his last hope?]【 One of the rewards is wrong. If someone answers correctly, the reward will erupt once. Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}