Heavenly Star

Chapter 495

Chapter 495

The soul world made by Xiangxiang is still white and has no end.

Ye Wuchen and Xiaomo appear here hand in hand. This is the best way for them to find out everything. Here, you can touch the deepest side of everyone"s heart.

Just as they were about to move forward, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them and looked at them with a smile. And this man... Is not lengya. Xiaomo was stunned when she saw him. A pair of water eyes shook violently. She couldn"t believe her eyes.

This is a young man whose whole body is wrapped in black, with dark natural and unrestrained long hair, a handsome face, and a clear black awn flashed in his pupils from time to time. His eyebrows raised slightly, and the corners of his mouth smiled slightly. From him, ye Wuchen felt a calm and affinity, which would be a man with strong facial charm and personality charm.

"Brother... Brother... It"s really you... You"re not dead!" As like as two peas, brother, he could not believe his eyes. But he looked at him, and his smile, his smile, and the feeling he brought to her was exactly the same as that of his brother in memory.

"Xiaomo, I can see that you are all right. I have nothing to worry about anymore. I think even if there is a way to let you go back to your hometown, you should not want to go back. " The man smiled and said, then looked at ye Wuchen and nodded to him.

"Brother... Why... Why are you here... Aren"t you dead? In order to protect sister biyou, she was killed by blood night! " Xiaomo held ye Wuchen"s hand tightly, and his whole body trembled excitedly. Suddenly, she saw her relatives who had died for a long time in another world. How could she take it lightly.

Ye Wuchen narrowed his eyes and quietly looked at the man called "brother" by Xiaomo. Since he is Xiaomo"s brother, he must be a devil... But from him, he feels only the affinity that is very easy to get along with, but there is no negative emotion and disgusting smell. And Xiaomo, in addition to her hatred after being abandoned, what"s the difference between her and a simple girl. Devil... The name of this race. Does it really mean evil?

Does G.o.d really represent goodness and holiness... Think of the arrogance of Jue Tian and Yeming. In contrast, they show more obvious negative emotions.

Many times, common sense taken for granted is not necessarily right.

The man smiled and nodded: "in those years, I was indeed dead. G.o.d didn"t know, and the devil rarely knew. Our demon emperor family has the privilege of rebirth of the demon soul. The demon body dies, but the demon soul won"t die immediately. Under an opportunity, it is very possible to rebirth through the body of "people". After my demon body died, my father blocked my demon soul. Later, in order to defeat the G.o.d Emperor, you came here to look for the lost chaotic holy beads, but you didn"t expect to be noticed by the G.o.d continent... "Speaking of this, the man"s expression became complex and immediately turned into a smile, but didn"t continue to talk about it. The development of things is really wonderful, and the elimination of Xiaomo, their black and white princess and Xiaomo encounter the same fate, turn into a girl, gather around one person, and become sisters sleeping in the same bed. For them, he doesn"t know whether to hate them or

Because of them, Xiaomo can"t return to the magic land. He has been alone here for a hundred years... But he can"t hate it when he thinks of Ning Xue and Tong Xin. Lengya"s eyes are his eyes. He can see and hear everything lengya sees and hears.

"Xiaomo, after you left, my father and mother have been thinking about you. You don"t know that after the G.o.d of the land of G.o.d noticed our entering the heaven and earth to look for the chaotic holy pearl, he not only sent G.o.d to attack you, but also destroyed the only way to here. It will take at least a hundred years or more to rebuild it. My father and my mother never gave up looking for a way to come here earlier. They didn"t abandon you... Because you are my only sister and their only daughter, because there is no way to bring you back. My mother often cries because of worry. My father sighs day and night to protect your safety, accompany you and keep you from being lonely, The father made me reborn here by the method of blood reincarnation. Although it was dangerous, it was successful after all... Xiaomo, don"t blame the father and the empress, okay? " The man said softly.

"...." Xiaomo"s body froze and her eyes became hazy. She moved her lips, but found that she was so pale at the moment.

It turned out that her parents didn"t abandon her and forget her at all, but because they were helpless to come here and bring her back, and the method of blood reincarnation... It was an extremely dangerous method that would be doomed in case of failure. They still did it for her... She was really stupid. She should have thought that she had the father and mother who loved her most, How could she be abandoned... Why did she want to be capricious and resent them for so many years

"Brother... I..."

"I know, I know." The man smiled and nodded: "you have been a little stubborn since you were a child and often go to extremes. Therefore, I have been eager to see you since I came here. What I didn"t expect is that you already have a person you don"t want to leave. The boulder in my heart is put down. If I know that you are happier and richer every day than when you are in your hometown, my father and mother will be very comforted. "

He looked at ye Wuchen and smiled gratefully.

"Where is lengya?" Ye Wuchen asked.

"He"s running away..." the man"s smile converged and sighed lightly: "he is me. I am him. No one knows him better than me. Now he feels that he has no face to see you again. No matter how you look for it or call it, he will hide far away and won"t see you."

"Today, you deliberately brought us here." Ye Wuchen said.

"Yes... It all started because of me. I avoided it for more than half a year. Now I finally figured it out and can finally end it." He said in a serious voice, "I"ll tell you everything you want to know, but I need you to help me. It"s also helping lengya. At the same time, it"s also helping yourself."

Ye Wuchen: "... You say."

"Brother, tell me and Dad that I want to know everything." Xiaomo said with trembling eyes. Although he has heard almost used to it, his t.i.tle to ye Wuchen"s "father" still makes him uncomfortable. He and Xiaomo are brothers and sisters. Since she calls him father, doesn"t she want to

The man quickly threw the problem out of his mind, sorted out his thoughts and slowly told all:

"My name is Saro. Xiaomo is my own sister and the only sister. Our name is Sha Xiaomo. We are not from this world, but from the distant demon continent... You already know everything except my name. And, with your wisdom, you must have guessed that our father is the highest demon emperor in the demon continent - my father"s name is Sha Ying. He is a demon with infinite magic, ferocious to the enemy and extremely kind and gentle to his relatives and friends. "

"In order to find the four holy beads of chaos floating in the sky continent, Xiaomo volunteered to bring many magic soldiers here through the well of the magic wheel, but unexpectedly, after a short time, he was found by the divine world. The despicable G.o.ds did not immediately send G.o.ds to punish Xiaomo, but destroyed our well of the magic wheel first, so that Xiaomo could not go back, Also let my father, they have no way to go to the Tianchen mainland in a short time. Therefore, Xiaomo, they are isolated in the Tianchen mainland. The divine world is relieved to send Princess hei and Princess Bai. With the ability of their two G.o.ds, they want to eliminate the helpless Xiaomo. They are really simple. "

"Later, you should know... Our demons were wiped out by the black and white princesses of the divine world, and the dying Xiaomo finally launched the body protector given to her by her father. Finally, they were cursed by time and s.p.a.ce... But these are all unknown to my father in the demon land. But he can feel that Xiaomo is still alive and has not encountered the poisonous hand of G.o.d. "

"Later, while competing with the divine world, the father and mother desperately looked for a way to bring Xiaomo back, but they got nothing. It took at least a hundred years to recast the well of the magic wheel. The father finally made a decision to let my immortal demon soul come to Tianchen continent through the cycle of blood and find Xiaomo."

"Then, you reincarnated to lengya?" Ye Wuchen asked. Blood reincarnation... The world of devil and G.o.d has too many miracles that ordinary people can"t understand.

"It can be said that the refusal of the blood vessel is not simply to attach the soul to a person, but to live with a person"s birth. Perhaps it is the arrangement of fate. My demon soul finally reincarnated to a life body formed at the same time. Then, my consciousness fell into a deep sleep and grew up again with his growth. And that living body is the later cold cliff. "

"When lengya just learned the language, my demon soul has fully recovered. From then on, my body has two souls, one is human soul and the other is divine soul. At the same time, I know that my new father is Feng Chaoyang. Like my father, Shahu, he is my father. One gives me the demon soul and the other gives me the body."

Ye Wuchen finally understood that "blood reincarnation" does not attach the soul to a person, but is equivalent to reincarnation with memory. Therefore, Feng Chaoyang is indeed his father - his own father.

"A body should not have two souls. I thought it should be easy to erase the original soul with my past life memory, but I was wrong... The tenacity of his soul was far beyond my expectation. Instead of erasing me, he suppressed me. Under pressure, my consciousness was forced into the deepest place and could not be revealed. He is a cold cliff, so am I, but all people see is that one cold cliff. I can only wait until the power of my attachment to the demon soul recovers, and then I can suppress him. And all this, the other one I didn"t notice at all. Even if my struggle occasionally caused his doubts, I basically wouldn"t care. And I know and perceive the world through his five senses. "

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