Heavenly Star

Chapter 508

Chapter 508

The woman next to Ning Xue is slightly taller than her, and her perfect and incredible figure is tightly covered in a golden dress. A golden mask covers her immortal face that eclipses the sky and the earth. She is the mother of Ning Xue and Tong Xin, and also the highest emperor of the whole G.o.d continent - G.o.d Emperor.

The last G.o.d Emperor has pa.s.sed away for ten thousand years - that is her father, who died in the long war with the demon continent. G.o.d and the devil are natural enemies. G.o.d punishes the existence of the devil. If the devil wants to live in peace, he must eliminate the existence of G.o.d. Although their battles were not frequent, they were so tragic every time. There is no possibility of resolving the grievances between the two races - at least if the current situation continues, it will never happen.

"Tomorrow." The G.o.d Emperor gave Ning Xue a short answer. Gently lift the bright wrist and add mysterious power to the golden light array. She is the highest G.o.d who has lived for ten thousand years, but her voice is as soft as a teenage girl. The softness of her voice is by no means ordinary softness, but softness that makes people feel soft even in their body and heart.

"Tomorrow... When can we... Go where we want to go?" She looked at the pupil in her sleep and said softly like a dream.

The G.o.d Emperor"s eyes moved and lingered in her beautiful eyes, but avoided her eyes. He sighed in the dark and said, "I have promised you that where you want to go is your freedom when we defeat the demon clan."

"... can he come here in three years?" Ning Xue turned and looked into her eyes and asked softly. The well of luntian is opened every three years. How happy it would be to meet him every three years.

The G.o.d Emperor still looked ahead and didn"t look at her“ You shouldn"t have liked a human being. What I promised you is already my bottom line. " She sighed. Two soft lips like pink petals close together.

"The bottom line..." Ning Xue shook her head and suddenly smiled sadly. She said word by word that she had been buried in her heart for a long time a hundred years ago and made the G.o.d Emperor"s heart swing: "if we can never defeat the demon family, we will never meet him... Now the demon family is winning in a row. My sister and I are your last move to defeat the demon family. When Xuan G.o.d wakes up and defeats the demon family, We"ll never see him... Never. "

The G.o.d Emperor turned around, and the slender moon eyebrow broke up heavily: "who told you "Xuanshen"?"

The existence of the Xuan G.o.d is known only to the three saints of Yeming, Qianchong and blood night except her. No one else can know. White and black libra are even less likely to know, and they can"t let them know.

Ning Xue shook her head and said painfully, "mother emperor, you can also cheat people, and you have been cheating us for a long time... I not only know the Xuan G.o.d, but also know the purpose of my existence with the black libra... We are not your daughter at all, but a sacrifice cultivated by you and sacrificed to the Xuan G.o.d after maturity!"

She is suffering from the deception of the G.o.d Emperor, and she will never see him again. The time limit for maturity has come. Now she can immediately become a sacrifice to awaken the Xuan G.o.d... She can"t wait to see ye Wuchen... It"s impossible to wait

G.o.d Emperor: "

"Mother emperor, do you know why I offered to go to Tianchen mainland to eliminate the invading demons? Because when I knew the truth, I just wanted to stay there and never come back even if I would be cruelly cursed. Even if the accident didn"t happen at that time, Hei Liang and I will also stay there... Not only I know, but also Hei Liang knows as well as I do. "

The G.o.d Emperor raised his head slightly, didn"t touch her eyes, and said softly, "why do you want to know this?"

Her answer amounts to indirect acquiescence. Originally, they had already known that a hundred years ago, it was their active escape... Yes, false, everything is false. They are not her daughters, but the life bodies conceived by the four holy beads of light, life, darkness and death, so that they can sacrifice for the sake of the divine world.

She is a G.o.d Emperor, but first of all, she is a calm woman without the heart of a poisonous snake. But as a G.o.d Emperor, she has too much helplessness and has no choice in many times. From the original simple purpose to the real mother daughter relationship with them, how could she have the heart to let them become sacrifices at this time. But now that you have chosen the beginning, you have to face the ultimate cruelty. If the sacrifice of two "daughters" can defeat the demon family and make the divine world obtain long-term peace, she will not hesitate. If she could replace them with her life, she would not hesitate.

"Bai Liang, I know it"s very unfair to you. But I am the G.o.d Emperor. When my father entrusted me with the important task of the whole G.o.d continent, I have no right to choose in many things. " Now that she has known that the G.o.d Emperor has not denied it, the soft voice is full of light sadness and strong helplessness, but there is no obvious disappointment. She has been used to it for so many years.

Ning Xue shook her head and said sadly, "there is nothing fair or unfair. Mother emperor, I was born because of you. Although you are not my biological mother, you are also my mother. You gave me life, so I have the right to take it back at any time... If my death alone can really exchange the peace of the whole G.o.d continent, I am willing to give everything. Mother emperor, when I happened to know the truth of everything, I was not afraid and never hated you. My sister and I fled, but we couldn"t accept this cruel deception for the moment, just wanted to escape far away... "

If it was a hundred years ago, she could say these plainly. But at this time, she is too different from what she was a hundred years ago. At that time, there were too few things worthy of her nostalgia, but now she has a constant concern... She tells, but almost every word is accompanied by tears. Now she is so afraid of death, because she will never see him again... He will never see himself. When he dies, he can return to nothingness without concern, but he will suffer for her... Think of the tears he shed for her. If she can, how she hopes to live forever until the next day when he dies. However, does she have any choice... The G.o.d Emperor turned his neck sideways and didn"t let her see his deep helplessness: "since you know, why say it and pretend you don"t know anything... Isn"t it better..." Ning Xue walked to the G.o.d Emperor, slowly lowered his body and knelt down in front of her. The G.o.d Emperor looked at her silently and didn"t lift her up. Since Ning Xue took the initiative to mention the truth hidden in her heart, she knew she must have something to say“ Xuanshen is the two power figures cast by the 17th G.o.d Emperor in ancient times after the demise of the southern emperor and the northern emperor, regardless of violating the chaotic rules and using the anti heavenly prohibition method he understood. One is white and the other is black. When the two dolls appeared, the G.o.d Emperor was also brutally punished. After years of soul stabbing torture, the spirit dissipated and disappeared completely. And those two dolls have become the biggest secret that only the G.o.d Emperor knows... They were perfectly hidden at first, and became more and more powerful in hiding, until they became powerful against the sky... Because they are two dolls greedy for divine power. After the G.o.ds of our G.o.d continent die, all their power will be absorbed by the two dolls, white, What is absorbed is the positive force, and what is black is the negative force absorbed. Ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years later... How powerful those two dolls have become in these years of power absorption... Mother emperor, only you know. " G.o.d Emperor: "..." after all, dolls are only dolls. Even if they have the power against the sky, they can"t be released... To give them consciousness, white dolls need Guangyao beads and cuiyao beads with the purest and strongest positive power, while black dolls need dark soul beads and dead soul beads with the purest and strongest negative power. The four chaotic holy beads were already in the hands of the G.o.d Emperor when he made black-and-white dolls, but the Guangyao beads, cuiyao beads, dark soul beads and dead soul beads were produced the latest, and there has been no mature power and consciousness... When their power is mature, it will take many years to produce their own consciousness... So, mother emperor, you take their power as the source, With her own strength, she has cast conscious bodies for them... Therefore, my sister and I were born... "Her body is formed by the power of the most pure bright pearl and the most powerful life pearl under the traction of the divine power. Because of the existence of the powerful life force, her formation is far earlier than that of the Black Lotus, so she is my sister, Hei Liang is a sister... A pair of sisters with different blood lines but exactly the same fate“ Where did you know that? " The G.o.d Emperor finally moved a little. These are secrets that only every G.o.d Emperor will know. In order to prevent the black-and-white dolls from being destroyed, they won"t let anyone know when they are still fragile. Until later, when the strength of the black-and-white puppet expanded to an extremely terrible level, no matter how strong the boundary could not stop the overflow of that power, it was finally perceived by the three saints of Yeming, Qianchong and blood night. At that time, they knew that there had always been such a terrible and disastrous "weapon" hidden in the divine world. The existence of these two "weapons" has also become a taboo topic. They were convinced that the huge power was enough to cause devastating disasters to the whole divine world. If it was used to deal with the demon continent, it would be irresistible to the demons. However, the existence of this anti heaven force is also a double-edged sword. They must wait for the consciousness of black and white Libra to mature. Otherwise, if the puppet Xuanshen runs away due to the instability and turbulence of consciousness, the first disaster will be the land of G.o.d{ Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}this novel has been translated by www.ReadNovelFull.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation